What does ChatGPT say about upcoming trends and innovations?

Im Bereich des digitalen Marketings zeichnen sich dank der fortschreitenden Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) bedeutende Trends und Innovationen ab. Diese Technologien bieten Online Marketing Agenturen in Deutschland neue Möglichkeiten, um maßgeschneiderte und datenbasierte Strategien für ihre Kunden zu entwickeln. Insbesondere Full-Service Agenturen profitieren von KI-gestützten Lösungen, die Prozesse effizienter gestalten und gleichzeitig die Personalisierung und Automatisierung im Online Marketing vorantreiben.

1. Predictive analytics and automated decision-making

Eine zentrale Entwicklung im digitalen Marketing ist der Einsatz von Predictive Analytics. Mithilfe von KI können Agenturen vergangene Daten analysieren und daraus fundierte Vorhersagen treffen. Dies ermöglicht eine präzise Zielgruppenansprache und optimiert die Ressourcennutzung. Für Full-Service Agenturen ist dies ein entscheidender Vorteil, da sie ihren Kunden datengetriebene Marketingkampagnen anbieten können, die sowohl die Conversion-Raten steigern als auch die Kundenbindung erhöhen.

Benefits for full-service agencies:

  • Effective segmentation: Predictive analytics allows agencies to segment target audiences more accurately and create individually tailored campaigns.
  • Proactive customer support: AI-driven predictions enable companies to identify potential problems or opportunities in advance and respond accordingly.

2. AI-supported content creation

Die Automatisierung der Content-Erstellung durch KI ist ein weiterer Schlüsseltrend, der das Online Marketing revolutioniert. KI-basierte Tools können inzwischen Inhalte erstellen, die den menschlichen Autoren sehr ähnlich sind. Full-Service Agenturen haben damit die Möglichkeit, für ihre Kunden eine größere Menge an Inhalten effizient und kostengünstig zu produzieren.

Benefits for online marketing:

  • Scalable content production: Agencies can significantly expand their content strategies by quickly responding to new trends or events.
  • Personalisierte Inhalte: Mithilfe von KI können maßgeschneiderte Inhalte erstellt werden, die auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Vorlieben der Nutzer abgestimmt sind.

3. Hyperpersonalization and real-time marketing

Dank KI ist es nun möglich, Marketingmaßnahmen auf eine völlig neue Ebene der Hyperpersonalisierung zu heben. Full-Service Agenturen können nun nicht nur Massenkampagnen, sondern auch individuelle Marketingansätze entwickeln, die auf Echtzeit-Daten basieren. So können Unternehmen ihren Kunden gezielte Angebote und Empfehlungen machen, die genau auf deren aktuelle Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind.

Benefits for customer engagement:

  • Individual recommendations: By analyzing real-time data, customers can receive specific product suggestions that increase their willingness to purchase.
  • Maßgeschneiderte Erlebnisse: Jede Interaktion mit dem Kunden wird durch KI personalisiert, was zu einer höheren Kundenzufriedenheit und -bindung führt.

4. Intelligent chatbots and voice assistants

Advances in artificial intelligence have also driven the development of intelligent chatbots and voice assistants. These tools enable full-service agencies to offer their clients innovative solutions in customer service. Chatbots can support the entire sales process, answer questions, and handle complex inquiries.

Benefits for full-service agencies:

  • 24/7 support: AI-powered chatbots provide efficient customer service around the clock.
  • Enhanced sales support: Chatbots can actively participate in sales conversations through their conversational abilities, enabling cross-selling and upselling.

5. Visual search and image analysis

Die Integration von KI in die Bildanalyse revolutioniert die Art und Weise, wie Kunden nach Produkten suchen und diese kaufen. Tools wie Google Lens und Pinterest Lens machen es Nutzern möglich, Produkte anhand von Bildern zu finden und direkt zu erwerben. Full-Service Agenturen können diese Technologie nutzen, um ihren Kunden innovative E-Commerce-Lösungen anzubieten.

Benefits for digital marketing:

  • Visual commerce: Customers can find products through visual search queries, simplifying the online purchasing process.
  • Targeted product placement: AI-powered image analysis enables efficient product placement on platforms that utilize visually-based search functions.

5. Visual search and image analysis

Eine besonders spannende Entwicklung im Online Marketing ist die Emotionserkennung. KI kann die emotionale Stimmung von Nutzern analysieren, um personalisierte Marketingmaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Full-Service Agenturen können diese Technologie nutzen, um ihren Kunden noch gezieltere Werbebotschaften zu liefern.

Benefits for customer management:

  • Creating emotional connections: By tailoring advertising messages to users' emotions, deeper customer engagement can be achieved.
  • Optimized real-time responses: Companies can analyze customer feedback in real time and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.


The rapid development of artificial intelligence will fundamentally transform online marketing in the coming years. Full-service agencies have the opportunity to offer their clients tailored and forward-thinking solutions through the use of predictive analytics, AI-powered content creation, and hyperpersonalization.

Companies that adopt these technologies early will not only increase their efficiency but also enhance customer loyalty and competitiveness. At the same time, it remains crucial to maintain a balance between automation and human interaction to achieve lasting success in digital marketing.

Guest posts in SEO: Strategies for strengthening your online presence

To be successful in the digital competition, companies must continuously improve their online presence. A proven method for this is the targeted use of guest posts as part of a comprehensive SEO strategy. By strategically utilizing this technique, companies can increase their visibility and strengthen their domain authority. Additionally, qualified traffic can be directed to their website. A full-service agency can provide valuable support in this process by developing an appropriate guide.

1. Introduction to guest posts and their importance in SEO

Guest posts, also known as guest blogging, are articles that appear on another website. Through this practice, companies share their expertise while simultaneously promoting their brand. This approach is particularly valuable in the SEO context. It highlights the company's expertise and generates high-quality backlinks. These links play a crucial role in improving domain authority, which in turn boosts a company's ranking in search engine results.

2. Relevance and advantages of guest posts for SEO

Backlinks are among the most important ranking factors for search engines like Google. Guest posts provide an excellent opportunity to obtain valuable links from thematically relevant and authoritative websites. This not only enhances domain authority but also improves organic visibility in search results. Additionally, guest posts allow you to reach a broader audience and drive new traffic to your own website. This increases your reach and potentially boosts conversion rates as well.

3. Strategic selection of platforms for guest posts

The choice of the right platforms for guest posts is crucial to the success of the SEO strategy. Companies identify websites that are thematically relevant and possess high domain authority. An engaged readership is also an important factor. Guest posts on well-established websites have a greater impact on search engine optimization than publications on lesser-known platforms. Companies also consider the target audience of the respective website and their engagement to ensure that the content is effectively received.

4. Creation of high-quality and relevant content

The success of guest posts largely depends on the quality of the content. A well-researched, informative, and engagingly written post provides real value to readers. Search engines favor such content, preferring useful and relevant material, and reward it with better rankings. When writing a guest post, companies should always aim to offer genuine value while simultaneously highlighting their own expertise.

5 Effective link building and the importance of anchor texts

A key aspect of guest posts in SEO is targeted link-building. Companies carefully and naturally place embedded links to avoid giving the impression of spam. The anchor text, which is the clickable text leading to their own website, also plays a crucial role. It must be clear and precise to convey the relevance of the linked content and achieve optimal SEO impact. Additionally, companies avoid excessive use of links to prevent penalties from search engines.

6. Networking and building long-term relationships

Guest posts offer not only SEO benefits but also the opportunity to build valuable relationships with industry experts and influencers. These relationships are advantageous in the long term, as they can lead to further collaborations and stronger promotion of your own content. A good working relationship with host websites also increases the likelihood that your posts will appear regularly. This, in turn, provides sustainable support for your SEO strategy.

7. Performance measurement and continuous optimization

As with any SEO initiative, it is crucial to continuously measure and analyze the success of guest posts. Tools like Google Analytics provide valuable insights into the traffic generated by guest posts. The number of acquired backlinks and the impact on your website's ranking also become apparent. Based on this information, future guest posts can be optimized and the strategy adjusted accordingly to achieve maximum results.

8. Risks and challenges of guest contributions

Despite the numerous benefits, the use of guest posts in SEO also carries risks. Excessive use of guest posts for backlink generation may be seen by search engines as an attempt at manipulation, potentially leading to penalties. Additionally, there is a risk that poorly written or low-quality posts could damage the brand's reputation. Therefore, companies adopt a balanced and high-quality guest post strategy.

9. Future developments and outlook

The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, so the strategy around guest posts must also be continuously adjusted. In the future, the focus will likely be even more on the quality and relevance of the posts. This is necessary to meet the increasingly stringent guidelines of search engines. Companies that wish to strengthen their SEO strategy through guest posts should therefore stay up to date. They must continuously review and adapt their approaches.


Guest posts are an extremely effective SEO strategy that, when applied correctly, offer significant potential for improving online visibility. A full-service agency can assist companies in selecting the right platform and creating high-quality content. Additionally, it helps with targeted link-building efforts.

By combining these elements, SEO performance can be sustainably enhanced, and online presence can be significantly strengthened. Such an online marketing agency can also help carefully implement the strategy and take potential risks into account, ensuring long-term success.

Nostr: The next big social media platform?

Privacy is becoming increasingly important—both on social media platforms and in online marketing, as well as across the entire internet. Growing concerns about censorship and data control are leading many to seek alternative social networks. This is where Nostr comes into play, an emerging protocol with a focus on privacy and independence. In this post, we will show why Nostr has the potential to become the next major social media platform and how users can benefit from it.

What is Nostr?

Nostr stands for "Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays." Users sign messages and actively distribute them through various servers called relays. Unlike traditional social networks, users sign up without an email address or phone number. Instead, they identify themselves with a public key, which is visible and confirms their identity.

Nostr - Online Marketing Blog
Nostr - Structure - Functionality

Data protection and freedom from censorship at the heart of Nostr

Nostr is based on the idea of creating a social media platform without central control. Users do not sign up with personal data but only with a public key. This way, Nostr protects users' privacy, as no sensitive data is collected. The public key consists of a unique string and serves as identification. The private key, known only to the user, allows them to sign messages.

One advantage of Nostr is its censorship resistance, which allows messages to be forwarded even if they are blocked. If one server blocks a message, another server takes over the forwarding. This way, users avoid central censorship while maintaining full control over their content.

Nostr clients: Access to the new social media world

To use Nostr, you need a client. Various options are available depending on your preferred device:

  • ‘Damus’ for iOS
  • ‘Amethyst’ for Android
  • 'Snort.Social' for web use

The registration process is similar for all clients: Users create a public and private key and store them securely. Next, they choose a username. For mobile clients, users must agree to the terms of use since the apps are available on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Only Snort.Social offers additional features, such as a verification process that makes the username unique.

Nostr - Social Media - Online Marketing Agency
Nostr - Damus - iOS App

How to interact with Nostr

To follow other users, individuals search for their public key, which can be found through contacts or directories. Directories like 'Nostr.Directory' make it easier to find public keys. After a user follows someone, they can see which servers the person's messages are sent to. If they want to use the same servers, they can simply add them in the "Relay" settings. This way, they can gradually expand their network step by step.

Events: The building blocks of Nostr

The fundamental unit in Nostr is the so-called "Event." The user signs the message and sends it to a server. According to the Nostr developers, the event is the only type of file that can be sent through the protocol. All important information that an event contains is clearly defined and documented in the protocol.

Why Nostr could be the social media of the future

In a time when the demand for more privacy and control over personal data is growing louder, Nostr offers an innovative alternative. The protocol is based on decentralization, privacy, and freedom from censorship—three key aspects that users today expect from a social media platform.

The growing popularity and support from investors like Jack Dorsey, who invested 14 Bitcoin (approximately 245,000 USD), strengthens Nostr. This demonstrates that Nostr is not just an experiment but a serious player in the social media space.


Nostr has the potential to establish itself as a groundbreaking platform in the social media space, especially for users who prioritize privacy and independence. With its open protocol, decentralized structure, and the ability to bypass censorship, Nostr is more than just another platform—it's a movement toward greater freedom and self-determination on the internet. Particularly in light of the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov and the increasing attempts to censor Elon Musk's X platform, Nostr is becoming increasingly relevant and could serve as an alternative for those seeking to escape government control.

If you want to be part of this movement, you can download one of the Nostr clients and try it out for yourself. You can become part of a new era of social media, where you retain control over your data.

Nostr Logo - Decentralized Social Media
NOSTR - Decentralized Social Media

Contest marketing: Strategies for customer acquisition

Contest marketing is no longer just a nice add-on, but essential for modern marketing strategies. It has evolved into an important tool to increase a brand's visibility and engagement. However, it's not just about organizing a giveaway. The focus is rather on launching a well-thought-out campaign that actively involves potential customers. This way, they are encouraged to immerse themselves in the brand's world through exciting offers.

Here we explore how this form of marketing can be successfully implemented with the help of an online marketing agency and why it is so effective, especially in today's digitally-driven world.

Why contest marketing?

In a world where consumers are confronted with countless advertising messages every day, contest marketing offers a unique way to stand out. It's not just about winning, but about the overall experience provided to the participants. People love challenges, and when there's also the prospect of attractive prizes, their motivation increases significantly. For brands, this means more interactions and greater reach. In the best case, it even leads to a closer connection with the target audience.

The strategy behind a successful contest

The success of a contest marketing campaign depends entirely on proper planning. It is crucial to set clear goals from the outset to make success measurable later on. For example, do you want to increase the number of followers on social media, drive more traffic to your website, or perhaps gain email subscribers? Each of these objectives requires a specific approach and tailored actions.

1. Define and specify objectives:

Every successful campaign begins with clearly defined goals that lay the foundation for success. In contest marketing, this could involve increasing social media reach, boosting website traffic, or generating new leads. It is important that the goals are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. A clearly defined goal helps to align the entire campaign accordingly. This way, success can be precisely measured and evaluated later on.

2. Know and address the target group:

The success of a contest heavily depends on how well you know and specifically target your audience. It is crucial to thoroughly analyze the demographic characteristics, interests, and behaviors of potential participants. Based on this analysis, the contest can be tailored to attract the right people. A well-aligned contest draws in participants who are relevant to the brand. This not only boosts participation but also strengthens the subsequent connection to the brand.

3. Attractive prices that inspire:

The prize to be won is the centerpiece of any successful contest marketing campaign. It should be chosen in a way that appeals to the target audience and has a clear connection to the brand. For example, a company could offer its own products or services as a prize to strengthen brand awareness. This also provides an opportunity to convince potential customers of the quality of the brand's offerings and to build long-term loyalty.

4. Choose the right platform:

Choosing the right platform is crucial for the success of the entire contest. Social media is particularly effective as it reaches a broad audience and makes content easy to share. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok are ideal for creative contests where participants submit or share content. Specialized platforms like Tropee also offer the ability to manage the contest professionally. They enable efficient execution and thus contribute to the success of the campaign.

5. Clear rules for a smooth process:

Avoid legal issues by establishing clear rules and terms of participation. Clearly outline the entry requirements and the timeline of the contest. Define the criteria for selecting the winner precisely. By creating transparency, you build trust and ensure that participants perceive the contest as fair and professional. This significantly increases the success of your entire campaign.

6. The promotion makes the difference:

A well-thought-out contest is of little value if no one notices it. Therefore, promote the contest across various channels. Social media, email marketing, and collaborations with influencers can help maximize the contest's reach and increase participation. Conduct the promotion purposefully and consistently to generate attention throughout the entire duration of the contest.

7. Tracking and analyzing the results:

The final step is just as important as the first: the results of the contest must be thoroughly analyzed to assess the success of the campaign. Key metrics here include the number of participants, the generated leads, and the interaction rate on social media. This data helps calculate the return on investment (ROI) and provides valuable insights for future campaigns.

Advantages of contest marketing

The use of contest marketing offers numerous advantages for companies, regardless of their size. Here are some of the most important:

Increased visibility and reach

A well-planned contest can quickly go viral and give the brand enormous reach. Through sharing and interaction on social media, the brand becomes known to a wide audience, which positively impacts its image and visibility.

Generating valuable leads

Use contests to collect contact information from potential customers. This allows you to build relationships and involve participants in future marketing campaigns.

Increase in commitment

A contest creates direct interaction between the brand and its consumers. Participants who are actively engaged in the contest feel more connected to the brand, which strengthens customer loyalty in the long term.

Cost efficiency

Compared to traditional marketing methods, contest marketing is often more cost-effective. Participants take on a significant portion of the promotional work by sharing the contest and encouraging others to participate.

Direct feedback and valuable market research

Contests allow companies to receive feedback directly from participants. This can be done through surveys or by analyzing the submitted entries, providing valuable insights into the preferences and needs of the target audience.

Challenges and how to overcome them

Despite the many advantages, you should not overlook the challenges in contest marketing. One of the biggest hurdles is complying with legal regulations. Competition and data protection laws vary depending on the country and region. Therefore, it is essential to meet all legal requirements precisely to avoid legal issues.

Another common challenge is selecting the right prizes. They must not only be attractive but also budget-friendly. This requires creativity and a good understanding of the target audience: often, exclusive experiences or limited-edition products can be just as exciting as expensive prizes.

Finally, the question arises of how to maintain participant engagement after the contest. Many companies struggle to retain newly acquired leads in the long term. A well-thought-out follow-up strategy is crucial to keep participants interested and convert them into loyal customers.


Contest marketing is a dynamic and powerful method to effectively drive business growth. Through careful planning and proper execution, companies can significantly expand their reach. At the same time, valuable leads can be generated, further supporting growth. Additionally, a stronger connection with the target audience can be established, contributing to long-term success.

The key to success lies in clear goal setting, a deep understanding of the target audience, and continuous analysis of results. This helps optimize future campaigns and make them even more successful. Companies that invest in innovative and creative marketing strategies achieve not only short-term success through contest marketing but can also strengthen their brand image in the long term while solidifying their market position.

Which SEA platform is most worthwhile for your campaign?

In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist Suchmaschinenwerbung (SEA) ein unverzichtbares Instrument, um Kunden zu gewinnen und Markenbekanntheit zu steigern. Doch mit einer Vielzahl von Plattformen wie Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, und vielen weiteren kann es herausfordernd sein, die richtige Wahl zu treffen. 

This article provides you with a comprehensive overview of the best SEA platforms and which ones are most worthwhile for your business. We examine the key platforms and evaluate them based on target audience, costs, and ROI (Return on Investment).

Google Ads: The all-purpose tool for every industry

Google Ads is undoubtedly the giant among SEA platforms. With over 5 billion search queries per day, Google offers unparalleled reach. The platform allows businesses to display targeted ads based on search queries, which is particularly effective when users are actively searching for products or services.

A few facts about Google Ads:

  • Extremely high range
  • High conversion rates through targeted search queries
  • Flexible budget management
  • Suitable for companies of all sizes, both B2B and B2C, who want to reach a broad target group
  • Disadvantage: Higher costs per click compared to other platforms

Facebook Ads: Precise targeting with lower costs

Facebook Ads bietet eine sehr detaillierte Zielgruppenansprache, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, Nutzer basierend auf demografischen Daten, Interessen und Verhaltensmustern zu erreichen. Die Kosten pro Klick sind in der Regel niedriger als bei Google Ads, was Facebook besonders für Unternehmen mit begrenztem Budget attraktiv macht.

Ein paar Fakten zu Facebook Ads:

  • Lower costs per click
  • Granular target group approach
  • Versatile display formats, from video to image
  • Small to medium-sized companies that want to address highly segmented target groups.
  • Disadvantage: The platform is very crowded, which can lead to a certain amount of ad fatigue among users

Instagram Ads: Visual storytelling for lifestyle brands

As part of the Facebook ecosystem, Instagram offers similar targeting options but is particularly strong in the visual realm. Businesses that rely heavily on visual content, such as fashion, travel, or lifestyle brands, will find an ideal platform here to tell their stories and promote their products.

A few facts about Instagram Ads: 

  • High interaction rates through visual content
  • Perfect for brands that rely on visual content
  • Integration of shopping functions directly into the app
  • Suitable for: Brands in the fashion, lifestyle, and travel sectors, and anyone who wants to tell visual stories.
  • Drawback: The algorithm prioritizes content with high engagement, which can make it harder for new brands to grow without higher ad spend.

LinkedIn Ads: The B2B king

LinkedIn ist die führende Plattform für B2B-Marketing und bietet einzigartige Möglichkeiten, Entscheidungsträger und Fachleute direkt anzusprechen. Mit Anzeigenformaten wie Sponsored Content und InMail ist LinkedIn ideal, um komplexe Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu bewerben und hochwertige Leads zu generieren.

A few facts about LinkedIn Ads:

  • Precise targeting based on job titles and industries
  • High lead quality thanks to a professional environment
  • Geeignet für: B2B-Unternehmen, Bildungseinrichtungen und Recruiter
  • Drawback: Higher cost per click compared to other platforms, making it less ideal for smaller budgets.

TikTok Ads: creativity meets high interaction rates

TikTok has established itself as one of the most dynamic social media platforms in recent years, especially among the younger generation. With creative short videos and viral trends, TikTok offers a unique opportunity to achieve high reach and build an engaged community.

A few facts about TikTok Ads:

  • High Interaction rates
  • Potential for viral campaigns
  • Diverse display options, from in-feed ads to hashtag challenges
  • Suitable for: Brands targeting a younger audience and wanting to produce creative, unconventional content.
  • Drawback: TikTok requires continuous content production to stay relevant, which can be a challenge for some businesses.

Pinterest Ads: Combining inspiration and incentives to buy

Pinterest is the platform for visual inspiration and is ideal for industries such as fashion, home decor, and DIY. With Promoted Pins and the ability to link products directly in the pins, Pinterest offers a strong sales platform for visual products.

A few facts about Pinterest Ads:

  • High conversion rates through direct purchase incentives
  • Highly targeted advertising based on interests
  • Suitable for: Companies in the fashion, decor and DIY sector
  • Drawback: Pinterest is heavily visual, making it less ideal for text-based or service-oriented businesses.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to which SEA platform is "most worthwhile." The choice of the right platform depends heavily on your business model, target audience, and budget. While Google Ads is indispensable for many businesses, specialized platforms like LinkedIn for B2B or TikTok for creative content may offer a better return.

A well-thought-out multi-channel strategy that combines multiple platforms can often be the best solution to maximize your reach and optimize costs.

If you have any questions or would like to develop a customized SEA strategy for your business, contact our full-service agency. We are happy to help you get the most out of your advertising budgets!

How to create eye-catching YouTube thumbnails

As a YouTube creator, it is essential to capture the attention of your target audience and give them a clear visual preview of your video's content. Thumbnails are key in this regard, as they often determine whether a video will be clicked on or not. In digital marketing, these visual elements play an equally important role in sparking user interest and increasing the click-through rate, especially when it comes to optimizing YouTube ads.

Perfect thumbnail design

A thumbnail serves as a miniature preview of your video and should immediately grab attention. Eye-catching and well-designed thumbnails play a central role in increasing clicks and viewer retention on your channel. It is worth investing time in creating appealing thumbnails, as these small images often make the difference between a click and scrolling past.

To simplify the creation process, you can use pre-made templates. These are not only time-saving but also flexible and customizable. This ensures that your thumbnails appear both professional and on-brand. Tools like Canva offer a variety of such templates that you can adapt to your branding and content.

Brand-conform design

Your thumbnail should always be consistent with your brand's appearance. Use the same colors that appear in your logo and channel banner to create a cohesive image. Choose fonts that are easily readable even on small screens, as many users access YouTube on mobile devices. A clear, concise presentation is key here.

Despite the advantages of templates, it's important to customize your thumbnails. Take the opportunity to reflect your brand and the specific content of your video to stand out from the competition and make your videos unique.

Optimal dimensions and formats

To ensure your thumbnails look good on all devices, it's important to use optimal dimensions and formats. YouTube recommends a size of 1280×720 pixels in a 16:9 ratio, which corresponds to common video formats. Use file formats like JPEG or PNG to ensure a clear and sharp display. Make sure the file size stays under 2 MB to avoid issues when uploading.

The 15 tips for designing YouTube thumbnails:

Visual design and readability

  • Select striking images
  • Use legible fonts
  • Use contrasts
  • Use bold fonts and large texts
  • Use bright colors
  • Use minimalist design
  • Using text overlays

Brand identity and consistency

  • Markenidentität einbinden
  • Maintain consistency
  • Create your own graphics

Interaction and adaptation

  • Add call-to-action
  • Use emotional facial expressions
  • Experiment with clickbait elements
  • Test thumbnails
  • Taking current design trends into account


Gut gestaltete YouTube-Thumbnails sind entscheidend für den Erfolg deines Kanals. Sie sollten nicht nur visuell ansprechend sein, sondern auch deine Markenidentität widerspiegeln und Interaktionen fördern. Durch die Anwendung der vorgestellten Designprinzipien und das Beachten aktueller Trends sorgst du dafür, dass deine Thumbnails ins Auge fallen.

It is especially important to create consistent and brand-appropriate thumbnails that attract and retain your audience—not just organically, but also in the context of YouTube ads to maximize the reach of your campaigns or YouTube channel.

If you are looking for online marketing experts from Germany to implement YouTube advertising or similar marketing strategies to expand your channel or online shop, contact the advertising agency Media Beats GmbH.

Avoid duplicate content: 5 tips for better SEO

Duplicate content, i.e., identical content on different URLs, can lead to significant issues in search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines like Google may have difficulty identifying the most relevant page for a search query, which can result in lower rankings in search results. To avoid this, it is important to implement strategies to prevent duplicate content.

Here are five practical tips to ensure your content remains unique and SEO-friendly:

1. Use canonical URLs

The use of canonical URLs helps to effectively avoid duplicate content. A canonical tag indicates to search engines the preferred URL version when similar content is accessible under different URLs. This is particularly useful when a product or a page can be reached through multiple paths.

Beispiel: Ein Online-Shop listet dasselbe Produkt unter verschiedenen Kategorien, wodurch verschiedene URLs entstehen. Mit einem Canonical-Tag auf der Haupt-URL wird sichergestellt, dass Suchmaschinen diese als primäre Quelle für den Inhalt betrachten.

2. Set up 301 redirects

301 redirects are an effective way to combat duplicate content. These permanent redirects direct users and search engines from an old or duplicate page to the preferred page. This consolidates traffic and maximizes the SEO impact.

Example: If you replace an old product page with a new one, set up a 301 redirect. This way, users and search engines are automatically directed to the current page without creating duplicate content.

3. Consolidate content

Instead of spreading similar content across multiple pages, it is often more effective to consolidate it. By combining related topics into a comprehensive post, you enhance SEO performance and provide greater value to users.

Example: You have two blog posts that both cover the topic of "SEO basics." Instead of keeping them separate, you could combine the content into one detailed post that covers all aspects of the topic.

4. Use meta robots tags

Meta robots tags are another effective tool against duplicate content. With "noindex" tags, you can instruct search engines not to index certain pages. This is particularly useful for pages that do not add value to search results or could potentially lead to duplicate content.

Beispiel: In einem Online-Shop können Filterseiten oft Duplicate Content erzeugen, da sie ähnliche Produktlisten auf verschiedenen URLs anzeigen. Indem du „noindex“-Tags auf diese Seiten setzt, vermeidest du, dass sie in den Suchergebnissen erscheinen.

5. Create unique content

The easiest way to avoid duplicate content is to ensure that every piece of content is unique and valuable. Instead of using the same text on multiple pages, create original content that addresses the specific needs and interests of your target audience.

Beispiel: Anstatt für ähnliche Produkte im Online-Shop identische Beschreibungen zu verwenden, kannst du individuelle Texte verfassen, die die besonderen Merkmale jedes Produkts hervorheben und so die Originalität deiner Inhalte wahren.


Duplicate content can significantly impact your website's SEO performance. By using canonical URLs, 301 redirects, consolidated content, meta-robots tags, and most importantly, by creating unique content, you can effectively avoid this issue. These measures not only help to improve your visibility in search engines but also provide your users with a better and more consistent experience.

Email strategy for customer loyalty: The quiz in the test

In the digital landscape, effective customer loyalty is typically achieved through a well-thought-out email strategy. A quiz is one option here. It doesn't matter whether it's a knowledge quiz, a survey, or playful personality tests. Every type of quiz collects valuable data and sustainably strengthens your customer relationships. Success often lies in the details of the follow-up.

Ein Quiz auf Ihrer Seite bietet mehr als nur Unterhaltung oder Datensammlung. Es bildet die Basis für eine Strategie, die Kundenbindung stärkt. Die Nutzung der Quizdaten eröffnet viele Chancen, um die Kundenbeziehung zu vertiefen. Gleichzeitig fördert es Ihr Umsatzwachstum, z.B. im Online-Shop. Personalisierte Erlebnisse gewinnen in der heutigen Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung. Sie begeistern Ihre Kunden mit individuellen Angeboten und Inhalten.

The concept

After a customer completes your tailored quiz, new opportunities emerge. The follow-up emails you send highlight these possibilities. These emails are not ordinary messages but targeted, personalized communications. They are based on the valuable data you gathered through the quiz. The underlying idea is simple yet powerful: you address each customer individually. This not only increases conversion rates but also strengthens customer loyalty, ultimately leading to increased revenue growth.

The key to success lies in the quality and relevance of the content you send. This content is based on the answers your customers provide in the quiz. You tailor the post-quiz emails specifically to their responses. These emails should not only confirm product recommendations but also offer valuable tips. Additionally, they include further information based on individual answers. This creates an ongoing dialogue between you and your customers that extends far beyond the initial quiz experience.

Personalization as an e-mail strategy

Imagine being able to send every customer an email perfectly tailored to their needs. This email would be so precise, it would feel as though you had written it personally. That's exactly what post-quiz email sequences make possible. By analyzing the answers and preferences gathered from the quiz, you can create hyper-personalized content that offers real value. These contents seamlessly integrate into the individual customer journey.

This strategy goes far beyond traditional personalization like "Hello {First Name}." It revolves around providing content and recommendations that are genuinely relevant to each individual customer.

This increases the likelihood that your emails will be opened and read. At the same time, it significantly boosts the chances of a successful sale. By taking this approach, the customer feels understood and valued, which forms the foundation for long-term customer retention and loyalty.

Convincing figures

The effectiveness of this personalized follow-up strategy is evident not only in the positive feedback from our customers but also in the impressive statistical results it achieves.

Take, for example, the case study of a skincare company that implemented a post-quiz email sequence. As a result, they achieved an open rate of 56% and an order rate of 5.8% within just five days. This open rate is far above the industry average of 15% to 25%. Additionally, the 5.8% order rate significantly exceeds the average of 2% to 4%. This highlights the exceptionally high effectiveness of the email sequence in this case study. And this is just one of many examples that illustrate the transformative power of such email flows. These email flows effectively contribute to increased revenue and conversion rates for your e-commerce business.

By utilizing quiz responses to personalize customer communication, you can achieve significantly higher engagement rates. This not only strengthens your relationship with customers but also directly impacts revenue. It is a clear indication that investing in smart, data-driven email marketing strategies is worthwhile. These strategies can positively influence the health and growth of your online business.

The conversion

The transition from a completed quiz to a successful conversion may seem complex. However, with the right strategy and tools, this goal is achievable. The key to success lies in the precise planning and execution of your post-quiz email strategy. Start by carefully developing an engaging, user-friendly quiz. This quiz should not only capture your visitors' attention but also collect relevant data. These data provide valuable insights into your customers' individual needs and desires.

Integrating this valuable data into Klaviyo or a similar email marketing tool allows you to create automated email flows. These flows are triggered precisely when a customer successfully completes the quiz.

Whether it’s about reinforcing product recommendations, delivering useful content, or offering a discount code—the possibilities are numerous. Options range from personalized offers to discounts that encourage customers to make a quick purchase. Through this strategic approach, you transform the data collected from the quiz into concrete, revenue-boosting actions. These actions not only enhance the customer experience but also strengthen their connection to your brand.


Implementing a post-quiz email flow shows that you listen to your customers and take their needs seriously. It also demonstrates that you are ready to offer a tailored shopping experience, individually customized for each customer. This customer-centric strategy benefits both parties and can deliver impressive results for your business. By mastering the art of personalized follow-up, you create a deeper connection with your customers. This connection goes far beyond a one-time purchase and strengthens long-term customer loyalty.

