Creating a website in 2024

In 2024, businesses have a wide range of options for creating professional websites. From traditional web design agencies and DIY website builders to modern AI-driven platforms, the choices are diverse. In this article, we explore the different approaches, their advantages and disadvantages, and help you find the right method to suit your needs.

Classic web design by agencies

The traditional way to have a website created often involves working with a web design agency. These agencies offer customized solutions tailored to the specific requirements of the client. With a team of designers, developers, and content specialists, agencies work to create a website that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


Through close collaboration with an agency, tailor-made solutions are created, offering the highest level of flexibility and adaptability. Additionally, the professional quality ensures high-end designs and extensive functionalities. Agencies also provide comprehensive services—from the initial concept and design to SEO optimization and ongoing maintenance.


These custom solutions often come with high costs and a longer development timeline. The entire process can take several weeks or even months to complete.

DIY website construction kits

For those seeking a quick and cost-effective solution, DIY website builders like Wix, Squarespace, or Weebly are an attractive option. These platforms allow users to create a website without any coding knowledge. With pre-designed templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, users can build a functional website in no time.


The ease of use and quick setup make these website builders very popular. Websites can be completed in just a few hours, and the costs are significantly lower compared to hiring an agency.


However, the limited customization options and dependence on the platform provider can be a drawback. Additionally, these solutions are less suitable for complex or rapidly growing websites.

Content-Management-Systems (CMS)

Content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal offer a flexible platform for creating and managing websites. While they require more technical knowledge than website builders, they provide significantly greater customization and expansion options.


A CMS offers high flexibility due to a wide range of plugins and themes. The large community behind these systems ensures extensive support and resources. Additionally, CMS platforms are highly scalable, making them suitable for everything from simple blogs to complex corporate websites.


Using a CMS requires technical know-how. Installation and maintenance can be complex and time-consuming. Additionally, regular updates and security measures must be maintained, which can incur additional costs and effort.

AI-driven website builder

Eine der neuesten Entwicklungen im Webdesign sind KI-gesteuerte Website-Builder wie Bookmark oder Zyro. Diese Plattformen nutzen künstliche Intelligenz, um den Erstellungsprozess zu automatisieren. Die KI analysiert die Bedürfnisse des Nutzers und generiert automatisch eine passende Website.


Diese Methode ist extrem effizient und benutzerfreundlich. Die automatisierte Erstellung spart Zeit und Aufwand, während die KI personalisierte Empfehlungen basierend auf den Nutzerangaben liefert.


Control over the website is limited, as there are fewer manual customization options. The quality of the results can vary depending on the AI algorithms used. Additionally, this is a relatively new technology that may still have some teething issues.

Freelancers and individual entrepreneurs

Freelancers offer a flexible and often more cost-effective alternative to large agencies. These sole traders work independently and can implement specific customer requirements.


Freelancers are usually cheaper than large agencies and offer individual customization and personal support. Direct communication enables quick coordination and adjustments.


There is a certain risk involved, as the reliability of the freelancer is crucial. In addition, freelancers may have fewer resources and skills than a large agency. Long-term support after project completion may also be limited.


The choice of method for creating a website depends on your individual needs, budget, and technical skills. While traditional agencies and freelancers offer custom, high-quality solutions, DIY builders and CMS platforms allow for a quick and cost-effective implementation.

AI-driven tools represent an innovative option that is becoming increasingly important. It is important to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of each method and choose the one that best suits your requirements.

The art of prompt engineering: what you need to know

Prompt-Engineering ist ein zentrales Thema in der Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI), da es die Kunst und Wissenschaft beschreibt, präzise Anweisungen an KI-Systeme zu formulieren, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Besonders im Bereich der Bildgenerierung spielt die Genauigkeit der Prompts eine entscheidende Rolle, denn nur durch präzise Anweisungen kann die KI die gewünschten Bilder erzeugen.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to creating effective prompts to obtain impressive AI-generated images and shows how large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT can assist in this process.

Meaning of prompt engineering

Prompt-Engineering ist wesentlich für die Kontrolle und Optimierung der Ausgaben von KI-Modellen. Ein gut formulierter Prompt steuert die KI in die gewünschte Richtung und beeinflusst das Endergebnis maßgeblich. Besonders bei der Bildgenerierung ist es unerlässlich, alle relevanten Details und Wünsche klar zu kommunizieren, um die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

Types of prompts

Descriptive prompts

Descriptive prompts provide detailed descriptions of the desired elements in the image. An example of this would be: "A sunset on the beach with palm trees in the foreground and a sailing boat on the horizon." Such prompts focus on the exact representation of the scene or object.

Stylistic prompts

Stylistic prompts focus on the artistic style of the image. An example would be: "A portrait in the style of Vincent van Gogh with bold colors and distinct brushstrokes." This type of prompt places special emphasis on how the image should be represented.

Functional prompts

Functional prompts define the purpose or function of the image. An example would be: "A minimalist logo for a technology company in shades of blue." These prompts are particularly useful for commercial or practical applications.

Compositional prompts

Compositional prompts focus on the arrangement of elements in the image. An example would be: "A market stall with fruits in the foreground, customers in the background, and a cat sitting in one corner." These prompts help determine the structure and layout of the image.

Creation of effective prompts

An effective prompt requires clear and precise instructions. The most important aspects for creating a successful prompt are explained below:


A successful prompt must be as specific as possible. Vague instructions often lead to unsatisfactory results. Instead of "a dog in the park, " it is better to use "„a brown Labrador playing by a lake in Central Park."


Details are crucial. It is important to describe colors, styles, perspectives, and all other relevant aspects. For example: "A green dragon with golden scales hovering over a misty mountain as the morning sun rises on the horizon."


