How to leverage the post-cookie era to your advantage

Businesses are facing a significant shift in cookie tracking within the realms of online marketing and e-commerce. The deactivation of Google's third-party cookies calls for a rethinking among online retailers and advertisers. Our Online Marketing Agency will guide you through the cookie approaches that make sense for your online marketing activities.

Status Quo Third-Party-Cookies

For a long time, online retailers and advertisers were able to utilize third-party cookies to understand and target customers beyond their own channels.

Even though the exact end of Google's third-party cookies has been announced and postponed multiple times, as we described in our article "Deadline Extension until 2024: Google's Third-Party Cookies," the days of third-party cookies are numbered. With this change, not only disadvantages but also a range of options are associated, marking the beginning of the post-cookie era.

Unique Customer Journey

In the post-cookie era, businesses have the opportunity to understand and create the Customer Journey in a new way.

The focus is now on customer privacy, where customers will have transparency regarding the authenticated data used and can explicitly give consent for its usage and specific purposes.

Companies that openly communicate about data usage not only gain the trust of their customers but also provide specific customer experiences and personalized offers in exchange for data consent. This can be achieved through proven online strategies such as email marketing, website optimization, and social media engagement.

Guaranteed Data Security

Companies assure their customers that the provided data is secure and protected against unauthorized access by third parties. The data is linked through a decentralized infrastructure without being shared.
For this purpose, reciprocal queries are created, based on which individual campaigns are executed that strongly align with the personal needs of the target audience, thus precisely capturing their zeitgeist.

Customized customer targeting

Irrespective of third-party cookies, advertisers can identify overlaps between their own target audience and, for example, the target audiences of various publishers.

With the help of relevant questions, not only are audience-specific marketing campaigns generated, but also the performance in online marketing is measured accordingly, allowing for effective measurement of results.

As part of campaign evaluation, advertisers are able to measure intersections between customers who have seen the ads and each publisher.

This allows not only for accurate attribution of new customers to each respective channel but also for planning further advertising measures accordingly.

Conclusion: Testing for Optimization in Online Marketing!

The post-cookie era brings new opportunities to gain genuine customer trust and build long-term relationships.

As a Full-Service Agency, we consider CRM-based targeting and measurement methods as crucial elements in making Online Marketing actions measurable and providing customers with unique experiences.