Harness the power of post-quiz email flows in your e-commerce business and experience their impact. By strategically using zero-party data, you can fundamentally transform and improve your marketing. With the support of email marketing agencies and AI tools, you have the opportunity to revolutionize your customer communication. This allows you to elevate your online success to a new level and fully unlock your potential.

Creating a website in 2024

In 2024, businesses have a wide range of options for creating professional websites. From traditional web design agencies and DIY website builders to modern AI-driven platforms, the choices are diverse. In this article, we explore the different approaches, their advantages and disadvantages, and help you find the right method to suit your needs.

Classic web design by agencies

The traditional way to have a website created often involves working with a web design agency. These agencies offer customized solutions tailored to the specific requirements of the client. With a team of designers, developers, and content specialists, agencies work to create a website that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


Through close collaboration with an agency, tailor-made solutions are created, offering the highest level of flexibility and adaptability. Additionally, the professional quality ensures high-end designs and extensive functionalities. Agencies also provide comprehensive services—from the initial concept and design to SEO optimization and ongoing maintenance.


These custom solutions often come with high costs and a longer development timeline. The entire process can take several weeks or even months to complete.

DIY website construction kits

For those seeking a quick and cost-effective solution, DIY website builders like Wix, Squarespace, or Weebly are an attractive option. These platforms allow users to create a website without any coding knowledge. With pre-designed templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, users can build a functional website in no time.


The ease of use and quick setup make these website builders very popular. Websites can be completed in just a few hours, and the costs are significantly lower compared to hiring an agency.


However, the limited customization options and dependence on the platform provider can be a drawback. Additionally, these solutions are less suitable for complex or rapidly growing websites.

Content-Management-Systems (CMS)

Content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal offer a flexible platform for creating and managing websites. While they require more technical knowledge than website builders, they provide significantly greater customization and expansion options.


A CMS offers high flexibility due to a wide range of plugins and themes. The large community behind these systems ensures extensive support and resources. Additionally, CMS platforms are highly scalable, making them suitable for everything from simple blogs to complex corporate websites.


Using a CMS requires technical know-how. Installation and maintenance can be complex and time-consuming. Additionally, regular updates and security measures must be maintained, which can incur additional costs and effort.

AI-driven website builder

Eine der neuesten Entwicklungen im Webdesign sind KI-gesteuerte Website-Builder wie Bookmark oder Zyro. Diese Plattformen nutzen künstliche Intelligenz, um den Erstellungsprozess zu automatisieren. Die KI analysiert die Bedürfnisse des Nutzers und generiert automatisch eine passende Website.


Diese Methode ist extrem effizient und benutzerfreundlich. Die automatisierte Erstellung spart Zeit und Aufwand, während die KI personalisierte Empfehlungen basierend auf den Nutzerangaben liefert.


Control over the website is limited, as there are fewer manual customization options. The quality of the results can vary depending on the AI algorithms used. Additionally, this is a relatively new technology that may still have some teething issues.

Freelancers and individual entrepreneurs

Freelancers offer a flexible and often more cost-effective alternative to large agencies. These sole traders work independently and can implement specific customer requirements.


Freelancers are usually cheaper than large agencies and offer individual customization and personal support. Direct communication enables quick coordination and adjustments.


There is a certain risk involved, as the reliability of the freelancer is crucial. In addition, freelancers may have fewer resources and skills than a large agency. Long-term support after project completion may also be limited.


The choice of method for creating a website depends on your individual needs, budget, and technical skills. While traditional agencies and freelancers offer custom, high-quality solutions, DIY builders and CMS platforms allow for a quick and cost-effective implementation.

AI-driven tools represent an innovative option that is becoming increasingly important. It is important to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of each method and choose the one that best suits your requirements.

Vision 2030 and NEOM: marketing strategies from Saudi Arabia

The NEOM project in Saudi Arabia is a futuristic megacity that is being built as part of Vision 2030. It has ambitious architectural and technological goals. It is also pursuing innovative marketing strategies to attract global attention and investors. Here is an overview of the current status and promotional strategies used by NEOM. This is how the project intends to realize its vision.

The progress of NEOM

NEOM was launched in 2017 by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The aim is to create a sustainable and technologically advanced city. This city is to be powered entirely by renewable energy. Key sub-projects within NEOM include THE LINE, Oxagon, Trojena and Sindalah. These projects are designed to provide unique and innovative living and working environments. They have already made significant progress and extensive construction work is underway. Sindalah is also scheduled to open in 2024.

Marketing strategies

NEOM is developing an impressive advertising strategy that relies heavily on digital media and innovative campaigns. One of the most notable campaigns is supported by Google. Together they are launching a 360-degree video campaign to raise awareness of NEOM worldwide. This campaign uses both YouTube and programmatic advertising to reach target audiences in 16 key markets. The strategy includes short teaser videos that encourage viewers to search for "What is NEOM". This is followed by longer explainer videos that explain the project in detail.

In addition, NEOM integrates both traditional and digital media to maximize its reach. NEOM uses YouTube masthead ads, bumper ads and TrueView video ads. These measures help to reach a broad audience and increase interest in the project. The multifunctional campaigns increase search queries for NEOM threefold. At the same time, they significantly improve understanding of the project.

Technology and innovation at the heart of NEOM

Another exciting aspect of NEOM is the integrated media hub. This hub is set to transform the future of the media industry. It will combine modern production facilities, educational programs and start-up incubators. This will create a dynamic and innovative environment for media production. This initiative will position NEOM as a leading global center for media and creative industries. This will create new jobs and promote economic growth.

The NEOM media initiative

Another key area of NEOM's promotional strategy is the emphasis on technology and innovation. The NEOM Tech & Digital Company, now called Tonomus, plays a central role as it develops and implements NEOM's technological goals. Tonomus focuses on both cognitive technologies and disruptive solutions. This is creating a sustainable and connected city of the future. This technology initiative attracts leading global talent and investment. NEOM is thus establishing itself as a global innovation hub.


NEOM's ambitious vision and innovative marketing strategies have made the project a global talking point. Through advanced technology, strategic advertising and extensive construction progress, NEOM is well on its way to becoming a major urban development. It will be one of the most significant developments of the 21st century. These strategies and advances make NEOM a fascinating example of how vision and marketing can go hand in hand to realize great projects.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Influencer Marketing: Profitable Strategies

Im Bereich des Online Marketings spielt Influencer Marketing eine zentrale Rolle. Agenturen sowie Einzelpersonen müssen die Macht von Influencern nutzen, um ihre Markenbotschaft effektiv zu verbreiten. In diesem Blogbeitrag werfen wir einen detaillierten Blick auf Influencer Marketing, erklären die Unterschiede zwischen Mikro-Influencern und Makro-Influencern und zeigen auf, wie Sie diese Strategien optimal in Ihre Marketing-Maßnahmen integrieren können.

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing where companies leverage the reach and credibility of influencers to promote their products or services. Influencers are individuals who have a large number of followers due to their strong presence and reputation on social media. These followers trust the recommendations of influencers, making them valuable partners for brands.

The benefits of influencer marketing

Trustworthiness and Authenticity

Influencers often have a close relationship with their followers, and this relationship is based on trust and authenticity. When an influencer recommends a product, it is perceived as more credible than traditional advertising, leading to higher engagement rates and positively influencing consumers' purchasing decisions.

Increased reach

By collaborating with influencers, brands can significantly increase their reach, as influencers have access to target audiences that are difficult to reach through other marketing channels. Moreover, this extended reach can help boost brand awareness and attract new customers. Additionally, working with influencers allows brands to create authentic and credible content, which in turn strengthens consumer trust.

Targeted marketing

Influencer marketing allows for highly targeted campaigns. Since influencers address specific target audiences, brands can tailor their messages precisely to these groups. This results in higher content relevance and can also improve conversion rates.

Micro-Influencers vs. Macro-Influencers: Differences in Strategies

Micro influencers

Micro-influencers typically have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers. They are characterized by a high engagement rate and a close connection to their community. Since micro-influencers are often experts in niche areas, they can target very specific audiences. Their recommendations appear more authentic and personal, leading to higher trustworthiness.

Strategies for Collaborating with Micro-Influencers:

  • Targeted Campaigns: Utilize micro-influencers for campaigns aimed at specific niche markets. Their expertise and authenticity are particularly valuable for reaching specialized target audiences.
  • Long-term Partnerships: Build long-term relationships with micro-influencers to ensure consistent and authentic brand messaging.
  • Foster Engagement: Focus on interactive and engaging content such as Q&A sessions, product reviews, and tutorials.


Macro-influencers have more than 100,000 followers and can reach a broad audience. They are often prominent personalities or have built a large fan base through their online presence. While macro-influencers offer enormous reach, the engagement rate is often lower compared to micro-influencers.

Strategies for Collaborating with Micro-Influencers:

  • Brand Awareness: Use macro-influencers to increase your brand awareness and reach a wide audience.
  • Large Campaigns: Employ macro-influencers for major campaigns where high reach and rapid brand awareness are the main objectives.
  • Event-Promotion: Macro-influencers are ideal for promoting events, product launches, or other large-scale marketing initiatives.

Best practices for influencer marketing

Choosing the right influencers

Die Wahl geeigneter Influencer ist ausschlaggebend für den Erfolg Ihrer Marketingaktion. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Influencer mit Ihrer Marke und Ihren Unternehmenswerten übereinstimmen. Außerdem sollten Sie deren Follower-Zahlen, Interaktionsraten und die Qualität ihrer Inhalte evaluieren. Werkzeuge wie BuzzSumo oder HypeAuditor können dabei unterstützen, passende Influencer zu finden.

Creating Authentic Content

Ensure that the content shared by influencers is authentic and credible. Give influencers creative freedom to add their personal touch. Authenticity is key to gaining the trust of followers and maximizing the impact of the campaign.

Measurement and analysis

As with any marketing initiative, it is important to measure and analyze the results of your influencer campaigns. Use KPIs such as reach, engagement rate, conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI) to evaluate success. Regular analysis allows you to continuously optimize and adjust your strategies.


Influencer marketing is a powerful tool in the online marketing arsenal of a full-service agency like Media Beats GmbH. The right combination of micro-influencers and macro-influencers can help increase brand awareness, build trust, and achieve your desired marketing goals. Through careful planning, authentic content, and regular analysis, you can fully leverage the benefits of influencer marketing and improve your marketing results.

Start your influencer marketing strategy today and watch your brand establish and grow in the digital world. If you have any questions or need a customized strategy, the team at Media Beats is always available to assist you.

The art of prompt engineering: what you need to know

Prompt-Engineering ist ein zentrales Thema in der Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI), da es die Kunst und Wissenschaft beschreibt, präzise Anweisungen an KI-Systeme zu formulieren, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Besonders im Bereich der Bildgenerierung spielt die Genauigkeit der Prompts eine entscheidende Rolle, denn nur durch präzise Anweisungen kann die KI die gewünschten Bilder erzeugen.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to creating effective prompts to obtain impressive AI-generated images and shows how large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT can assist in this process.

Meaning of prompt engineering

Prompt-Engineering ist wesentlich für die Kontrolle und Optimierung der Ausgaben von KI-Modellen. Ein gut formulierter Prompt steuert die KI in die gewünschte Richtung und beeinflusst das Endergebnis maßgeblich. Besonders bei der Bildgenerierung ist es unerlässlich, alle relevanten Details und Wünsche klar zu kommunizieren, um die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

Types of prompts

Descriptive prompts

Descriptive prompts provide detailed descriptions of the desired elements in the image. An example of this would be: "A sunset on the beach with palm trees in the foreground and a sailing boat on the horizon." Such prompts focus on the exact representation of the scene or object.

Stylistic prompts

Stylistic prompts focus on the artistic style of the image. An example would be: "A portrait in the style of Vincent van Gogh with bold colors and distinct brushstrokes." This type of prompt places special emphasis on how the image should be represented.

Functional prompts

Functional prompts define the purpose or function of the image. An example would be: "A minimalist logo for a technology company in shades of blue." These prompts are particularly useful for commercial or practical applications.

Compositional prompts

Compositional prompts focus on the arrangement of elements in the image. An example would be: "A market stall with fruits in the foreground, customers in the background, and a cat sitting in one corner." These prompts help determine the structure and layout of the image.

Creation of effective prompts

An effective prompt requires clear and precise instructions. The most important aspects for creating a successful prompt are explained below:


A successful prompt must be as specific as possible. Vague instructions often lead to unsatisfactory results. Instead of "a dog in the park, " it is better to use "„a brown Labrador playing by a lake in Central Park."


Details are crucial. It is important to describe colors, styles, perspectives, and all other relevant aspects. For example: "A green dragon with golden scales hovering over a misty mountain as the morning sun rises on the horizon."


Vermeide mehrdeutige Begriffe. Klare und eindeutige Sprache hilft der KI, die Wünsche besser zu interpretieren. Zum Beispiel: „Eine alte Eiche im Herbst mit roten und goldenen Blättern, die auf den Boden fallen.

Order of information

Beginne mit den wichtigsten Details und arbeite dich zu den kleineren, ergänzenden Informationen vor. Eine logische Struktur hilft der KI, die bedeutendsten Aspekte zuerst zu berücksichtigen.

Use of LLMs to create prompts

Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT can help to create professional prompts. Here are some steps on how to approach this:

Define the basic idea

Start with a rough sketch of your idea and think about which details are important. For example: "I want a picture of a summer festival in a park."

Ask LLM for help

Formuliere eine Anfrage an die KI. Zum Beispiel: „Hilf mir, einen detaillierten Prompt für ein Bild eines Sommerfestes in einem Park zu erstellen.

Obtain and refine feedback

Verwende die generierten Vorschläge und passe sie an deine Bedürfnisse an. Gib Feedback und bitte die KI um weitere Verfeinerungen, falls nötig. Zum Beispiel: „Kannst du mehr Details zu den Aktivitäten und der Dekoration hinzufügen?

Examples of well-written prompts

Simple prompt:

"A dog in the park."

Improved prompt:

"A brown Labrador playing in Central Park next to a lake. In the background are green trees and a clear blue sky. The dog is wearing a red collar and playing with a yellow ball."


Die Kunst des Prompt-Engineerings ist entscheidend, um beeindruckende KI-generierte Bilder zu erstellen, denn durch präzise, detaillierte und klare Anweisungen kann man die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen. LLMs wie ChatGPT bieten dabei eine wertvolle Unterstützung, um professionelle und effektive Prompts zu erstellen. Mit diesen Werkzeugen und Techniken kann jeder die Macht der KI nutzen, um kreative sowie beeindruckende Bilder zu erzeugen und dadurch seine Vorstellungen umzusetzen.

Bei Media Beats GmbH arbeiten wir seit der Einführung von GPT-3 intensiv mit Künstlicher Intelligenz und verfeinern ständig die Kunst des Prompt-Engineerings. Unser Ziel ist es, immer präzisere und effektivere Anweisungen zu entwickeln. Genau wie die KI selbst, sind wir bestrebt, kontinuierlich zu lernen und uns weiterzuentwickeln, um stets die besten Ergebnisse für unsere Kunden zu erzielen.

Paris 2024 Olympic Games: Brands and their strategies

The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris not only showcase athletic excellence but also innovative marketing and sponsorship strategies. These strategies provide companies worldwide with a unique platform to present their brands and reach a global audience. Here is an overview of the key aspects and strategies shaping the marketing landscape of the Games.

The biggest brands

The 2024 Olympic Games have attracted a wide range of global and local partners showcasing a variety of products and services. Worldwide Olympic Partners include heavyweights like Airbnb, Alibaba, Allianz, Coca-Cola, Intel, Samsung, and Toyota. These companies leverage the Games to strengthen their brands through extensive marketing campaigns and sponsorship initiatives.

Nike is planning its largest media spend for the Paris 2024 Games. Recently, Nike unveiled its uniform collection for track and field. They aim to position themselves as a leading provider of sports apparel. Additionally, they want to emphasize the quality of their products.

Innovative advertising campaigns

The Paris 2024 Games have produced unique advertising campaigns that support branding and promotion. The official posters were released in a "diptych" format, representing both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This format highlights the connection between the two events. The posters feature iconic Paris landmarks and sports illustrations, portraying the city as a stadium. They capture the atmosphere of the Games.

Another notable example is Samsung's campaign, "Open Always Wins." This campaign leverages the official slogan of the Games, "Games Wide Open." It emphasizes openness and inclusion as core values.

Sustainability and technology

A central theme of the Paris 2024 Games is sustainability, with the organizers committed to minimizing environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices. Abatable, a leading provider of carbon market solutions, supports the Games in this effort. They assist in implementing climate protection projects and also promote biodiversity.

Technology also plays a crucial role, and Tonomus, the technology and digital company of NEOM, is an example of this. They integrate advanced technologies to create a sustainable and connected future. These technological partnerships and innovations will also be showcased at the Olympic Games.

Influence and reach

The Olympic Games offer brands an unparalleled opportunity to reach a broad and engaged audience. According to data from SponsorPulse, the Summer Olympics reach over 108 million people in the USA alone. This represents a significant opportunity for brands to capture the attention of their target audiences and simultaneously strengthen their brand presence.


The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris are both a major sporting event and a significant marketing event. Strategic partnerships shape the Games, and innovative advertising campaigns also play an important role. Additionally, there are sustainable initiatives that emphasize the significance of the Games. Together, these factors make the Games an outstanding platform for brands to enhance their presence and connect with a global audience.

In-game advertising: The future of digital marketing

The world of video games offers advertisers a unique platform to reach their target audiences in innovative and interactive ways. In 2024, the market had a volume of 9.89 billion USD and is expected to grow to 21.09 billion USD by 2032. In-game advertising is experiencing dynamic growth and opening up numerous opportunities. This article delves deeply into the opportunities provided by in-game advertising and examines the technological innovations driving this market.

Technology at the forefront of progress

In-game advertising has significantly benefited from recent technological advancements. Programmatic advertising, real-time bidding, and advanced analytics are revolutionizing how ads are integrated into games. These technologies enable advertisers to create personalized ad experiences that not only increase player engagement but also improve conversion rates. By utilizing real-time data, ads can be precisely tailored to players' preferences and behaviors, greatly enhancing campaign efficiency.

He who plays, pays - The demographics of gamers

The target audience for video games is broader than ever. In the US alone, there are nearly 227 million active gamers representing a diverse demographic landscape. This provides a fertile ground for targeted advertising campaigns tailored to specific age groups, interests, and gaming habits. With the growing popularity of mobile gaming and the accessibility of smartphones, in-game advertising reaches a wide audience, from casual gamers to hardcore enthusiasts.

Various advertising strategies and formats

In-game advertising can appear in various formats, each offering distinct advantages. The main types are dynamic ads, static ads, and advergames.

  • Dynamic Ads: These ads adjust their content based on the player's environment and actions, becoming increasingly popular as they enhance the gaming experience without interrupting it. They offer advertisers the ability to deliver relevant and engaging advertising in real-time.
  • Static Ads: These fixed ads are integrated into the game environment and remain unchanged. They are particularly effective in games with a strong visual aesthetic, where they can be seamlessly embedded into the game world.
  • Advergames: These are specially developed games designed to promote a brand or product. They offer a high level of interaction and engagement, as players directly interact with the brand.

Market segmentation and platform trends

The in-game advertising market is segmented by type of advertising, platform and application.

  • Platforms: Mobile devices dominate the market due to the widespread use of smartphones and the high engagement rates in mobile games. However, PC and console games also play an important role, particularly among hardcore gamers and eSports enthusiasts.
  • Applications: The market is divided into free-to-play, pay-to-play, and hybrid models. Free-to-play games lead the market due to their high download numbers and engagement rates. These games often monetize through in-game advertising and in-app purchases.

Regional insights and growth forecasts

North America currently holds the largest share of the in-game advertising market, attributed to its advanced digital infrastructure, high internet connectivity, and the presence of major gaming and advertising companies. However, the Asia-Pacific region is showing strong growth, driven by increasing digitalization and high mobile device penetration rates. Countries like China, India, and South Korea are particularly strong in growth and offer enormous potential for advertisers.

Case studies and best practices

Successful in-game advertising campaigns often leverage the immersive nature of video games to create brand-friendly environments. An example is the integration of brands in popular games like Fortnite, where Nike and other major brands offer special in-game events and items. Such campaigns not only boost brand awareness but also enhance player engagement through exclusive and exciting content.

Future prospects

Die Zukunft der In-Game-Werbung sieht vielversprechend aus, da sich die Spieltechnologien und Werbestrategien kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln. Innovationen wie Augmented Reality (AR) und Virtual Reality (VR) eröffnen neue Wege für immersive Werbung, die tief in das Spielerlebnis eingebettet ist. Zudem wird die Integration von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) zur besseren Zielgruppenansprache und Personalisierung von Anzeigen voraussichtlich die Effektivität von In-Game-Werbekampagnen weiter steigern.


In-game advertising is on the brink of significant growth, driven by technological advancements, a growing gamer base, and innovative advertising solutions that increase user engagement without disrupting the gaming experience. As the market continues to evolve, stakeholders must continue to leverage new technologies and strategies to fully capitalize on the expanding opportunities within this dynamic industry.

If you have any questions about effective advertising strategies and the implementation of innovative campaigns, feel free to contact our online marketing agency, which offers comprehensive services in this field.

Marketing strategies in the US election campaign 2024

The US presidential election 2024 is shaping up to be an intense race with significant impacts on the marketing and sponsorship strategies of both major parties. Here is a detailed overview of the ongoing strategies and what makes this campaign particularly interesting.

Online marketing strategies

Digital marketing is a cornerstone of the election strategies for both the Democrats and the Republicans. The Biden campaign is leveraging social media platforms to target younger voters and minorities, using data-driven approaches to tailor messages based on demographic insights. Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are key channels for reaching audiences that are less engaged with traditional media.

In contrast, the Trump campaign continues to utilize platforms like Facebook and Twitter, where they have historically seen strong engagement. Targeted ads and email campaigns are used to mobilize supporters and encourage voter turnout.

Corporate sponsorship and influences

Corporate sponsorship plays a subtle yet powerful role in shaping the election campaign. Large corporations and PACs (Political Action Committees) make significant contributions to campaign funds. For instance, tech giants like Facebook and Google are not only platforms for political ads but also donors through their corporate PACs. These contributions can influence political positions and the priorities of the respective campaigns.

The automotive industry is particularly interested in the outcome of this election. Under the Biden administration, supportive measures for electric vehicles and clean energy have led to significant investments in EV infrastructure. A Republican victory could potentially roll back these initiatives, affecting future investments and regulations in the automotive sector.

Effects of laws

Two key pieces of legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, have been central to the Biden administration's agenda, particularly in promoting sustainable energy and infrastructure development. The 2024 election could determine the fate of these laws. A change in power could lead to the repeal or reduction of these initiatives, impacting industries that rely on federal support and incentives.

Innovative campaign strategies

Beide Kampagnen setzen innovative Strategien ein, um Wähler zu erreichen. Die Biden-Kampagne konzentriert sich auf Basisarbeit durch Community-Events und lokale Influencer, um eine breite Unterstützung aufzubauen. Sie betonen Transparenz und Zugänglichkeit, indem sie virtuelle Bürgerversammlungen und Fragerunden abhalten, um direkt mit den Wählern zu kommunizieren.

The Trump campaign, known for its focus on large-scale events, continues to use major rallies to energize its base. Additionally, they are investing in alternative media channels to bypass perceived biases in mainstream media, utilizing platforms like Newsmax and OANN.


The US presidential election 2024 is not just a political contest but also a showcase for advanced marketing and sponsorship strategies. Both major parties are leveraging digital platforms, corporate support, and innovative voter engagement tactics to secure victory. The outcome of this election will shape the political landscape and have lasting impacts on various industries and regulatory frameworks.

Sponsorship and marketing at UEFA Euro 2024: an overview

UEFA Euro 2024, taking place in Germany, is a significant event for football enthusiasts and brands. The tournament offers a lucrative platform for sponsors to reach a global audience. Many companies are using innovative marketing strategies to maximize their reach and impact. The event has attracted considerable attention and offers a variety of advertising opportunities.

Main sponsors and their strategies

The Deutsche Telekom has established itself as a national partner and utilizes digital platforms as well as billboards to reach fans across Germany. Additionally, their sponsorship includes the use of the UEFA Euro 2024 logo to increase visibility at all games. Through these measures, the brand is made known to a wide audience.

BYD, a leading Chinese manufacturer of electric vehicles, emphasizes sustainability and provides eco-friendly transportation options for the event. Their involvement also includes setting up fan zones and showcasing their latest advancements in electromobility. In this way, they aim to attract the attention of the European market.

Coca-Cola pursues a multifaceted approach that includes interactive games within their app, social media collaborations with national players, and various competitions with Euro 2024-related prizes. This strategy not only promotes brand engagement but also motivates product purchases.

Adidas, a long-time partner of UEFA, has launched a robust social media campaign featuring players from various teams in viral trends and humorous videos. Their marketing strategies also include large banners and interactive TikTok content, combining traditional and digital marketing techniques to captivate the audience.

Booking.com continues its sponsorship by offering exclusive accommodation deals and fan camps in cities where matches are held. This initiative enhances the fan experience and ensures seamless travel and stay arrangements for the participants.

Global sponsorship and broadcasting agreements

The tournament sees a significant influx of Chinese companies as sponsors, showcasing China's growing influence in sports marketing. Brands like Hisense and AliExpress have launched campaigns featuring competitions and interactive games. These campaigns engage the audience more deeply through innovative digital experiences and increase their reach.

Broadcast rights have been widely distributed, with contracts secured in key markets such as Japan, France, and the United Kingdom. For instance, Japan's Wowow and Abema have obtained broadcast rights, while beIN Sports covers the French market. This ensures extensive global coverage of the event. The widespread distribution of rights thus guarantees a high international reach.

Economic impact and audience reach

The economic impact of Euro 2024 is significant, with commercial rights and sponsorship being central. In 2020, the tournament generated 1.88 billion euros, of which 520 million euros came from sponsorships. This year, the tournament aims to surpass these figures through strategic partnerships and innovative marketing campaigns. Expectations are high, as targeted measures aim for success.

Audience numbers have also increased, with record viewership in various regions. The opening match attracted the highest number of viewers in ten years in the United Kingdom. This demonstrates the broad appeal of the event and the effectiveness of the sponsors' marketing strategies. The heightened attention underscores the success of the advertising efforts.


Euro 2024 in Germany stands as a testament to the power of strategic sponsorship and marketing initiatives at global sporting events. From traditional giants like Coca-Cola and Adidas to emerging players like BYD and AliExpress, brands have leveraged the tournament's enormous reach to engage millions of fans worldwide. We at Media Beats GmbH are convinced that the continued interplay of innovative marketing efforts and strategic sponsorship will undoubtedly shape its success and set new standards for future tournaments.

Start today with the implementation of your professional online presence and experience the growth of your visibility and business success. If you have any questions, the Media Beats team is always available to assist you.

Create a professional website with an agency

A professional website is essential for every business today. It not only serves as a digital business card but also effectively strengthens your brand and attracts customers. A full-service agency like Media Beats can help you create a top-notch website that meets all your requirements and supports your business goals. In this blog post, we explain why it makes sense to hire an agency for creating your website and what steps need to be considered in the process.

Why hire a full-service agency?

A full-service agency leverages comprehensive expertise in web design, web development, SEO, and content creation. This concentrated competence results in a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and technically flawless. The experts consider every detail, from user-friendliness to search engine optimization. This not only saves you time and effort but also ensures that your website is state-of-the-art and reflects current trends.

Creating a website requires a lot of time and effort. By hiring an agency, you can focus on your core business while the agency handles all aspects of website creation. This includes conception, design, development, SEO optimization, and content creation. The agency provides tailored solutions that are precisely aligned with your company's needs and goals. Whether you need a simple corporate site or a complex online store, the agency ensures that your website meets your exact requirements.

The process of creating a website with an agency

In the first step, the agency conducts a detailed conversation with you to understand your goals and requirements. During this discussion, you will talk about target audiences, design ideas, and specific features. Based on this information, the agency develops a concept and strategy for your website. This includes the structure of the website, the design concept, and the planned content.

In the design and development phase, the agency creates the visual design of your website and coordinates it with you. The team then converts the designs into functional code. Search engine optimization (SEO) also plays a crucial role in this phase, ensuring that your website ranks well in search results.

High-quality content is crucial for the success of your website. The agency assists you in creating texts, images, and videos that convey your message clearly and engagingly. Before the website goes live, the agency thoroughly tests it to ensure everything works perfectly. This includes testing on various devices and browsers as well as checking the performance. After successful testing, the agency launches the website.

Even after the launch of your website, the agency offers continuous support and maintenance. This includes regular updates, security checks, and adjustments to meet new requirements.

Advantages of a professional website for your company

A professionally created and SEO-optimized website ensures that your business is easily found in search engines. This increases your reach and brings more potential customers to your site. A user-friendly and visually appealing website helps visitors stay longer and are more likely to become customers. Clear call-to-actions and optimized user navigation enhance conversion rates.

A high-quality website conveys professionalism and trust. Potential customers perceive your business as credible and are more likely to value your offerings. In many industries, online competition is very strong. With a professional website, you stand out from the competition and position yourself as a market leader.


Creating a website is a complex process that requires expertise and experience. A full-service agency provides the necessary support to develop a professional, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized website. This way, you save time and resources and can focus on your core business, while the agency ensures your online presence is compelling.

Start today with the implementation of your professional online presence and experience the growth of your visibility and business success. If you have any questions, the Media Beats team is always available to assist you.

Effective online marketing: DACH region vs. Germany

The DACH region, consisting of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, represents a significant market for online marketing. Although these countries share many similarities, there are also important differences that can influence marketing strategies. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of internet penetration, social media usage, B2B platforms, and cultural values and their impact on Search Engine Advertising (SEA) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


Internet penetration

Internet penetration significantly influences the reach of online marketing efforts. Germany boasts a solid foundation for digital marketing strategies with an internet penetration rate of 93%. Austria also allows for a strong online presence with an internet penetration rate of 88%, slightly below Germany's level. Switzerland, with an internet penetration rate of 96%, shows the highest rate in the DACH region, indicating a particularly tech-savvy population. Due to the high internet usage in all three countries, online marketing strategies can reach a broad target audience, with Switzerland standing out especially.

Use of social media platforms

The use of social media platforms varies within the DACH region. In Germany, about 45% of the population uses social media, providing a solid foundation for social media marketing. In Austria, usage is slightly higher at 50%, indicating a stronger presence and interaction on social platforms. Switzerland leads with 52%, showing the highest social media usage in the DACH region. This means there is a greater willingness in Switzerland to interact with brands via social media. For businesses, it is important to consider these differences when designing social media campaigns to effectively reach their respective target audiences.

B2B platforms

Preferences for B2B platforms also differ within the DACH region. In Germany, both XING and LinkedIn are popular platforms for B2B marketing. XING has a strong local presence and is frequently used. In Austria and Switzerland, however, LinkedIn dominates as the primary B2B platform. These differences should be considered when planning marketing strategies for B2B companies. While both XING and LinkedIn are equally important in Germany, the focus in Austria and Switzerland should be on LinkedIn.


Language and culture

One of the biggest commonalities in the DACH region is the shared language and cultural values. This significantly simplifies market engagement, as marketing campaigns can be designed consistently and efficiently. The German language allows for a unified message to be spread across all three countries, while similar cultural values ensure that these messages are well received.

Appreciation of quality and safety

Consumers in the DACH region place a high value on quality and safety. These values are highly esteemed in all three countries and should be emphasized in marketing messages to gain the target audience's trust. Products and services that highlight these values have a higher chance of success in the DACH region.

Development of SEA and SEO

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are central components of online marketing across the DACH region. In Germany, online advertising surpassed television advertising for the first time in 2016, highlighting the importance of SEA and SEO. Similarly, in Austria and Switzerland, high internet penetration has led to a strong focus on these disciplines. The high usage of Google and other search engines makes SEA and SEO particularly relevant. Germany, as the largest market, leads the way with significant investments in these areas.


The DACH region offers a diverse and rich environment for online marketing. The countries share important common values and make intensive use of the internet, despite some differences in social media and B2B platform usage. All three countries rely on search engine advertising and search engine optimization as central elements of successful marketing strategies. Companies that understand and leverage these differences and similarities can operate successfully throughout the region.