Vermeide mehrdeutige Begriffe. Klare und eindeutige Sprache hilft der KI, die Wünsche besser zu interpretieren. Zum Beispiel: „Eine alte Eiche im Herbst mit roten und goldenen Blättern, die auf den Boden fallen.

Order of information

Beginne mit den wichtigsten Details und arbeite dich zu den kleineren, ergänzenden Informationen vor. Eine logische Struktur hilft der KI, die bedeutendsten Aspekte zuerst zu berücksichtigen.

Use of LLMs to create prompts

Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT can help to create professional prompts. Here are some steps on how to approach this:

Define the basic idea

Start with a rough sketch of your idea and think about which details are important. For example: "I want a picture of a summer festival in a park."

Ask LLM for help

Formuliere eine Anfrage an die KI. Zum Beispiel: „Hilf mir, einen detaillierten Prompt für ein Bild eines Sommerfestes in einem Park zu erstellen.

Obtain and refine feedback

Verwende die generierten Vorschläge und passe sie an deine Bedürfnisse an. Gib Feedback und bitte die KI um weitere Verfeinerungen, falls nötig. Zum Beispiel: „Kannst du mehr Details zu den Aktivitäten und der Dekoration hinzufügen?

Examples of well-written prompts

Simple prompt:

"A dog in the park."

Improved prompt:

"A brown Labrador playing in Central Park next to a lake. In the background are green trees and a clear blue sky. The dog is wearing a red collar and playing with a yellow ball."


Die Kunst des Prompt-Engineerings ist entscheidend, um beeindruckende KI-generierte Bilder zu erstellen, denn durch präzise, detaillierte und klare Anweisungen kann man die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen. LLMs wie ChatGPT bieten dabei eine wertvolle Unterstützung, um professionelle und effektive Prompts zu erstellen. Mit diesen Werkzeugen und Techniken kann jeder die Macht der KI nutzen, um kreative sowie beeindruckende Bilder zu erzeugen und dadurch seine Vorstellungen umzusetzen.

Bei Media Beats GmbH arbeiten wir seit der Einführung von GPT-3 intensiv mit Künstlicher Intelligenz und verfeinern ständig die Kunst des Prompt-Engineerings. Unser Ziel ist es, immer präzisere und effektivere Anweisungen zu entwickeln. Genau wie die KI selbst, sind wir bestrebt, kontinuierlich zu lernen und uns weiterzuentwickeln, um stets die besten Ergebnisse für unsere Kunden zu erzielen.

Create a professional website with an agency

A professional website is essential for every business today. It not only serves as a digital business card but also effectively strengthens your brand and attracts customers. A full-service agency like Media Beats can help you create a top-notch website that meets all your requirements and supports your business goals. In this blog post, we explain why it makes sense to hire an agency for creating your website and what steps need to be considered in the process.

Why hire a full-service agency?

A full-service agency leverages comprehensive expertise in web design, web development, SEO, and content creation. This concentrated competence results in a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and technically flawless. The experts consider every detail, from user-friendliness to search engine optimization. This not only saves you time and effort but also ensures that your website is state-of-the-art and reflects current trends.

Creating a website requires a lot of time and effort. By hiring an agency, you can focus on your core business while the agency handles all aspects of website creation. This includes conception, design, development, SEO optimization, and content creation. The agency provides tailored solutions that are precisely aligned with your company's needs and goals. Whether you need a simple corporate site or a complex online store, the agency ensures that your website meets your exact requirements.

The process of creating a website with an agency

In the first step, the agency conducts a detailed conversation with you to understand your goals and requirements. During this discussion, you will talk about target audiences, design ideas, and specific features. Based on this information, the agency develops a concept and strategy for your website. This includes the structure of the website, the design concept, and the planned content.

In the design and development phase, the agency creates the visual design of your website and coordinates it with you. The team then converts the designs into functional code. Search engine optimization (SEO) also plays a crucial role in this phase, ensuring that your website ranks well in search results.

High-quality content is crucial for the success of your website. The agency assists you in creating texts, images, and videos that convey your message clearly and engagingly. Before the website goes live, the agency thoroughly tests it to ensure everything works perfectly. This includes testing on various devices and browsers as well as checking the performance. After successful testing, the agency launches the website.

Even after the launch of your website, the agency offers continuous support and maintenance. This includes regular updates, security checks, and adjustments to meet new requirements.

Advantages of a professional website for your company

A professionally created and SEO-optimized website ensures that your business is easily found in search engines. This increases your reach and brings more potential customers to your site. A user-friendly and visually appealing website helps visitors stay longer and are more likely to become customers. Clear call-to-actions and optimized user navigation enhance conversion rates.

A high-quality website conveys professionalism and trust. Potential customers perceive your business as credible and are more likely to value your offerings. In many industries, online competition is very strong. With a professional website, you stand out from the competition and position yourself as a market leader.


Creating a website is a complex process that requires expertise and experience. A full-service agency provides the necessary support to develop a professional, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized website. This way, you save time and resources and can focus on your core business, while the agency ensures your online presence is compelling.

Start today with the implementation of your professional online presence and experience the growth of your visibility and business success. If you have any questions, the Media Beats team is always available to assist you.

DALL-E Editor: New Features for Content Creators

In digital marketing, visual content is of utmost importance. However, creating and modifying these visuals has long been a challenge - until now. OpenAI has introduced a groundbreaking update to their DALL-E image generation tool: the DALL-E Editor.

This feature brings about a crucial change in the way content creators manipulate and refine images. Let's discover what this tool offers and how you can seamlessly integrate it into your digital marketing strategy.

