How well are companies prepared for digitization?
The digital age has long been here and continues to advance - but how well are companies really prepared for digitization? You can't get past the topic of digitization today with sub-areas such as SEO (Search Engine OptimizationSEO, die Abkürzung für Suchmaschinenoptimierung (Search Engine Optimization), umfasst alle Maßnahmen, die darauf abzi...), SEA (Search Engine Advertisement), Content Marketing, E-Mail Marketing, Social Media, Display Advertisement oder Affiliate Marketing vorbei. Dennoch sind erstaunlich viele KMU und sogar Konzerne zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt in der Praxis mehr als schlecht auf die Digitalisierung vorbereitet. Wir haben uns in unserer Full Service Agentur München die Hintergründe einmal näher angeschaut, zeigen Ihnen, worauf es im Digital Marketing ankommt und wie die Umsetzung im Online Marketing dazu aussehen kann.
What advantages does digitization offer?
Companies are now in a position to work completely independently of time and place and thus to hold online meetings or home offices, among other things. This makes very flexible time management possible, allowing employees to freely arrange their working hours and thus achieve an optimal work-life balance.
With the help of selected online marketing strategies, digitization enables a significantly higher reach via social networks, among other things. To achieve this, potential customers can be reached not only via traditional offline media, but also via a wide range of online marketing measures, including the company's own website, personalized E-Mail Marketing and tailored ads.
Online marketing targeted in this way can be used not only to optimize business processes, but also to share customer-specific offers via various online channels, enabling a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
What is Digital Marketing?
The term digital marketing is an umbrella term for computer-based solutions and technologies that enable the planning, execution and monitoring of online marketing activities.
In practice, digital marketing is often equated with online marketing, since the majority of activities take place on the Internet or via mobile devices.
What challenges do companies face in online marketing?
In the context of digitization, it is crucial for companies to have a clear overview of the tools they use and their efficiency, and that all the data they collect is properly recorded and documented.
In practice, it is currently apparent that many companies still have large gaps in the area of data collection and use. Advertising and online marketing activities are often realized via external providers and software solutions that do not offer the necessary transparency around the actual advertising effects. This makes it difficult for many organizations to fully exploit existing potential and systematically improve their offerings and customer service.
Hier gilt es eigene Online Marketing Strategien zu entwickeln und eine Konsolidierung der First Party Daten umzusetzen. Insbesondere im Hinblick auf die sogenannten Touchpoints, über die potenzielle Kunden online mit dem Unternehmen in Berührung kommen, in Kombination mit dem Wegfall von Third Party CookiesCookie Tracking bezieht sich auf die Praxis des Sammelns und Verfolgens von Informationen über das Online-Verhalten von... (Drittanbietercookies) ab 2023. Nur mit ausgeklügelten strategischen und operativen Maßnahmen und einer individuellen User Ansprache lässt sich langfristig eine einzigartige und positive Customer Experience umsetzen.
Digitization in view: Fit in online marketing
Regardless of when SMEs address the topic of Digitization , they cannot avoid initiating the process in the long term. In order to relieve the burden on day-to-day business and to realize productivity but also customer service and the implementation of a unique customer journey.
The sooner you get in tune with digitalization, the sooner you will be able to reap the associated rewards. Together with our agency for online marketing Munich, you have the opportunity to develop suitable strategies .
We look forward to your cooperation with our full service agency Munich. You are also welcome to contact us by phone: +49 89 244 182 340