Optimize your online marketing strategies today and experience the growth of your reach and engagement in the DACH region. The Media Beats team is always available to answer your questions or develop a customized strategy for you.

Efficient campaign optimization with Google Ads Scripts

Google Ads Scripts are a powerful tool that integrates directly into Google Ads accounts to automate various tasks. These scripts analyze data and generate reports. They also access account data via the Google Ads API and execute various actions. They modify bidding strategies, update ad content, and monitor performance data. With these scripts, you can optimize many aspects of your campaigns. By automating time-consuming tasks, you work more efficiently and make informed, data-driven decisions.

How SEA Scripts Optimize Your Google Ads Campaigns

SEA scripts, often called Google Ads Scripts, offer various ways to enhance your campaigns. However, it is important to note that not every script function is equally suitable for every business. Some companies prefer automatic ad generation, while others prefer to plan manually, allowing them to maintain control. Therefore, we recommend initially using scripts for automated monitoring, analysis, and notification. This ensures everything runs smoothly before making operational adjustments to the campaigns. Here are the main benefits SEA scripts offer:

Automation of bids

Scripts can automatically adjust bids for keywords, ad groups, or campaigns based on various factors such as keyword performance, budget, and campaign goals. This ensures that your ads always appear in relevant search results while optimizing the cost per conversion. This way, you can ensure that your campaigns run efficiently and are targeted effectively.

Display optimization

By automatically creating, updating, or pausing ads, new ad variants can be added while underperforming ads are removed and ad texts are adjusted. These continuous adjustments and tests increase the relevance and effectiveness of your ads, which can lead to a higher click-through rate and conversion rate. This way, you can optimize your campaigns continuously and efficiently.

Performance monitoring and reporting

Scripts can be used to track performance data and create customized reports. This includes analyzing clicks, impressions, costs, and conversions, as well as identifying trends and patterns. Automatically generated reports and alerts for performance issues enable quick response and adjustment of campaigns.

Keyword and budget management

Monitoring keywords, adding, removing, or pausing them, as well as controlling budget spending, allows for precise management. These measures ensure that campaign goals are achieved. Automation saves time and ensures that your campaigns remain efficient and cost-effective. This way, you optimize performance and achieve better results.

Automated A/B tests

Certain scripts automatically conduct A/B tests for ad variants and evaluate their performance. This allows for a quick comparison of the effectiveness of different ad variants. This way, you can select the best ads and optimize your campaigns.

Five frequently used Google Ads scripts

In the world of digital marketing, efficiency and precision are crucial. Google Ads Scripts offer powerful solutions to automate complex processes. They enhance the quality of ads and help make data-driven decisions.

  • 404 Link Checker by Google: This script continuously checks all elements with URLs, such as ads and keywords, for their accessibility. In case of issues, you receive automatic notifications, allowing you to quickly respond to 404 errors. Regular execution of this script is essential to quickly identify and fix potential problems, optimizing the performance of your campaigns.
  • PMax Script by 6clickz: This script assists in evaluating Performance Max campaigns by providing cost overviews for Shopping, Video, Search, and Display. It also provides product performance data at the campaign and asset group levels. These data offer valuable insights that contribute to campaign optimization and enable more efficient use of the marketing budget.
  • Account Anomaly Detector by Google: This script compares current campaign statistics with historical data from the same day of the week and notifies you of significant deviations. It monitors metrics such as clicks, impressions, costs, and conversions. This allows you to detect irregularities early and take corrective actions to optimize campaign performance.
  • Quality Score Tracker by PPC Epiphany: This script tracks the quality scores of your keywords and generates a daily document with the scores. It displays the average values in a dashboard and can be used at the MCC level for multiple accounts. This way, you always have an overview of the quality of your keywords and can make adjustments as needed to optimize campaign performance.
  • N-Gram Script by Brainlabs: This script structures search query reports meaningfully and analyzes frequently occurring word combinations (N-grams). The analysis provides insights into the frequency, conversions, and budget consumption of the search queries. This enables more efficient use of the ad budget and uncovers potentially relevant keywords that can contribute to optimizing your campaigns.


SEA scripts offer a powerful way to optimize your Google Ads campaigns. They automate bids and optimize ads. Additionally, they monitor performance, manage keywords and budgets, and conduct A/B tests. By carefully selecting and customizing scripts to meet your specific needs and goals, you work more efficiently and achieve better results.

Our team at Media Beats GmbH supports you in selecting and customizing the right scripts to unlock the full potential of your Google Ads campaigns. Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve your online advertising goals and maximize your ROI.

Social media marketing in Germany vs. the USA: interesting differences

In the field of social media marketing, there are interesting differences between Germany and the USA. These differences pertain to platform usage, advertising strategies, user behavior, and audience targeting. At Media Beats, we understand the importance of knowing these differences and integrating them into our marketing strategies. In this blog post, we highlight the key differences and how you can adjust your Social Media marketing strategies accordingly.

Use of the platform

Platform preferences among different age groups


In Germany, older generations show a preference for platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, which are often used for maintaining business relationships and exchanging information. Younger users, especially Generation Z, tend to favor visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where short, engaging videos and images dominate.


In the USA, platform preferences vary significantly by age group. Younger generations, particularly teenagers and young adults, are heavily present on TikTok and Snapchat. These platforms offer quick, entertaining, and creative content. Older users remain on Facebook, while Instagram appeals to a broad age group. Twitter is often used for real-time communication and news.

Use of messengers and chat apps


WhatsApp dominates as a chat app and is used by almost all age groups. This app is particularly popular for private communication and group chats. In comparison, Facebook Messenger has a lower adoption rate.


In the USA, Facebook Messenger and iMessage are widely used. Many users also use WhatsApp, but it does not have the same dominance as in Germany. Snapchat also offers messaging features, which are particularly popular among younger users.

Integration von Social Commerce


Social commerce, or direct sales through social media, is still in its early stages in Germany. Consumers have so far shown reluctance to make direct purchases via social networks. However, acceptance is growing, and platforms like Instagram and Facebook are beginning to integrate shopping features more prominently.


In the USA, social commerce is widespread and extensively used. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook have developed advanced shopping features that allow users to purchase products directly through the platform. These platforms offer businesses numerous tools to market and sell their products directly.

Advertising strategies

Type of content


German content is often more informative and educational. Companies place a high value on detailed product information, blog posts, webinars, and whitepapers. Visual content such as images and infographics is frequently used to convey complex information.


In the USA, content is more creative and entertaining. Videos, especially short and viral clips, are very popular. Memes, GIFs, and interactive stories are common formats that quickly capture attention and are widely shared.

Advertising expenditure and budget distribution


German companies are more conservative with the allocation of their advertising budgets. Spending is carefully planned, and expenditures per campaign are often lower compared to the USA. The focus is on long-term strategies and sustainable customer relationships.


In the USA, there are larger budgets and a greater willingness to invest in innovative and experimental campaigns. Companies often focus on short-term, but intensive campaigns to achieve quick results.



Influencer marketing is growing in Germany but operates in a highly regulated environment. Influencers must meet clear transparency requirements, such as labeling advertisements. Micro-influencers are particularly popular, as they often appear more authentic and closer to their followers.


In the USA, influencer marketing is widespread and a central component of many marketing strategies. Mega-influencers with millions of followers play a significant role. There is a diverse range of collaborations with influencers, from major celebrities to micro-influencers, to reach different target audiences.

User behavior

Interaction rates


German users tend to be more reserved with likes, comments, and shares. They prefer high-quality interactions. Companies need to focus on providing valuable and relevant content to foster engagement.


In the USA, there are higher interaction rates with more likes, comments, and shares per post. Users are more active and frequently participate in discussions. Viral content and challenges are particularly effective in boosting engagement.

Trust and data protection


In Germany, there is a higher level of mistrust towards social media regarding data protection. Users are very cautious and demand transparent data protection practices. Companies must ensure that they comply with strict data protection laws (e.g., GDPR) and clearly communicate how user data is used.


In the USA, there are also privacy concerns, but users are often more willing to share personal information to receive personalized content and advertisements. Companies use extensive data analytics to create targeted advertising campaigns.

Addressing target groups



Personalization is valued, but it must adhere to strict data protection regulations. Users expect their data to be secure and not misused. Companies need to find innovative ways to offer personalized experiences without exacerbating privacy concerns.


In the USA, there are high expectations for personalized advertising and content. Users are open to personalized offers and appreciate tailored experiences. Companies leverage extensive data analysis to create targeted campaigns.

Campaign strategy


German companies focus on long-term campaigns that build sustainable relationships and brand loyalty. Great importance is placed on the quality and authenticity of content.


In the USA, short-term but intensive campaigns are common, aiming for immediate results and viral effects. Companies often rely on spectacular and attention-grabbing actions. Quick responses to trends and current events are crucial to remain relevant and achieve high engagement rates.


Social media marketing in Germany and the USA shows significant differences in platform usage, advertising strategies, user behavior, and audience targeting. While German companies tend to act more conservatively and focus on long-term strategies, US companies rely on creative, fast-paced, and often spectacular campaigns. Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, and understanding these differences is crucial for success in international social media marketing.

Start optimizing your social media marketing strategies today and watch your reach and engagement grow. If you have any questions, the Media Beats team is always available to assist you.

10 Free AI Courses from Google

In today's digital era, continuous learning and expanding one's skills are essential. Google, as one of the leading technology giants, offers a variety of free courses. These courses are beneficial for both professionals and learners alike, covering a wide range of topics such as data analysis, digital marketing, IT support, and more.

In this blog post, we will highlight the benefits of these courses and show you how to make the most of these valuable resources.

The courses are offered in English, Spanish, and other languages.

Why Google courses?

Google courses are known for their high quality and practical relevance. They consistently provide up-to-date content that aligns with the latest industry developments. These courses emphasize hands-on learning, which not only imparts theoretical knowledge but also promotes directly applicable skills. Additionally, they offer flexibility in the learning process, allowing participants to learn at their own pace and take the time they need to complete the courses.

The 10 free Google courses

Here are the ten free courses that Google offers. Click on the links to go directly to the respective course pages and start learning.

Introduction to Generative AI

Discover the basics of Generative AI in a short course and learn how to develop your own AI applications using Google tools.


Introduction to Generative AI Learning Path

This learning path provides an overview of generative AI concepts, from the fundamentals of large language models to responsible AI principles.


Introduction to Large Language Models

Take this short course to understand large language models (LLMs) and learn where they are useful.


Introduction to Responsible AI

This is an introductory microlearning course on how Google implements responsible AI in its products.


Introduction to Image Generation

This course introduces diffusion models, a family of machine learning models that have recently shown promise for image generation.



Learn more about the encoder-decoder architecture for tasks such as machine translation and summarization.


Attention Mechanism

In this course, you will learn about the attention mechanism, which enables neural networks to focus on specific parts of an input sequence.


Transformer Models and BERT Model

You will learn about the main components of the Transformer architecture, such as the self-attention mechanism, and how it is used to construct the BERT model.


Create Image Captioning Models

Here you will learn how to create a model for image captioning using deep learning.


Introduction to Vertex AI Studio

In this course, you will learn about Generative AI Studio, its features, options, and how to use it by going through product demos.



Google's free courses are an excellent way to expand your skills and become more competitive in the job market. Whether you're looking to advance your career in digital marketing, data analysis, IT support, or another field, Google has the right course for you. By completing these courses, you're not only investing in your professional future but also in your personal growth. Start today and explore the diverse learning opportunities that Google offers.

The Media Beats GmbH wishes you success in your learning journey!

Gain More YouTube Subscribers with These 10 Tips

YouTube has established itself as one of the most important platforms for content creators who want to build a loyal fan base and strengthen their brand. Whether you are an individual user or a business looking to improve your online presence, here are ten proven tips to increase your subscriber count on YouTube.

1. Create High-Quality Content

The most important factor for success on YouTube is the quality of your content. Invest time and effort in producing videos that are informative, entertaining, and visually appealing. Pay attention to good lighting, clear sound, and professional editing. High-quality content not only attracts more viewers but also motivates them to subscribe to your channel.

2. Regular Uploads

Consistency is key to building a loyal subscriber base. Create an upload schedule and stick to it. Whether it's weekly or several times a week, regular updates keep your audience engaged and increase the likelihood that they will subscribe to your channel. 

3. Utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Research which keywords are popular in your niche and strategically incorporate them into your content. In the football niche, especially for videos about the European Championship, keywords like “EURO 2024” or “European Championship 2024” can help make your videos more visible in search results.

4. Engaging Thumbnails

An engaging thumbnail can make the difference between someone clicking on your video or not. Use clear, high-resolution images that represent the content of your video and spark curiosity. Text overlays can also be helpful to highlight the topic of the video.

5. Calls to Action (CTAs)

Encourage your viewers to subscribe to your channel by including a clear call to action at the end of each video. Ask them to press the "like" button, leave comments, and share the video. This increases engagement and the likelihood that they will become subscribers.

6. Create Playlists

Organize your videos into thematic playlists. This makes it easier for viewers to discover and watch more of your content, increasing the time they spend on your channel. Longer watch times signal to YouTube that your channel offers valuable content, which can lead to greater visibility.

7. Collaborate with Other YouTubers

Collaborations with other YouTubers in your niche can significantly increase your reach. Look for channels with a similar target audience and propose joint projects. This can bring in new subscribers and also enhance your credibility and reach.

8. Utilize Social Media

Leverage your presence on other social networks to promote your YouTube videos. Share your videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach a broader audience. Engage with your followers and use hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts.

9. Consider Viewer Feedback

Pay attention to your viewers' feedback and adjust your content accordingly. Ask for opinions, conduct polls, and respond to comments. This shows your viewers that you value their input and can lead to stronger engagement and more subscribers.

10. Contests and Giveaways

Organize competitions or giveaways to increase interest in your channel. Encourage people to subscribe to your channel and share your videos to participate. Such promotions can quickly increase awareness and attract new subscribers.


Gaining subscribers on YouTube requires time, strategy, and dedication. By creating high-quality content, maintaining consistent uploads, effectively utilizing SEO, and engaging with your audience, you can continuously increase your subscriber count. Use these tips to grow your YouTube presence and achieve long-term success.

If you are looking for online marketing experts from Germany to implement YouTube advertising or similar marketing strategies to expand your channel or online shop, contact the advertising agency Media Beats GmbH.

Customer Retention Marketing: Success in Online Business

Customer retention marketing is crucial for success in online marketing. A full-service agency like Media Beats focuses on strengthening customer loyalty and nurturing long-term relationships. With customized communication, loyalty programs, regular interactions, and CRM systems, you can enhance the satisfaction of your existing customers and improve your results.

What is customer retention marketing?

Customer retention marketing encompasses all measures aimed at retaining existing customers and increasing their satisfaction. This includes personalized communication, exclusive offers, loyalty programs, and regular interactions. The goal is to build a long-term relationship with customers and thus increase their repeat purchase rate.

Why is customer retention marketing important?

Cost efficiency

Acquiring new customers is usually more expensive than maintaining existing ones. Studies show that it costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. Therefore, from a financial perspective, it makes sense to focus on customer retention marketing.

Higher conversion rates

Existing customers are already familiar with your brand and products, which increases the likelihood that they will make repeat purchases. They have built trust and know what to expect from you. This leads to higher conversion rates and greater customer loyalty.

Valuable Feedback

Existing customers provide valuable feedback that helps you improve your products and services. Through regular surveys and feedback loops, you can gain valuable insights and continuously adjust your offerings to meet your customers' needs.

Strategies for Successful Customer Retention Marketing

Personalized communication

Personalized communication is key to retaining existing customers. Use the data you have collected about your customers to create special offers and messages. This can be done through personalized emails or individual product recommendations.

Loyalty programs and exclusive offers

Loyalty programs are an effective way to retain customers. Offer your existing customers exclusive discounts, rewards, or access to special events. Such incentives increase customer loyalty and motivate repeat purchases. 

Regular interactions

Stay in regular contact with your existing customers. This can be done through email newsletters, social media interactions, or personal calls. Continuous communication shows your customers that they are important to you and strengthens the relationship with your brand.

Best Practices in Customer Retention Marketing

Use of CRM systems

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps you manage and analyze all information about your customers. It enables you to create personalized campaigns, track customer history, and measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Segmentation of customer data

Segment your customer data by various criteria such as purchase behavior, interests, or demographic characteristics. This allows you to create targeted campaigns tailored to the specific needs and preferences of your customers.

Customer surveys and feedback

Regular customer surveys and feedback loops are crucial for measuring customer satisfaction and identifying areas for improvement. Use the feedback to continuously optimize your products and services to meet your customers' needs.

Retargeting campaigns

Retargeting campaigns are an effective method to re-engage existing customers and remind them of your products or services. Use targeted ads to win back customers who have already shown interest and increase their likelihood of making a purchase.

Measuring success in existing customer marketing

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To measure the success of your customer retention marketing efforts, you should track relevant KPIs. These include the repeat purchase rate, customer lifetime value (CLV), customer retention rate, and customer satisfaction. These metrics provide insights into the effectiveness of your strategies and help you optimize your efforts.


A/B testing is an effective method to determine which marketing strategies work best. Test different approaches and analyze the results to identify the most effective strategies for your existing customers.


Customer retention is a crucial aspect of any successful online marketing strategy. A full-service agency like Media Beats focuses on strengthening customer loyalty and maintaining long-term relationships. Through personalized communication, loyalty programs, continuous interactions, and the use of CRM systems, you can enhance the satisfaction of your existing customers and optimize your marketing performance.

Start optimizing your customer retention marketing today and watch your customer loyalty and revenue grow. If you have any questions, the Media Beats team is always available to assist you.

Data management in email marketing: optimizing campaigns

In the realm of online marketing, email marketing plays a central role. For email marketing agencies in particular, effective data management is crucial for implementing targeted and successful campaigns. In this blog post, we explain what data management in email marketing means, why it is so important, and how you can optimize your strategies.

What exactly is data management in email marketing?

Data management in email marketing encompasses all processes related to the collection, storage, maintenance, and analysis of email data. It involves ensuring that the data is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to enable personalized and targeted campaigns. This includes managing subscriber lists, tracking email interactions, and analyzing campaign results.

How important is data management?

Personalization and Segmentation

Good data management enables the personalization and segmentation of your email campaigns. By collecting detailed information about your subscribers, such as demographic data, purchase behavior, and interaction history, you can create tailored content. Personalized emails have higher open and click-through rates because they are better aligned with the interests and needs of the recipients.

Increased Deliverability

Clean and up-to-date data are crucial for the deliverability of your emails. Using outdated or incorrect data risks high bounce rates, which can negatively impact the reputation of your sender domain. This can result in your emails landing in spam folders or even being blocked. Regular data management can improve the deliverability of your emails and ensure that your messages reach the right recipients.

Improved Decision-Making

By analyzing the collected data, you can gain valuable insights into the behavior and preferences of your subscribers. This information helps you to make informed decisions and continuously optimize your email marketing strategies. In addition, data-driven decisions lead to more effective campaigns and better results.

Best Practices for Data Management in Email Marketing

Regular Data Cleaning

Regular data cleaning is essential to ensure the quality of your email data. Remove inactive subscribers, correct inaccurate entries, and update outdated information. Data cleaning tools can help make this process efficient, ensuring that your database is always up-to-date and accurate.

Double opt-in procedure

The double opt-in procedure is a proven method to improve the quality of your email list. With this procedure, new subscribers must confirm their registration before being added to your list. This ensures that subscribers are genuinely interested in your emails. Additionally, it reduces the risk of spam complaints and incorrect entries.

In Germany, this procedure is legally mandatory.

Segmentation of your subscribers

Segment your subscribers based on relevant criteria such as demographic characteristics, purchase behavior, or interaction history. By segmenting, you can create targeted campaigns tailored to the specific interests and needs of different subscriber groups. This increases the relevance of your emails and can lead to higher open and click-through rates.

Automation of data processes

Utilize automation tools to optimize and automate data processes. Automation can help you update subscriber lists, segment data, and create personalized campaigns. These tools save time and reduce the risk of human error, leading to more efficient and successful email marketing campaigns.

Success factors for data management

Data protection and compliance

Ensure that your data management practices comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations. This includes not only adhering to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) but also other relevant regulations. Inform your subscribers transparently about how you collect, store, and use their data, and obtain their consent.

Continuous data analysis

Continuous analysis of your email data is crucial for the long-term success of your campaigns. Monitor KPIs such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to evaluate the performance of your emails. Use these insights to adjust and optimize your strategies.

Integration with other marketing tools

Integrate your email marketing tools with other marketing platforms and CRM systems. This enables seamless data transfer and provides a holistic view of your subscribers. Through integration, you can conduct more comprehensive and accurate data analyses to better coordinate your marketing efforts.


Data management in email marketing is an indispensable component of any successful online marketing strategy. For a full-service agency, ensuring the quality and relevance of email data is crucial for creating effective and personalized campaigns. By regularly cleaning data, segmenting, automating processes, and adhering to data protection regulations, you can significantly enhance the efficiency and success of your email marketing efforts.

Start optimizing your data management today and watch your online performance improve through more precise and targeted email campaigns. If you have any questions or need a customized strategy, the Media Beats team is always here to help.

How to create a Google Display Campaign in 10 steps

Beginners often encounter many questions when creating a Google Display ad or multiple ads for a campaign. Google Ads regularly optimizes itself to provide individuals with a smooth experience in running their ads. However, challenges still arise from time to time.

Media Beats GmbH, as an SEA agency, is happy to take on these tasks for you. This way, you save a lot of time and potentially personnel costs in your own company. However, if you want to run a Google Display campaign on your own, you will now learn how this can be done in 10 easy steps and what you should consider.

A successful Google Display campaign requires thorough planning and execution, as well as an understanding of the target audience and their interests. Precise targeting and optimal placement of ads are crucial for the success of a campaign. When creating a campaign, it is advisable to consult an experienced SEA specialist or to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the topic. This ensures that your campaign achieves the desired results and that your investments are used wisely.

1. Choose and name the type of campaign

If you don't already have a Google Ads account, the first step is to register. Once you've done this, create a new campaign and choose the appropriate campaign type for your ads. You can choose between Search Network ads, Display Network ads, a combination of both, as well as Video and Shopping ads. In this guide, we will focus on creating Google Display Ads in the Display Network. Select this option and name the entire campaign.

2. Define marketing goals

In the next step, select a marketing goal. This can be particularly helpful for beginners to set automatic presets for the campaign. Marketing goals could include increasing brand awareness, improving engagement with your ad or landing page, or specific actions like purchases, newsletter sign-ups, or app downloads. If you don't have or wish to select a marketing goal, you should enable all settings and features for your campaign to have the best possible influence on the publication.

3. Choose locations for your campaign

Next, choose the locations where your Google Ads campaign will be displayed. This depends on your target audience as well as the size and reach of your business. If your offer has global interest, the ads can be shown internationally. For a local start-up, it is advisable to run ads in the nearby area or nationwide within Germany. Be sure to select the appropriate language for your ad; globally operating companies should use English as the ad language. This setting applies to the entire campaign and should be well considered to avoid unnecessary expenses.

4. Set bidding strategy and budget

In the next step, set the billing method and your budget, which you are willing to spend. Initially, don't overestimate your budget and only enter the amount you are actually willing to spend per day. A minimum bid is recommended to remain competitive in the auction for the most coveted ad spaces. The average bid depends on the competition and the frequency of your keywords. For companies in a niche market, there is a good chance of obtaining ad spaces at lower click prices.

5. Define ad groups & set bids

Ad groups are especially useful for companies with a broad range of offerings that vary thematically and in terms of interest. You can set a unique CPC bid for each ad group and allocate more money for particularly popular products. Select "manual CPC" to independently set a bid per click. Adjust the bid according to the relevance of the ad group, so it can be higher or lower.

6. Enter keywords

Now, define the ad groups and keywords. Consider which keywords might appear on publisher sites and simultaneously match the ad group, the campaign, your company, and your target audience. The more specific your keywords are, the more likely relevant publisher websites will be suggested. Word combinations like "blue jacket print" or "vacation rental Ibiza" are also useful. Google Ads recognizes similar keywords and will display your ads accordingly.

7. Choose websites for placements

Choose the websites where your ads will be displayed. Depending on the targeting option, you will be suggested websites that are either based on the interests of your target audience, the topics of the publisher's website, or the demographic information of potential users. With the Placements option, you select all publisher websites yourself. This involves more work but allows for precise control over ad placement.

8. Design: Set up image and text

Next, choose between creating a text or image ad, enter headlines and text, upload ad images and logos, and customize them. Google Ads assists you with previews of various sample images to help optimize your ad design and provides inspiration. Here, you also specify the link to your landing page, where users will be directed after clicking on the ad.

9. Choose ad sizes/formats

The selection of ad size also influences the success of your campaign. Choose a different format for ads with a lot of text and little image than for those with a single image without text. Take advantage of the previously explained benefits of various ad sizes. Select multiple formats per ad group to create diverse ads. Use the Google Ads preview option to see which size and arrangement look appealing.

10. Run and optimize Google Display ads

After completing the design of your Google Display ad, set the campaign online. If the desired results are not achieved, you can optimize your Google Display ads at any time. Common issues include incorrect audience targeting, selection of inappropriate publisher websites, or poor design.


Creating a successful Google Display campaign requires careful planning and targeted optimization to achieve your marketing goals. With the right steps and continuous adjustments, you can effectively place your ads and achieve maximum results.

If your Google Display ad is less successful than hoped, Media Beats GmbH is happy to assist you with optimizing your campaign.

Benefits of Google Ads keyword research

Google Ads keyword research differs from SEO keyword research because it primarily targets keywords with high purchase intent. SEO focuses on organic rankings, while Google Ads keyword research specifically targets potential customers in the decision-making phase of their buying journey. This requires a deep understanding of your products and services to identify the most relevant and effective keywords.

Product understanding

Start by thoroughly understanding your own products or services. This not only helps in identifying relevant keywords but also in designing ads that are precisely tailored to the needs and desires of your target audience. A full-service agency can assist in this by providing detailed market analyses and product evaluations.

Target Audience Analysis

Knowledge of the target audience is crucial. What are your potential customers looking for? What problems do they want to solve? By understanding the needs and desires of the target audience, specific and more effective keywords can be integrated into the campaign, making online marketing significantly more efficient.

Competitive analysis

A look at the keywords used by your competitors provides important insights into the industry. Tools such as SEMrush or Google Ads Keyword Planner can offer insights into the keyword strategies of competitors and help identify gaps in your own keywords.

Brainstorming and Google Search

Use brainstorming to gather a wide range of possible keywords. Then, Google Search and Google Suggest can help refine and expand this list. Pay attention to the questions users ask about your industry and integrate these insights into your keyword list.

Efficient tools and techniques

In addition to Google Ads Keyword Planners, there are numerous third-party tools that can assist with keyword research. These tools often provide more detailed analyses of search volume and competition, which can be particularly useful for niche keywords. Digital marketing, and specifically email marketing, benefit from a precise selection of keywords that are exactly tailored to the needs of users.

Building a structured keyword set

Once you have a list of potential keywords, it's important to group them logically. This not only helps with organization but also optimizes ad delivery through targeted matching. Consider both short-tail and long-tail keywords, as they cover different types of search queries and can appeal to various segments of your target audience.

Best Practices

  • The use of AI and machine learning to improve keyword research and ad efficiency.
  • Filtering out irrelevant keywords to improve the quality of traffic.
  • Regularly reviewing and adjusting the keyword lists to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of the campaigns.
  • Tracking trends in display marketing and web design to identify current and future customer needs.


A thoughtful and well-executed keyword research is the key to successful Google Ads campaigns. By conducting thorough analysis and using the right tools, you continuously improve your strategies. This ensures that your online marketing efforts achieve the desired results. Building an effective keyword set and understanding your target audience are essential for success in the digital advertising space.

NFTs in E-Commerce: A Guide

In this post, we shed light on the phenomenon of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and how this digital revolution is shaping the e-commerce sector. NFTs have not only taken the art world by storm but also offer new perspectives for e-commerce companies.

A few years ago, no one would have thought that digital artworks could be sold for millions of dollars. However, the sale of an NFT by digital artist Beeple for $69 million has surpassed all expectations and demonstrated the value of digital assets. NFTs not only open up new opportunities for artists and collectors but also for e-commerce companies seeking innovative ways to engage and acquire customers.

What are NFTs?

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, represent unique digital assets on the blockchain. Each NFT has its own identity and properties, covering a wide range of digital items, from art to multimedia content.

Furthermore, NFTs enable artists to protect and utilize their rights. They provide verified ownership and provenance, opening up new avenues for monetizing digital content and fostering a sustainable creative economy. The blockchain ensures transparency and tamper resistance.

Possible applications of NFTs in e-commerce

NFTs offer a variety of applications in e-commerce, from customer engagement to product development and exclusive offerings in online marketing. Here are seven innovative ideas on how NFTs can be used in e-commerce:

1. Exclusive Product Releases and Editions: Limited editions of products as NFTs can increase exclusivity and generate customer interest.

2. Customer Engagement through Digital Collectibles: By offering unique NFTs, companies can create a new level of customer engagement.

3. Authentication and Origin Verification: NFTs can serve as certificates for the authenticity and origin of physical products.

4. Interactive Marketing Campaigns: By integrating NFTs into marketing campaigns, companies can create interactive experiences that go beyond traditional advertising methods.

5. Customized Products: NFTs enable product customization, offering customers unique digital versions.

6. Loyalty Programs: NFTs can be utilized in loyalty programs to reward loyal customers with exclusive benefits.

7. Virtual Experience Worlds: Companies can use NFTs to create virtual worlds or experiences that immerse customers in the brand universe.

Future prospects

The future of NFTs in e-commerce is promising, although they are currently primarily known in the art sector. They could revolutionize the interaction between consumers and businesses by providing unique opportunities for brand loyalty and customer interaction.

Innovative companies are exploring a wide range of NFT applications, from exclusive customer experiences to new revenue streams. They are also integrating NFTs into loyalty programs to reward customers with digital collectibles.

NFTs enhance the authenticity and provenance assurance of products, especially in the luxury segment. They could transform the trade and appreciation of digital assets by creating a tamper-proof connection between the product and its owner.


NFTs are an exciting development in the digital age, offering e-commerce companies new opportunities for differentiation and customer engagement. Although the technology is still young, the potential for innovative brands is enormous.

Media Beats GmbH supports you with questions and services relating to online marketing, e-commerce and digital solutions for companies.

The perfect agency pitch

An agency pitch is a crucial opportunity for online marketing agencies to present their expertise and strategies to potential clients in Germany. This article provides a guide on crafting an effective and successful agency pitch that lays the foundation for a long-term and prosperous partnership.

Preparation is everything

Preparation for the pitch is crucial. Agencies should take sufficient time to thoroughly analyze the company's briefing. A good briefing includes clear tasks, information about the company's current situation, defined goals, and expectations. Based on this information, agencies can develop precise and creative proposals that meet the company's requirements.

Creating a customized pitch deck should also include an in-depth analysis of the company's current market position and its market penetration strategies. It is important to identify the specific challenges the company is currently facing in the digital space and to present compelling solutions tailored to address these issues.

The Role of a full-service agency

A full-service agency is more than just a service provider in the digital age; it is a strategic partner. Such an agency offers comprehensive solutions in all areas of online marketing, from conception to implementation and performance monitoring. For companies in Germany, it is particularly advantageous when agencies combine a deep understanding of local marketing with global trends.

In addition to traditional marketing services, agencies should also be able to provide support in areas such as user experience design, web development and content creation. The ability to integrate all aspects of a company's digital presence allows for customized strategies. These strategies not only target visibility, but also conversion and customer retention.

Clear Communication and Goals

Communication is the key to a successful pitch. Agencies should ensure they clearly understand the marketing and communication goals of the potential client and reflect these in their presentations. Honesty, openness, and mutual respect are essential to building a trustful relationship from the start. This is the only way both parties can ensure that the presented ideas and strategies truly meet the company's needs.

Re-briefing and customization

After the invitation to the pitch presentation, agencies should take the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any ambiguities in the briefing. This step of re-briefing is crucial to ensure that all requirements and expectations are fully understood. Agencies should use this opportunity to demonstrate their competencies and commitment.