The Transformation of Image Editing

Previously, modifying AI-generated images was often laborious and led to starting over. However, the introduction of the DALL-E Editor has changed everything. Now, users can make fine adjustments without completely recreating images. This capability not only represents a technical enhancement but also significantly increases efficiency in digital content creation.

Key Features of the DALL-E Editor:

  • Color and Atmosphere Adjustments: Easily change the mood of your images by adjusting hues or switching to grayscale.
  • Detailed Editing through Prompts: Specify changes to specific areas of your image, such as removing or altering elements, using simple text instructions.
  • Selective Editing Tool: This tool allows for precise modifications by enabling users to highlight the exact areas of the image they want to change.

The Impact on Digital Marketing and Content Creation

For digital marketers and full-service agencies, the DALL-E Editor is a boon. Simple modifications like error retouching or adding elements can be implemented quickly, significantly streamlining the workflow in content marketing. Moreover, this tool enables creators to perfect their visuals, aligning them more closely with brand aesthetics and campaign objectives.

Broader Implications for Online Marketing

The DALL-E Editor not only facilitates image manipulation but also opens up new avenues in email marketing, display marketing, and web development. By enabling customized and appealing visuals, it enhances the effectiveness of digital ads and promotional materials. The integration of high-quality, tailored images can lead to higher engagement rates, a crucial metric in digital campaigns.

Legal and Ethical Considerations in AI-generated Content

The use of AI for creating and editing images raises important questions regarding copyright and privacy ethics. The origin of the data used to train these AI models, including the potential use of copyrighted materials without consent, remains a hotly debated topic. As technology advances, legal frameworks must also adapt, regulating usage and ensuring that creators and marketers can utilize the tools without infringing on intellectual property.

Conclusion: A New Era for Digital Content Creators

Der DALL-E Editor bedeutet mehr als nur ein inkrementelles Update; er repräsentiert einen signifikanten Sprung nach vorne in der Werkzeugkiste, die digitalen Content Creator zur Verfügung steht. Mit fortschreitender Zeit wird die kontinuierliche Verfeinerung und Verbesserung dieser Werkzeuge die Zukunft des Online Marketings, des Webdesigns und darüber hinaus gestalten. Die Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Technologien bietet nicht nur sofortige Vorteile, sondern bereitet auch den Weg für zukünftige Fortschritte in der digitalen Landschaft. Continue reading „DALL-E Editor – Neue Funktionen für Content Creator“

Checklist for successful landing pages

In today's digital landscape, a checklist for successful landing pages is an essential tool for enhancing effectiveness in online marketing. It serves as the first point of contact for potential customers and as a key to optimizing the conversion rate.

In a competitive environment, it's crucial for businesses to stand out through powerful landing pages. The main goal is to increase the conversion rate, support marketing initiatives, and gather valuable customer data.

1. Clearly defined goal

The foundation of every successful landing page is a clearly defined goal. Therefore, it's important to define the page's objective early: product sales, lead generation, or information dissemination. This goal directly influences the design and content. Understanding the objective allows for targeted engagement and improved conversion rates.

2. Strong and clear headline

The headline is often the first thing visitors see. Strong, clear headlines are essential. It communicates the core benefit or main offer in a few words. Visitors are motivated to read on. Tips include using action-oriented verbs and addressing specific needs.

3. Appealing design

The design of a landing page should not only be visually appealing but also support user navigation. A clean, focused design that highlights important elements and intuitively guides visitors to the goal is crucial. Additionally, mobile responsiveness is a must to offer an optimal experience to users on smartphones and tablets. Fast loading times are also essential to minimize the bounce rate.

4. Compelling content

The content of the landing page must directly address the visitor and clearly demonstrate the value of the offer. Clear, targeted, and benefit-oriented content that highlights the advantages for the visitor is crucial. Moreover, using bullet points, short paragraphs, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) aids understanding and encourages readiness to act.

5. Strong Calls-to-Action

A clear and striking Call-to-Action is the centerpiece of a landing page. It guides the visitor to perform the desired action, whether it's signing up for a newsletter, requesting an offer, or purchasing a product. Effective CTAs are characterized by concise wording, eye-catching design, and strategically thoughtful placement.

6. Testimonials and Social Proof

Testimonials and customer reviews boost trust in the offer and brand, providing insights into other users' experiences. They reinforce confidence in the purchasing decision and motivate potential customers to convert themselves.

7. Lead Generation Forms

Designing effective forms is a balancing act between gathering necessary information and ensuring a user-friendly experience. Too many fields can be off-putting, while too few can compromise lead quality. A focused form that requests essential information promotes conversion.

8. Incorporate Trust Elements

Security seals, privacy policies, and guarantees are crucial elements to enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of the landing page. They signal to visitors that their data is secure and that the company is trustworthy.

9. A/B Testing and Optimization

Continuous optimization through A/B testing of headlines, CTA buttons, and images is crucial for success. Targeted tests provide valuable insights that increase the conversion rate.

10. Analysis and Tracking

Regularly analyzing performance is essential to measure the success of the landing page and identify optimization opportunities. Tools like Google Analytics provide deep insights into visitor behavior, enabling data-driven decisions.


A successful landing page is the result of careful planning, creative design, and continuous optimization. Adhering to this checklist helps businesses across all industries achieve their online marketing goals by effectively converting visitors into customers. For simplification and optimization of this process, Media Beats GmbH offers professional support. They specialize in creating highly converting landing pages.

Use these tips to improve your landing pages, or contact Media Beats GmbH for professional assistance to elevate your online presence to the next level.

