The ACCRA model - the path from AIDA to ACCRA
In the Online Marketing of companies, everything revolves around accompanying potential customers on their customer journey from the initial contact with products or services to the actual conclusion of the purchase. The so-called AIDA approach is used, which is divided into the 4 phases Attention | Interest | Desire | Action. The ACCRA model extends AIDA by a decisive point. The team at our agency for online marketing in Munich has taken a closer look at the advantages of ACCRA for you. AIDA-Ansatz angewendet, der sich in die 4 Phasen Attention | Interest | Desire | Action unterteilt. Das ACCRA Modell erweitert AIDA um einen entscheidenden Punkt. Das Team unserer Agentur für Online Marketing München hat die Vorteile von ACCRA einmal näher für Sie beleuchtet.
What is the ACCRA model?
Ähnlich wie das AIDA-Modell vereint auch das ACCRA Modell 4 Phasen Awareness | Consideration | ConversionDie Konversionsrate ist eine zentrale Metrik im Online-Marketing und E-Commerce, die das Verhältnis von Besuchern einer... | RetentionRetention Management bezieht sich auf Strategien und Maßnahmen, die Unternehmen ergreifen, um bestehende Kunden langfri... erweitert diese aber um die 5. Phase Advocacy, die sich mit der Kundenbetreuung sowie -bindung nach dem eigentlichen Kauf beschäftigt.
We will explain later why this extension is so important for the customer journey and the associated online marketing. In the following, we will first describe the 5 phases of ACCRA.
1. AWARENESS: Raise awareness among your target group
In this first phase, it is important that your target group becomes aware of your products or services in the first place. This is made possible, among other things, by using the company's own web pages, which provide a range of information that can be called up at any time in order to awaken a possible need in the prospective customer.
2. CONSIDERATION: Initiate considerations with potential customers
In this phase, potential customers start thinking about how they can use your offer to fulfill possible needs or solve problems. They engage intensively with guidebooks or blogs.
Here it is important for companies to deliver a real added value and clearly highlight the advantages of the offer. Web Design and Web Development help not only to ensure a professional and consistent look on websites and social networks, but also to position the most important information in the right places. In this context, Search Engine Optimization also plays an important role.
3. CONVERSION: Konvertieren Sie Ihre Kunden
In Phase 3 dreht sich alles darum, dass Ihre Zielgruppe bereit zu einer ConversionDie Konversionsrate ist eine zentrale Metrik im Online-Marketing und E-Commerce, die das Verhältnis von Besuchern einer... ist, diese durchführt und zum Kunden wird. Dabei muss es sich nicht zwingend um einen sofortigen Einkauf handeln, sondern es können auch Conversions in Form von Newsletter-Abonnements, Download von Whitepapern, Vereinbarung eines Erstgesprächs und viele weitere Aspekte sein.
4. RETENTION: Work on customer retention
Der Fokus dieser Phase liegt darauf, die frisch gewonnenen Kunden langfristig an Ihr Unternehmen zu binden. In diesem Zusammenhang gilt es mit der Kundschaft in regen Kontakt zu bleiben und diese auch über die ConversionDie Konversionsrate ist eine zentrale Metrik im Online-Marketing und E-Commerce, die das Verhältnis von Besuchern einer... hinaus mit Informationen und Angeboten zu versorgen, die einen nachhaltigen Nutzen mit sich bringen.
5 ADVOCACY: Turn your customers into brand ambassadors
The ACCRA model not only focuses on the customer much more intensively than the AIDA model, but also sees phase 5 as an opportunity to turn loyal customers into brand ambassadors.
This means that customers recommend your products and services offline and online to family and friends via personal recommendations or to strangers with experiences and reviews.
Promote this form of marketing by using appropriate platforms for the evaluation, which can include your own web development, but also evaluation portals or comment functions in social networks can serve as a basis.
What are the advantages of the ACCRA model?
The ACCRA model takes into account the fundamental areas of customer loyalty and recommendation by customers. With this approach, the customer journey is further accompanied by marketing and online marketing activities and you avoid losing sight of your customers.
Instead, you achieve that your customers are convinced of your brand, like to buy from you again and become regular customers.
In addition, you automatically generate a high level of customer loyalty, which ideally develops so well that your customers are happy to recommend your offering to others.
What role do touchpoints play?
So-called touchpoints, where customers come into contact with your company on their customer journey, can be found throughout the entire customer journey.
At this point, it's good to know that there are direct and indirect touchpoints. At direct touchpoints, customers come into contact with your company directly via phone calls, chats, or in a personal conversation, among other things. Indirect touchpoints include your websites, social media channels, and other touchpoints.
Whether direct or indirect touchpoint, make sure you don't make false promises and are authentic. Be sure to have important information ready, thereby establishing the customer's sense that they are the focus of your attention.
Conclusion: This is how you can practically implement the ACCRA model in online marketing!
Recommendations made by your customers are a strong sales argument and are optimally taken into account within the framework of the ACCRA model.
Focus more on your customers and their needs and ensure intensive and long-lasting customer loyalty from which both sides benefit. We would be happy to support you with our full-service agency in the practical implementation.