A thorough re-briefing can also serve to showcase the agency's creative and strategic capabilities. It allows agencies to present their thinking process and problem-solving approach, which can be of great value in the company's decision-making process.

Presentation and feedback

The presentation should be clear, concise, and convincing. Agencies should ensure that they support their proposals with realistic examples and success stories. An objective evaluation system can help compare the different offers fairly. Regardless of the outcome of the pitch, it is important to receive constructive feedback from the companies. This shows appreciation for the agency's work and helps improve processes for future pitches.

Long-term partnerships

A successful pitch is only the beginning of a hopefully long-term collaboration. Agencies should schedule regular meetings and updates with the company to monitor progress and ensure that marketing goals are being met. Open communication channels and regular evaluations of the results are crucial to making the partnership successful.

Establishing an integrated team that includes employees from both the company and the agency can help facilitate communication and foster a stronger bond between the two parties. Such measures can ensure that both sides work together effectively and adapt to the rapidly changing demands of digital marketing.


A well-prepared and well-thought-out agency pitch is an investment in the agency's future. It offers the opportunity to impress as a full-service agency, demonstrating competence not only in the field of online marketing in Germany but also as a true extension of the client's team. With the right preparations and clear communication, agencies can maximize this collaboration and effectively achieve their clients' digital marketing goals.

DALL-E Editor: New Features for Content Creators

In digital marketing, visual content is of utmost importance. However, creating and modifying these visuals has long been a challenge - until now. OpenAI has introduced a groundbreaking update to their DALL-E image generation tool: the DALL-E Editor.

This feature brings about a crucial change in the way content creators manipulate and refine images. Let's discover what this tool offers and how you can seamlessly integrate it into your digital marketing strategy.

The Transformation of Image Editing

Previously, modifying AI-generated images was often laborious and led to starting over. However, the introduction of the DALL-E Editor has changed everything. Now, users can make fine adjustments without completely recreating images. This capability not only represents a technical enhancement but also significantly increases efficiency in digital content creation.

Key Features of the DALL-E Editor:

  • Color and Atmosphere Adjustments: Easily change the mood of your images by adjusting hues or switching to grayscale.
  • Detailed Editing through Prompts: Specify changes to specific areas of your image, such as removing or altering elements, using simple text instructions.
  • Selective Editing Tool: This tool allows for precise modifications by enabling users to highlight the exact areas of the image they want to change.

The Impact on Digital Marketing and Content Creation

For digital marketers and full-service agencies, the DALL-E Editor is a boon. Simple modifications like error retouching or adding elements can be implemented quickly, significantly streamlining the workflow in content marketing. Moreover, this tool enables creators to perfect their visuals, aligning them more closely with brand aesthetics and campaign objectives.

Broader Implications for Online Marketing

The DALL-E Editor not only facilitates image manipulation but also opens up new avenues in email marketing, display marketing, and web development. By enabling customized and appealing visuals, it enhances the effectiveness of digital ads and promotional materials. The integration of high-quality, tailored images can lead to higher engagement rates, a crucial metric in digital campaigns.

Legal and Ethical Considerations in AI-generated Content

The use of AI for creating and editing images raises important questions regarding copyright and privacy ethics. The origin of the data used to train these AI models, including the potential use of copyrighted materials without consent, remains a hotly debated topic. As technology advances, legal frameworks must also adapt, regulating usage and ensuring that creators and marketers can utilize the tools without infringing on intellectual property.

Conclusion: A New Era for Digital Content Creators

Der DALL-E Editor bedeutet mehr als nur ein inkrementelles Update; er repräsentiert einen signifikanten Sprung nach vorne in der Werkzeugkiste, die digitalen Content Creator zur Verfügung steht. Mit fortschreitender Zeit wird die kontinuierliche Verfeinerung und Verbesserung dieser Werkzeuge die Zukunft des Online Marketings, des Webdesigns und darüber hinaus gestalten. Die Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Technologien bietet nicht nur sofortige Vorteile, sondern bereitet auch den Weg für zukünftige Fortschritte in der digitalen Landschaft. Continue reading „DALL-E Editor – Neue Funktionen für Content Creator“

OpenAI introduces GPT-4o

The company OpenAI has introduced its latest ChatGPT model, GPT-4o, intensifying the competition with Google, Meta, xAI, and Anthropic in the field of artificial intelligence. This model offers advanced features and improved interactivity, redefining the technological boundaries.

In the ever-changing world of online marketing, this new AI model could redefine the landscape of digital dialogue and content creation.

Improved Communication

OpenAI recently introduced GPT-4o, an advancement of the well-known GPT-4 model. It features improved speed and enhanced language processing capabilities. This model marks a significant advancement in AI technology. Additionally, it offers impressive new features that can be particularly valuable in the field of content marketing..

A standout feature of GPT-4o is its real-time communication and seamless switching between languages. This enables marketing teams to interact in the native language of their international target audience, significantly boosting the performance of global campaigns. Additionally, the tool can process visual information and discuss images, making it ideal for use in performance marketing strategies where visual content plays a major role.

Enhanced Accessibility

The expansion of accessibility is another important aspect of GPT-4o. With support for around 50 languages and enhanced auditory interaction capabilities, users with visual or hearing impairments can be better reached. This improved accessibility helps companies pursue an inclusive marketing strategy and reach a broader audience.

The announcement of a dedicated ChatGPT desktop app for MacOS, which enables direct voice conversations from the computer, is also of great significance.

GPT-4o in detail

Before GPT-4o, the voice mode conducted conversations with latencies of 2.8 seconds for GPT-3.5 and 5.4 seconds for GPT-4. In this process, a simple model transcribes audio into text, GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 processes this text, and another model converts the text back into audio.

This process results in GPT-4 losing a lot of information. It doesn't directly perceive tone, multiple speakers, or background noises, and it also cannot express laughter, singing, or emotions.

With GPT-4o, a single new model has been trained from the ground up, processing text, vision, and audio end-to-end. All inputs and outputs are handled by the same neural network.


GPT-4o significantly enhances AI-driven communication, providing substantial benefits for digital marketing. Marketers can use it to improve the quality and relevance of their content. Additionally, they can establish a deeper and more personal connection with their audience.

In the era of personalization and seamless customer interaction, GPT-4o is an indispensable marketing tool. Full-service agencies and online businesses that leverage these technologies enhance their marketing performance, setting new standards in customer communication.

If you want to dive deeper into the new features of GPT-4o or watch videos about the new tools, you can find all the essential information here.

New AI Tools from Google

Google plans to launch new advanced AI tools. These will be integrated into Chrome's address bar. Users can receive instant AI-generated responses by typing "@gemini" followed by their query.

This revolutionary feature, currently in the testing phase and only available in the Canary builds of Chrome, is especially significant for full-service agencies in the online marketing field. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the innovative features of Gemini, including a new method for summarizing YouTube videos, which will change the way you gather and share information.

To use Gemini, you currently need to activate the option in your browser settings, but this is easily done:

How to Activate Gemini in Chrome:

1. Type "chrome://flags" in the address bar.

2. Search for "Starter Pack"

3. Activate the two options that appear.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the innovative features of Gemini, including a new method for summarizing YouTube videos, which can change the way you gather and share information.

Instant Access to Gemini in Chrome

The New AI Tools

Using Gemini is very straightforward. Enter '@gemini' followed by your command into Chrome's address bar, and the tool will immediately become active and deliver a direct response. This seamless integration is perfect for marketers and online marketing agencies that need quick answers without interrupting their workflow.

Google plant die Einführung von neuen fortschrittlichen KI-Tools.


Customization is crucial in marketing. Gemini's Theme Generator allows you to quickly create themes based on selected topics, moods, visual styles, and colors:

1. Open the 'Customize Chrome' sidebar.
2. Click on 'Change Theme,' then on 'Create with AI.'

This feature simplifies maintaining brand consistency or testing new campaign aesthetics without requiring advanced design skills.


Keep your browser organized and your mind clear. Gemini's tab organizer suggests and creates groups for your open tabs:

1. Right-click on a tab.
2. Select 'Organize Similar Tabs' or use the arrow to the left of your tabs.

Ideal for marketers juggling multiple campaigns, this feature enhances productivity by reducing clutter.

Writing Assistant

Create compelling content directly in your browser with Gemini's Writing Assistant.

1. Right-click on any text field.
2. Select 'Help me write.'

This tool supports your content creation with suggestions for clear, engaging, and grammatically correct wording to ensure a professional online image.

Video Summary Tool

Gemini can also summarize YouTube video content, a feature particularly useful for content marketers and social media managers.

1. Copy the URL of the YouTube video.
2. Enter '@' in the address bar, select 'Chat with Gemini'.
3. Write 'Summarize this video: [Paste URL]'.

In seconds, you'll receive a concise summary, perfect for content creators or answering questions about the video.


With the integration of Gemini, Google Chrome becomes more than just a browser. By leveraging these new features, marketers can save time, boost productivity, and enhance their online strategies, making Gemini an indispensable part of their digital toolkit.

If you'd like more information on any of these features or have specific questions about integrating AI into your marketing workflow, let us know how we can help you harness these powerful tools!

The SEO Basics for Beginners

In search engine optimization (SEO), the basics or "basics" are an indispensable area for beginners. It can make the difference between visibility and anonymity on the internet. This comprehensive beginner's guide to SEO basics provides you with a deep insight into the mechanisms that will successfully position your website in search engines.

What is SEO?

SEO, short for Search Engine Optimization, systematically improves the visibility of web pages in organic search results. It is a cornerstone of digital marketing that enables websites to receive more high-quality traffic.

Die drei Hauptelemente von SEO


This involves optimizing the content of your website. This includes keyword integration, the quality of the content, and the optimal use of meta tags. Here, it's crucial not only to enrich your content with relevant keywords but also to ensure that these keywords, such as "„content marketing" and "web design," are naturally embedded in the text flow.


These techniques encompass activities outside of your own website that strengthen your presence on the web. This primarily includes building backlinks from reputable sites. This can be supported by various forms of online marketing, such as display marketing or strategic partnerships with other websites.

Technical SEO

The technical implementation of your website plays a crucial role. This includes web development, which deals with the fast loading of your pages, mobile-friendliness, and secure encryption (HTTPS). Web design directly influences user experience and ensures a functional, visually appealing website.

Diving deeper into SEO strategies

Target Audience Analysis

Before diving into keyword research, it's essential to understand who your target audience is. This not only aids in selecting keywords but also in shaping content marketing tailored precisely to the needs and interests of your potential customers.

Advanced keyword research

Utilize advanced tools like Semrush or Ahrefs to not only discover commonly searched keywords but also long-tail keywords that are more specific and often less competitive. These can be a valuable addition to your SEO strategies, particularly in email marketing, where specific terms can yield high conversions.

Content creation

The key to successful content marketing lies in creating content that is both informative and engaging. Incorporate visual elements such as infographics and videos that complement the textual content and keep users on your site longer.


A solid backlink from a trusted site is like a recommendation in the world of the internet. Strategies to promote such links include guest blogging, partnerships, and publicity campaigns that can enhance your online presence.

Performance monitoring

With SEO tools, you can not only monitor your rankings but also gain insights into how users interact with your website. This allows you to continuously make optimizations and dynamically adjust your SEO strategy to changing trends and algorithms.


SEO, a key area in digital marketing, requires constant adaptation and attention for success. A holistic SEO strategy that combines content marketing, web development, and design enhances visibility and brand presence.

By employing these comprehensive SEO strategies and techniques, you are well-equipped to achieve your online marketing goals in 2024 and beyond. Harness the power of search engine optimization with Media Beats GmbH to expand your digital presence and lead your business to success.

Stripe's return to crypto payments

After a six-year hiatus, Stripe's return to crypto payments in e-commerce signifies a significant step. Starting with the USDC stablecoin, this could fundamentally change payment acceptance among businesses. As a leading technology platform, Stripe now enables businesses to accept online payments while allowing their customers to manage their financial operations with flexible and powerful tools. Representing the dollar on the blockchain opens up new technological payment solutions and could further drive the overall acceptance of cryptocurrencies.

Stripe's move back to crypto

Reintroduction with stability in focus

Stripe has decided to enable payments with USDC stablecoins on multiple blockchain platforms. This decision was announced at the Connect developer conference in San Francisco and is a sign of Stripe's efforts to expand its offerings and provide more flexibility to its customers.

The role of John Collison

John Collison, co-founder and President of Stripe, emphasizes the efficiency of transactions with stable cryptocurrencies. Compared to volatile digital assets, Stripe sees an advantage in the stability of the USDC stablecoin, which maintains a constant value pegged to the US dollar. This facilitates integration into existing payment systems.

The impacts on e-commerce

New horizons for online businesses

The integration of cryptocurrencies enables companies to attract more customers, initially focusing on those who are already invested. This could strengthen the acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. New opportunities for cross-border transactions would thereby emerge. The use of cryptocurrencies reduces international trade barriers. Currency conversions and associated fees could be eliminated. In this way, local businesses can operate in global markets, offering their products internationally without being financially burdened.

Benefits for small business owners

Smaller businesses can benefit from reduced dependence on banks. This significantly lowers transaction costs and enables faster and more efficient payments. By leveraging cryptocurrencies, smaller enterprises strengthen their financial independence, positioning themselves better against larger competitors. Swift transaction settlements improve liquidity, while direct payments without intermediaries foster business growth.


It remains intriguing to see how Stripe's re-entry into the crypto market will unfold. The decision to reaccept crypto payments could spark innovations in e-commerce, paving the way for a digitized and decentralized trading landscape. Stripe demonstrates its commitment to staying at the forefront of financial technology by leveraging and implementing the latest blockchain developments.

For top-notch services in e-commerce, SEA, Google Ads, look no further than Media Beats GmbH. Don't miss the chance to maximize your online presence and take advantage of our proven marketing strategies to transform your business. Contact us today to elevate your digital presence to the next level!

Content Marketing with Telegram and TON Blockchain

Content marketing with Telegram? Yes, we know it. But content marketing with blockchain? Telegram demonstrates how this can work through a groundbreaking step in advertising industry innovation. This revolutionary measure not only improves Telegram's economic model but also marks a significant advancement in content marketing strategies worldwide.

Introduction of Toncoin for in-app advertising

Telegram has now enabled the purchase of in-app advertising with Toncoin, the native cryptocurrency of the TON(The Open Network) blockchain. This integration serves as a bridge between digital communication and blockchain technology, providing a seamless solution for advertisers and content creators alike. The TON blockchain is characterized by minimal transaction fees and high processing speed. Additionally, it handles millions of transactions per second thanks to a cryptographic mechanism popular in the blockchain world.

Benefits for content creators

One of the most attractive aspects of Telegram's new feature is the direct benefit for content creators. Channel owners with at least 1,000 subscribers can now earn 50% of the advertising revenue generated in their channels. This offer not only motivates the production of high-quality content but also ensures that creators are fairly compensated. This model resembles the revenue sharing systems seen with other social media giants like YouTube and X. Moreover, it positions Telegram as a serious competitor in the online marketing space.

Seamless integration and empowering users

By using Toncoin for transactions, users can specifically target channels for their advertisements, thus maintaining control over the placement of their ads. This targeted advertising opportunity is a boon both for advertisers who want to maximize their reach and for channel owners who want to monetize specific audience segments.

Promotion of blockchain adoption

The integration of blockchain technology through Toncoin, as emphasized by Justin Hyun, positions Telegram as a pioneer while highlighting the potential for blockchain-based mini-apps. These initiatives support the goal of reaching 500 million users by 2028. It underscores Telegram's commitment to innovate while enhancing user experience and engagement on the platform.

A new era of creator monetization

Telegram's advertising platform not only targets advertisers in nearly 100 countries but also opens up new monetization opportunities for content creators. This puts Telegram on par with other content platforms. It offers Telegram channel owners effective tools to profit from their content. The promise of no transaction fees and the ability to reinvest earnings within the Telegram ecosystem further enhances the attractiveness of this new feature.


The integration of TON into Telegram demonstrates the changing landscape of content monetization and digital marketing. As a full-service agency for content creators, this innovative approach provides a robust platform for placing ads. Additionally, it enriches content marketing strategies and aligns with the latest trends in online marketing. With such advancements, Telegram continues to solidify its position as a leading platform in the field of digital communication, while simultaneously offering unparalleled opportunities for content creators worldwide.

By combining strategic content creation with cutting-edge blockchain technology, Telegram is setting new standards. At the same time, it redefines how platforms can empower both creators and advertisers alike. This remarkable development marks a critical turning point in the field of online marketing.

Email Marketing 2.0 - The power of AI

Today, email marketing remains one of the most effective methods to engage with your target audience and retain them. But how can you ensure that your emails do not get lost in your subscribers' inboxes? The answer is artificial intelligence (AI). In this blog post, you will learn how AI technologies can make email marketing more efficient and effective, especially in email marketing in Germany.

1. Enhancing e-mail marketing efficiency and effectiveness with AI technologies

AI plays a crucial role in transforming email marketing. By using AI tools and algorithms, marketers can optimize the entire email marketing process. From creation to delivery, AI systems can help automate and improve, leading to higher efficiency and effectiveness. AI can assist in better understanding target audiences, personalizing content, and enhancing the success of campaigns.

Personalization amplified through Artificial Intelligence

AI can contribute to personalizing e-mails for individual recipients based on their behavior, interests, and preferences.

This level of personalization is one of the most impressive applications of AI in e-mail marketing. It allows you to create e-mails tailored to the needs of each recipient.

Imagine you run an online store specializing in sportswear for the German market. Thanks to AI, you can analyze your customers' buying patterns and discern that customer A frequently searches for running shoes, while customer B is more inclined toward yoga apparel.

Now, you can create and send personalized e-mails that cater to these insights. Customer A receives e-mails featuring offers for running shoes and relevant accessories, while Customer B is targeted with tailored promotions for yoga apparel. This heightened level of personalization not only increases the likelihood of conversions but also fosters customer loyalty, as your German subscribers feel genuinely understood and valued.

AI enables you to elevate your e-mail marketing campaigns to a new level, ensuring that your efforts are perfectly attuned to the German market.

3. Optimizing e-mail delivery times

Artificial intelligence can not only personalize content, but AI-based algorithms can also help determine the ideal time to send your emails to maximize open and click rates.

The timing of e-mail deliveries can significantly influence campaign performance. AI-based algorithms scrutinize recipient behavior and identify the optimal time for email dispatch. This increases the likelihood that your emails land in the right place in the German audience's inboxes at the perfect moment, increasing open rates.

4. Predictive analytics for enhanced results with AI

Artificial intelligence can help you with predictions and recommendations to optimize your email marketing campaign and increase the ROI.

AI-driven predictive analytics is a formidable asset in the realm of email marketing. By scrutinizing data and discerning patterns, AI systems can anticipate the types of content and offers most likely to resonate with specific German recipients.

Let's consider an E-Commerce platform offering a wide array of products. Thanks to predictive analytics, you can discern that German customers who have previously purchased from a specific category tend to show interest in similar products. Instead of sending generic emails promoting all products, your AI-powered software can make predictions about the most relevant products for each German customer. For instance, if a customer has previously bought fitness equipment, the software can recommend sending e-mails featuring related fitness products.

By leveraging predictive analytics, you increase the relevance of your e-mails substantially, enhancing the probability that German recipients will respond to your offers. This, in turn, leads to higher conversion rates and an improved Return on Investment (ROI) for your e-mail marketing campaigns.

Conclusion: Shaping the future of e-mail marketing in the German market with AI

In an era where competition is not only growing in email marketing in Germany but also internationally, integrating AI technologies into your strategy is a crucial step to stand out from the competition and elevate your campaigns to the next level. From personalization to optimizing send times and using predictive analytics, the power of AI opens up countless opportunities to delight your customers and achieve better results.

Email Marketing 2.0 signifies an era where personalized and relevant emails are not the exception but the rule. AI is your key to this. With its support, you can elevate your email marketing to a new level, whether nationwide in Germany or globally. Collaborating with an online marketing agency that utilizes AI tools will become a valuable step on your path to success.

Stay ahead of the curve and leverage the potential of artificial intelligence to elevate your email marketing campaigns to the next level. The future of email marketing is now, and it is being shaped by those who recognize and utilize the power of AI. We are eager to support you on this exciting journey!

Email Campaigns: Strategies for Open and Click Rates

In the dynamic world of email marketing, whether in Munich or globally, open and click rate strategies play a crucial role in the success of a campaign. To effectively improve these metrics, online marketing agencies and specialized email marketing agencies offer innovative solutions. Here are profound strategies to enhance the interaction of your recipients and thus optimize your email marketing efforts.

Personalization and Segmentation

Personalization extends far beyond simply addressing recipients by name. A comprehensive strategy includes tailoring content to the specific interests and behaviors of your target audience. Through the segmentation of your email lists, full-service agencies can develop targeted campaigns that are customized to meet the needs of different customer groups. Detailed segmentation based on demographic data, purchasing behavior, and interactions with previous emails enables the sending of highly relevant messages that increase the likelihood of a positive response.

Creation of Effective Subject Lines

The subject line is the gateway to your email. Crafting an effective subject line that entices recipients to open the email is an art in itself. It involves sparking curiosity without revealing too much, and clearly communicating the value or benefit that the reader will gain by opening the email.

By using questions, provocative statements, or personalized elements, you can successfully capture your recipients' attention. A/B testing is an indispensable tool to find out which types of subject lines work best with your specific audience.

Use of Interactive Elements

Incorporating interactive elements like GIFs, videos, or polls in your email campaigns can significantly boost engagement. These elements not only provide visual appeal but also encourage recipients to actively participate. Such interaction deepens the connection between your brand and the recipients and distinguishes your messages from others.

In Munich, Media Beats GmbH leverages innovative campaign integration. As a digital full-service agency, they create audience-specific, creative concepts. Videos tell stories, surveys provide insights, and games entertain. Such content significantly enhances email effectiveness. Moreover, they collect user data for strategic adjustments.

Furthermore, Media Beats GmbH utilizes advanced analytics tools to measure engagement. They identify which elements perform best and adjust campaigns accordingly. This deep analysis enables continuous improvement of communication. As a result, the online marketing agency not only generates short-term attention but also builds long-term relationships with the target audience. With their approach, they maximize campaign returns and strengthen brand loyalty.

Conducting Continuous A/B Testing

A/B testing is a crucial component of any optimization strategy for email marketing. By systematically testing different versions of emails, from the subject line to the design and call-to-actions, you can gain valuable insights and adjust your strategy based on real data. This continuous optimization helps to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns and sustainably improve both open and click rates.

Optimal Timing for Email Dispatch

Timing can significantly impact the performance of your email campaign. Analyzing data and trends can help determine the ideal time to send your emails. Different target groups and industries have varying preferences for when they read emails. An email marketing agency uses analytical tools to identify patterns and provide recommendations for the best dispatch timing, leading to higher open and click rates.


Boosting open and click rates requires strategic planning, creative thinking, and continuous optimization. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, you can not only enhance the performance of your email marketing campaigns but also build a stronger connection with your target audience. An experienced online marketing agency is your best partner in achieving these goals and maximizing your email marketing success in Munich or any other region.

Want to learn more about email marketing or take advantage of a free consultation? Feel free to contact us. Reach out to Media Beats GmbH at info@media-beats.de or call us at +49 89 / 244 182 340. We look forward to supporting you and your business!

Newsletters that inspire! Your guide to success

In the dynamic world of online marketing, newsletters that inspire are of great importance. This powerful tool offers the unique opportunity to communicate directly with your target audience and share valuable information. Thus, it is possible to strengthen the bond with your customers.

Full-service agencies in Munich, such as Media Beats GmbH, offer specialized services to maximize the effectiveness of your newsletter campaigns. Here, you will learn how to develop a campaign that not only reaches your target audience but also sustainably inspires and engages them.

Definition klarer Ziele und Strategien

The foundation of successful newsletter campaigns lies in precisely defined goals. It is crucial to determine what is to be achieved. Each goal requires a tailored tactic, adapted to your business and your offerings. Specialized email marketing agencies assist in goal setting and develop appropriate strategies for maximum effect. Planning often includes detailed market analyses to ensure desired outcomes.

Targeted segmentation of the audience

To make your newsletter as effective as possible, careful segmentation of your recipient list is essential. By dividing your overall audience into smaller, specific segments, you can create content that is precisely tailored to the individual needs and interests of each segment. This personalized approach ensures that your messages are of the highest relevance to the recipient, which in turn can significantly increase the open and engagement rates of your emails.

Effective segmentation is based on various criteria, including demographic data, purchase history, and previous interactions with your brand. Through this approach, not only can customer satisfaction be increased, but also a deeper, personal connection to your brand can be established, going beyond conventional customer contact.

Creation of high-quality content

The key to a successful newsletter campaign lies in the quality and relevance of the content. A newsletter should be much more than just a source of information; it must provide genuine added value for subscribers. This is achieved through a combination of exclusive insights, useful tips, the latest industry news, as well as attractive offers and discounts. Providing content that is directly tailored to the interests of your readership promotes engagement and appreciation.

The integration of high-quality imagery and a clear, user-friendly design distinguishes your newsletter. A structured presentation of the content is equally crucial. Elements such as well-placed call-to-actions and easily understandable navigation components further contribute to activating readers and enhancing interaction.

Regularly updating the content is crucial to strengthen the connection with your audience. It's essential to adapt the content to the changing interests and needs of your target group. This not only promotes long-term engagement but also interaction. An appealing and well-thought-out presentation of your content increases interest and participation from your readers. Moreover, it builds trust and loyalty towards your brand, which is essential for long-term success.

Personalization and automation for maximum relevance

The advanced capabilities of online marketing offer extensive personalization and automation options for your newsletters. Individually tailored welcome messages and content that align with the previous interactions and preferences of your users are just the beginning. Every touchpoint is utilized to strengthen the connection with your target audience and significantly increase conversion rates.

This personalized approach ensures that your recipients feel directly addressed and valued, laying the foundation for long-term customer retention and loyalty. Furthermore, automation allows for the sending of time- or action-based messages that are relevant to the recipient at precisely the right moment.

Continuous testing and optimization

Success in email marketing is based on the willingness to continuously test and optimize campaigns. A/B testing is an effective tool to compare the performance of different campaign elements, from subject lines and design to the placement of calls-to-action.

The insights gained from this process are essential for making adjustments that enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns. This continuous cycle of learning and improvement is crucial for understanding market dynamics and maximizing the interactions with your target audience. Ultimately, it helps you increase the satisfaction of your recipients and achieve your marketing goals more efficiently.

Compliance with legal regulations

Adhering to legal regulations, especially in terms of data protection, is crucial for newsletter campaigns. This is important not only from a legal standpoint but also as a sign of respect for the privacy of the recipients. Professional email marketing agencies ensure that campaigns comply with data protection laws. They ensure that consent for contact has been obtained and make the option to unsubscribe easily accessible in every email. This approach solidifies trust in your brand and reduces the risk of legal consequences. Careful management of recipient data is another measure that enhances security and trust.


Developing a successful newsletter campaign is a complex task that requires both strategic thinking and creative content. To master this challenge, continuous optimization and a deep understanding of the target audience are essential. In this demanding process, Media Beats GmbH from Munich offers a comprehensive solution. 

With their extensive range of services and the use of cutting-edge technologies, they effectively support your email marketing strategy. By creating informative, inspiring, and converting newsletters, Media Beats GmbH elevates your email marketing efforts to a new level and offers the ideal solution for those who not only want to be successful in their digital marketing but also stand out.

Are you looking to elevate your email marketing strategy with professional support? Then do not hesitate to contact us for personalized consultation and tailored solutions. Reach Media Beats GmbH at info@media-beats.de or by phone at +49 89 / 244 182 340. Together, we can lead your digital marketing strategy to success!

Google's Fight Against Spam: What's New?

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, it's of utmost importance to always be up to date, especially regarding Google's fight against spam. What's new? We've delved deeply into the topic and will show you the latest developments.

The latest updates to search algorithms represent a significant advancement in online searching. Their goal is to improve the quality of results and minimize inferior content. This opens up new opportunities and challenges for professionals in the field of online marketing.

Improvement of Quality in Ranking

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a constant race for the highest quality and relevance. The latest changes in the algorithms aim to prioritize helpful information and filter out unoriginal content from the search results. This presents an opportunity for digital marketing to stand out through unique and valuable content. An increased focus on originality and usefulness to the reader can positively impact visibility and ranking.

New and Improved Spam Policies

With the introduction of new spam policies, the digital landscape continues to advocate for a high-quality online experience. For businesses in digital marketing and email marketing, this means carefully planning content creation and ensuring that it complies with the new guidelines. Avoiding spam practices and focusing on quality and authenticity will be crucial for achieving a good position in search results.

Reduction of Inferior, Unoriginal Results

Efforts to combat inferior and unoriginal content in search results are increasing. For businesses operating online, original content is now more important. A strategy that emphasizes uniqueness boosts search and engagement. This highlights the importance of high-quality content. It also promotes differentiation and competitive advantage through quality.

New Measures

The guidelines combat content abuse and website reputation misuse. They present opportunities for agencies and online marketing specialists in Germany. The goal is to strengthen authenticity and credibility. Genuine, valuable content that emphasizes website reputation becomes a key strategy.


The innovations in search algorithms and spam policies promote online quality. Marketers should focus on high-quality content and follow guidelines. Our goal: to effectively strengthen your online presence. Media Beats supports with expertise in all marketing areas. This ensures that your content is found, valued, and converted.

For further information and support in the fields of online marketing, display marketing, email marketing, and beyond, Media Beats GmbH is at your side as your full-service agency.

Checklist for successful landing pages

In today's digital landscape, a checklist for successful landing pages is an essential tool for enhancing effectiveness in online marketing. It serves as the first point of contact for potential customers and as a key to optimizing the conversion rate.

In a competitive environment, it's crucial for businesses to stand out through powerful landing pages. The main goal is to increase the conversion rate, support marketing initiatives, and gather valuable customer data.

1. Clearly defined goal

The foundation of every successful landing page is a clearly defined goal. Therefore, it's important to define the page's objective early: product sales, lead generation, or information dissemination. This goal directly influences the design and content. Understanding the objective allows for targeted engagement and improved conversion rates.

2. Strong and clear headline

The headline is often the first thing visitors see. Strong, clear headlines are essential. It communicates the core benefit or main offer in a few words. Visitors are motivated to read on. Tips include using action-oriented verbs and addressing specific needs.

3. Appealing design

The design of a landing page should not only be visually appealing but also support user navigation. A clean, focused design that highlights important elements and intuitively guides visitors to the goal is crucial. Additionally, mobile responsiveness is a must to offer an optimal experience to users on smartphones and tablets. Fast loading times are also essential to minimize the bounce rate.

4. Compelling content

The content of the landing page must directly address the visitor and clearly demonstrate the value of the offer. Clear, targeted, and benefit-oriented content that highlights the advantages for the visitor is crucial. Moreover, using bullet points, short paragraphs, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) aids understanding and encourages readiness to act.

5. Strong Calls-to-Action

A clear and striking Call-to-Action is the centerpiece of a landing page. It guides the visitor to perform the desired action, whether it's signing up for a newsletter, requesting an offer, or purchasing a product. Effective CTAs are characterized by concise wording, eye-catching design, and strategically thoughtful placement.

6. Testimonials and Social Proof

Testimonials and customer reviews boost trust in the offer and brand, providing insights into other users' experiences. They reinforce confidence in the purchasing decision and motivate potential customers to convert themselves.

7. Lead Generation Forms

Designing effective forms is a balancing act between gathering necessary information and ensuring a user-friendly experience. Too many fields can be off-putting, while too few can compromise lead quality. A focused form that requests essential information promotes conversion.

8. Incorporate Trust Elements

Security seals, privacy policies, and guarantees are crucial elements to enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of the landing page. They signal to visitors that their data is secure and that the company is trustworthy.

9. A/B Testing and Optimization

Continuous optimization through A/B testing of headlines, CTA buttons, and images is crucial for success. Targeted tests provide valuable insights that increase the conversion rate.

10. Analysis and Tracking

Regularly analyzing performance is essential to measure the success of the landing page and identify optimization opportunities. Tools like Google Analytics provide deep insights into visitor behavior, enabling data-driven decisions.