Web Design for Recruitment Agencies - How to Do It Right

In today's digital world, appealing web design is of fundamental importance for businesses, and recruitment agencies are no exception. A well-considered and user-oriented design of their website can have a significant impact on the company's perception. The advantage here is that both potential employees and clients are targeted. This element is an essential part of online marketing.

In this article, we highlight the importance of high-quality web design for recruitment agencies and its successful integration into their online marketing strategy.

How important is the first impression of web design?

The importance of the first impression in web design is central for recruitment agencies, as their website is often the first point of contact for potential candidates and clients. An promotes credibility and trust. However, an outdated design can deter prospects and drive them to look for alternatives. Therefore, a modern and user-friendly design is crucial to creating positive first impressions and engaging visitors.

How can the user experience be optimized?

Web design for recruitment agencies must combine aesthetics and optimal user experience. User-friendly navigation and clear call-to-actions facilitate access to information. Responsive design and interactive features like live chats enhance visitor engagement and conversion rates. Generally, it can be observed that a carefully and professionally designed website significantly contributes to improving the company's image. Here, the company is established as a trustworthy and reliable source for career opportunities and professional development.

How can the brand identity of the staffing service be strengthened through web design?

Web design is crucial for the brand identity of staffing services. A consistent visual representation with a logo, color palette, and fonts goes beyond aesthetics. Skillful integration strengthens brand perception and creates a distinctive brand experience. Thoughtful web design reflects the brand identity, thereby fostering a strong connection to the brand through a coherent image for visitors.

Why is mobile optimization crucial for staffing service providers?

The increasing use of mobile devices makes optimization for mobile access essential for staffing service providers. Responsive design adjusts to screen sizes and improves presentation and function on all devices. This enhances the user experience and encourages visitors to stay and interact on the site. A mobile-optimized website also increases visibility in search engines and can significantly expand reach. This makes the website even more attractive to potential clients and applicants.

How can compelling web design give staffing service providers a competitive edge?

Compelling web design provides staffing service providers with crucial advantages in the fiercely competitive market. By collaborating with online marketing agencies, they can distinguish themselves from the competition significantly through professionalism. Additionally, a tailored website reflecting the company's values strengthens the brand image while simultaneously piquing the interest of potential clients and applicants. Innovative technologies enhance the user experience significantly, thus fostering visitor engagement. Therefore, strategically thoughtful web design is a key element in strengthening market positioning and ensuring long-term success.

Conclusion: The importance of web design for staffing service providers

Web design is essential for staffing service providers to successfully attract both employees and clients. A professional website fosters credibility, trust, and strengthens brand identity. Optimizing the user experience and adapting for mobile devices offer crucial competitive advantages, expanding reach, and improving conversion rates. Visual clarity and clear calls to action, combined with responsive design, optimize functionality and impression across all devices. By implementing these strategies, staffing service providers solidify their online presence and their position in the market.

For those interested in professional support in this sector, Media Beats GmbH is available to provide the necessary services.

Successful Strategies in Marketing

In today's digitally connected world, a strong online presence is the foundation of a company's successful online strategy. Merely being present online is not enough; rather, a targeted digital strategy and careful web development are required to succeed in Germany's competitive digital environment. In this article, we take a look at the importance of these factors for online marketing in Germany.

Building an Effective Online Presence

An effective online presence is based on a well-considered web concept, which is essential for building and maintaining a successful digital presence. A solid digital strategy requires a clear direction that goes beyond merely presenting the brand and focuses on how the website can concretely contribute to achieving business objectives. This includes precise target audience analysis, the definition of user experiences (UX), the design layout, content presentation, and website functionalities to promote user interaction.

Embedding the brand in every area of the website, from design to content, is central. This creates a cohesive, appealing brand identity. The goal is to tell a resonating story that establishes an emotional connection with the audience.

A thorough market analysis is essential for the web concept. It provides insights into the needs of the target audience and identifies trends and weaknesses of competitors. This enables companies to strengthen their position. They define clear value propositions that are aligned with user desires.

Stategies and goals

Strategic planning in online marketing is complex. It requires much more than just setting goals. It starts with a comprehensive analysis. This analysis determines the optimal channels that fit the brand and business objectives. This is followed by goal-oriented campaign planning and implementation. An important aspect is the wise allocation of budget and resources to achieve the best results. Moreover, defining and constantly monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential. These KPIs are crucial for making successes measurable.

Strategic planning also demands a deep analysis of the target audience to ensure that the chosen channels and campaigns align with the needs and behaviors of the target group. The use of customer data and market research enables the creation of personalized and targeted marketing messages that increase engagement and conversions.

The role of online marketing agencies

Given the complexity of online marketing, collaborating with a specialized agency is a wise decision for many companies. Online marketing agencies offer expertise in various areas of digital marketing and provide the necessary resources and tools for efficient campaign planning, implementation, and analysis. Full-service agencies are particularly valuable as they offer a comprehensive range of services, from search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) to social media marketing, email marketing, and content creation.

Email marketing: Personal connection to the target audience

Email marketing remains a fundamental part of digital marketing, as it enables companies to communicate directly and personally with their target audience. Collaborating with specialized email marketing agencies can help improve open and click-through rates while simultaneously complying with legal requirements in Germany.

By leveraging data analysis and segmentation, email marketing enables even more precise targeting of the audience, which enhances campaign effectiveness. This not only promotes customer loyalty but also contributes to building long-term relationships.

SEO: A must for every strategy

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a critical success factor in digital marketing. The ability to be prominently placed in search results plays a central role in maximizing the visibility of a website and attracting qualified traffic that can potentially be converted into customers.

