Tips for successful SEO marketing
SEO marketing ensures good visibility on the internet. How you can achieve this visibility is explained by the online marketing specialists with helpful tips for successful SEO marketing.
A website can only be found well if it is technically and content-wise flawless. Therefore, search engine marketing is an important strategy for success on the web. With search engine optimization, a web presence can be adapted to such an extent that it achieves relevance for the search engines. The goal is to achieve a higher ranking in the search results. The cornerstone for this is information that solves the searcher's problem. Therefore, the content must provide added value for the reader.
A website or an online store are only visible if the search engine algorithm recognizes them well. Therefore, a web presence should meet the technical requirements of Google and Co. There are up to 200 ranking factors that are crucial for a top placement in the organic search results. In addition, there are other aspects outside the own page.
One helpful way to keep an overview is to use an SEO checklist. With such a guide, the most important SEO measures can be implemented in a structured and efficient manner.
How can the website be optimized?
There are two major areas, the on-page optimization and the off-page optimization. This allows the webmaster to influence the search results so that the website appears as high as possible.
On-page optimization
On-page optimization includes all measures that can be changed on the website. This includes content adjustments, the link structure, and technical aspects. Not only the ranking but also the user-friendliness of a website is important. Can everything be easily operated, and do users find their way around the website or the online shop? Only a flawless and fast-loading website will lead to the desired results. This means you need to continuously work on your website, as Google constantly adjusts its algorithms. SEO marketing is not a one-time measure.
High-quality content is extremely important
Welche Onpage-Maßnahmen sind es, die zum Erfolg führen? Wichtig sind zunächst einmal die Texte und Inhalte auf der Seite. Diese müssen einzigartig, hochwertig sowie aktuell sein. Mit veralteten Inhalten kann niemand etwas anfangen. Schreiben Sie immer für Ihre Zielgruppe und nicht für die Suchmaschine. Hochwertige Inhalte erreichen einen guten Platz, denn Google möchte genau das ausliefern, das zu den Suchanfragen passt. Nützliche und unterhaltsame Informationen gewinnen immer mehr an Bedeutung. So lassen sich neue Inhalte und Informationen regelmäßig als Blogartikel veröffentlichen. Suchmaschinen indexieren aktuelle Inhalte häufiger als ältere Informationen. Webseiten, auf denen sich nie etwas ändert, rutschen im Ranking ab und verschwinden schließlich auf die hinteren Seiten der Suchergebnisse.
Optimally combine texts, images and videos
Your content should be unique and clearly differentiated from the competition. What are you particularly good at? What makes you stand out from the competition? You can never go wrong with tips and solutions to problems. Your texts should be clearly arranged, without long text deserts. Prospective customers usually skim the text before they delve deeper. This also includes the appropriate images, which should come from you if possible. Your own images look much better than purchased stock photos. If possible, use multimedia and add videos to liven up the content.
Select keywords that are appropriate for the target group
To generate traffic on the website, choosing the right keywords is essential. You should align with the language of your target audience. Use only one main keyword per content page. It should appear in the headings and at the beginning of the text. Various tools can help you check what your target audience is searching for. The market offers many different SEO tools, some of which are even free, such as the Google Keyword Planner.
The right content management system
The technical side of a website is also important. Choosing a suitable content management system that is easy to use can help here. Many systems are already pre-configured to make technical adjustments easier. Fast loading times and consistent display across all devices are essential. Since many people access the internet with mobile devices, responsive web design is a must. Use only up-to-date software. A website that doesn't load quickly loses trust. Loading speed is a critical ranking factor for search engines.
Patience is needed in SEO marketing, because search engine optimization does not work overnight. Before rankings improve, it can take time, because Google first takes a hesitant look at the websites. It can take three to six months before the homepage appears in the top positions. If users jump off again and again, the search engine notices this and the page drops. That's why we need to know what interested parties are looking for.
There are numerous tools available to support this, such as:
- Keyword analysis
- Tools for ranking analysis
- Linkbuilding-Tools
- Tools for technical analysis of a website
Promotion of the website - Offpage optimization
To be successful with SEO marketing, the website must be well-known and easy to find online. Pure on-page optimization is not enough for this. A homepage without links stands alone on the web. The website or store must therefore be linked to other sites. Links that refer to a website from other sites are very useful. It is a clear recommendation.
The recommending site should fit the topic well. It primarily depends on the strength and popularity of the linking website. Under no circumstances should you buy backlinks or engage in unnatural backlink building. Ideally, backlinks should be set voluntarily. For example, a supplier could refer to your website as a contact person. With off-page optimization you improve the reputation of your company and receive relevant visitors from other websites.
Social Signals
Signals from social networks that refer to one's own website can have a positive effect on the user frequency of a website. These are usually user ratings, likes or positive comments. So you should be active in the social networks and promote your website there as well.
The use of Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok can be useful since your target audience is present there. Social networks offer many tools to narrow down the target audience. However, you must adapt to the language and trends in these networks. The content should not be overly promotional. Receiving numerous links from social networks makes a website relevant for search engines. To achieve this, your content must be popular and up-to-date. Intensive social media management is essential here.
Ultimately, there are countless factors to consider when it comes to search engine optimization. Our online marketing specialists are happy to advise you on this topic.