A successful landing page is the result of careful planning, creative design, and continuous optimization. Adhering to this checklist helps businesses across all industries achieve their online marketing goals by effectively converting visitors into customers. For simplification and optimization of this process, Media Beats GmbH offers professional support. They specialize in creating highly converting landing pages.

Use these tips to improve your landing pages, or contact Media Beats GmbH for professional assistance to elevate your online presence to the next level.

Web Design for Recruitment Agencies - How to Do It Right

In today's digital world, appealing web design is of fundamental importance for businesses, and recruitment agencies are no exception. A well-considered and user-oriented design of their website can have a significant impact on the company's perception. The advantage here is that both potential employees and clients are targeted. This element is an essential part of online marketing.

In this article, we highlight the importance of high-quality web design for recruitment agencies and its successful integration into their online marketing strategy.

How important is the first impression of web design?

The importance of the first impression in web design is central for recruitment agencies, as their website is often the first point of contact for potential candidates and clients. An promotes credibility and trust. However, an outdated design can deter prospects and drive them to look for alternatives. Therefore, a modern and user-friendly design is crucial to creating positive first impressions and engaging visitors.

How can the user experience be optimized?

Web design for recruitment agencies must combine aesthetics and optimal user experience. User-friendly navigation and clear call-to-actions facilitate access to information. Responsive design and interactive features like live chats enhance visitor engagement and conversion rates. Generally, it can be observed that a carefully and professionally designed website significantly contributes to improving the company's image. Here, the company is established as a trustworthy and reliable source for career opportunities and professional development.

How can the brand identity of the staffing service be strengthened through web design?

Web design is crucial for the brand identity of staffing services. A consistent visual representation with a logo, color palette, and fonts goes beyond aesthetics. Skillful integration strengthens brand perception and creates a distinctive brand experience. Thoughtful web design reflects the brand identity, thereby fostering a strong connection to the brand through a coherent image for visitors.

Why is mobile optimization crucial for staffing service providers?

The increasing use of mobile devices makes optimization for mobile access essential for staffing service providers. Responsive design adjusts to screen sizes and improves presentation and function on all devices. This enhances the user experience and encourages visitors to stay and interact on the site. A mobile-optimized website also increases visibility in search engines and can significantly expand reach. This makes the website even more attractive to potential clients and applicants.

How can compelling web design give staffing service providers a competitive edge?

Compelling web design provides staffing service providers with crucial advantages in the fiercely competitive market. By collaborating with online marketing agencies, they can distinguish themselves from the competition significantly through professionalism. Additionally, a tailored website reflecting the company's values strengthens the brand image while simultaneously piquing the interest of potential clients and applicants. Innovative technologies enhance the user experience significantly, thus fostering visitor engagement. Therefore, strategically thoughtful web design is a key element in strengthening market positioning and ensuring long-term success.

Conclusion: The importance of web design for staffing service providers

Web design is essential for staffing service providers to successfully attract both employees and clients. A professional website fosters credibility, trust, and strengthens brand identity. Optimizing the user experience and adapting for mobile devices offer crucial competitive advantages, expanding reach, and improving conversion rates. Visual clarity and clear calls to action, combined with responsive design, optimize functionality and impression across all devices. By implementing these strategies, staffing service providers solidify their online presence and their position in the market.

For those interested in professional support in this sector, Media Beats GmbH is available to provide the necessary services.

Successful Strategies in Marketing

In today's digitally connected world, a strong online presence is the foundation of a company's successful online strategy. Merely being present online is not enough; rather, a targeted digital strategy and careful web development are required to succeed in Germany's competitive digital environment. In this article, we take a look at the importance of these factors for online marketing in Germany.

Building an Effective Online Presence

An effective online presence is based on a well-considered web concept, which is essential for building and maintaining a successful digital presence. A solid digital strategy requires a clear direction that goes beyond merely presenting the brand and focuses on how the website can concretely contribute to achieving business objectives. This includes precise target audience analysis, the definition of user experiences (UX), the design layout, content presentation, and website functionalities to promote user interaction.

Embedding the brand in every area of the website, from design to content, is central. This creates a cohesive, appealing brand identity. The goal is to tell a resonating story that establishes an emotional connection with the audience.

A thorough market analysis is essential for the web concept. It provides insights into the needs of the target audience and identifies trends and weaknesses of competitors. This enables companies to strengthen their position. They define clear value propositions that are aligned with user desires.

Stategies and goals

Strategic planning in online marketing is complex. It requires much more than just setting goals. It starts with a comprehensive analysis. This analysis determines the optimal channels that fit the brand and business objectives. This is followed by goal-oriented campaign planning and implementation. An important aspect is the wise allocation of budget and resources to achieve the best results. Moreover, defining and constantly monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential. These KPIs are crucial for making successes measurable.

Strategic planning also demands a deep analysis of the target audience to ensure that the chosen channels and campaigns align with the needs and behaviors of the target group. The use of customer data and market research enables the creation of personalized and targeted marketing messages that increase engagement and conversions.

The role of online marketing agencies

Given the complexity of online marketing, collaborating with a specialized agency is a wise decision for many companies. Online marketing agencies offer expertise in various areas of digital marketing and provide the necessary resources and tools for efficient campaign planning, implementation, and analysis. Full-service agencies are particularly valuable as they offer a comprehensive range of services, from search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) to social media marketing, email marketing, and content creation.

Email marketing: Personal connection to the target audience

Email marketing remains a fundamental part of digital marketing, as it enables companies to communicate directly and personally with their target audience. Collaborating with specialized email marketing agencies can help improve open and click-through rates while simultaneously complying with legal requirements in Germany.

By leveraging data analysis and segmentation, email marketing enables even more precise targeting of the audience, which enhances campaign effectiveness. This not only promotes customer loyalty but also contributes to building long-term relationships.

SEO: A must for every strategy

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a critical success factor in digital marketing. The ability to be prominently placed in search results plays a central role in maximizing the visibility of a website and attracting qualified traffic that can potentially be converted into customers.

Comprehensive SEO strategies not only involve the careful optimization of web content with relevant keywords that address both the needs of users and the requirements of search algorithms but also the continuous improvement of the website's technical performance. This includes measures to increase loading speed, build a strong backlink profile, ensure optimal mobile usability, and improve user navigation to optimize the overall user experience.


The online marketing landscape is constantly changing, and businesses in Germany must remain agile to keep up with these changes. A well-thought-out web concept and strategic planning are essential for success in this dynamic environment. Collaborating with an online marketing agency provides businesses access to expertise, resources, and specialized knowledge to achieve their online marketing goals. Email marketing and SEO are essential tools that help increase online presence and achieve business objectives.

With the right strategy, optimizing online marketing becomes achievable. The ideal partner plays a central role in this process, enabling German companies to reach their target audience more precisely and strengthen their brand presence. Ultimately, this leads to increased business success. For such marketing services, Media Beats is the perfect contact. Here, you'll find expertise for your digital success.

Storytelling with Media Beats

Online marketing has undergone a tremendous transformation. It's now a dynamic, interactive space. Brands are no longer just selling products. They use stories to connect. In the digital age, storytelling is indispensable. It gives brands a voice. Storytelling is more than a skill. It has become an art form. This art is essential for capturing attention. 

In a crowded market, this is crucial because brands that tell stories well stand out. They create deep connections with their audience, thereby building loyalty and recognition. Storytelling enables an emotional bond, which in turn leads to long-term success.

The Importance of Storytelling

In the digital age, consumers are inundated with content, and storytelling unfolds its unique power here. It not only creates emotional connections but also interacts deeply with customers. Stories connect the brand and the customer in a way that product information cannot. They convey values and visions, far beyond advertising.

Furthermore, storytelling strengthens brand identities. Authentic stories give brands a memorable voice, which becomes especially important as attention decreases and competition grows. Moreover, stories offer an emotional escape, enhancing customer loyalty. In this way, they significantly influence brand success. Brands create valuable experiences that significantly increase their value through storytelling.

The fundamental elements of storytelling

Successful storytelling in online marketing is based on carefully developed characters and captivating storylines. It's crucial to tell a story that not only entertains but also deeply reflects the values and core message of the brand. Emotional impact and the ability to build a strong connection with the audience are central aspects that must not be underestimated. These elements together promote a deeper connection between the brand and its audience by creating points of identification and highlighting shared values.

Strategies for Effective Storytelling

The starting point of a successful storytelling strategy lies in a deep understanding of the target audience. Authenticity is of fundamental importance. It is necessary to tell a story that finds genuine resonance with the audience and appears authentic. This authenticity and credibility are crucial factors in gaining and maintaining customer trust and loyalty. Such a strategy must be pursued consistently to establish long-term relationships and strengthen the bond with the audience.

Impact in Digital Marketing

In the digital age, storytelling in marketing opens up new horizons: from viral social media campaigns that gain worldwide attention to compelling web content that captivates the audience – the digital landscape offers a plethora of opportunities for brands to create emotional connections with their audience and deeply inspire through various digital formats like videos and blogs. This digital arena allows for storytelling in a multi-layered manner, thus reaching the audience on a personal level.

Role of a full-service agency

A full-service agency occupies a key position in integrating storytelling into comprehensive marketing strategies. With their broad range of services covering everything from idea generation to practical implementation, such agencies possess the necessary expertise to not only design content in an appealing and creative way but also significantly enhance its impact. This enables brand messages to reach their intended audiences in a targeted manner and achieve profound effects.

Practical Application in Online Marketing

For the successful execution of a storytelling campaign in online marketing, both thoughtful planning and creative execution are essential. It's crucial to define clear objectives, continuously monitor success using KPIs, and respond agilely to the changing desires and needs of the target audience. A campaign designed in this way can not only capture the audience's attention but also help to establish lasting and meaningful relationships with the audience.

For instance, a campaign that tells a story about a company's sustainability efforts can not only raise awareness for environmental issues but also strengthen the brand image as responsible and ethical.

Another example would be an interactive campaign that invites users to share their own stories, creating a community of brand ambassadors who feel a personal connection to the brand. By leveraging stories based on real customer reviews, companies can build authenticity and trust, which is crucial for establishing long-term customer relationships.

Challenges and Solutions

Storytelling in digital marketing offers many opportunities. However, marketers face challenges, including the creation of authentic content that stands out. Its findability in the digital space is also crucial. Monitoring audience responses provides a solution for this. Equally important is the continuous adaptation of content to keep it relevant and appealing. This flexible adjustment optimizes content on an ongoing basis, tailored to the needs of the target audience, thereby creating a stronger, lasting impact.


Storytelling in online marketing is more than a method – it's an art that enables brands to deeply communicate with their audience. In a world full of information overload, it offers an opportunity to stand out and establish long-term relationships. The future of marketing lies in the ability to tell stories that are not just heard but also felt and lived.

Create explainer videos with an online marketing agency

With explainer videos, created in collaboration with an online marketing agency, it's possible to quickly and effectively capture the attention of your target audience in today's digital world. Videos are key to creative, engaging information delivery. But how do you create a captivating explainer video? Best through collaboration with a specialized agency.

The Power of Explainer Videos

Explainer videos make complex topics understandable and memorable in minutes or seconds. They utilize visual and auditory elements to tell impressive stories. Such videos explain difficult concepts simply and entertainingly. Thus, they effectively impress a wide audience.

However, not every explainer video achieves its goal. Success heavily depends on aligning the content, design, and message with the specific brand and target audience. This is exactly where the role of an online marketing agency comes into play. These agencies possess the necessary expertise to create explainer videos that are not only visually appealing but also convey a clear and targeted message.

An experienced online marketing agency guides the process from concept to the finished explainer video. It tailors every video detail to the needs of the company and its customers, achieving maximum impact. With creative storytelling and technical precision, videos are created that inform and captivate. These videos are essential for digital success today.

Why an Online Marketing Agency?

A full-service agency from Munich offers more than talent and expertise. It has a deep understanding of local markets and develops specific strategies for Munich. The entire process of an explainer video is accompanied, from the idea to the production, working closely with you. Customer collaboration is central to their approach, surpassing expectations with the final product. They ensure core messages are clearly received by the target audience. Their strategies are dynamically adjusted with the goal of maximizing engagement and impact with the target audience.

Moreover, they utilize advanced analytics tools to continuously optimize campaigns, keeping the message effective and up-to-date. Customer feedback is directly incorporated into improvements, strengthening customer loyalty and fostering trust. Individual solutions are a priority; each project is treated as a unique piece. The agency keeps an eye on digital marketing trends and skillfully integrates them into their strategies, keeping your marketing always one step ahead. The goal is a long-term partnership with the client, ensuring sustainable success in online marketing.

Integration into Your Online Marketing Strategy

An explainer video is just one component of your comprehensive online marketing strategy. A full-service agency adopts a holistic perspective and ensures seamless integration of your video across all marketing channels – from email marketing to social media and your company website. This strategic embedding not only optimizes the visibility of your video but also promotes a higher level of interaction with your target audience.

Additionally, collaborating with a specialized email marketing agency offers the critical advantage of effectively integrating your explainer videos into email campaigns. This is particularly relevant in a highly competitive field like email marketing in Germany, where every measure to differentiate and increase user engagement can contribute. Through this coordinated approach, the agency ensures that each investment in your online marketing leads to tangible results by maximizing the reach of your video while simultaneously strengthening the connection to your target audience.

The process of creating explainer videos

The process of creating an explainer video begins with a detailed planning phase. In this first step, it is clearly defined what you want to achieve with the video. Fundamental questions are clarified: What are your objectives? Who exactly is being targeted? What central message do you want to convey? Based on these essential considerations, your online marketing agency develops a customized concept and a script that not only clearly and appealingly expresses your core messages but is also tailored to the specific needs and interests of your target audience.

After the foundation is laid, the process moves on to production and post-production. In these phases, your vision is brought to life. Professional voice actors lend their voices to the video to effectively convey your message. Engaging graphics and a captivating storyline are carefully crafted to catch and hold the viewer's attention. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in creating a final product that not only impresses but also achieves the desired effect on your audience.

Your online marketing agency carefully coordinates all components to ensure that the explainer video precisely meets your marketing goals, making it a perfect fit for the needs of your target audience. Through this alignment, the video leaves a strong impression, directly addressing the viewers' preferences. This customized approach amplifies the impact of every element in the video.

Together, they create a unique viewing experience. With this, you not only achieve your goals but often exceed them. The agency pays attention to every detail to ensure success.


We live in an era where the digital world is continuously expanding. Explainer videos are a key to standing out. A collaboration with an online marketing agency in Munich can be crucial. It's about creating a video that stands out and achieves success. Whether it's to strengthen your brand, improve conversion rates, or present your message anew, an agency can support you.

By collaborating with an agency, you receive not just quality, but also a strategy that highlights your video. Explainer videos are far more than a fleeting trend. They represent a long-term investment in your business. Start working with an agency in Munich and unlock the potential of your brand.

The Guide for Online Marketing Startups

Starting a startup opens up a journey full of creativity and perseverance, accompanied by strong online visibility. "The Guide for Online Marketing Startups" highlights how crucial a smart digital strategy is in today's connected landscape. This handbook provides essential insights into the online marketing world. It clarifies how targeted approaches can advance your startup in Munich and far beyond.

Online Marketing: A Comprehensive Overview

Online marketing is the core of any modern marketing strategy, especially for startups aiming for rapid expansion. The integration of various digital marketing strategies such as SEO, content marketing, pay-per-Click (PPC), social media, and email marketing is crucial for building a strong online presence and brand.

A comprehensive online marketing strategy opens up the opportunity for startups to be visible on various platforms and reach different target audiences. By creating content that is precisely tailored to the specific needs and interests of your target audience, visibility can be significantly increased.

At the same time, this promotes the development of a loyal customer base. This strategic approach helps to deepen the relationship with existing customers while simultaneously tapping into new segments. Through targeted communication and engagement, startups can create strong brand attachment and loyalty, which contributes to long-term success.

Choosing an Online Marketing Agency

Choosing the right online marketing agency is crucial for your startup. It offers extensive services that enable a strong strategy, making your brand visible online and reaching your target audience effectively. An experienced full-service agency also provides insights into trends and suggests customized solutions. Collaborating with an agency that shares your vision promotes growth and success in the long term.

- Industry expertise is essential, as a specialized agency offers solutions based on the proven methods of your industry

- When deciding between full service or niche focus? The choice strongly depends on your specific needs and goals, with both options having their own merits.

- Strong successes and positive references are also important, as they demonstrate what an agency can achieve and the value it adds to your business.

Email Marketing: A Powerful Tool for Startups

Email marketing is one of the most effective tools in a startup's online marketing arsenal. Working with an experienced email marketing agency can make a difference when it comes to creating customized campaigns that engage your target audience and prompt actions.

- Segmentation and customized content enhance the relevance of your emails and improve results

- Automation in emails sends appropriate messages based on customer data. This promotes customer loyalty

Online Marketing in Munich: Local Advantages

For startups in Munich, working with an online marketing agency that offers both global perspectives and a deep understanding of the local market is particularly valuable. Such an agency has the ability to develop customized strategies that are precisely tailored to the needs of the Munich market. At the same time, it can help to expand the global reach of your startup.

This duality in strategy alignment allows startups to benefit from optimal positioning both locally and internationally. This targeted approach enables strengthening the local customer base as well as tapping into new markets worldwide.

In addition to digital marketing strategies, physical networking in Munich's local startup and business world is an important factor for success. Participating in local events and trade fairs can promote valuable business relationships and collaborations.

Adaptation and Measurement in Online Marketing

Choosing the right agency is crucial for your startup because it enables an effective strategy through its wide range of services. This not only enhances the online visibility of your brandonline visibility of your brand but also specifically reaches your target audience. Moreover, experienced agencies provide valuable insights into current market trends and create solutions that are specifically tailored to your needs. By collaborating with an agency that shares your vision, you lay a solid foundation for sustainable growth and long-term success.

Google Analytics and CRM systems offer deep insights into the behavior of your visitors and the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. These tools are essential for any full-service agency in Munich that aims to maximize the online presence of a startup.


A successful startup today needs more than a new idea. Strategic online marketing planning is also necessary. Choosing the right online marketing agency is crucial. Effective email strategies are also important. Take advantage of Munich's local benefits. This lays the foundation for the lasting success of your startup.

Online Marketing in Germany vs. USA

In a lively market in Germany and an energetic one in the USA, online marketing breaks down national boundaries while simultaneously bringing local nuances to the fore. We take a look at how the landscape of online marketing in these two countries distinguishes itself from each other yet intertwines.

Prepare for an exploration of legal regulations and marketing techniques! Online marketing agencies play a central role. They navigate through diversity with tailored strategies. Local knowledge helps them to succeed globally. Their expertise captures the nuances of the markets to leverage them. Thus, campaigns that attract attention and connect are created. Join us in the world of online marketing, where adaptation and innovation merge.

Market Diversity: More than just spatial distances

The US market is enormous and dynamic, yet it stands not alone. Cultural and linguistic differences make it unique. In the USA, the "American Dream" shapes marketing. In Germany, security, precision, and reliability count. Such contrasts not only influence the orientation of marketing strategies but also consumer behavior. Online marketing agencies from Munich value messages that create clarity and trust, while their counterparts in the USA aim to convey grand visions. Companies are challenged to navigate through this diversity and adjust their communication accordingly to resonate both globally and locally. Here, agencies are called upon to decipher cultural nuances and transform them into effective campaigns.

Certification Process for Crypto Advertising

The approaches to data protection in Germany and the USA could not be more different. The strict General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Germany and Europe contrasts with the more flexible handling in the United States, often perceived as a legal gray area. These differences afford marketers in the USA greater freedoms, while strict rules apply in Europe. Nevertheless, a growing awareness of data protection is observable in the USA, driven by data protection scandals and calls for more clarity and transparency.

Since the GDPR, EU companies must obtain user consent before using data. This complicates the design of marketing campaigns. The focus on transparency sets standards worldwide.

In the USA, on the other hand, where data protection laws are traditionally less strict, companies are beginning to recognize the benefits of stricter data protection measures. Initiatives like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) signal a shift towards more data protection. Marketing specialists, for example from Media Beats GmbH in Munich, face the challenge of flexibly adapting to these different legal conditions while still developing effective, legally compliant campaigns. They need to be creative in order to innovate within the legal requirements and at the same time effectively target their audiences. The necessity to continuously educate themselves and adjust campaigns according to data protection regulations becomes increasingly important in order to survive in a rapidly changing legal environment.

Leading networks and communication channels

Social media worldwide is an indispensable tool, yet preferences for specific platforms can vary greatly. While Xing is essential for professional networking in Germany, LinkedIn dominates this area in the United States. Understanding these preferences is crucial for effective marketing. Even the most innovative campaign misses its target if it doesn't reach the right audience. In the fast-paced world of social media, it is imperative for marketers to know the peculiarities and audience of each platform precisely in order to design targeted strategies. It's not just about mere presence on these platforms, but rather about how to foster interaction and engagement of the target audience. The clever selection and use of the right platform can make the difference between the success or failure of a campaign. Experienced online marketing agencies know how to use these differences to their advantage and develop customized approaches that produce real conversions and resonance.

Core principles in online marketing: Flexibility and cultural adaptation

Flexibility is at the heart of successful online marketing strategies. American brands impress with their pronounced enthusiasm and optimism, while German companies emphasize quality and reliability. These cultural preferences require a tailored adjustment of SEO tactics—because Google.de differs significantly from Google.com. Local optimization for search engines is crucial to be visible in the respective markets. Moreover, influencer marketing in the USA and Germany varies, depending on the popular influencers and platforms in each. Successful digital marketing is based on the ability to adapt to these cultural differences and calibrate strategies accordingly.

Measuring marketing success and data analysis

For the development and review of every marketing strategy, tools like Google Analytics and specific local applications are indispensable, this also applies to full-service agencies. In the USA, a wide range of analysis tools is available. German companies prefer data protection-compliant solutions. Skillful collection and evaluation of data are essential. It provides deep insights into audience behavior. Data analyses are crucial for campaign success. They inform future marketing strategies. Marketing professionals must thoroughly understand the tools. Only then can they use data for planning and optimization.

Learning opportunities through success stories and case studies

Success stories serve as teaching tools, not least for online marketing agencies. Both a creative campaign by a full-service agency in Munich and the conquest of social media by a company from the USA can offer valuable insights. Such examples serve as inspiration and reflect the breadth and depth of online marketing. They shed light on the creative and strategic paths to success as well as the obstacles overcome. By analyzing case studies, we gain deep insights into the practical implementation of online marketing, from analyzing the target audience to selecting effective channels and assessing campaign success. Successes are built on a willingness to experiment, informed data-based decisions, and a deep understanding of the digital ecosystem. Furthermore, sharing best practices and innovative methods promotes the progress of the entire industry on a global level.

Dynamics and innovation: The constant change in online marketing

In the world of online marketing, trends become outdated quickly, and what is considered new today may be surpassed tomorrow. The industry evolves at a breathtaking pace, with technologies such as artificial intelligence, personalized marketing, and ecological sustainability currently being focal points. For online marketing agencies as well as full-service agencies, the challenge lies in staying up to date while simultaneously developing forward-looking strategies.

Continuing education and innovations are essential for a digital competitive advantage. Agencies that quickly adapt to new trends stand out. They utilize technologies such as automation and data analysis. Full-service agencies offer a wide spectrum of online marketing. They guarantee comprehensive support in digital marketing, from development to optimization of strategies.

Conclusion: Creating connections, fostering mutual growth

Our common goal is to fascinate and win over our target groups through creative online marketing. The diversity between the markets in Germany and the USA opens up numerous opportunities for learning and growth. For companies willing to broaden their perspectives, great opportunities lie ahead. By recognizing and leveraging the specific strengths of both markets, we can develop effective strategies. These strategies have the potential to achieve success not just locally, but also globally.

A thorough examination of the online marketing landscapes in Germany and the USA reveals complex differences and interesting parallels. Integrating these insights into our marketing approaches allows us to redefine the boundaries of what is possible. By utilizing the insights gained, we open up new paths to success in a connected global market. This keeps us competitive and enables us to continuously evolve.

Comparison of Online Marketing in Germany and the U.S.

Online Marketing in Deutschland und USA im Vergleich.

Google's New Cryptocurrency Advertising Policy and Its Effects

At the beginning of 2024, Google made a significant adjustment to its new cryptocurrency advertising policy. This move aims to create a more regulated and transparent advertising environment. For full-service agencies and specialists in online marketing, particularly in the areas of digital marketing, content marketing, and email marketing, this marks a strategic turning point. These agencies must reconsider their approaches to comply with the new regulations and continue to operate effectively in the field of online marketing in Germany and globally.

At the same time, the USA has seen the introduction of Spot Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), a development that also has profound implications for the crypto market and online marketing. With leading ETFs like the ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF and BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust, investors now have direct access to Bitcoin. This innovation could not only simplify and secure investment in Bitcoin but also open up new avenues in content marketing and advertising communication.

Adjustment of Online Marketing Strategies

In light of Google's new advertising guidelines, full-service agencies must carefully review and adjust their online marketing strategies. This is particularly true for content marketing and email marketing, which now must be designed in compliance with the updated requirements. The challenge lies in remaining creative and innovative while operating within regulatory boundaries.

Certification Process for Crypto Advertising

The new policy requires advertisers in the cryptocurrency sector to obtain specific certification from Google. This process is designed to ensure that only reputable and regulated providers are allowed to run crypto-related advertising. For full-service agencies, this means they need to familiarize themselves thoroughly with the certification process and accordingly advise and support their clients.

Advertising for Specific Crypto Products

Google allows advertising for crypto-related services such as exchanges and wallets under certain conditions. This relaxation offers new opportunities for content marketing but also places high demands on the transparency and credibility of advertising content.

Impacts for Online Marketing

These changes could fundamentally transform online marketing, particularly affecting cryptocurrency advertising. Credibility and security are enhanced, potentially increasing public trust in digital currencies. Marketing strategies must adapt to new requirements. In Germany, agencies need to be especially cautious, adjusting strategies to both international and local regulations. A deep understanding of the guidelines is necessary, and proactive implementation into marketing strategies is required.

Significance for Advertisers and Users

Google's new advertising policy poses challenges for advertisers but also offers users more security and trust through certified advertising. It is an opportunity to increase the reliability and credibility of the advertised products. Moreover, it enables more transparent communication between providers and consumers. In the long term, this could lead to a more positive perception of online advertising.


Google's updated guidelines for cryptocurrency advertising represent a significant step towards a more regulated and transparent market. They underscore the need for advertisers to adapt to strict guidelines and offer consumers a safer browsing experience. For full-service agencies and online marketing experts, this means they must remain agile and continuously adjust their strategies to the changing regulations.

The Evolution of Social Media in 2023

The year 2023 marks a decisive turning point in the world of social media. Platforms like Twitter (X) are transforming the digital communication landscape. This results in new challenges and opportunities in online marketing. The social media ecosystem profoundly influences our communication. It plays a central role in digital marketing.

Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and X now serve far beyond networking. They are essential tools for full-service agencies. They enable brands and businesses to effectively engage and acquire customers.

Current user numbers of social media.

In 2023, social media continued to build an impressive user base. Instagram reached 2.3 billion active users monthly, Facebook dominates with 3 billion, while LinkedIn counts 900 million registered members. Twitter, now known as X, shows a remarkable presence with 450 million active users monthly.

The growth of X in 2023

2023 was a turning point for Twitter, now known as X. The platform experienced an estimated growth from 450 million users in March to 528.3 million by the end of the year. This development is partly due to the introduction of innovative features, including video content that poses serious competition to YouTube, as well as X Payments, which enable both fiat and cryptocurrency payments.

Trends in the area of social media

The dynamic landscape of social media social media in 2023 was dominated by some platforms that showed impressive growth. BeReal recorded a growth of 313%, followed by Twitch with 29% and LinkedIn with 20%. Despite some leadership crises and controversial acquisitions, Twitter (X) also grew by 7%.

Global growth of social media

Globally, the number of social media users increased from 4.62 billion in January 2022 to 4.72 billion in January 2023, corresponding to a growth of 3%. The spread of social media shows a great regional diversity with a high penetration rate in East Asia, North America, and Europe.

Engagement and content type on social media

The type of content significantly influences engagement on social networks. Videos are particularly effective. TikTok set the video trend. High adoption rate and growth characterize TikTok. Instagram followed with the introduction of Reels. Videos under 15 minutes were integrated. Reels almost doubled Instagram's engagement rate. Other post types have lower rates. Twitter and Facebook also benefit from videos. The average engagement rate there is 0.17% (as of June 2023).


The data and trends of 2023 make it clear that social media should play a central role in the digital marketing strategy of companies more than ever. The growing user base, increased engagement through innovative content formats, and the global reach of platforms like Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, and others offer unparalleled opportunities for branding and customer interaction.

The last year brought significant changes to the social media landscape. Platforms like Twitter (X) transformed the digital world. This presents new challenges for online marketing. Social media now influences communication and marketing. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn offer more than networking. They are key tools for full-service agencies and businesses.

Duet AI: The Revolution in Google Workspace

Duet AI: The Revolution in Google Workspace marks a groundbreaking shift in the digital workplace. This innovative AI technology, introduced in 2023, is now accessible to all users and fundamentally changes how we interact with email, documents, and other Workspace applications. For full-service agencies focusing on online marketing, Duet AI represents a significant expansion of their toolset.

Integration of AI in Google Workspace

Duet AI is a generative AI assistant for Google Workspace. It enhances productivity in many areas, including digital marketing. One feature is creating texts for online marketing. It also enables brainstorming new marketing strategies. Additionally, Duet AI summarizes customer feedback. It extracts information from emails for email marketing campgains. Moreover, it creates images and diagrams for presentations.

Enhanced Smart-Fill Feature in Google Sheets

The Smart-Fill feature in Google Sheets, a highlight of Duet AI, has recently been enhanced. This function reduces manual entries and analyses in Sheets by recognizing patterns between cells and making suitable suggestions. It supports tasks such as sentiment analysis in online marketing and also facilitates text generation. Additionally, it helps with formatting addresses and more.

Advanced Features in Google Meet

In Google Meet, Duet AI can summarize conversations in real time, identify action items, and capture video clips for later reviews. Interestingly, Duet AI also has the capability to attend meetings on your behalf and relay your messages, which can be particularly advantageous for full-service agencies in the field of digital marketing.

Potential and Challenges of Duet AI

The introduction of Duet AI in Google Workspace brings not only advantages but also new challenges. Companies must engage with the possibilities and limitations of this technology to effectively use it for areas like email marketing and digital marketing. This includes understanding data protection aspects and the need for ethical use of AI.

Future Prospects and Areas of Application

The ongoing development of Duet AI opens up exciting future prospects. Companies like Media Beats, active in the field of online marketing, can benefit from this technology by enabling more efficient work processes while simultaneously offering a high level of user-friendliness and personalization.


Duet AI represents a significant advancement towards more efficient and intelligent work. It not only offers considerable time savings but also enhances interactivity and personalization in Google Workspace. This is especially important for companies like Media Beats, which are always in search of the latest digital solutions in online marketing. Duet AI proves to be an innovative tool for them, setting new standards in online communication and collaboration.

Are we at the beginning of the end of search engine advertising?

At the beginning of the end of search engine advertising, we find ourselves in a revolutionary era of online marketing. Once an essential component of the digital strategy of every full-service agency, the role of search engine advertising is now undergoing a profound transformation. This transformation is primarily driven by the increasing prevalence of AI assistants that provide users with direct answers to their queries, thereby creating new challenges for traditional search engine advertising.

Current Situation and Challenges

Search engine advertising, a key element in the arsenal of digital marketing, has taken a dominant position in recent years. This form of advertising has allowed companies to increase their visibility in search results and target customers effectively.

However, with the emergence of AI assistants that provide precise and personalized answers, user behavior is changing. Users are increasingly relying on these assistants, often bypassing traditional search through search engines.

The Role of AI Assistants

AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are becoming increasingly sophisticated. They not only better understand user intentions but also provide tailored solutions. This leads to a reduction in interactions with search engine results and, consequently, clicks on paid advertisements. This development requires online marketing experts to rethink and adapt their strategies.

New Strategies in Digital Marketing

In light of this shift, full-service agencies like Media Beats need to develop innovative approaches. Content marketing, social media strategies, and influencer marketing are gaining importance. It's about building and maintaining brand presence where customers are - on social networks, blogs, and online communities. The integration of AI into their marketing strategy will also be essential to keep up with changing user needs.