Comprehensive SEO strategies not only involve the careful optimization of web content with relevant keywords that address both the needs of users and the requirements of search algorithms but also the continuous improvement of the website's technical performance. This includes measures to increase loading speed, build a strong backlink profile, ensure optimal mobile usability, and improve user navigation to optimize the overall user experience.


The online marketing landscape is constantly changing, and businesses in Germany must remain agile to keep up with these changes. A well-thought-out web concept and strategic planning are essential for success in this dynamic environment. Collaborating with an online marketing agency provides businesses access to expertise, resources, and specialized knowledge to achieve their online marketing goals. Email marketing and SEO are essential tools that help increase online presence and achieve business objectives.

With the right strategy, optimizing online marketing becomes achievable. The ideal partner plays a central role in this process, enabling German companies to reach their target audience more precisely and strengthen their brand presence. Ultimately, this leads to increased business success. For such marketing services, Media Beats is the perfect contact. Here, you'll find expertise for your digital success.

Web design - 6 designs in 2023

Die Webdesign Trends im kommenden Jahr sind eng an digitale Errungenschaften wie künstliche Intelligenz (KI) oder Metaverse gebunden, die die virtuelle Realität in den Vordergrund rücken. Gleichzeitig wächst der Wunsch nach Individualität weiter. Das Team unserer Agentur für Online Marketing Munich hat sich für Sie auf die Suche gemacht und die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Sachen Website und Webseitenentwicklung für Sie aufgespürt.

Trend 1: Automatic hover animations

The first trend in web design for 2023 achieves attention to individual website elements in a special way. So-called hover animations are automatically activated when the visitor moves the mouse arrow over certain web page areas. Then a static image suddenly becomes dynamic and can provide a range of product-specific information.

Whether you want to describe products in more detail or explain charts and graphs to visitors step-by-step, hover animations are best suited for this and not only increase the time spent on your website, but are also an important ranking factor among Google algorithms.

Put elements on exceptional pages that allow for vivid explanations and ensure, among other things, an animated preview of products without having to leave the actual web page.

Trend 2: Three-dimensional Parallax Zoom

This trend includes an animation variant that allows elements in the foreground to move faster than those that are in the background. The so-called Parallax Zoom thus creates a form of depth and offers zooming in and out at the level of the line, which becomes a three-dimensional movement. The effect of the zoom is convincing in its simplicity and creates a connection to the trend around realistic 3D worlds.

Trend 3: Realistic 3D worlds

An ongoing craze and related website development towards virtual reality (VR) is further driven by the trend of realistic 3D worlds.

3D worlds let users dive deep into the digital landscape and enjoy accessible spaces and sound effects. However, this requires sophisticated 3D modeling and the right sound mix to create particularly realistic and imaginative worlds.

The website visitors are offered a special visual experience, which is guaranteed to be remembered.

Trend 4: Unique scrapbook

Technological advances, web development and the opening of digital worlds to a wide audience also always create a desire for uniqueness and individualism. This need is addressed by scrapbooking. They can be handwritten texts, small doodles, collages or mini graphics that bring their own unique style. They evoke the feeling of leafing through old newspapers or magazines and deliberately rely on imperfect aspects to counteract a sterile and cool precision. But even this website design, which looks like handiwork, requires the highest level of technological finesse and Responsive Design in order to appear authentic and be made accessible.

Trend 5: Expressive typography

In contrast to the multitude of purely digital designs with numerous multimedia elements, web design 2023 also relies on layouts that feature expressive text. They thus mimic the look of print magazines and also make it possible to reduce their printing costs. Typographic layouts work with expressive words and combine them with strong images to create a harmonious whole. Generate character and appeal to the intellect of your target audience.

Trend 6: 90s Retro Chic

This trend in web design reflects the longing for the beginnings of the Internet in the 90s. Here, for example, objects from the real world are digitally depicted and can be operated in a similar way as they are known from everyday life.

Retro chic should create a familiar feeling for the user and stand for the tried and tested, which he knows well and likes to fall back on.

Outlook on web design 2023!

The web design trends in the coming year play skillfully with simulation, immersion, but also set specific accents with individual typography, graphics and collages. As is so often the case, there is something for everyone. In this context, it is crucial that the web design of your website, fits your company and your products and services. Stay authentic! Do you need support with web development and the implementation of Responsive Design? Talk to our specialist of the full service agency in Munich about your requirements and possible creative ideas for implementation. We look forward to an initial conversation in which we will be happy to discuss your needs in more detail.

1x1 of Web Design - Key Features of a Good Website

The website is the figurehead of your company on the web. Associated with this is not only the pure appearance, but a whole range of factors that determine whether your website is successful. What kind of homepage do you have and what do you want to achieve? What role does holistic SEO play? Which target group do you address? Today, our web design agency experts will tell you what matters in web design, what you should focus on in web development and how you can get a professional web design created.

1. keep the target in mind

You know your target audience and the business you are using to reach them better than anyone else. Set a clear mission and goal for your homepage. What problems does your product or service solve and where does your offering truly make your customers' lives better?

Be guided by what your audience actually needs, and follow the customer journey from A to Z right from the web development stage. Always keep the big picture in mind when you have the web design created and provide answers and individual approaches that offer their visitors exactly what they are looking for.

2. pay attention to holism

If you have a web design created, it is important to pay attention to the holistic nature of the design from the very beginning. Images, lettering, fonts and the entire layout should be of one piece and reflect the corporate identity of your company, while at the same time not disregarding the operation and user-friendliness. With a well thought-out web design you signal competence and professionalism.

3. Go for great design and an excellent UX

Basically, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, the design of your website should help combine the goals you set and a consistent look. In doing so, your message needs to come across and be emphasized with a brand-appropriate and thoughtful design.

