SEO and SEA in comparison
Due to increasing digitalization, companies' marketing activities are increasingly shifting to the Internet. Customers and interested parties search for information, products as well as services. The search engine brings all market participants together. It is the linchpin on the web, as it makes the searchers' work much easier. The major search providers such as Google, Bing or Yahoo provide a comprehensive overview of the market for the searched topic. No one has to leave the house anymore to get the relevant information. Most people search the Internet first when they have a specific need. This makes the Net a so-called pull medium. The user searches for our product or service. He informs himself in detail and thus arrives at his decision. A user only notices the providers that appear in the search results of Google and Co.
Why is search engine marketing the most important online marketing channel?
Online marketing enables a different approach than conventional marketing measures. In so-called push marketing, advertisers spread their messages without being asked. The best example is commercial television. Since this advertising also appeals to people who are not part of the target group, there are scattering losses. On the Internet, prospective customers search specifically for their topics and already have an intention to buy. Accordingly, advertising in the search engines is a valuable indication that the user gladly accepts. As a result, advertising is not a nuisance. In this way, wastage can be minimized. We have to be present where the user is looking for our product or service. Therefore, every company wants to be as high as possible in the search results. Preferably in first place. But unfortunately, in many industries the competitive pressure is very high and the space in the results is limited. It is therefore important to do everything possible to appear as far ahead as possible. There are two approaches to this: Search engine optimization and search engine advertising.
Two sides of the same coin
Both approaches have the goal of making a homepage or an online store more visible on the web. In search engine optimization, we optimize our web presence, because it must be easily readable as well as indexable. Thereby the website can be aligned according to the guidelines of the search engines and the user experience. The main focus here is on user expectations. Google and Co. want to deliver exactly what the user is looking for. Strictly speaking, it is optimization for the search engine. It consists of a series of measures inside and outside the website. The search engine lists the results according to relevance to the search queries entered. The search robots search the index and evaluate the web pages according to many different criteria. At Google, there are up to 200 aspects that come together.
SEO consists of the following three sub-areas of optimization:
- OnPage, auf einer bestimmten Seite
- OnSite, auf der gesamten Domain
- OffPage, außerhalb unserer Website
Dies sind unter anderem Maßnahmen auf jeder einzelnen Webseite, etwa ein interessanter Artikel, der zum gesuchten Thema informiert. Dazu kommen technische Aspekte. So muss sich eine Webseite schnell öffnen und auf allen Geräten gleich sichtbar sein. Ist hier alles in Ordnung, sorgt die OnPage Optimierung dafür, dass die Webseite für die Suchmaschine gut zugänglich ist. Außerhalb der Seite sorgen wir für Linkaufbau, um Beliebtheit, Relevanz und Autorität zu erreichen. Links, die von seriösen Seiten auf unsere Webseite verweisen, sind Empfehlungen. In den Augen der Suchmaschine und des Nutzers macht dies die Webseite vertrauenswürdig. Dass es dabei auf gute sowie einzigartige Inhalte ankommt, versteht sich von selbst. Erstellen Sie die Webseite für Ihre Leser, denn Google erkennt gut geschriebene Texte.
These features characterize an optimization for Google:
- The search results are not paid
- A long-term and permanent optimization
- The ranking is based on an algorithm
- Eine Webseite muss nutzerfreundlich sein
- Gute Sichtbarkeit auf allen Geräten ist Voraussetzung
SEO is not a one-time measure
Since the search algorithm of a search engine is constantly evolving, optimization is not a one-time measure and requires a lot of patience. Therefore, it is long-term and brings good rankings only after some time. It can take up to half a year before the page appears in the top ranks. A lot of know-how is required to make it to the top places.
Search engine advertising for short-term placements
Wer eine neue Webseite ins Leben ruft, möchte kein halbes Jahr auf die Ergebnisse warten. Das Gleiche gilt bei Produkteinführungen im Onlineshop. SEA (Search Engine AdvertisingSEA, die Abkürzung für Suchmaschinenwerbung (Search Engine Advertising), bezeichnet bezahlte Werbeanzeigen in den Such...) kann Abhilfe schaffen. Außer den organischen Ergebnissen bieten die Suchmaschinen bezahlte Werbeplätze, die sich im Kontext der Suchergebnisse anzeigen lassen. Wenn Sie einen Suchbegriff eingeben, erhalten Sie zusätzlich die bezahlten Suchresultate angezeigt. Hier kaufen Sie für Ihren Onlineshop oder die Homepage eine prominente Position in den bezahlten Suchergebnissen.
The search result played out as an ad
Paid ads are still in front of the organic results and are marked "ad". These positions are highly competitive, so the relevance of the keywords is decisive. To do this, you need to find out what people are searching for. There are numerous tools for this, some of which come from the search providers themselves. It is with these ads that a search engine earns its money. Once a campaign is over, the visibility disappears again. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for websites that advertise a promotion or enter the market as a start up. This way, new visitors come to the website quickly, without any waiting time. Start Up den Markt betreten. Damit kommen schnell neuer Besucher auf die Webseite, ganz ohne Wartezeit.
Advertising in a search engine is characterized by the following points:
- The search results are paid
- Search results are available quickly and campaigns can be started immediately
- The price is based on supply and demand
- You have full control over the budget used
- Ad texts as well as search words (keywords) can be controlled well
High costs can arise
The click price per search term can be very expensive depending on the competition. Search engines charge according to the pay-per-click principle, which means that costs are only incurred when a user clicks on the ad. Each keyword has its own click price for which you place a bid. The higher the bid, the faster your ad will appear. In addition, the text ad should be customer-centric and arouse curiosity. This will help you achieve a rapid increase in traffic. In addition, you can address the target group precisely, since the ads are played out for the keywords you define yourself. Prices vary depending on time of day and keyword, so it is best to use professional tools. As a full service agency we support you in all areas of search engine marketing.
Our conclusion
In order to achieve short-term success and boost business, online ad placement in Google Ads useful. In this way, you gain short-term attention and increase traffic to your website. At the same time, we expand the position through optimizations for the search engine to have long-term success. Let us advise you now and start your campaign.