The Future of Search Engine Advertising?

This development also presents opportunities: companies can now establish a more direct and personalized relationship with their customers. By using AI and data analysis, they can tailor their offerings better to the needs of their target audience. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Imagine a world in 10 years where search engine advertising plays a subordinate role. Media Beats aims to establish itself as a pioneer in the field of AI-driven marketing in this world. Our campaigns will be hyper-personalized, reaching the target audience through intelligent assistants seamlessly integrated into users' daily lives. Customers receive recommendations perfectly tailored to their needs and preferences, and the boundaries between advertising and valuable content blur.


The future of digital marketing lies in adaptability and the willingness to integrate new technologies. For full-service agencies like Media Beats, this means staying at the forefront and developing innovative solutions that not only take into account but actively shape the changes in user behavior.

AI Revolution in Online Marketing: Collaborative Articles

In the dynamic field of digital marketing, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a trend but a necessity, signaling an AI revolution in online marketing. Full-service agencies face the challenge of finding innovative approaches to distinguish their content. LinkedIn, the leading platform for professional networking, has introduced an interesting initiative in this area: Collaborative Articles.

What are LinkedIn Collaborative Articles?

LinkedIn Collaborative Articles utilize AI to initiate discussions on a variety of topics. These articles are then expanded and enriched by expert contributions from the LinkedIn community. This allows for a combination of AI-generated and human-enhanced content, which is both efficient and profound.

Use of AI in Content Creation

AI technology at LinkedIn serves as a starting point for content creation. By identifying topics that may resonate within the community, the AI generates initial article drafts. These drafts are then expanded and refined by the community, consisting of industry experts and professionals. This process combines the best of both worlds: the efficiency of AI in data analysis and the depth of human understanding and expertise.

Success Measurement and Reach

LinkedIn Collaborative Articles have achieved impressive reach. With over 1.5 million organic users and an estimated number of 141,855 AI-generated articles alone in the USA, this model demonstrates how effective the combination of AI and human expertise can be. For online marketing agencies this example provides valuable insights into the use of AI to increase reach and engagement.


The LinkedIn case study impressively demonstrates the AI revolution in the digital marketing space. Full-service agencies can learn from this approach by using AI to generate content while also incorporating human expertise and insights. The balance between technology and human creativity is becoming increasingly important for success in today's fast-paced digital world. LinkedIn Collaborative Articles are a prime example of what future-oriented marketing strategies can look like.

SEO 2024: The Top Trends

As we enter the year 2024, the landscape of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is evolving at a rapid pace. Understanding these changes is crucial for businesses and marketers who want to be a step ahead in the digital space. In this blog post, we will explore the 5 most important SEO trends of 2024 that will shape the online world in the year 2024.

First-Hand Experience and Authority Expertise (E-EAT)

In 2024, experienced, authoritative content creation gains significance in online marketing. The E-EAT trend emphasizes the value of expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in content creation. Google's algorithms are becoming better at assessing the authenticity and credibility of content. For businesses, it becomes important to have content created by industry experts or experienced professionals to enhance its value and search engine ranking.

AI-Generated Content and Automation in SEO

By 2024, the use of Artificial Intelligence in content creation and SEO significantly increases. AI-generated content, which is high-quality and complies with Google's guidelines, expands creativity. Additionally, automation tools enhance keyword research, website audits, and content optimization. These advancements could... SEO strategies revolutionieren und Unternehmen unterstützen, um ihre digitalen Marketingstrategien effizienter und effektiver zu gestalten.

Voice and Mobile Search Optimization

The importance of voice and mobile search is growing, requiring adjustments in content structure and presentation. This shift brings conversational keywords and mobile-friendliness into focus. These trends affect how online information is accessed and consumed, and could influence the presentation in search engine results pages (SERPs). Therefore, it is important for businesses to optimize content for voice search and make it accessible for mobile devices.

Focus on User Experience and Page Performance

Google is increasingly focusing on user experience and website performance. Factors such as page load time, mobile responsiveness, and Core Web Vitals are becoming more important for ranking in SERPs. Websites that provide a seamless and fast user experience maintain a competitive edge. Businesses need to prioritize technical SEO and performance optimizations to enhance their online presence and user interaction.

Thematic Authority and Content Quality

Establishing thematic authority through in-depth content on specific topics is becoming increasingly important. Google's algorithms are becoming more adept at evaluating the depth and breadth of website content. Websites that demonstrate comprehensive expertise gain advantages. Businesses should focus on the quality and depth of content, rather than relying solely on keyword optimization.

Implications for Businesses

These trends indicate a shift in the SEO landscape towards quality, expertise, and user experience. Businesses should:

– Utilize Expert Knowledge: Create authentic and high-quality content by collaborating with industry experts.

– AI and Automation: Utilize AI tools for content creation and SEO while maintaining quality standards.

– Adapt to Voice and Mobile Search: Optimize content for the increasing use of voice search features and mobile devices.

– Focus on User Experience: Invest in website performance and technical SEO to enhance both the user experience and adherence to Google standards.

– Build Thematic Authority: Create comprehensive content on specific topics to act as a leading resource in the niche.


The SEO landscape in 2024 is becoming more dynamic and user-centered. Businesses can effectively position themselves in the digital space by understanding and adapting to these trends. The focus is on expertise, technology utilization, and user experience as keys to success in the evolving world of SEO.

Integrating AI-Generated Images into Our Marketing Strategy

In a world that's constantly changing, one thing remains constant: the need for innovation. At Media Beats, we have always been committed to being at the forefront of online marketing by applying the latest technologies and trends. A key element in this is the integration of AI into marketing strategies to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

In our latest endeavor, we have decided to integrate AI-generated images into our marketing strategy. This step not only symbolizes our desire to keep up with the times but also our aspirations to expand the boundaries of what's possible in the digital world.

Our Journey to AI-Generated Images

Der Übergang zu KI-generierten Bildern bei Media Beats war ein wohl überlegter Schritt. In einer Branche, die sich durch visuelle Inhalte definiert, sahen wir die Notwendigkeit, uns von Standard Designs abzuheben und unseren Kunden einzigartige, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anzubieten.

The integration of Artificial Intelligence into our image creation means more than just the application of new technologies; it's an investment in the future and a commitment to continually pursue innovative paths in online marketing.

The Evolution of Image Design in Marketing

Traditionally, image design relied on manual creativity and standardized software tools. However, the rise of AI has marked a turning point. Now, we can generate images that are not only visually appealing but also convincingly connected to the respective content. This development is particularly important in areas like web design and email marketing, where visual communication is crucial.

Challenges and Solutions

Every technological innovation comes with its challenges. Introducing AI into our image design required thorough market research, learning new software and techniques, and adjusting our work processes. There were initial difficulties, but through teamwork, continuous education, and close collaboration with our technology partners we have successfully overcome them.

The Impact of AI on SEO and Online Marketing

AI-generated images not only improve visual quality, but also support our SEO strategies. They create unique, search engine-friendly images that enhance the ranking and visibility of brands. Furthermore, they enable a better alignment with keywords, which improves user experience and click rates.

Benefits of AI-Generated Images in Online Marketing

AI-generated images offer many advantages in online marketing. They enable faster content production, targeted communication, and support innovative SEO, email marketing, and web design campaigns. AI allows for the creation of dynamic, audience-specific visual content.

A look into the Future

AI-generated images open up new possibilities in online marketing. They increase efficiency and change the way we tell stories and present brands. They enable us to be one step ahead in the digital world.

These images also create a deeper emotional connection with the audience by providing customized, appealing visual experiences. They allow for quick adjustments to trends and continuous content optimization to maximize user interaction and engagement.


The transition to AI-generated images marks a new era in online marketing at Media Beats. This move reflects our vision to always be at the forefront of the industry and to innovatively meet the needs of our clients. We look forward to sharing this journey with you and growing together.

Advantages of working with a full service agengy

In today's digital world, it's crucial for businesses to be discoverable online, especially on search engines like Google. When people search for products or services, they typically turn to search engines to find answers. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play. SEO is a process designed to position your website as high as possible in search results, making it easily accessible to potential customers. A agency like that can help enhance your visibility in search engines while also offering a wide range of online marketing services that go beyond SEO.

1. The Essential Role of an Agency in the SEO Landscape

A full service agency is a team of experts, specializing, among other things, in helping businesses get found in search engines. They take on the responsibility of ensuring your website is visible in search results, which is crucial because most people typically only browse the first few pages of search results. A comprehensive agency utilizes various techniques to ensure your website appears where potential customers are looking.

2. Strategy Development: The Commencement of a Successful SEO Campaign

The cornerstone of any SEO campaign is a well-thought-out strategy. This begins with the selection of keywords relevant to your business. Keywords are the words or phrases people enter into search engines when seeking information or services. For example Media Beats GmbH employs tools to identify the best keywords for your business.

For those unfamiliar: "Keywords" are the words or phrases people type into search engines when looking for information. For example, if you operate a restaurant in Munich, relevant keywords might include "great restaurant in Munich" or "local specialties in Munich.

3. Implementation: Technical and Creative Execution of the SEO Strategy

Implementing the SEO strategy involves a multitude of technical and creative steps to optimize your website for search engines. This includes:

On-Page Optimization: Involves adjusting page content, URL structures, and internal linking to ensure your website is well-structured for search engines.

Off-Page Optimization: Refers to actions taken outside your website, such as building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to enhance your site's credibility.

Technical Optimization:Encompasses improving page load times, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and addressing technical issues on your website.

Content Development: Involves creating high-quality and relevant content that appeals to both search engines and your target audience.

The full-service agency works to optimize these aspects to ensure your website performs well in search engines.

Case Study: Let's assume you operate a small hotel in Munich. For on-page optimization, the agency can ensure your hotel's website provides relevant information about rooms, pricing, and local attractions. Simultaneously, they can take off-page optimization actions to secure high-quality backlinks from travel and tourism websites. These efforts collectively improve your website's search rankings and attract more potential guests.

4. Monitoring and Adaptation: Continuous Enhancement for Better Results

SEO is an ongoing optimization process, with an agency consistently monitoring your website's performance in search engines and adjusting the strategy for optimal results. Regular reports and analysis contribute to refining the approach.

Conclusion: Why choosing a agency like Media Beats is the best decision

In a world where online visibility is crucial, opting for a full service agency is the key to success. Media Beats GmbH doesn't just offer SEO services but a comprehensive array of online marketing services to ensure your business stands out online. Here are some reasons why collaborating with a full service agency is invaluable:

Comprehensive services: While other agencies may focus solely on SEO, a full service agency goes beyond that. Media Beats GmbH provides a wide range of services, including social media marketing, content marketing, paid advertising (SEA), and more. This means that your entire online presence is in the hands of experts who can support your business in various ways, regardless of their location.

Holistic Approach: Media Beats doesn't just consider the technical aspects of SEO but also your target audience's needs. This means your website is optimized not only for search engines but also for people, making it engaging and relevant. We follow this holistic approach to ensure that your online presence is appreciated by both search engines and your potential customers.

Continuous Optimization: The online landscape is ever-changing, and we specialize in adapting and continuously optimizing your strategy. By monitoring performance, analyzing data, and adjusting the strategy, you can rest assured that your online presence remains up to date.

If you're searching for a full service agency in Germany to elevate your website in search engines and optimize your overall online marketing, Media Beats GmbH is the right choice. Thanks to our international background, we not only bring expertise to the German market. Due to the team's international network, Media Beats is also active in other markets worldwide. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your business in online marketing. With us, you're on the path to online success.

Overview of the 6 Best AI Tools in Online Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides in recent years and is now an integral part of many business sectors, including online marketing. But which AI tools are particularly recommended, and how can Artificial Intelligence, for example, be used in performance marketing or email marketing? In our blog post, the experts at our agency for Online Marketing Munich introduce you to the AI tools that we find the most sensible and useful.

ChatGPT for Text Content in Online Marketing

ChatGPT is an AI application built on the powerful GPT architecture by OpenAI. With ChatGPT, you can easily generate text and even program code using natural language inputs.

The AI is continuously learning and adapting to new language patterns, which enhances its performance over time. It can not only answer questions and provide recommendations but also assist in creative writing by generating and meaningfully expanding content for email marketing, websites, and more based on your inputs.

ChatGPT is based on neural networks and machine learning, enabling natural and precise interactions. The application analyzes entered texts, comprehends context, and provides you with relevant responses.

2. DALL-E2: Artful Creations

Another recommendation from our Online Marketing Agency in Munich is DALL-E2, an advancement of a AI tool that generates images based on textual descriptions. With DALL-E2, you can create stunningly detailed and high-resolution artwork in online marketing through simple text input.

This tool is based on a multimodal implementation of GPT-3, which means it interprets text and translates it into impressive images.

DALL-E2 allows users to transform text descriptions into visual artworks, making it a valuable resource for graphic designers and artists, particularly for creating personalized content that resonates with the target audience.

3. Synthesia: Impressive Video Production with AI

Synthesia is an artificial intelligence tool for video production and motion graphics . This application leverages artificial intelligence to create personalized videos without the need for you to be in front of the camera. You can simply input text, and Synthesia generates a corresponding video with a virtual speaker delivering your message.

This AI tool is particularly useful for creating explainer videos, marketing content, or training materials. Synthesia also provides the option to customize the virtual speaker to align with your brand image, ensuring consistent brand communication.

4. Adobe Firefly: AI-Powered Image Enhancement

Adobe Firefly is an AI tool that takes image enhancement to a new level. This application leverages machine learning to improve photos without the need for extensive manual editing.

This AI tool is particularly useful for creating explanatory videos, marketing content, or training materials. Synthesia also offers the option to customize the virtual speaker to align with your brand identity, ensuring consistent brand communication.

5. Beautiful.ai: Smart Presentations with AI

Beautiful.ai is an innovative AI tool for creating presentations. This application uses artificial intelligence to automatically design and optimize presentation slides.

Beautiful.ai offers pre-designed layouts that automatically adapt to your content, making presentation design effortless.

You can also insert royalty-free images directly into your presentation. The AI can even create automatic animations and follows best practices in presentation design.

6. Jasper.ai: Creative Texts in 25 Languages

Jasper.ai is one of the valuable recommendations from our email marketing agency, especially if you need diverse content in various languages.

Jasper.ai is an AI-powered text generation tool based on machine learning and natural language processing. It can create engaging and high-quality content in 25 different languages.

Jasper.ai analyzes the context and purpose of the text, generating appropriate phrasing. The application considers not only grammar and spelling but also the desired style. It even provides recommendations for text improvement and checks for SEO compliance.

Conclusion: Optimizing Your Online Marketing with Artificial Intelligence

Our selection of 6 AI tools represents some of the most useful applications, particularly for performance marketing and email marketing in businesses.

These tools simplify our daily routines and provide innovative solutions for various areas in online marketing and beyond.

Talk to the specialists at our performance agency and optimize your online marketing strategy with Artificial Intelligence and tailored AI tools.

Overview of the 6 Best AI Tools in Online Marketing

Search engine marketing (SEA) is subject to constant adjustments, and Google is known for continuously introducing new updates and features. However, in a recent release, the industry leader announces a significant change for advertisers: the discontinuation of auto-optimized CPC (Enhanced CPC or ECPC) for shopping campaigns. In our article, the team at our online marketing agency takes a close look at this change as well as new formats like Performance Max and explains what they mean for online marketing experts and advertisers.

Google Ads discontinues auto-optimized CPC (ECPC) for Shopping.

The auto-optimized Cost-per-Click (ECPC) has long been a popular choice in the Online Marketing Strategy of advertisers who made manual bid adjustments in Google Ads.

This smart bidding search engine advertising was designed to increase conversions while keeping the average CPC lower than the maximum CPC (including bid adjustments) within the marketing budget.

However, the introduction of ECPC occurred approximately ten years ago, and since then, Google has consistently developed more efficient solutions for bid management. Now, ECPC is being discontinued in early October 2023.

What can advertisers expect with the end of ECPC campaigns?

Starting in October, Shopping campaigns that relied on ECPC will behave similarly to campaigns with manual CPC bids in SEA. Google is shifting its focus towards other bidding strategies, particularly Performance Max campaigns.

In 2021, Smart Shopping and Local campaigns were replaced by Performance Max campaigns, and advertisers were required to transition their campaigns by the end of September 2022.

Performance Max campaigns are a type of Google Ads campaigns aimed at maximizing performance and reach. They provide access to various Google platforms, including the Search Network, Display Network, YouTube, Discovery Network, and Gmail, offering numerous ways to reach potential customers across different channels.

Performance Max campaigns leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize keywords, bids, and ad placements in real-time. Advertisers can set clear objectives for Performance Max campaigns, whether it's increasing conversions, maximizing revenue, or enhancing brand awareness.

These campaigns use dynamic ads that automatically adjust to users' preferences and behavior. This enables personalized ads tailored to the needs and interests of the target audience.

In this context, Google suggests an option in Online Marketing, which is conducting ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) tests for shopping campaigns. These tests allow for a comparison of bid settings with the "Manual CPC" strategy versus the "Auto-optimized CPC" strategy in standard shopping campaigns and analyzing their effects.

This test allocates the marketing budget between the test campaign and the original campaign, enabling a reliable analysis of bidding and SEA (Search Engine Advertising) strategy.

What does the future hold for Smart Bidding and Performance Max?

Performance Max campaigns are expected to play a key role in the world of search engine advertising, providing the opportunity to reach the entire Google ecosystem.

Furthermore, these campaigns are supported by Google's Gen AI Support, which generates dedicated recommendations, texts, and even images based on the insights learned about the brand.

Conclusion: Embrace the Future of SEA in Your Business

The evolution promises exciting opportunities for advertisers in the field of search engine advertising, offering new avenues for optimizing SEA strategies and enhancing performance.

For further insights and practical tips on bidding strategies and the use of AI in search engine advertising, please feel free to get in touch with our online marketing agency's team.

Together, we will develop an optimal strategy and suitable ways to practically implement your Google Ads.

Google Certification – What You Need to Know

Companies commonly utilize Google products such as Google Ads or AdSense as advertising platforms to display ads for their products and services or to assist in monetizing their content through SEA (Search engine advertising) .Google has recently announced that, in the future, a specific certification via the Consent Management Platform (CMP) will be required for their use. As a Google Ads Online Marketing Agency, we've taken a closer look at this new certification and will address the key questions here.

What does certification through Consent Management Platform (CMP) mean?

Advertisers who utilize Google offerings in Search Engine Advertising (SEA) will require a specific certification for the Consent Management Platform (CMP) in the future.

The Consent Management Platform (CMP) is employed to manage user consent for the use of cookies and the processing of their personal data, ensuring compliance with applicable data privacy regulations.

In other words, companies that wish to use Google products such as AdSense, Ad Manager and AdMob must transition and use Consent Banners certified by Google by January 2024.

This CMP must not only support the latest TCF (Transparency and Consent Framework) version 2.2 but also the extension known as "Google Additional Consent Mode."

What is the technical effort required for certification?

The good news is that the technical effort to meet Google's new Search Engine Advertising (SEA) requirements remains manageable.

Most advertisers are already using a previous version of the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF). The sole requirement is that they use a Consent Management Platform (CMP) certified by Google.

In line with this, Google has already introduced a list of certified Consent Banner providers in June, which can assist in the selection process and must be implemented by January 16, 2024.

After this deadline, Google will only accept CMPs that comply with the TCF standard in the current version 2.2. Advertisers who do not use certified CMPs after January 16, 2024, could face significant consequences, including restricted access to Google services and the denial of personalized ad targeting.

What role do GDPR and TCF v2.2 play?

Interestingly, Google's requirements and those of the IAB TCF (Transparency and Consent Framework) are independent of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This means that GDPR compliance is possible without adhering to these frameworks. However, for companies using Google products, this is not a viable option.

This is because if their Consent Management Platform (CMP) does not support the latest TCF version and the "Google Additional Consent Mode," the ability to display personalized ads is significantly limited. This could result in not only financial losses but also the inability to access relevant Google services.

With TCF v2.2, Google also aims to make its "Additional Consent Mode" mandatory. This allows for obtaining consents for Google ad partners who are not part of the Transparency and Consent Framework but are listed as Ad Tech Providers by Google.

How does the new certification affect advertisers?

The most significant change pertains to the legal basis for data collection and processing in certain processing categories. Publishers can no longer rely on "legitimate interest" but must instead rely on user consent in Search Engine Advertising (SEA).

This approach is welcomed by consumer advocates and requires companies to provide more transparent information and a user-friendly presentation of data processing purposes.

Users must receive detailed information about the data collected, including IP addresses and device identifiers. Additionally, companies should inform users on the first level of the cookie banner about the total number of providers that data may be shared with, and consent withdrawal should be simplified.

What should advertisers pay attention to?

Publishers using Google applications such as Google Ads for transparent communication with their users to obtain consent for data collection. Without consent, personalized advertising can no longer be effectively targeted. A fair and transparent approach, engaging users on an equal footing, is the key to obtaining their data while simultaneously building trust.

The Google certification and TCF v2.2 may introduce new requirements, but they provide users with the assurance of a unified standard in handling user data.

Conclusion: Keep an Eye on Certification in Search Engine Marketing!

Um die Datenschutzpraktiken im Suchmaschinenmarketing und bei Werbemonetarisierung zu verbessern, sind die Anforderungen von Google für zertifizierte Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) und die neue Version 2.2 des Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) wichtig. Diese Änderungen fordern eine transparente Kommunikation mit Nutzern und deren Einwilligung zur Datenerhebung. Sie bieten auch eine Chance, den Datenschutz zu stärken und Kunden mehr Kontrolle über ihre Daten zu geben.

Unsere Google Ads Online Marketing Agentur hilft Ihnen dabei, die Sichtbarkeit Ihrer Marke und Produkte zu erhöhen, gezielt Zielgruppen anzusprechen und Werbekampagnen zu optimieren. Wir unterstützen Sie im sich wandelnden digitalen Marketing, um erfolgreich zu sein.

Contact us Contact us to learn more about the possibilities our agency offers in Search Engine Advertising.

Deinfluencing: A Reorientation in Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing provides companies with the opportunity to connect with their target audience, promote products, and increase brand awareness. One pillar of this approach is Influencer Marketing, where influencers with a large following recommend products and services to their followers. However, there has been a notable shift in Social Media Marketing recently, known as "Deinfluencing." In this trend, influencers distance themselves from endorsing products. In our latest blog post, our Social Media Agency experts explain what Deinfluencing is, its implications for businesses, and how it's changing the landscape of social media marketing.

1. An Overview of Deinfluencing

Influencers are renowned for presenting products persuasively and persuading their followers to make purchases. This trust in influencers has made influencer marketing a powerful tool. However, there is currently a counter-movement known as Deinfluencing. Under hashtags like #deinfluencing, users on social media platforms express their opinions and criticisms of products, influencers, and brands.

Doch aktuell gibt es eine Gegenbewegung, die als Deinfluencing bezeichnet wird. Dabei äußern unter anderem unter dem Hashtag #deinfluencing Nutzer in den sozialen Medien ihre Meinung und Kritik zu Produkten, Influencern und Marken.

2. Goals of Deinfluencing

The Deinfluencing trend centers around the authenticity of influencers. Users are increasingly questioning whether influencers genuinely believe in the brands and products they promote or if it's merely advertising.
As a result, consumers are more critical of endorsements by their idols and raise legitimate questions.

Users on social media platforms are voicing their opinion and openly criticizing products. They share their negative personal experiences, report on subpar quality, and expose misleading advertising campaigns.
This critical approach is pushing influencers to be more transparent and recommend products only when they genuinely support them.

Explicitly rejecting certain products has gained popularity not only among influencers with a large following but also among users with limited reach. Just on Tiktok , this hashtag received an impressive 510 million views in the first four months of 2023.

3. Critique of Greenwashing and Excessive Consumption

Deinfluencing goes further by scrutinizing companies engaging in Greenwashing promoting products as environmentally friendly when they are not.

Often, this reveals the true nature of production processes, ingredients, poor working conditions, or employee compensation.

It also sheds light on the hype surrounding expensive products and unnecessary consumption. This critique aims to better inform consumers and protect them from making ill-informed purchases.

4. The Deinfluencing Dilemma for Brands and Influencers

Deinfluencing presents a dilemma for brands and influencers. On the one hand, it can lead to a more critical examination of products and brands, potentially resulting in a loss of reputation if the criticism is valid.

On the other hand, it provides an opportunity to position themselves authentically and gain the trust of their target audience.

This presents an opportunity to highlight clear differentiators from the competition and actually implement transparency and authenticity.

5. Opportunities for Consumers

Deinfluencing offers consumers the ability to quickly identify subpar and inferior offerings and misleading advertising claims.

It fosters a critical awareness and the ability to see through marketing strategies. Moreover, it provides an option to openly share experiences and provide genuine feedback.

6. The Importance of Objective Feedback for Companies

An important aspect of Deinfluencing is the open dialogue between influencers and their followers or consumers. This dialogue requires objective and constructive feedback from influencers.

When influencers occasionally critique selected brands instead of solely praising them, it can strengthen their credibility within the community and support them.

Additionally, objective feedback helps companies improve their products and services and implement authentic online marketing strategies.

Conclusion: Transformation in Social Media Marketing

Deinfluencing brings about a significant shift in influencer marketing. The power of authenticity and honesty is gaining importance over mere product endorsements. Consumers today are better informed and more sensitized to misleading advertising claims. This development forces brands and influencers to be more transparent and authentic to gain and maintain the trust of their target audiences.

But does this mean the end of influencer marketing? Not necessarily. Rather, it could signify a transformation—a shift towards a marketing landscape where credibility, trust, and quality take precedence for businesses in social media. Influencers who focus on these values could thrive in this new era, while those who continue to act inauthentically may be left behind.

In summary, Deinfluencing represents a significant development that is reshaping the balance of power between brands, influencers, and consumers.

If you're seeking more information on influencer marketing or looking for an Online Marketing Agency , we look forward to your inquiries.

Email Marketing - A Generational Comparison

In today's world, many companies are questioning the importance of email marketing and whether an investment is worthwhile. A study on cross-generational email marketing usage, conducted by United Internet Media and the market research institute MindTake, provides interesting insights.

The results clearly show that email marketing remains indispensable. Advertisers can be very successful with targeted and personalized communication. Our online marketing experts in Munich have analyzed the study in detail for you and filtered out the most important information.

How important is e-mail as a means of communication today?

A study entitled “E-Mail Cross Generations” shows that e-mail continues to play an important role as a communication channel.

Emails are indispensable and are not surpassed by any other communication channel. In the study, 24 percent of respondents would choose email if they could only use one application. Other internet services such as instant messengers, online banking, search engines, and social networks rank behind.

This high level of indispensability of email and the associated email marketing can be attributed to its widespread use in the DACH region. In Germany and Austria, about 90 percent of respondents regularly use private emails, while in Switzerland, it is even 98 percent.

What do different generations use e-mail for?

It is interesting to see the purposes for which the generations, from Baby Boomers to Generation Z, use their emails. All age groups primarily use their email addresses for logging in to online shops.

Baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, also use them frequently for online banking. Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, increasingly uses them for online payment services.

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, born between 1981 and 1996, often log on to social networks.

Generation Z, born in the late 1990s and early 2000s, also uses their email for video streaming.

What role does email marketing play in the customer journey and trust?

Die E-Mail spielt eine entscheidende Rolle entlang der Customer Journey. Ganze 90 Prozent der Befragten verwenden während dieser Phase ihre E-Mail-Adresse.

Emails, such as newsletters, are used to highlight new products. 91 percent of respondents register with online shops using their email addresses. Approximately 90 percent use emails to contact the retailer or customer service.

For advertisers in online marketing, it is particularly relevant to know that 73 percent of respondents buy products that have been advertised in an email.

The study also provides insights into the trust in the email channel compared to instant messengers and social networks. In all DACH countries, a trend emerges: the older the generation, the higher the perceived security and trustworthiness of the various channels. Baby Boomers have the highest trust in emails at 81 percent, while for Generation Z, it is only 59 percent.

Conclusion: How to implement successful email marketing in today's world!

The study shows that email marketing remains an effective communication channel across generations. However, to be successful, generational differences must be considered. Each generation has its own preferences and needs regarding email communication. Therefore, a targeted approach with tailored content is essential.

Companies should leverage the potential of email newsletters throughout the customer journey to reach customers, build trust, and increase sales. By using targeted communication and enlisting the support of professional email marketing agencies, companies can optimize their strategies and fully exploit the benefits of this channel.

To achieve this, you can rely on a professional email marketing agency. Online marketing experts in Munich, like our team at Media Beats, have the necessary know-how and experience. We plan and implement effective email newsletters and campaigns, create the right content for you, and strengthen your customer relationships. This way, we maximize the success of your email marketing.

Instagram and the Algorithm

Unter der Bezeichnung Social Media Marketing vollzieht sich seit einigen Jahren eine wahre Revolution in der Online Marketing Welt. Instagram ist für Unternehmen sehr relevant, um Reichweite zu vergrößern und Zielgruppeninteraktion zu fördern. Ein Schlüsselfaktor ist der Algorithmus, der Inhalte sortiert und präsentiert. In unserem Blogbeitrag enthüllen wir mit unserer Social Media Agentur, wie dieser Algorithmus das Ranking von Beiträgen beeinflusst.

1. Instagram Algorithmus grundlegend verstehen

Der Algorithmus ist zentral für das Social Media Marketing auf Instagram und bestimmt, welche Beiträge Nutzer sehen. Instagram nutzt verschiedene Algorithmen, basierend auf diversen Signalen, um den Nutzern relevante Inhalte zu zeigen.

Instagram bietet Funktionen zur Personalisierung der Content-Erfahrung, einschließlich der Optionen „Gefolgt“ und „Favoriten“ für bevorzugte Inhalte.

Das Ranking von Inhalten auf Instagram hat sich geändert, mit Fokus auf originären Content und weniger Gewichtung geteilter Inhalte. Instagram fördert so die Erstellung einzigartiger Inhalte und legt Wert auf Fotos.

2. Ranking im Instagram-Feed: Wie werden Beiträge ausgewählt?

Im Feed werden Beiträge von Accounts angezeigt, denen Nutzern folgen, sowie Beiträge, von denen Instagram glaubt, dass sie diesen gefallen könnten. Dabei werden verschiedene Signale berücksichtigt, wie zum Beispiel Interaktionen mit Accounts und Beiträgen, Formatpräferenzen und die Nutzung der App oder des Browsers. Die wichtigsten Signale sind die Aktivität der Nutzer, Informationen über den Beitrag und den Account sowie die Interaktionshistorie mit anderen Accounts

Die Interaktionen, die im Feed am stärksten berücksichtigt werden, sind das Verweilen auf einem Beitrag, das Kommentieren, das Liken, das Teilen und das Tappen auf das Profilfoto.

Je wahrscheinlicher es ist, dass ein Nutzer mit einem Account oder Beitrag interagiert, desto höher wird dieser im Feed angezeigt. Ebenfalls erwähnenswert: Instagram versucht darüber hinaus, zu viele Beiträge desselben Accounts hintereinander zu vermeiden.

3. Ranking in den Stories: Wie werden sie angeordnet?

In den Stories werden Inhalte von Accounts angezeigt, denen Nutzer folgen, sowie Anzeigen. Das Ranking basiert auf ähnlichen Signalen wie im Feed. Instagram priorisiert Stories von Accounts, deren Stories im Rahmen von Social Media Marketing am häufig angeschaut werden und mit denen User interagieren. Auch die Nähe zu bestimmten Accounts, wie Freunden oder Familienmitgliedern, spielt eine Rolle bei der Anzeige der Stories.

4. Ranking im Explore-Bereich: Wie werden Inhalte entdeckt?

Im Explore-Bereich können Nutzer Inhalte entdecken, die sie interessieren. Instagram ordnet Videos und Fotos an, von denen erwartet wird, dass sie basierend auf früheren Aktivitäten Gefallen finden. Dabei werden Interaktionen wie Likes, Shares und Saves berücksichtigt. Die vorherige Aktivität der Nutzer sowie die Interaktionshistorie mit anderen Accounts sind wichtige Signale für das Ranking in diesem Bereich.

