Convincing Display Ads

Display Ads oder Bannerwerbung ohne Streuverluste umsetzen? Gemeinsam erarbeiten wir die richtige Strategie für zielgruppengenaue Anzeigenformate und wählen die richtigen Plattformen aus.

Display advertising and retargeting make it possible to address your target group precisely on platforms such as the Google display network. Based on a thorough target group analysis we filter out interested parties and create the appropriate advertising media. Through linking, we create powerful remarketing that leads potential customers back to the exact products and services they have already viewed.

In cooperation with our digital marketing agency, reach potential new customers via ads, at the right time, in the right place.

Display Ads auf allen Endgeräten
Icon SEA Audit - Media Beats

SEA Audit

Efficient use and consistent optimization of ads for Google and Bing.

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Icon SEA Ads - Media Beats


Increase reach and significantly boost conversions with search engine advertising.

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Icon Google Shopping - Media Beats

Google Shopping

Draw users' attention to your products and services via Google.

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Icon YouTube Ads - Media Beats

YouTube Ads

Unlock the full potential of YouTube Ads and engage customers in a memorable way.

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