CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language for styling and formatting websites, used in combination with HTML. While HTML is responsible for the structure and content of a website, CSS defines the layout, colors, fonts, and other visual properties of the page. CSS, therefore, separates design from content, which simplifies the maintenance and adaptation of websites.

A central aspect of CSS is the separation of structure and design. By outsourcing the design to CSS files, the appearance of a website can be changed without modifying the HTML code. This ensures that designers and developers can maintain a consistent layout across all pages and implement changes more efficiently.

Another important aspect is the cascading and inheritance of CSS styles. "Cascading" means that different CSS rules applied to the same element are processed in a specific order, ensuring clear priorities in case of conflicts. Through inheritance, certain style properties can be passed down to subordinate HTML elements, keeping the design consistent and organized.

Example: A CSS code could define that all headings on the website are displayed in a specific color, font size, and font style. If the developer wants to adjust the color of the headings, a single change in the CSS is sufficient, which will then be visible across the entire website.

In summary, CSS is an essential language for designing websites, enabling layout and design independently of HTML content. With CSS, web developers can control the visual appearance, ensure consistency, and make adjustments efficiently, making a website more user-friendly and appealing.