Die meisten Inhalte im Explore-Bereich stammen von Accounts, denen der Nutzer nicht folgst. Instagram berücksichtigt auch Interaktionen von anderen Nutzern mit Beiträgen, um ähnliche Inhalte zu empfehlen. Wenn viele Nutzer mit einem bestimmten Beitrag interagieren, erhöht sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass dieser im Explore-Bereich angezeigt wird. Instagram zieht auch die allgemeine Popularität und Relevanz eines Beitrags im Betracht, um vorgeschlagene Inhalte für die breite Nutzerbasis ansprechend zu machen.

5. Ranking in der Suche: Wie werden Inhalte gefunden?

Die Suchfunktion auf Instagram ermöglicht es den Nutzern, nach spezifischen Inhalten, Hashtags, Orten oder Accounts zu suchen. Gut zu wissen ist hier im Social Media Marketing, dass das Ranking der Suchergebnisse auf verschiedenen Faktoren, wie zum Beispiel der Übereinstimmung mit dem Suchbegriff, der Relevanz des Inhalts und der Aktualität basiert. Beliebte und häufig gesuchte Inhalte werden in der Regel höher in den Suchergebnissen platziert.

Instagram berücksichtigt auch das Nutzerverhalten und die Interaktionshistorie, um personalisierte Suchergebnisse zu liefern. Wenn Nutzer bestimmte Accounts oder Inhalte regelmäßig aufrufen, besteht eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie in den Suchergebnissen priorisiert werden.

6. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI): Wie werden Inhalte gefiltert?

Instagrams Algorithmus filtert unerwünschte Inhalte und setzt Technologien ein, um Richtlinienverstöße wie Gewalt oder Täuschung zu erkennen. Die Plattform nutzt maschinelles Lernen und KI zur effektiveren Inhaltsmoderation.

Nutzer können problematische Inhalte melden, wodurch Instagram manuell prüft und bei Verstößen gegen die Richtlinien eingreift.

Social Media Marketing: Instagram Algorithmus verstehen und ansprechende Content-Erfahrung bieten

Der Algorithmus auf Instagram beeinflusst maßgeblich die Erfahrung der Nutzer, indem er relevante und interessante Inhalte präsentiert. Er basiert auf einer Vielzahl von Signalen und Interaktionshistorien, um Inhalte im Feed, in den Stories, im Explore-Bereich und in der Suche zu ranken und zu filtern.

Instagram bemüht sich, die Plattform kontinuierlich zu verbessern und den Nutzern eine personalisierte und ansprechende Content-Erfahrung zu bieten, während gleichzeitig unerwünschte Inhalte reduziert werden. All diese Faktoren gilt es für Werbetreibende im Social Media Marketing von Unternehmen zu berücksichtigen.

Setzen Sie bei der Umsetzung auf eine erfahrene Social Media Agentur München. Wir unterstützen Sie im Online Marketing München und bieten eine umfassende Analysis and Strategy sowie eine maßgeschneiderte Umsetzung.

Color Impact in Marketing - How Do Colors Influence Us?

Colors play a crucial role in marketing, just as they do in online marketing. They have the power to influence our perception, evoke emotions, convey a message, trigger buying impulses, and even guide decisions. The associations triggered by colors like blue, green, or orange depend on various factors such as cultural background, memory, and expectations. Furthermore, color psychology defines some basic properties that are universally associated with colors.

The intriguing question is: How can these insights be effectively utilized for targeted marketing? The online marketing team from Munich delves into the colorful world of the color palette in this article and explains, using the example of a newsletter, how color psychology also works online.

Why are colors so important in marketing and what do they achieve?

The human brain is wired to attribute specific qualities to colors and associate them with impressions. Each color communicates with the viewer on an emotional level, which largely influences our decisions. This is why colors are much more convincing than plain text. By tapping into this emotional level, colors have the power to convey messages and evoke feelings that can significantly impact consumer behavior and decision-making. This is precisely why colors are a vital tool in marketing strategies, as they can effectively convey a brand's personality, values, and messages to the audience.

Imagine a scenario where a lemonade is being marketed. A yellow can would instantly create the perception that the drink is likely to be refreshing. On the other hand, a blue can might be less appealing. In this case, the color association and expectations don't align. Similarly, the color choice for packaging can have a significant impact on how a product is perceived. For instance, a light green packaging for a night cream might evoke feelings of sustainability, which would be appropriate. However, the same color might seem out of place for a luxurious gold ring. This illustrates how colors can create immediate associations and set expectations, making them a vital tool in influencing consumer perceptions and decisions.

In the context of online marketing, a striking orange CTA (Call to Action) button signals "Follow this path." On the other hand, a dull gray call-to-action simply goes unnoticed, and the potential customer gets lost in the customer journey because there is no clear navigation to follow. This demonstrates how the use of colors, such as vibrant orange, can guide users and enhance their experience by providing clear visual cues for action.

In short, all these examples rely on the so-called color psychology.

What is color psychology?

Color psychology deals with the impact of colors on the human beings who perceive them. The focus lies on the emotions, thoughts, and moods that colors evoke. It's important to know that colors have a subconscious effect. Since their significance is deeply rooted within us, they trigger positive or negative emotions – sometimes without us being able to explain it ourselves. The fundamental, biological associations are universally applicable, which is why specific attributes can be attributed to certain colors. Only personal experiences or cultural factors can alter perception.

Green: Environment, Nature, Happiness, Prosperity, Growth

Red: Energy, Love, Passion, Fire, Strength

Orange: Vitality, Joy, Youth, Freshness

Yellow: Cheerful, Optimism, Affordability, Playfulness

Blue: Creative, Harmony, Stability, Trust

Gray: Professional, Efficiency, Formal, Clarity, Minimalistic

Brown: Reliability, Traditional, Earthy, Masculine

Understanding the associations most people have with colors is crucial when it comes to building a brand image, marketing a product, or preparing a newsletter campaign. That's exactly what we want to explore in more detail below to demonstrate how online marketing can harness the power of color psychology.

The Choice of Colors for Newsletters

Colors in Newsletters serve different purposes. They can emphasize the content, direct attention to specific sections, and prompt certain actions. Of course, it's not advisable to just randomly use colors and create a multicolored newsletter. What's more important is that the colors align with the brand, the target audience, and the type of campaign.

With the development of the corporate design, the company's colors are selected and should be consistently reflected in the newsletter as well.

Next, the focus is directed towards the expectations, needs, and demands of the target audience. For this purpose, the associated attributes of color psychology can be utilized.

Likewise, readability should be taken into consideration. Light text on a light background or dark text on a dark background should be avoided.

The newsletter recipient should be encouraged to click on the call-to-action. Accordingly, this should be more visually striking in color than the rest. Red, green, or orange quickly draw attention to the button.

An A/B test is an excellent way to determine which color combinations are truly effective and well-received by the recipients. Sometimes, the results can be surprising.

Conclusion: Impact of Colors in Marketing

The Impact of Colors in Marketing, including Online Marketing, is a tool that shouldn't be underestimated when it comes to effectively engaging target audiences. Through the right choice of colors, specific emotions can be evoked and targeted calls to action can be established.

Each color conveys a message. The choice of colors should always align with brand values and the intended message. The key is to strike a balance between brand consistency, target audience appeal, and calls to action. This is highlighted by the example of color design in a newsletter. Ultimately, color choice can make the difference between a newsletter that ends up in the trash and one that enjoys a high click-through rate.

If you have any further questions about color effects in marketing, especially regarding newsletter campaigns, feel free to reach out to the experts at our online marketing agency in Munich!

Crowdfunding: Careful Planning for Long-Term Success

Crowdfunding offers a range of advantages that allow entrepreneurs to raise capital for their projects without being tied to traditional financing methods. Additionally, direct interaction with potential customers and supporters increases the project's visibility and enables the validation of ideas through the crowd. However, it's not only important that the campaign is executed with an experienced partner, but the company also needs ongoing professional support to ensure long-term success in the market. The experts at our Full Service Agency describe how to achieve this in practice.

1. Thoughtful preparation, budgeting, and pre-campaign activities are a must.

Careful planning is the key to success in a crowdfunding campaign. It's crucial to involve a professional agency with relevant experience to help develop a comprehensive strategy and establish a realistic budget plan.

Working together, potential risks and challenges can be identified in advance, giving founders the opportunity to respond better and increase their chances of success.

A pre-campaign before the actual crowdfunding can also serve to generate interest from potential backers and present the product optimally.

2. Collaborating with the Right Agency

We at Media Beats had the privilege to bring to life the crowdfunding campaign of URGROW. URGROW was a Leipzig-based start-up in the field of urban gardening, aiming to provide everyone with access to fresh, chemical-free herbs, salads, vegetables, and even strawberries.

From planning to pre-campaign and throughout the actual campaign, we undertook various marketing measures, created promotional materials, designed the campaign, and developed landing pages. Together, we worked to spread URGROW's message to the world.

3. Choosing the Right Platform as the Foundation for Success

A suitable platform can provide a new project with the necessary visibility and support. When selecting a platform, you should consider several factors. It's important to analyze your target audience and choose a platform that appeals to their interests and preferences. Factors such as fee structure, available tools, and the platform's reputation are also important. Thorough research and consideration will help you find the platform that best suits your project and provides you with optimal chances for success.

4. Not Underestimating Challenges

After setting up the campaign, the real challenges come into play after crowdfunding. It's essential to master post-crowdfunding challenges by delving into numbers, opportunities, and risks to continue operating in a well-informed and secure manner in the market. Controlling and closely monitoring all developments play a central role in this regard. This approach ensures that you can navigate the post-crowdfunding phase with confidence and effectively manage the outcomes of your campaign.
Despite the successful crowdfunding campaign, URGROW unfortunately decided to continue on its own after the campaign. However, they were unable to withstand the demands of the market and no longer exist today. This serves as a reminder that even with a strong start, ongoing efforts and strategies are crucial for long-term sustainability and success in the competitive market.

Conclusion: Crowdfunding - Achieving Goals with Strategy!

Crowdfunding can be a powerful tool to bring innovative ideas to life. Careful planning, choosing the right platform, and collaborating with experienced partners are crucial to ensure sustainable market success. The story of URGROW reminds us that professional support and continuous efforts after a successful campaign are of great importance. For more information on this topic, you can also check out our article: "Start Up – Crowdfunding & Consulting – Online Marketing Munich."

8 Insider-Tipps for the Perfect Social Media Presence

Social media marketing offers you a great opportunity to reach your target audience. A good social media presence can help raise awareness of a brand or business and interact with potential customers. But how do you implement a successful social media presence if you're already sharing high-quality content on a regular basis? In this blog post, our specialists from the Online Marketing Agency in Munich will give you some insider tips to help you develop your social media strategy.

1. Use stories for behind-the-scenes insights

Stories are a good opportunity for companies in social media marketing to take their followers behind the scenes and give them an insight into their day-to-day work. You can also show how products are created or how your team works. Such insights are personal and authentic and have a positive impact on your brand image.

2. Rely on user-generated content

User-Generated Content (UGC) refers to content created by customers and followers themselves. Businesses can use UGC to strengthen their brand and encourage community interaction. Let your creativity run wild. UGC includes, for example, customer ratings and reviews, shared videos and images with product experiences, customer interviews, contests or sweepstakes, and more.

3. Use live streams for events and announcements

Keep your followers up to date with events and news with live streams. Use live streams for product launches, events, or announcements at your company. They can also answer specific questions from followers and connect directly with their community.

4. Work with an online marketing agency

An Online Marketing Agency will help you develop and implement a long-term social media strategy. Make sure your strategy is aligned with the needs of your target audience. A professional agency has the necessary know-how and resources to take your social media activities to the next level and will also help you with the practical implementation if you wish.

5. Cooperate with influencers

Influencer marketing is considered an effective method in social media marketing. By working with influencers, companies can achieve a wider reach and engage with a new target audience. However, it is important to choose the right influencers who fit the brand and can build an authentic connection with your community.

6. Work with social listening

Social listening refers to monitoring social media platforms to gather feedback and comments from customers. It's about monitoring public discussions online and responding to customers' needs and opinions. In your business, you can use social listening to gain valuable insights and adjust your marketing strategies based on them. So it's all about listening carefully and observing. Companies can do social listening both manually, by monitoring specific hashtags or search terms, and automatically, by using special tools.

7. analyze your results

Measure the success of your social media strategy by regularly analyzing the results. Track your reach, interactions, and conversion rates. This will give you deep insights into which content has been most successful and what adjustments you may need to make in the future to better achieve your goals

8. Stay up to date

Social media marketing and the associated platforms are subject to constant change. Here it is crucial that you stay up to date. Follow current trends and developments and adjust your strategy accordingly. Also, be sure to visit Online Marketing Training courses or seminars to expand your skills in the field of social media marketing and to take up innovations at an early stage.

Conclusion: The right strategy for your social media marketing

As a component of online marketing, social media marketing makes an important contribution to increasing brand awareness and perception among the target group. However, a successful social media strategy requires time, patience and a clear definition of goals. By choosing the right platforms, publishing regular, quality content, and engaging with your community, you can build a strong presence. With the help of our insider tips like stories, UGC, live streaming or working with a Online Marketing Agency unleash the full social media potential.

Google AI technology in the ad business: Potential or risk?

Google hat kürzlich seinen Werbekunden die Aussicht auf Ad-Kampagnen auf Basis von KI Technologie eröffnet. Doch was steckt dahinter und wie realistisch sind die Pläne des Tech-Giganten? Das Team unserer Agentur für Online Marketing München wirft einen Blick auf die Details. Wir haben uns für Sie die Chancen und Grenzen von Artificial Intelligence für Google Ads genauer angeschaut.

The current state of online marketing.

The internet has revolutionized the advertising market. Companies can specifically target their audiences and spread their advertisements across platforms such as Google, Facebook, or Instagram.

However, with the advancing digitalization, the demands on advertising are also increasing. It is no longer just about creating an appealing advertisement, but rather about solutions that build an emotional connection with the customer and provide them with a unique experience.

This is exactly where Google comes in with its plan to integrate artificial intelligence into the creative process of ads within advertising campaigns in search engine advertising.

Google aims to use AI to develop creative compositions using texts, images, and videos.

Gemäß Google Ankündigung soll es demnächst möglich sein, den kreativen Prozess zur Erstellung von zielgruppenspezifischen Ads von einer generativen KI übernehmen zu lassen. Kunden würden dann eine Artificial Intelligence mit Texten, Bildern und Videos füttern, aus denen anschließend Werbeanzeigen kreiert werden, die speziell auf eine vorher festgelegte Zielgruppe zugeschnitten sind. Doch wie funktioniert das und welche Auswirkungen haben diese Entwicklungen auf den Werbemarkt und das Online Marketing?

Potential and concerns in the use of AI in Ad-Business

Die Nutzung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) im Ad-Business bietet ein enormes Potenzial. Durch den Einsatz von Machine Learning-Modellen lassen sich Werbekampagnen gezielter und effektiver gestalten. KI kann genutzt werden, um Zielgruppen genauer zu definieren und passende Werbebotschaften auszuspielen. Auch die Optimierung von Werbebudgets und die Vorhersage von Kampagnenergebnissen sind durch KI präzise möglich.

However, the idea of integrating artificial intelligence into the creative process of advertising campaigns also carries risks. Artificial intelligences are still prone to errors, especially in the context of search engine advertising (SEA), where factual errors in computer-generated ads are a concern. Additionally, AI systems often reproduce the biases present in the source materials they rely on.

Another problem is that AI technology could potentially replace the human factor. The creativity and personality of advertisers may take a back seat as a result. Furthermore, the use of AI technology could lead to more interchangeable advertisements, as ads start to resemble each other and become less distinctive.

Are Google's ambitious plans realistic?

Overall, it is clear that the use of AI technology in advertising is a significant development that will shape the industry in the future. Companies will be able to create personalized and relevant ads for their target audience, tailored to their interests and needs. This will help make ads more engaging and increase the likelihood that users will click on them.

Während Google vielversprechende Maßnahmen ankündigt, hegen Tech-Experten jedoch Zweifel, ob die Pläne des Unternehmens wirklich umsetzbar sind. Die Technologie stecke noch in den Kinderschuhen und es sei fraglich, ob eine KI wirklich in der Lage ist, die Kreativität eines menschlichen Werbeexperten zu ersetzen.

Conclusion: AI in the advertising sector - an opportunity or a threat?

Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob Google mit seinen Ad-Plänen auf Basis von KI-Technologie das Online Marketing revolutionieren wird. Während die Idee, den kreativen Prozess teilweise automatisiert zu gestalten, durch aus Potenzial besitzt, gibt es auch Bedenken bezüglich Fehleranfälligkeit und Austauschbarkeit. Ob eine KI tatsächlich in der Lage ist, die Kreativität von Werbeexperten zu ersetzen, bleibt offen. Vielmehr bietet Sie in Zukunft eine Arbeitserleichterung und die Option zur Automatisierung von Prozessen.

Sie haben weitere Fragen zum Thema Google Ads und KI? Nehmen Sie einfach Contact mit unserer Online Marketing Agentur auf.

Meta Development P92 - A Competitor for Twitter?

In the world of Online Marketing and Social Media Marketing, Twitter is a well-known and widely used platform. It allows businesses to reach their target audience and engage with them. But what if there is a new platform that rivals Twitter? That's exactly what P92, the codename for a new text-centric app by the giant Meta, promises. Currently under development, this blog post takes a closer look at P92 and explores whether the project indeed has the potential to establish itself as a competitor to Twitter. Our online marketing team in Munich examines the topic and delves into whether P92 can live up to its claim.

What is P92?

Behind the project name P92 lies a new social media platform that is currently in the beta phase and was founded in 2020. The platform was created by a team of developers and social media experts who aim to provide an alternative to Twitter. These individuals have already been involved in the successful implementation of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

P92 aims to be a platform that focuses on the needs of businesses and advertisers, aiming to increase audience engagement and promote products and services in a targeted manner.

An important feature of P92 is its user-friendliness. P92 is easy to navigate and understand, with no cluttered settings or hidden features. This makes it easy for users to focus on what matters most.

Was haben P92 und Twitter gemeinsam ?

Based on our research in Online Marketing München, P92 and Twitter appear to have numerous similarities. Both platforms allow users to send and receive short messages. They also provide the option to use hashtags to categorize and discover content.

Was unterscheidet P92 von Twitter ?

Unlike most social networking platforms that offer a wide range of features, P92 focuses solely on short messaging, providing a similar functionality to Twitter. However, P92 distinguishes itself from Twitter through its unique features.

P92 aims to be a platform that caters to the needs of businesses and working in an online marketing agency, enabling more targeted engagement with the target audience. Specially designed features are intended to assist both companies and full-service agencies in planning and managing campaigns and in performance marketing.

For example, it offers the option to post audio clips and voice messages. Users can record audio clips up to three minutes long and post them on P92. This allows users to share their thoughts and ideas in a lively manner, which can be particularly interesting for companies focusing on audio marketing. The ability to post voice messages is also convenient for users on the go, as it allows them to send a message without typing.

Another important difference between P92 and Twitter is the focus on data privacy and protection. P92 aims to provide users with the ability to protect their personal data and maintain their privacy. This may be achieved through the use of encryption technology and by limiting the sharing of data with third parties.

Indeed, Twitter has faced challenges in ensuring the privacy of its users in the past. In 2019, Twitter was fined $250 million by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for violating privacy policies. This incident highlighted the importance of strong data protection measures and raised concerns among users regarding the security of their personal information on the platform.

What possible features does P92 promise?

Another interesting feature of P92 is the ability to reply directly to messages. Unlike Twitter, where replies often take place in a separate thread, users on P92 can directly respond to the message they are reacting to.

This could make conversations and discussions easier to carry out and track. This feature should also be useful for businesses as it allows them to respond more directly to feedback and inquiries.

P92 is also said to include a feature called "Branching," which allows users to expand on a tweet with a new post and further develop a topic. This feature would be particularly useful in the online marketing of businesses, especially when they offer complex products or services that require explanation.

Conclusion: Can P92 become a competitor to Twitter?

The launch date of P92 and the specific features it will include are still unclear. Whether P92 will become a competitor to Twitter depends on various factors and cannot be conclusively determined by our team at Online Marketing Munich.

First and foremost, P92 needs to attract enough users to reach a critical mass. In this regard, Meta has already announced its intention to collaborate closely with Instagram. The company aims to leverage various data from Instagram users to directly introduce the text app to a large audience.

Indeed, it is a fact that Twitter has recently faced a significant decline in its user base and would need to become significantly more innovative under the influence of a strong competitor. While P92 has the potential to offer unique features and attract users, the success of becoming a true competitor to Twitter will depend on various factors, including user adoption, the platform's functionality, and the ability to address the needs and preferences of its target audience.

If you have any questions about P92, Twitter, or any other areas in social media marketing, feel free to reach out to the experts at our online marketing agency in Munich. Our team will be more than happy to assist you and provide insights tailored to your specific needs and goals. Just contact us, and we'll be ready to help you navigate the world of Social Media Marketing.

Verständlich erklärt: So setzen Sie animierte Erklärfilme gezielt ein

In our digital world, online marketing plays a crucial role in promoting businesses and products. An effective way to convey complex information in a clear and understandable manner is through animated explainer videos. Our full-service agency team at Media Beats assists companies in conceptualizing and creating explainer videos. In this blog post, we will address fundamental questions about the process of creating explainer videos and explain how our agency can help.

What are animated explainer videos?

Animated explainer videos are short animated videos that explain a concept, product, or service in a simple and entertaining manner. They are increasingly used as a marketing tool to make complex information more understandable in short video sequences and actively engage the viewer. They are particularly effective because they present the content visually and audibly, capturing the attention that companies desire for their products, services, or offerings.

How can I create an explainer video?

There are several options for creating an animated explainer video. One option is to create the videos yourself using software that supports the creation of animated videos. However, the effort and expertise required should not be underestimated. To do this, assemble a team within your company that has basic knowledge of the subject and can carry out the implementation within a reasonable time frame without requiring multiple person-days of effort and incurring high costs.

Another option is to hire a full-service agency like Media Beats to handle the implementation for you. They specialize in creating animated explainer videos among other services. They have the necessary manpower, expertise, and experience to create high-quality and professional videos that meet the requirements of their clients and showcase their content in the best possible way.

Getting explainer videos created - what are the benefits?

Creating explainer videos requires expertise and experience. If you want to have an explainer video created, there are several benefits you can enjoy:

  • Professional Quality: An experienced agency like Media Beats can guarantee a professional quality that is difficult to achieve on your own.
  • Time Saving: Creating an animated explainer video requires time and effort. By hiring an agency, you can outsource this work and focus on your core business.
  • Specialized Knowledge: An experienced service provider possesses specialized knowledge in creating explainer videos and can deliver a better result based on that expertise.
  • Creative Input: An agency provides an objective and external perspective on your company, allowing them to create videos that are engaging and captivating.

Why Choose Explainer Videos from Media Beats?

At Media Beats, we are a full-service agency that specializes in the professional creation of animated explainer videos. We work with a team of experienced and talented animators and designers to deliver high-quality and professional videos. In addition, we offer a wide range of marketing activities to help advertisers enhance their online presence and establish their brand effectively.

Our conclusion: Explainer videos as a valuable tool in online marketing.

Animated explainer videos provide companies with an optimal opportunity to present information in an engaging, visual, and auditory manner. Today, they are considered an established tool in online marketing and help you increase audience engagement.

Looking to create an explainer video? Then choose to collaborate with Media Beats to achieve high-quality and professional solutions.

Our full-service agency offers you a comprehensive range of advertising services to take your business to the next level! We are your reliable partner for consulting, concept development, and implementation in the areas of online marketing, web design and development, as well as corporate design. Each project is tailored to your needs and preferences to achieve the best possible results. Speak to us about the implementation of animated explainer videos. Contact us today!

8 Tipps for Successful Instagram Marketing: How to Increase Your Reach

With one billion users, Instagram is one of the leading social media platforms and offers tremendous potential for your social media marketing. But how can you effectively use an Instagram business profile and achieve the desired visibility among your target audience? In this article from our online marketing agency in Munich, you will find eight tips for successful Instagram marketing that will help you increase your reach and achieve your goals.

Tip 1: Pay attention to consistency

Staying active is worthwhile in social media marketing and is the key to success on Instagram. Regular postings increase your visibility within your community and improve the behavior of the Instagram algorithm. Post at least 3 times a week and regularly share stories to keep your followers up to date. Our tip: Create a social media plan in advance that helps you consistently create posts and publish them at the scheduled time.

Tipp 2: Choose the Right Timing

The timing of your postings is as important as their quality. Use Instagram Insights to determine when your community is most active and post at those times. This increases the chances of your postings being seen by many users and allows them to react in real time and engage with your company in various ways.

Tipp 3: Share high-quality content

Avoid focusing solely on quantity and make sure that your posts always include high-quality images or videos. Ensure that your images are well-lit and sharp, and that your videos have a high resolution. Work on providing a textual description that is tailored in content and length to the shared content.

Tipp 4: Interact with your target audience

Interact with your target audience, ask specific questions, respond to comments and messages, and participate in discussions. Be mindful not to let too much time pass between comments and replies, ensuring that no response goes unnoticed. This behavior signals to your audience that you are interested in their opinions and needs.

Tipp 5: Make use of Instagram's technical offerings

Instagram offers you various formats and tools that are constantly evolving. Make use of all the options such as images, Reels, and Stories that the platform provides to stay present and engage with your audience.

Using Reels, for example, allows you to achieve a high reach with relatively low effort. Reels are short and dynamic video content that is particularly popular among users.

Instagram Stories are also a great tool to increase the visibility of your business profile. Use location tags, tag other accounts, add music, and use relevant hashtags to generate more reach.

Tipp 6: Ensure good networking

For optimal networking, it is advisable to collaborate with other accounts, influencers, or content creators. However, focus only on advertising partnerships that truly align with your brand, and ensure that the content creator creates content that aligns with your company's values and specific offerings.

Tipp 7: Utilize targeted advertising

Optimize your reach and target audience engagement by strategically running ads to generate followers. On Instagram, you have the option not only to promote your products but also to promote your account itself. This allows you to increase your visibility, attract more followers, and ultimately expand your reach on the platform.

Instagram Ads allow you to specifically target users who are not yet following you, thus helping you increase your reach in a sustainable way. You can place your ads in the Story, Feed, or Explore sections and set a budget that aligns with your goals. This way, you can effectively reach your target audience and promote your brand to potential new followers.

Furthermore, you can also employ free methods such as cross-marketing to promote your Instagram account. Businesses should raise awareness about their Instagram profile on their website, email signatures, and other social media platforms, and include links to the profile wherever possible. This way, you can leverage existing online channels to drive traffic and gain new followers on Instagram.

Tipp 8: Engage an Online Marketing Agency

A full-service agency can help establish and maintain a consistent brand presence on Instagram. They can ensure that your content aligns with your brand identity and business goals. There are numerous reasons why it can be beneficial to hire an online marketing agency to manage a company's Instagram profile. In addition to expertise and experience, you can benefit from time savings for intensive management and improved reach, as well as measurable results. An agency analyzes all activities on the Instagram profile, tracks metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions, and makes adjustments based on that data to optimize the effectiveness of Instagram engagement.

Generating Followers: Achieving Successful Social Media Marketing on Instagram

Instagram offers a valuable platform for your company's social media activities. As an experienced full-service agency in Munich, we provide support to businesses in the B2C and B2B sectors in implementing successful online marketing strategies, including on Instagram.

Our approach to successful online marketing begins with a thorough analysis and strategy. We take the time to assess the current state of your presence on Instagram and then develop tailored concepts that align with your company and target audience.

At our agency, we understand the importance of creating engaging and visually appealing content. We work closely with you to develop captivating visuals, compelling captions, and effective storytelling techniques that resonate with your audience.

Furthermore, we employ various growth strategies to expand your follower base and increase your brand's visibility on Instagram. This includes utilizing relevant hashtags, engaging with your audience, collaborating with influencers, and running targeted advertising campaigns.

By entrusting your Instagram marketing to our full-service agency, you can focus on other aspects of your business while we handle the strategic planning, content creation, community management, and performance analysis. Our goal is to help you achieve tangible results and drive growth through effective online marketing on Instagram.

Contact us today to learn more about how our full-service agency can assist you in realizing your Instagram marketing goals.

GPT-4 is online - what innovations does the update bring?

OpenAI verkündet die Veröffentlichung von GPT 4. Die Artificial Inteligence ChatGPT hat in der vorangegangenen Version bisher alle Rekorde gebrochen und bereits in der ersten Woche nach Beginn die Zahl von 1 Million Nutzern überschritten. Unsere Online Marketing Agentur Spezialisten haben sich alle Neuerungen von GPT 4 näher angesehen und für Sie die wichtigsten Punkte auf einen Blick zusammengestellt.

What does GPT-4 bring with it?

According to OpenAI, the application has been completely overhauled and optimized throughout the deep learning stack in the past two years. ChatGPT and the DALL-E software, which generates images from text prompts, are based on the previous generation of GPT.

The previous test run, GPT-3.5, helped in identifying and fixing errors and bugs, as well as improving the theoretical foundations to ensure the stable performance of GPT-4.

Besonders interessant ist die Neuerung, dass GPT 4 jetzt in der Lage ist, Bilder als Input zu verarbeiten. Dabei kann die Künstliche Intelligenz nicht nur beschreiben, was auf einem Bild zu sehen ist, sondern auch eine Einordnung vornehmen.

This functionality is not only limited to memes and simple photos but also applicable to diagrams and entire scientific papers that are inputted as PDFs.

Furthermore, the character limit of the input field has been expanded to up to 25,000 characters, allowing users to enter longer input texts.

What dimensions are opening up in online marketing as a result?

GPT-4 opens up numerous new options in online marketing to support marketing teams in companies and make their work more efficient.

In unserem Blogbeitrag ChatGPT in online marketing haben wir bereits erklärt, wie sich die KI unter anderem für Präsentationen und Produktdemonstrationen, Marketing Kampagnen, Kunden Support, Inhaltsgenerierung oder SEO Optimierung eignet.

With the new version, GPT-4, users can benefit from general guidelines regarding the tone and style of content, enabling them to generate even more engaging content and carry out personalized customer communication. This allows for more effective brand messaging and helps create a stronger connection with the target audience.

Online marketing experts, for example, have the option to provide images and PDF documents as input and, using GPT-4, receive not only descriptions but also complete analyses and dissertations that are relevant to the content. These professional or academic insights can then be used for product information, email marketing campaigns, website content, and social media marketing. By leveraging the capabilities of GPT-4, online marketing experts can create engaging and informative content across various channels to enhance their marketing campaigns and engage with their target audience effectively.

It is worth noting in this context that Microsoft has been using GPT-4 in its Bing search engine for several weeks. This opens up further possibilities.

Darunter sind womöglich revolutionäre Sucherfahrungen denkbar, die zugleich auch ganz neue Kreations-, Chat- und Compose-Varianten bereitstellen. So zeigen sich Nutzer bereits von Anwendungsszenarien wie dem Celebrity Mode begeistert, bei dem die Künstliche Intelligenz GPT 4 einen Chat bereitstellt, der eine Berühmtheit imitiert und das Gefühl vermittelt, persönlich mit dieser zu chatten.

Be cautious with presumed "facts" from GPT-4.

Undoubtedly, GPT-4 is a milestone and can open up interesting horizons for businesses. The GPT technology is based on capturing vast amounts of text and image data, which the software uses to generate sentences that are barely distinguishable from those written by humans.

In doing so, the program estimates which words could follow in a sentence. However, this fundamental principle also carries the risk that the software may "hallucinate facts," as described by the development company OpenAI.

In other words, it is possible for the software to produce erroneous or misleading information due to the lack of human judgment or the presence of inaccurate or false data.

Particularly for recent world knowledge and events after September 2021, GPT 4 does not provide reliable input and does not learn from previous conversations.

For this reason, it is crucial for marketing strategists to critically evaluate and verify all results and insights obtained through GPT 4.

In summary, applying GPT 4 in the company requires careful evaluation and verification of its results and insights.

Companies have the option to try out the new version of ChatGPT, powered by GPT 4, which has been available since March 14th.

However, there appear to be limitations in this regard. Users have reported that it is impossible for them to upload images in the free version.

It is possible that this feature is initially only accessible in the ChatGPT Plus subscription. Additionally, developers can join a waiting list to access GPT 4 through the OpenAI API.

