
AdWords, now known as Google Ads, is an online advertising platform by Google that allows businesses to display ads on the Google search engine and across the Google network. It operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where advertisers only pay when a user clicks on their ad.

A key aspect of Google Ads is keyword bidding. Businesses select relevant keywords to bid on, ensuring that their ads appear when users search for those terms. Depending on the bid amount and the quality of the ad, it will be placed at the top of the search results or in other prominent positions.

Another important feature is the flexibility and precision of Google Ads. Businesses can precisely control where and when their ads appear, based on factors such as location, language, time of day, and audience preferences. This allows for a highly targeted and effective advertising strategy tailored to the needs and behavior of the target audience.

Example: An online store selling sports shoes might run an ad for the keyword “best running shoes to buy.” This ad would appear when users search for similar terms, and the store would only pay when a user clicks on the ad.

In summary, Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that enables businesses to run targeted ads on Google Search and its network. Through keyword bidding, flexible audience targeting, and the PPC model, businesses can increase their reach and visibility to attract potential customers and drive conversions.