Especially crucial is the point that your website is clear and easy to use for all visitors. Focus on the issues of accessibility and usability. In short, it's not just about how your website looks, but what experience your visitors have with it.

User experience design, or UX design for short, doesn't make your visitors wait long. Short page load times, but also coherent color schemes and buttons as well as a mobile website form a valuable overall package. Accompany your customers and make sure that you associate a positive experience with your web design.

4. offer content that is relevant to the target group

Stay user centered and avoid corporate centricity. Offer content at the right moment while keeping your business goals firmly in mind.Understand your customers, understand their behavior and be able to focus your website content on them. The content you offer should be clear and easy to understand. Use language that your users understand.

Convince with expertise and uniqueness of your content. Let your creativity play and clearly stand out from the content of your competitors.

5. focus on SEO

Not only visitors, but also search engines appreciate user-friendly websites. A good web design is for this reason a must and an essential building block in the SEO strategy.

In doing so, SEO and web design pursue the same goal: to provide your visitors with relevant information.

A good website is easily crawlable and shows search engines what they can and cannot index. You should know Google's ranking factors and algorithms and align your SEO accordingly.

This is made possible not only by web and keyword analyses, but also by usability checks and ongoing monitoring and the associated improvements.

6. guarantee security and trustworthiness

Users in particular, but also search engines, look for indications that your website is trustworthy. A missing green lock icon may indicate poor maintenance or lack of security.

Work on all levels of your trustworthiness, both technical and content. Make sure your software, SSL encryption, passwords and tools used are up to date and keep you safe from attacks by hackers.

Bottom line: what makes a good web design?

Our 6 tips will show you what makes a good website. If you follow these consistently, nothing stands in the way of an appealing web design.

Our full service agency is happy to help you with words and deeds. Rely on professional websites in your online marketing (Munich). At Media Beats you can have the right web design created for you. Simply send us a non-binding request.

Web design trends 2022

Web technologies are continuously evolving and thus web design can always break new ground. Technology and trends in web development influence each other. A website is not timeless, because it has to adapt to the technical requirements. A lot has changed in recent years, as search engines work smarter, there are more and more different end devices and users become more demanding. Thus, nowadays a website must adapt to the appropriate devices and should be easy to use.

A modern website is oriented towards current trends

However, technology alone is not yet a trend, but only provides possibilities. The technical implementation is decisive for the success of a site. This results in more or less useful web developments. A modern website is oriented to current trends, but should not adopt everything from them.

Preferences change quickly, as they are bound to the corresponding time. Not everything that is possible always turns out to be useful. Nothing should slow down a site or interfere with the user experience, so technology always has a say.

The users decide on the success of a website

How much you take from this for your web presence is up to you, because the users decide. The users are your audience, who will use your site enthusiastically or bounce right back.

This is also partly dependent on the industry, as the intended target group has a certain expectation. User-friendliness is important here, because the web presence can look as good as it is, if the user can't find what they're looking for, they'll bounce. There are certain industry standards that have become established for this purpose.

Mobile Internet and lots of choice

What awaits us in web design 2022? Much has become more mobile, as people increasingly go online with their mobile devices, such as smartphone or tablet. Pure desktop design is fading more and more into the background. Visitors to a website should be active instead of just passively browsing the homepage. Animated elements catch the eye and arouse curiosity. Clicking, wiping and dragging offers an interactive user experience.

The user thus uncovers all the secrets of the website. However, it should not be too playful, as the website usually has a specific goal. The page should prompt the user to take an action that will bring sales to the company. Active engagement with the service should not obscure this.

Therefore, the webmaster should not renounce tradition, as users have become accustomed to a certain look over the years. This offers a certain security, because with established layouts everything can be found in the usual spot. Many websites therefore resemble each other in order to attract enough customers.

These standard layouts have become established

Certain layouts are established, this is predominantly because workflows have become standardized. Web building kits, WordPress themes, as well as front-end frameworks mean that websites often look similar. In addition, content is becoming increasingly important. On the web, people are looking for information with added value. Search engines want to deliver relevant search results and index well-written texts.

Focus on the essential remains the trend

The focus on the essentials remains in the new year. Minimal design, consisting of tidy content, clarity as well as focus is still in trend. Anyone who has ever visited Apple's website knows what is meant.

It's a full-width web page, with a photo or video background, H1 text plus call-to-action button placed on top of an image motif. Below that, columns of text, with centered short body text. The visitor finds what he is looking for right away and does not have to deal with a complicated structure.

The attention span on the Internet is short, so prospective customers should be able to see at first glance why they should open this particular page. This minimalism is limited to calmness and clarity to present relevant content.

Designers have become more experimental

In the meantime, other styles are becoming established, as designers are increasingly willing to experiment. If you look around on the web, certain trends crystallize, some of which run counter to each other:

  • Memphis Design
  • Retro Design
  • Web Brutalism
  • minimalism
  • visible frames
  • asymmetrical layouts
  • single page design
  • split screen design
  • color gradients instead of single colors
  • Parallax effects
  • serifs and light typography
  • Symmetrical layouts

Memphis Design

Websites created in Memphis Design are bursting with colors, are colorful and lively. Suitable for those who find the minimalist, calm design too uniform and boring. This type of web design is often found in gyms, restaurants or landing pages, among others. Especially the backgrounds are pop and colorful.

Web Brutalism

This design does away with graphics and puts text and photos in the foreground. Type with photos that look large and unedited. This is somewhat reminiscent of the look of websites in the nineties, where it was more important to have a page at all. Powerful, strong, and reduced to essential information, this predominantly benefits businesses that want to get their message across photographically.

