Google Certification – What You Need to Know

Companies commonly utilize Google products such as Google Ads or AdSense as advertising platforms to display ads for their products and services or to assist in monetizing their content through SEA (Search engine advertising) .Google has recently announced that, in the future, a specific certification via the Consent Management Platform (CMP) will be required for their use. As a Google Ads Online Marketing Agency, we've taken a closer look at this new certification and will address the key questions here.

What does certification through Consent Management Platform (CMP) mean?

Advertisers who utilize Google offerings in Search Engine Advertising (SEA) will require a specific certification for the Consent Management Platform (CMP) in the future.

Die Consent-Management-Plattform (CMP) kommt zum Einsatz, um die Einwilligung der Benutzer in die Verwendung von Cookies und die Verarbeitung ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verwalten und zu gewährleisten, dass die Webinhalte den geltenden Datenschutzvorschriften entsprechen.

In other words, companies that wish to use Google products such as AdSense, Ad Manager and AdMob must transition and use Consent Banners certified by Google by January 2024.

This CMP must not only support the latest TCF (Transparency and Consent Framework) version 2.2 but also the extension known as "Google Additional Consent Mode."

What is the technical effort required for certification?

The good news is that the technical effort to meet Google's new Search Engine Advertising (SEA) requirements remains manageable.

Most advertisers are already using a previous version of the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF). The sole requirement is that they use a Consent Management Platform (CMP) certified by Google.

In line with this, Google has already introduced a list of certified Consent Banner providers in June, which can assist in the selection process and must be implemented by January 16, 2024.

After this deadline, Google will only accept CMPs that comply with the TCF standard in the current version 2.2. Advertisers who do not use certified CMPs after January 16, 2024, could face significant consequences, including restricted access to Google services and the denial of personalized ad targeting.

What role do GDPR and TCF v2.2 play?

Interestingly, Google's requirements and those of the IAB TCF (Transparency and Consent Framework) are independent of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This means that GDPR compliance is possible without adhering to these frameworks. However, for companies using Google products, this is not a viable option.

This is because if their Consent Management Platform (CMP) does not support the latest TCF version and the "Google Additional Consent Mode," the ability to display personalized ads is significantly limited. This could result in not only financial losses but also the inability to access relevant Google services.

With TCF v2.2, Google also aims to make its "Additional Consent Mode" mandatory. This allows for obtaining consents for Google ad partners who are not part of the Transparency and Consent Framework but are listed as Ad Tech Providers by Google.

How does the new certification affect advertisers?

The most significant change pertains to the legal basis for data collection and processing in certain processing categories. Publishers can no longer rely on "legitimate interest" but must instead rely on user consent in Search Engine Advertising (SEA).

This approach is welcomed by consumer advocates and requires companies to provide more transparent information and a user-friendly presentation of data processing purposes.

Users must receive detailed information about the data collected, including IP addresses and device identifiers. Additionally, companies should inform users on the first level of the cookie banner about the total number of providers that data may be shared with, and consent withdrawal should be simplified.

What should advertisers pay attention to?

Publishers using Google applications such as Google Ads for transparent communication with their users to obtain consent for data collection. Without consent, personalized advertising can no longer be effectively targeted. A fair and transparent approach, engaging users on an equal footing, is the key to obtaining their data while simultaneously building trust.

The Google certification and TCF v2.2 may introduce new requirements, but they provide users with the assurance of a unified standard in handling user data.

Conclusion: Keep an Eye on Certification in Search Engine Marketing!

Um die Datenschutzpraktiken im Suchmaschinenmarketing und bei Werbemonetarisierung zu verbessern, sind die Anforderungen von Google für zertifizierte Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) und die neue Version 2.2 des Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) wichtig. Diese Änderungen fordern eine transparente Kommunikation mit Nutzern und deren Einwilligung zur Datenerhebung. Sie bieten auch eine Chance, den Datenschutz zu stärken und Kunden mehr Kontrolle über ihre Daten zu geben.

Unsere Google Ads Online Marketing Agentur hilft Ihnen dabei, die Sichtbarkeit Ihrer Marke und Produkte zu erhöhen, gezielt Zielgruppen anzusprechen und Werbekampagnen zu optimieren. Wir unterstützen Sie im sich wandelnden digitalen Marketing, um erfolgreich zu sein.

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