The 7 biggest data protection mistakes in email marketing.
Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective online marketing measures. However, it's crucial to adhere to the high requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when sending emails. Unfortunately, errors often occur within companies' online marketing strategies in this regard. Our full-service agency's team will show you the 7 biggest data protection mistakes in email marketing and how you should definitely avoid them in your own email marketing efforts.
Mistake 1: Sending Bulk Emails
Sending bulk emails is one of the biggest sins of email marketing strategies. Meaningless messages quickly end up in the trash. Once there, there's usually no turning back.
At this point, individuality is the key. Work with unique content that is tailored specifically to the recipient. Opt for professional design and personalized text blocks. In line with this, you can use software that significantly simplifies the automation of email marketing.
Align the content of your emails and newsletter design in a way that recipients actually receive information with genuine added value or tailored offers. By doing so, you not only increase the open and read rates but also enhance the chances of the desired response to your email.
Mistake 2: Open Email Distribution List
A major mistake that unfortunately still occurs is sending an email where a multitude of recipients are meant to be reached, and upon sending, all email addresses are visible to all recipients.
This happens when email addresses are simply included in the "To" field, which then reveals the specific email addresses the email is being sent to. A privacy-compliant use of email client functions is absolutely necessary here.
Companies must ensure that personal email addresses do not fall into the hands of unauthorized third parties. In case of doubt, you should seek advice from an experienced online marketing agency and get support in implementing the necessary measures.
Mistake 3: Emails Landing Directly in Spam
If you fail to meet certain data protection conditions in email marketing and the associated sending of your newsletters, it quickly happens that your message ends up in the spam folder long before you even have a chance for the recipient to read your content.
Die E-Mails werden nicht zugestellt und die ÖffnungsrateDie Open Rate, oder Öffnungsrate, ist eine Kennzahl im E-Mail-Marketing, die den Prozentsatz der Empfänger angibt, die... fällt dementsprechend negativ aus. Vermeiden Sie in Ihren Online Marketing Strategien diesen Fehler, indem Sie auf einen soliden Software-Anbieter für den Mailversand setzen, der auf der wichtigen Allowlist eingetragen ist, über einen vertrauenswürdigen Server versendet und dadurch die Spam Prüfung problemlos meistert.
Mistake 4: Lack of Double Opt-In Procedure
Companies must ensure explicit consent from recipients based on GDPR before sending promotional emails. This mistake can otherwise lead to costly legal actions like warnings and injunctions.
Utilize the so-called Double Opt-In procedure here, which allows for a double confirmation. In the first step, prospects enter their personal data. Subsequently, they receive an automatic email with a confirmation link.
In the second step, they need to confirm the link, thus giving their consent, which they can also revoke later if they wish.
Mistake 5: Emails Aren't Responsive
More than 50% of email recipients no longer access their emails on a traditional desktop but receive them on mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones.
If the sent emails are not responsive, it means that the display on mobile devices can be faulty, with content being cut off or missing entirely, among other issues.
In this context, make sure in your email marketing strategies to prioritize professional responsive design and consistently implement it.
Mistake 6: Linking Free Offers with Mandatory Newsletter Signup
Companies often make the mistake of offering free software, among other things, only if the prospect agrees to sign up for a newsletter in return. Registration confirmations for a newsletter as a quid pro quo for a free product are legally considered voluntary only if the same product is offered for a fee on the same platform without the obligation to sign up for the newsletter.
Consequently, it is not sufficient to offer this product for a fee on an entirely different platform provided by a third party. There is a prohibition on tying.
Mistake 7: Lack of Evaluation
Email marketing can only be successful in the long run if appropriate evaluation is carried out and you regularly check whether your online marketing measures are achieving the desired results.
Monitoring the performance of your emails not only helps you continuously optimize the quality of the content but also allows you to determine which variations achieve the highest click and conversion rates.
At this point, you can also rely on an email software solution that automatically generates reports for sent emails, making evaluation particularly easy and regular. This way, you continuously enhance the potential of your emails and tailor them individually to your target audience.
Conclusion: Successful Email Marketing with Appropriate Data Privacy
Regardless of whether you send individual emails, newsletters, event-related, or promotional emails, you should definitely pay attention to GDPR compliance and provide your prospects and customers with the best possible data privacy. This way, you are not only legally secure but also foster long-term trust from your target audience regarding careful handling of personal data.
Create a customer dialogue via email marketing that offers reliable and secure handling of all transmitted data. We are happy to assist you with our online marketing experts in Munich to avoid data privacy mistakes and develop and implement professional email marketing strategies. Online Marketing Munich dabei, Datenschutz Fehler zu vermeiden und professionelle E-Mail Marketing Strategien zu entwickeln sowie praktisch umzusetzen.