Symmetrical and asymmetrical layouts

Clarity and structure as essential elements, because you don't want to overwhelm users. This is the typical grid layout, where images and text alternate. This contrasts with the asymmetrical layout, where images and fonts overlap. Everything flows into each other and looks modern.

Retro design is back in fashion

Unnecessary gimmicks, graphics and colors characterized the web in its early days. Modern technology in retro design transports nostalgia and thus creates a feeling of comfort. However, the technology must be set up in such a way that user-friendliness does not suffer. If you want to create reliability as well as familiarity, you can fall back on this design. Advertising signs, movie posters and newspaper ads from the past serve as models for modern website design. Faded background colors and texts supposedly created on a typewriter are features of retro design.

Moving fonts

While it used to be that serif fonts belonged on paper rather than on the screen, designers are now using them for classy-looking headlines. Type can do more than imagined, because fonts can also move web page visitors. Text that moves is fresh and unexpected. The user lingers on the website and is curious to see what else is coming. Used discreetly, the font participates in a modern web presence.

Visible frames signal care with structure

The visible frame can be used when care with structure is to be generated. In this way, individual areas can be clearly separated from one another. The page is clearly structured and offers space for extensive content. This prevents text deserts, since everything is served in easily digestible morsels. This can easily be combined with a retro design, as it makes the rather untidy retro design look much more orderly.

color gradients instead of single colors

Color gradients have a dynamic effect because they create emotionality. Used with a sober design, they serve as a contrast to the clean and sober layout. This makes the website look dynamic even without images. Bright colors are the new design tool in web design. At the same time, the colors should complement other elements of the website, because the purposeful message should never be ignored.

Slider and Hero Images

There is hardly a WordPress theme that can do without a slider or a hero image. The user will not find real information here, but the slider respectively the hero image gives the homepage a dynamic touch. The header slider should already contain real information so that the user does not ignore it. The image alone does not attract attention, because it smells too much like advertising. We already know this phenomenon from the past, where the attention for banners has decreased more and more. The so-called "banner blindness" ensures that something like this is no longer noticed.

Does the trend fit the website?

Trends come and go in online marketing. Get an overview and keep an eye on all the important aspects. Through timely trends, the web presence remains modern, however, every webmaster should look whether the corresponding trend really fits the website as well as the company. Not everything creates the same effect everywhere, but depends on the goal you want to achieve with your web presence.

If you are interested in a new web presence, our online marketing specialists can actively support you in the creation and implementation of a customized strategy.

Display Marketing – An Overview

Display Marketing ist eine Disziplin des Performance Marketing, bei der es darum geht, die Leistung (Performance) quantitativ messbar zu machen. Sie wird auch häufig als Display Advertising oder Bannerwerbung bezeichnet. Aber was genau verbirgt sich dahinter und welche Ziele lassen sich im Hinblick auf Targeting und Retargeting sowie Branding verwirklichen? Wir haben uns mit dem Themen Display Marketing sowie den Möglichkeiten der Umsatzsteigerung für Unternehmen auseinandergesetzt und im Blog die wichtigsten Infos zusammengetragen.

Was ist Display Marketing?

Display Marketing setzt im Rahmen von Performance Marketing auf grafische Werbeelemente, die über Plattformen, wie dem Google Displaynetzwerk, oder Webseiten und Shops von Drittanbietern veröffentlicht werden. Dabei handelt es sich häufig um Elemente wie Banner oder Buttons sowie werbende Bild- und Textinhalte.

Hierfür werden Visualreize gesetzt, um den Nutzer dazu zu bewegen, die Bannerwerbung anzuklicken. Anschließend wird dieser auf eine optimierte Landingpage weitergeleitet, die klare Kernbotschaften liefert und zu einer Handlung, wie beispielsweise einen Kauf, animiert.

Welche Rolle spielen Targeting und Retargeting?

Displaywerbung gehört zu den am stärksten wachsenden Werbeformaten im Online Marketing. Unterstützt wird dieser Vorgang nicht nur durch neue Technologien, sondern auch zeitgemäßes Display Advertising im Bereich Mobil und Social Media.

Entscheidend für den Erfolg dabei ist ein gut entwickeltes Targeting. Dabei werden Konsumenten zielgenau angesprochen und werbetreibende Unternehmen können Streuverluste deutlich reduzieren. Interessant ist das Werbeformat dabei nicht nur zur Neukundengewinnung, sondern auch im Bereich Retargeting.

Dabei geht es im Performance Marketing darum, einen Nutzer, der sich bereits eine Bannerwerbung angeschaut hat, aber noch zu keiner Handlung zu überzeugen war, weitere, dynamische Displaybanner anzubieten, die ihn zurück auf die Landing Page oder den Shop bringen.

Welche Vorteile bietet Display Marketing?

Über Display Marketing können Unternehmen eine große Reichweite generieren und unterschiedliche Zielgruppen ansprechen. Dabei sind die Werbeformate in der Displaywerbung sehr vielfältig und bieten die Option, Produkte sowie Dienstleistungen in maßgeschneiderten Kampagnen für die Zielgruppe auszuarbeiten. Passend dazu kommt Programmatic Advertising zum Einsatz, dabei werden Online-Werbeflächen vollautomatisiert oder individuell eingekauft sowie verkauft.

Unterschiedliche Tracking Methoden sorgen dafür, dass die Display Marketing Kampagnen sauber ausgewertet werden können. Dank großer Reichweite wird es möglich, den Markenbekanntheitsgrad zu steigern und so das eigene Branding nachhaltig zu stärken.

Darüber hinaus ist das Monitoring sowie Reporting im Display Marketing sehr einfach möglich. Kampagnen lassen sich ergebnisorientiert überwachen und effektiv anpassen.

Anders als bei Print Werbemitteln kann hier im Performance Marketing die Werbeansprache sehr genau auf die Zielgruppe ausgerichtet und damit einhergehend Streuverluste minimiert werden. Zusätzlich wird der Entscheidungszeitraum bis zum tatsächlichen Kauf verkürzt, was zu einer deutlichen Umsatzsteigerung führen kann.

Welche Formate gibt es?

Display Banner können unterschiedliche, statische Formen haben und beispielsweise als Leaderboard, Billboard, Skyscraper oder Content Ad aber auch als Mobile Banner in unterschiedlichen Größen geschalten werden.

Möglich sind aber auch sogenannte Responsive Display Anzeigen, zu denen Anzeigentitel, Bilder und Textzeilen hinterlegt und unter dynamischer Anpassung in der bestmöglichen Kombination an die Zielgruppe ausgegeben werden.

Wie lässt sich Display Advertising in der Praxis durchführen?

Über Suchmaschinen wie Google und Bing, sowie auch über Programmatic Advertising Plattformen lassen sich Display Anzeigen schalten und optimieren. Eine detaillierte Analyse sowie effiziente Budgetverteilung sorgen dafür, dass Google-, Microsoft-, und Programmatic Advertising Accounts richtig funktionieren.

Für die Platzierung von Display ads braucht es das passende Netzwerk. Hier besteht die Möglichkeit SEA Ads Plattformen mit großer Reichweite, wie das Google Displaynetzwerk, zu nutzen und darüber gezielt Werbung auf den Seiten und Shops zu schalten, auf denen sich Ihre Zielgruppe bewegt.

Unser Ausblick für Unternehmen: Sorgen Sie für messbare Erfolge im Online Marketing. Wir unterstützen Sie in einem ersten Schritt mit der passenden Analysis and Strategy.

Display Marketing bietet Ihnen ein breites Spektrum an Möglichkeiten Ihre Zielgruppe zu erreichen und dabei die Kampagnenfortschritte über ausgewählte Kennzahlen (KPIs) genau im Blick zu behalten. Sprechen Sie mit uns über geeignete Plattformen und die praktische Umsetzung Ihrer Displaybanner.

Web und App Development in Munich

Unsere Content Management System- und Web und App Entwicklung Kenntnisse umfassen weltweit bekannte Lösungen wie WordPress, TYPO3, Joomla, Drupal, iOS, Android, React Native und Flutter. Unabhängig davon, ob Sie auf der Suche nach einer individuellen Lösung oder einer Erweiterung eines bereits bestehenden Systems sind, ob ein neues Plugin für Ihr CMS oder eine neue App entwickelt werden soll. Mit uns haben Sie ein hochprofessionelles Team für Web Development and App-Entwicklung an Ihrer Seite.

Programmierung und Entwicklung

Das Team von Media Beats besteht unter anderem aus erfahrenen Entwicklern und Programmierern welche alle gängigen Programmiersprachen wie HTML5, MySQL, CSS, PHP, AJAX und weitere beherrschen.

Professionelle Web Development and App-Entwicklung

Wir entwickeln für Sie auf Basis Ihrer Vorstellungen und technischen Anforderungen einen neuen Onlineshop oder erweitern Ihren bestehenden Shop um weitere Funktionalitäten und Optionen. Systemseitig unterstützen wir sie mit breitem Fachwissen in den Shopsystemen wie Magento oder Shopware.

Bauen Sie Ihr Intranet aus

Ihr Unternehmen wächst und Sie vergrößern sich? Damit verbunden ist eine Herausforderung an die IT – es bedarf eines klug ausgerichteten Computernetzwerks, welches den Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens in Sachen Flexibilität und Effizienz gerecht wird. Kontaktieren Sie uns für Ihr individuelles Angebot.

Erweitern Sie Ihr Content Management System

Unsere Entwickler können für Sie in Sachen Plugins und Erweiterungen für Ihr bestehendes CMS kreativ werden. Ihre Website wird durch neue Features attraktiver und zieht neue Besucher an. Von WordPress bis Drupal sind wir mit den gängigen CMS-Systemen vertraut und besprechen mit Ihnen gern Ihr Vorhaben. Zögern Sie nicht, in Kontakt mit uns zu treten.

Optimale Usability und User Experience

Jedes moderne Webprojekt muss im Rahmen der Web and App Entwicklung einer Vielzahl an Browsern und Endgeräten „gerecht werden“ und unabhängig von diesen Ihre Funktionalität und optimale Darstellung beibehalten. Sie kennen es vielleicht – eine Ihnen bekannte Webseite sieht auf Ihrem Desktop manchmal ganz anders aus, als auf Ihrem Smartphone und verliert dabei ggf. wichtige Eigenschaften. Dies lässt sich mit einem umfassenden Testingverfahren vermeiden – wir prüfen jedes Projekt vor Abgabe auf mögliche Bugs und Darstellungsfehler und gewährleisten so einwandfreie Qualität.

Moderne Webentwicklung zu einem fairen Preis

Für uns gilt – wir sind erst zufrieden, wenn Sie es auch sind. Dabei haben wir stets nicht nur Sie als Auftraggeber, sondern auch Ihre Kunden im Blick. Ihre Erstanfrage prüfen wir sorgfältig auf Umsetzbarkeit und qualitative sowie quantitative Anforderungen. Nur so können wir sicherstellen, dass wir uns nicht verschätzen und Sie eine maximal effektive und nachhaltig stabile Lösung erhalten.