Sie haben Fragen rund um Anwendungszsenarien von Artificial Inteligence (AI) in Ihrem Unternehmen? Unsere Full Service Agentur steht Ihnen gern für einen persönlichen Austausch zu diesem spannenden Thema zur Verfügung.

How to leverage the post-cookie era to your advantage

Businesses are facing a significant shift in cookie tracking within the realms of online marketing and e-commerce. The deactivation of Google's third-party cookies calls for a rethinking among online retailers and advertisers. Our Online Marketing Agency will guide you through the cookie approaches that make sense for your online marketing activities.

Status Quo Third-Party-Cookies

For a long time, online retailers and advertisers were able to utilize third-party cookies to understand and target customers beyond their own channels.

Even though the exact end of Google's third-party cookies has been announced and postponed multiple times, as we described in our article "Deadline Extension until 2024: Google's Third-Party Cookies," the days of third-party cookies are numbered. With this change, not only disadvantages but also a range of options are associated, marking the beginning of the post-cookie era.

Unique Customer Journey

In the post-cookie era, businesses have the opportunity to understand and create the Customer Journey in a new way.

The focus is now on customer privacy, where customers will have transparency regarding the authenticated data used and can explicitly give consent for its usage and specific purposes.

Companies that openly communicate about data usage not only gain the trust of their customers but also provide specific customer experiences and personalized offers in exchange for data consent. This can be achieved through proven online strategies such as email marketing, website optimization, and social media engagement.

Guaranteed Data Security

Companies assure their customers that the provided data is secure and protected against unauthorized access by third parties. The data is linked through a decentralized infrastructure without being shared.
For this purpose, reciprocal queries are created, based on which individual campaigns are executed that strongly align with the personal needs of the target audience, thus precisely capturing their zeitgeist.

Customized customer targeting

Irrespective of third-party cookies, advertisers can identify overlaps between their own target audience and, for example, the target audiences of various publishers.

With the help of relevant questions, not only are audience-specific marketing campaigns generated, but also the performance in online marketing is measured accordingly, allowing for effective measurement of results.

As part of campaign evaluation, advertisers are able to measure intersections between customers who have seen the ads and each publisher.

This allows not only for accurate attribution of new customers to each respective channel but also for planning further advertising measures accordingly.

Conclusion: Testing for Optimization in Online Marketing!

The post-cookie era brings new opportunities to gain genuine customer trust and build long-term relationships.

As a Full-Service Agency, we consider CRM-based targeting and measurement methods as crucial elements in making Online Marketing actions measurable and providing customers with unique experiences.

8 Trends in Online Marketing 2023

In 2023, the online marketing landscape will become increasingly challenging due to factors such as high inflation, supply chain constraints, growing uncertainty, and rising energy costs. Companies may need to adjust their budgeting and market strategies, focusing on leaner approaches and creating suitable synergies. It becomes even more crucial to embrace the right online marketing trends. Our Online Marketing Munich team presents the most promising developments.

Trend 1: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In 2023, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing will continue to evolve significantly, particularly in the areas of SEO optimization, chatbots, and personalized customer communication.

Currently, one particularly trending tool in online marketing is ChatGPT. Unlike previous systems, this solution is not limited to simple question-answer capabilities. It continuously learns as an artificial intelligence, explores new approaches, and allows for user follow-up questions. This enables a complete communication experience that can be applied to various scenarios, including FAQs and more.

Trend 2: Metaverse

The term "Metaverse," also referred to as Web 3.0, encompasses digital and three-dimensional experiential worlds where people can interact and collaborate with each other on an individual level. Simplified, the Metaverse represents the extension of the real world into a digital realm. It offers exciting possibilities for immersive experiences and novel forms of interaction and cooperation between users.

Based on this foundation, 2023 brings numerous highly personalized online marketing options that businesses can apply specifically and tailored to engage prospects and existing customers, creating unique brand experiences. This allows companies to connect with their target audience on a deeper level, deliver customized messaging, and provide personalized offers or recommendations. The focus is on creating meaningful interactions and fostering long-term customer relationships through individualized marketing strategies.

Trend 3: Retail Media

More than half of the products on the internet are now being searched for directly in online shops, rather than through traditional search engines. This shift in consumer behavior highlights the importance for businesses to optimize their online shops and create a seamless shopping experience. Implementing effective product categorization, detailed product descriptions, user-friendly navigation, and personalized recommendations can significantly enhance the discoverability and appeal of products within online shops. Additionally, investing in targeted advertising and promotional strategies within online shopping platforms can help businesses capture the attention of potential customers and drive sales.

Retail Media indeed provides a sustainable method for establishing a direct connection between customers and products when they are already actively searching for products and browsing an online shop. With its high visibility and a single click, customers can easily reach their desired products and complete their purchase. Retail Media platforms, such as sponsored product listings, native ads, or product placements, enable businesses to promote their products within the online shopping environment, effectively reaching potential customers at the point of purchase intent. By leveraging Retail Media strategies, businesses can enhance their product visibility, increase conversion rates, and drive sales by directly targeting customers who are already in a shopping mindset.

Trend 4: Shoppable Posts

Shoppable Posts are social media posts that are directly linked to a purchase offer.

Shoppable Posts play a central role in online marketing as they serve as gateways for companies to sell directly on social media platforms. They provide customers with an easy and convenient way to discover and purchase products, including platforms like Instagram. Shoppable Posts allow companies to showcase their products or services within the social media environment, making it seamless for users to explore and secure the items they are interested in. By integrating the shopping experience directly into social media platforms, companies can leverage the widespread use and engagement on these platforms to drive sales and enhance the overall customer experience.

Shoppable Posts not only generate interest but also offer an active call to action that provides immediate purchasing options.

Trend 5: Video Marketing

Not entirely new but still a rapidly growing trend is video marketing. Through moving content, emotional images, and stories can be conveyed, allowing for a particularly authentic presentation of content.

Video marketing offers an ideal complement to other online marketing formats and can be seamlessly integrated into websites or social networks to engage customers at the point of interest.

Trend 6: Hyper-personalization in email marketing

As a newsletter agency, we know that strong personalization continues to be a trend in online marketing in 2023, not only in newsletter design but also in email marketing.

This personalization goes beyond addressing customers by name or offering relevant coupons based on their previous purchases.

It's about knowing customers thoroughly and utilizing targeted information, such as cart abandonment data, for marketing purposes. This enables the sending of specific customer newsletters that facilitate the purchasing decision.

Trend 7: First Party Data

In our online marketing agency, we cannot ignore the topic of the post-cookie era. We assist companies in preparing their marketing strategies for the phasing out of third-party cookies and shifting the focus towards other alternatives.

In this context, CRM-based targeting and measurement play an increasingly significant role in 2023. Valuable data sources include not only website registrations and landing pages but also social media profiles.

Trend 8: Alignment between Marketing and Sales

Another development in online marketing is the convergence of departments such as marketing and sales. Especially in challenging market conditions, the interaction and alignment of data and goals across different departments is crucial to achieve common business objectives in a streamlined and cost-effective manner.

Conclusion: The Online Marketing Trends of 2023

The online marketing trends of 2023 will be influenced by the current economic and geopolitical situation more than ever before. However, with the support of appropriate measures, these trends can be effectively combined and continue to ensure market success. We are here to assist you in selecting the right online marketing trends. Contact our colleagues at our Full-Service Agency in Munich and discover, through a personal conversation, which developments you can leverage for your company's marketing needs.

ChatGPT in online marketing

One can hardly avoid the topic of ChatGPT at the moment. We have already written about it in our blog "How will Artificial Itelligence (AI) influence our future and way of working?" This is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based natural language processing model that was implemented by the company OpenAI. The chatbot answers questions, is constantly learning and can be used in a wide variety of applications, e.g. for obtaining information, in support or in online marketing. The colleagues at our Online Marketing Agency have detailed the possibilities of ChatGPT under the magnifying glass.

ChatGPT im Überblick

ChatGPT ist ein fortschrittliches Chatbot System, das auf einem generativen und vortrainierten Transformator-Modell basiert und sich derzeit in der Forschungsphase befindet. Diese dient dazu, die KI (Künstliche Intelligenz) mit wichtigen Informationen zu versorgen. Aus diesem Grund ist die Nutzung aktuell auch kostenfrei und ohne Einschränkungen möglich.

Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Chatbots, die auf festgelegte Frage-Antwort-Optionen beschränkt sind, lernt ChatGPT kontinuierlich dazu und kann auch komplexe Fragen beantworten.

Die Artificial Intelligence ist in der Lage, Rückfragen zu ermöglichen, eigene Fehler zu erkennen oder unangemessene Fragestellungen zurückzuweisen sowie komplexe Aufgaben wie die Korrektur von Grammatikfehlern oder die Zusammenfassung komplexer Texte zu realisieren.

Anwendungsbeispiele im Online Marketing

Aufgrund der immensen Potentiale von ChatGPT lässt sich die AI in diversen Bereichen im Marketing allgemein sowie speziell im Online Marketing einsetzen.

Die genaue Anwendung hängt dabei von den Bedürfnissen und Zielen eines Unternehmens ab und kann auf Wunsch jederzeit angepasst oder verändert werden.
Dabei spielen auch aktuelle Online Marketing Trends, wie eine stetig wachsende Individualisierung und die 24/7 Verfügbarkeit eine zentrale Rolle. Das Team unserer Full Service Agentur hat an dieser Stelle einige Möglichkeiten zusammengetragen:

ChatGPT für Präsentationen und Produktdemonstrationen

Der Chatbot lässt sich anwenden, um interaktive Präsentationen oder Demos zu erstellen, die ein persönliches Gespräch mit einem virtuellen Verkäufer simulieren.

Als virtueller Assistent fungiert die Lösung, um Fragen der Nutzer zu beantworten oder weiterführende Informationen an der richtigen Stelle anzubieten.

Einfache Produktdemonstrationen können mit der AI automatisiert werden, indem ChatGPT interaktive Tutorials oder Simulatoren bereitstellt, die durch die Führung des Anwenders und Fragestellers gesteuert werden.

In einem weiteren Step ist ChatGPT in der Lage, einfache Präsentationen zu generieren, indem es essentielle Informationen sammelt und diese zur Verfügung stellt.

ChatGPT für Marketing Kampagnen

ChatGPT kann zum Einsatz kommen, um personalisierte Chatbots für Marketing-Kampagnen zu entwickeln, die potenzielle Kunden nicht nur direkt ansprechen, sondern diese auch gezielt zum Kauf animieren.

Die Lösung realisiert eine personalisierte Interaktion mit Kunden, indem sie in Echtzeit automatisierte Antworten auf Fragen liefert, getätigte Anfragen verarbeitet und potenzielle Kunden auf der Grundlage von Daten und Einstellungen begleitet.

Darüber hinaus lässt sich ChatGPT auch als virtuelle Assistenz für die Organisation und Überwachung von Marketing Kampagnen nutzen.

ChatGPT im Kunden Support

ChatGPT ist als virtueller Kundensupport nutzbar, um Fragen und Anliegen der Kunden schnell und effizient zu beantworten.

Insbesondere dazu, den Kundendienst bei der Arbeit zu unterstützen, indem einfache und häufig gestellte Fragen automatisch beantwortet werden und die Kollegen im Support sich auf komplexe Aufgaben konzentrieren können.

Mit diesem Vorgehen lassen sich Reaktionszeiten optimieren und der Aufwand reduzieren.

ChatGPT zur Generierung von Inhalten

ChatGPT kann als Werkzeug für den Erstellungsprozess rund um den Content zur Anwendung kommen, um die Arbeit von Marketingexperten und Textern in Sachen Effizienz und Produktivität zu unterstützen.

Mit der AI lassen sich unter anderem beispielsweise automatisch Inhalte wie Texte, Überschriften, Absätze oder Produktbeschreibungen erzeugen.

Mit ChatGPT sind Unternehmen in der Lage, ihre Content Produktion zu beschleunigen und neue kreative Online Marketing Trends anzustoßen.

ChatGPT zur SEO Optimierung

Die Artificial Intelligence lässt sich im Online Marketing auch im Bereich der SEO Optimierung nutzen. Damit können Keywordtexte oder Produktbeschreibungen automatisch erzeugt werden und die Content Erstellung unterstützen.

Wichtig ist es an dieser Stelle insbesondere für eine optimale SEO Performance allerdings, dass ein Marketer die Inhalte manuell überprüft und entsprechend auf die Anforderungen der Algorithmen in den Suchmaschinen und die der Zielgruppe anpasst.

Fazit: AI für Ihr Business

Im Bereich Online Marketing Trends gehört ChatGPT mit Sicherheit zu den spannenden Themen, die Sie unbedingt im Auge behalten sollten.

Berücksichtigen Sie in diesem Zusammenhang aber auch Bedenken Ihrer Mitarbeiter, die sich möglicherweise darum sorgen, dass Ihre Leistung in Zukunft durch eine künstliche Intelligenz ersetzt werden soll.

Wir unterstützen Sie im Online Marketing und zeigen Ihnen Wege auf, wie Sie Artificial Intelligence in Ihrem Unternehmen zum Einsatz bringen, die nicht darauf abzielt, die Arbeit Ihrer wertvollen Mitarbeiter zu ersetzen, sondern diese vielmehr effizient und nachhaltig zu unterstützen.

How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) influence our future and way of working?

The developments and associated reports on artificial intelligence and Open AI and their influence on our future everyday life and our professional world roll over. The so-called GPT-3, the Generative Pre-Trained Transformer of the third generation, is currently causing a sensation, a machine learning model in the form of a neural network that is trained independently using data from the Internet and is able to generate any form of text. In our Online Marketing Munich team, we have looked at the topic of Chat GPT looked at more closely for you and summarized our most important findings.

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence-based text dialog system from Open AI. Chat GPT 3 launched at the end of November 2022 and has been generating tremendous attention ever since.

The project has so far gained more than 1 million users and is able to mimic human conversation and automatically evolve it. Open AI, the company behind Chat GPT, was co-founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman and offers developers a license to apply its technology, which is based on Open AI's GPT-3 language model.

Dall-E makes use of this. This is a 12 billion parameter version of GPT-3 trained to generate images from text descriptions using a dataset of text-image pairs.

What role does open AI play for Microsoft?

The Microsoft company is making a billion-dollar investment here in order to tie the Open AI company closer to itself. It plans to offer Open AI's AI in its products for consumers and entrepreneurs. As well as developing new products based on the technology, which also includes Microsoft's Azure Open AI Service. This should offer developers the option of using AI applications through direct access to Open AI offers. Azure plans to run all Open AI workloads in research, products and API services.

With the The participation of Microsoft is accompanied by speculation that the potential of artificial intelligence is so great that market players like Google with their search or strategies in the Online Marketing as well as copywriters will be displaced in the future .

Opportunities and potential limits of Chat GPT

Chat GPT excels with its ability to automatically generate large volumes of relevant and sophisticated texts from the smallest input texts. This enables the chatbot to conduct human-like conversations, provide valuable information, answer questions specifically, or simply entertain.

Unlike the well-known Google search, users do not need to search through lists and documents but receive complete answers. These are based on Chat GPT's training data and computational power.

Chat GPT can generate solutions for complex programming questions or independently create professional articles on any topic. As a result, the work of an online marketing agency could be at the beginning of a major development that brings fundamental changes to the working world and the customer journey.

Renowned experts like Patrick Glauner, Professor of AI at TH Deggendorf, see great potential in Chat GPT. However, data quality often remains questionable. Certainly, many job profiles will change, and rapid content generation will form the basis that people will further refine. Professor Glauner is convinced that human intelligence and empathy cannot be fully replaced as long as AI does not completely imitate the human brain. But is that even the goal?

Conclusion: How do we AI change our world?

We can only look at the tendencies, a reliable prediction of the future is of course also for the specialists of our Full Service Agency not possible. AI (Artificial Intelligence) has undoubtedly reached a level of optimizing human dialogue and content and answering questions without the output appearing wooden or scripted. But what potential this will bring in the future remains exciting. Our Online Marketing Munich team will advise you on the current possibilities of artificial intelligence and a smart use in online marketing.

The Agency Pitch - A Workflow

An agency pitch is an invitation to an advertising agency to learn about your product or service. From this, they create a presentation for a marketing concept in an effort to secure a contract.

It is one of the most commonly chosen methods to select the right agency for a marketing assignment. With the presentation, the agency showcases its capabilities and tries to win the client for collaboration. This is a great opportunity for the agency to present its creativity and experience on the spot. In doing so, it demonstrates how it can help the potential client achieve their goals. Collaborating with a full-service agency advances the company in areas where its own expertise is lacking. It is especially worthwhile when dealing with complex tasks.

Finding the right agency for the company

Besides the traditional tender, an agency pitch is a good way to find the right agency for your own company. Use this approach also when looking for an online marketing or e-mail marketing agency. For this to succeed, an agency pitch should be based on honesty, transparency, and mutual respect. This should be the case from the very start of the pitch, because what's the point if discrepancies arise later? This is about a long-term partnership between the company and the agency. A prerequisite is good preparation on both sides, as this forms the basis of the collaboration.

The company's objectives are decisive

From the description of your objectives, it becomes clear which type of agency you should invite. With precise goal definitions supported by all departments, accurate briefings can be formulated. A pitch is about developing creative ideas and establishing a long-term partnership. In this process, we expect agencies to give their best to implement the company's marketing goals. Often, time is short as quick results are required. It's evident that this cannot be done for free, as agencies make an upfront commitment. Good ideas should have value. We recommend compensating for the pitch, as this fosters commitment and expresses mutual appreciation. Inquire if the costs can be offset later.

Preparation is key

Prepare well for the pitch, ideally with the entire team. You should take enough time for a briefing, as the effort involved should not be underestimated. The more professional the process, the better the pitch outcome. At the start, you need to precisely define the requirements for the selected agencies. It's about determining the scope of the project and the expectations of the agency in detail. All decision-makers in the company should be involved in this. Also, provide background information, as the agency is not yet familiar with the company.

These components are essential for a good briefing:

  • A clearly articulated task with all necessary background information about the company and the current situation. This includes the competitive environment and the company's objectives.
  • Expectations and requirements: What does the company expect from the agency in terms of timeframe, budget, and experience?
  • Can the company provide additional materials? This includes things like advertising materials, market research results, or brand guidelines.
  • Provide contact information. These are names and contact details of representatives within the company who are responsible for collaborating with the agency.

All stakeholders should be at the same table

All stakeholders should come together at one table. Every employee, every department must have the opportunity to provide input. The IT department is especially important in this context, to consider all necessary interfaces. Often, it's the little things that don't work right away. The IT area is particularly sensitive here, as hardly any project is without an IT component. In these meetings, everyone has the opportunity to express their opinion. Misunderstandings and sensitivities can be cleared up in this way. Determine the responsible individuals and name contacts for the agency. Always answer inquiries promptly. This includes accessibility on all channels and communication via email. Visit the agency and get a first-hand impression on-site. This builds trust and provides initial insights into the service provider's working methods.

Set a budget framework

What should your campaign cost? Provide the agency with a precise framework so that they can align their briefing accordingly. Clarify in advance what can be achieved with the available budget. State everything as specifically as possible, as this highlights the seriousness of your project. If several agencies are involved in the briefing, the specifications must be comparable. Only in this way can you choose the suitable advertising agency.

The timeframe must be realistic

Many companies desire a rapid implementation of their project and don't want to get bogged down in bureaucratic details. However, these are essential for a smooth process. Therefore, there can be a gap of up to two months between the briefing and the start of the project. But by then, all obstacles have been cleared, and important questions have been addressed. You must thoroughly describe the marketing and communication goals so that everyone understands the intended direction. Obtain ample feedback from all sides, including employees not directly involved in the project group.

Checklist for the optimal briefing:

  • What task is given?
  • Description of the current situation.
  • Are the project goals specific and measurable?
  • Which target audience should the company address?
  • Technical requirements, interfaces, IT systems.
  • A defined timeframe.
  • Background information about the company.

Data protection and confidentiality

Since you are sharing your internal data with another company, it makes sense to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). If possible, provide the data on an internal server or via secure data connections. Also, consider data protection regulations, as the marketing agency is protected against unauthorized appropriation of their services. If you want to adopt individual components, the agency should agree. This includes photos, films, music, and slogans. Pure ideas that have not yet taken shape are not protected. Specific details can be set in a presentation agreement. If you are unsure how to proceed, a lawyer can provide information.

Inviting the agencies

Even during the development of a briefing, you can start searching for the right agency. This can be done through recommendations, Google, or social networks like LinkedIn or Xing. There are specialized agency directories on the internet where you can find the right partner for you. Here, you should determine if the agency is genuinely interested in collaborating with you. This is ascertained during the so-called "rebriefing," where you engage with the agency's responsible project consultant. If you are on the same wavelength, nothing stands in the way of collaboration.


The most important thing about a pitch is fair treatment of one another. Only then can you get the most out of the collaboration. Everything rises and falls with the briefing, which needs to be well-prepared. This way, agencies can present their proposals in a comparable manner. If it doesn't fit, communicate it fairly, as it might be a better fit for another project. The advertising agency also appreciates feedback, as it helps them optimize their presentation processes. Open dialogue between the companies can make many things easier. As a full-service agency, we offer you comprehensive solutions for your online marketing strategies. Feel free to contact us for a free initial consultation.

SEO and SEA in comparison

Due to increasing digitalization, companies' marketing activities are increasingly shifting to the Internet. Customers and interested parties search for information, products as well as services. The search engine brings all market participants together. It is the linchpin on the web, as it makes the searchers' work much easier. The major search providers such as Google, Bing or Yahoo provide a comprehensive overview of the market for the searched topic. No one has to leave the house anymore to get the relevant information. Most people search the Internet first when they have a specific need. This makes the Net a so-called pull medium. The user searches for our product or service. He informs himself in detail and thus arrives at his decision. A user only notices the providers that appear in the search results of Google and Co.

Why is search engine marketing the most important online marketing channel?

Online marketing enables a different approach than conventional marketing measures. In so-called push marketing, advertisers spread their messages without being asked. The best example is commercial television. Since this advertising also appeals to people who are not part of the target group, there are scattering losses. On the Internet, prospective customers search specifically for their topics and already have an intention to buy. Accordingly, advertising in the search engines is a valuable indication that the user gladly accepts. As a result, advertising is not a nuisance. In this way, wastage can be minimized. We have to be present where the user is looking for our product or service. Therefore, every company wants to be as high as possible in the search results. Preferably in first place. But unfortunately, in many industries the competitive pressure is very high and the space in the results is limited. It is therefore important to do everything possible to appear as far ahead as possible. There are two approaches to this: Search engine optimization and search engine advertising.

Two sides of the same coin

Both approaches have the goal of making a homepage or an online store more visible on the web. In search engine optimization, we optimize our web presence, because it must be easily readable as well as indexable. Thereby the website can be aligned according to the guidelines of the search engines and the user experience. The main focus here is on user expectations. Google and Co. want to deliver exactly what the user is looking for. Strictly speaking, it is optimization for the search engine. It consists of a series of measures inside and outside the website. The search engine lists the results according to relevance to the search queries entered. The search robots search the index and evaluate the web pages according to many different criteria. At Google, there are up to 200 aspects that come together.

SEO consists of the following three sub-areas of optimization:

  • OnPage, auf einer bestimmten Seite
  • OnSite, auf der gesamten Domain
  • OffPage, außerhalb unserer Website

Dies sind unter anderem Maßnahmen auf jeder einzelnen Webseite, etwa ein interessanter Artikel, der zum gesuchten Thema informiert. Dazu kommen technische Aspekte. So muss sich eine Webseite schnell öffnen und auf allen Geräten gleich sichtbar sein. Ist hier alles in Ordnung, sorgt die OnPage Optimierung dafür, dass die Webseite für die Suchmaschine gut zugänglich ist. Außerhalb der Seite sorgen wir für Linkaufbau, um Beliebtheit, Relevanz und Autorität zu erreichen. Links, die von seriösen Seiten auf unsere Webseite verweisen, sind Empfehlungen. In den Augen der Suchmaschine und des Nutzers macht dies die Webseite vertrauenswürdig. Dass es dabei auf gute sowie einzigartige Inhalte ankommt, versteht sich von selbst. Erstellen Sie die Webseite für Ihre Leser, denn Google erkennt gut geschriebene Texte.

These features characterize an optimization for Google:

  • The search results are not paid
  • A long-term and permanent optimization
  • The ranking is based on an algorithm
  • Eine Webseite muss nutzerfreundlich sein
  • Gute Sichtbarkeit auf allen Geräten ist Voraussetzung

SEO is not a one-time measure

Since the search algorithm of a search engine is constantly evolving, optimization is not a one-time measure and requires a lot of patience. Therefore, it is long-term and brings good rankings only after some time. It can take up to half a year before the page appears in the top ranks. A lot of know-how is required to make it to the top places.

Search engine advertising for short-term placements

Anyone launching a new website doesn't want to wait half a year for results. The same applies to product launches in online stores. SEA (Search Engine Advertising) can help. In addition to organic results, search engines offer paid advertising spaces that can be displayed in the context of search results. If you enter a search term, you will also be shown the paid search results. Here you buy a prominent position for your online store or homepage in the paid search results.

The search result played out as an ad

Paid ads are still in front of the organic results and are marked "ad". These positions are highly competitive, so the relevance of the keywords is decisive. To do this, you need to find out what people are searching for. There are numerous tools for this, some of which come from the search providers themselves. It is with these ads that a search engine earns its money. Once a campaign is over, the visibility disappears again. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for websites that advertise a promotion or enter the market as a start up. This way, new visitors come to the website quickly, without any waiting time. Start Up den Markt betreten. Damit kommen schnell neuer Besucher auf die Webseite, ganz ohne Wartezeit.

Advertising in a search engine is characterized by the following points:

  • The search results are paid
  • Search results are available quickly and campaigns can be started immediately
  • The price is based on supply and demand
  • You have full control over the budget used
  • Ad texts as well as search words (keywords) can be controlled well

High costs can arise

The click price per search term can be very expensive depending on the competition. Search engines charge according to the pay-per-click principle, which means that costs are only incurred when a user clicks on the ad. Each keyword has its own click price for which you place a bid. The higher the bid, the faster your ad will appear. In addition, the text ad should be customer-centric and arouse curiosity. This will help you achieve a rapid increase in traffic. In addition, you can address the target group precisely, since the ads are played out for the keywords you define yourself. Prices vary depending on time of day and keyword, so it is best to use professional tools. As a full service agency we support you in all areas of search engine marketing.

Our conclusion

In order to achieve short-term success and boost business, online ad placement in Google Ads useful. In this way, you gain short-term attention and increase traffic to your website. At the same time, we expand the position through optimizations for the search engine to have long-term success. Let us advise you now and start your campaign.

Email Marketing Trends 2023

Email marketing continues to be one of the most important marketing strategies for companies and forms a central element in online marketing. It is important to combine market-proven techniques with current trends. Our email marketing agency has taken a look at the current developments for you and summarized all the important trends for 2023 in the following article.

Trend 1: Reduced importance of open rates

Due to various changes in data protection laws, the way email marketing campaigns and their performance can be tracked has also changed. You can also read more about this topic in our blog post: The 7 biggest data protection mistakes in email marketing. The 7 biggest data protection mistakes in email marketing.

The team at our online marketing agency believes that in 2023, data privacy will continue to come into focus, making open rates a less reliable metric.

Clicks and click-through rates will be all the more important for performance, which can be achieved in particular through personalized and interactive content. You can read about how this is being implemented in practice in Trends 2 and 3.

Trend 2: Deep personalization

Personalization is one of the email marketing trends that has already been seen in recent years and will continue to establish itself in 2023.

Personalization offers you an ideal opportunity to accompany subscribers on their customer journey and give them a sense of individual attention.

It grabs the recipient's attention and ensures that emails are not only opened, but also read. Don't just address the addressee by name, but deliver content and offers that are tailored to their exact interests.

Trend 3: Increased focus on interactivity

In order to achieve that your target group interacts with you, a corresponding individual newsletter design is essential. For this reason, interactivity is one of the most important trends in email marketing 2023, which will help you optimize the performance of your emails in practice.

To do this, integrate interactive elements such as image carousels, videos, sliders or mini-games that recipients can use directly in the email without having to leave the inbox and visit another page.

In doing so, stand out from the competition and show how engaging and customized the messages from your company are.

Trend 4: Real added value through storytelling.

Improve the interactivity of your emails by focusing on good storytelling. In 2023, it will be even more critical to tell the right story that customers associate with your brand and products. Your target audience wants to know where they shop and what your company stands for.

Our newsletter agency tip on this: Show personality in online marketing via newsletter design and provide personal insights behind the scenes of your company.

By incorporating strong storytelling into your newsletters, you can build relationships with your subscribers and significantly increase their engagement.

Trend 5: Increased use of artificial intelligence.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) helps you make better marketing decisions and deliver better customer experiences to your addresses.

Mithilfe von KI analysieren Sie wichtige Datenpunkte und gewinnen aussagekräftige Erkenntnisse, die Sie dabei unterstützen, Ihre Email Marketing Kampagnen noch besser zu gestalten.

Künstliche Intelligenz hilft Ihnen dabei trotz strengerer Datenschutzrichtlinien, die gewinnbaren Daten besser zu verstehen. Reagieren Sie auf Trends und Marktveränderungen und kreieren Sie maßgeschneiderte E-Mail Kampagnen, die bei Ihrer Zielgruppe ankommen.

In summary: Email Marketing Trends 2023

Together with our full-service agency, implement email marketing that excites your customers and picks them up at the right time with appropriate topics and offers.

Dabei spielen Personalisierung, Interaktivität und Storytelling sowie die Auswertung der Ergebnisse und die regelmäßige Optimierung mittels KI eine zentrale Rolle. Gern beraten wir Sie rund um eine geeignete Strategie und unterstützen Sie bei der Umsetzung. Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf und erfahren Sie mehr über uns.

5 Hurdles for StartUps and how to overcome them

Young companies face numerous challenges after starting up. Not infrequently, the hurdles are so great that Start Ups have to give up after the first or second year after founding. So that it does not come at all so far, we arranged you as Full service agency for on-line marketing (Munich) the largest hurdles and the suitable Start up consultation in our Blog article clearly.

Hurdle 1: The business model

Start Ups tend to focus on the pure idea and go to work full of euphoria and zest for action. While such motivation is laudable, it does not make for business success.

The idea alone is not enough. A sound business model that is sustainable in the long term is crucial. Take the first hurdle by not confusing business idea and business model.

You can't make money on the basis of a business idea. Here it is important that you develop a business model and a business plan that makes it possible to convince, for example, also in the context of crowdfunding and to work out the economic potential. Take your time and work out your business model in detail, which will be convincing.

Hurdle 2: Consulting

For startups, it makes sense to seek external expertise and possibly also operational support in the form of startup consulting.

In many cases, the founding team brings important know-how with them, but sometimes the necessary experience is lacking, especially when it comes to implementing, among other things, start-up costs and expenses but also possible financing of the business model or marketing in a goal-oriented manner.

Young companies should not shy away from seeking help and professional advice in order to easily overcome existing hurdles and avoid beginner's mistakes.

Hurdle 3: The numbers

Surely you are aware that starting a business costs money and involves expenses and investments. Costs are incurred in various areas, including buildings, office equipment, personnel, administration, and sales and marketing. The development and marketing of products and services is also associated with costs, for example for design, product development and materials.

In addition, there is the risk that, especially at the beginning of your start-up, no profits are made yet and the costs still have to be covered during this time.

Take a close look at the figures in order to avoid the risks of over-indebtedness and impending insolvency and to act in a well-founded and secure manner right from the start. Make use of detailed controlling and keep an eye on all figures and developments at all times.

Hurdle 4: Financing

The financing of your young company is one of the most important factors on the way from a business idea to a sustainable business model.

In this context, explore the financing options and ensure access. Financing can be realized, for example, through bank loans, development programs, venture capital, business angels or even crowdfunding.

The latter represents an interesting alternative. Crowdfunding is a swarm financing via equity or equity-like funds in the form of loans or silent partnerships. Investors are mostly individuals who are recruited via a crowdfunding campaign.

In order to be able to inspire financiers for crowdfunding projects, it is crucial to have already overcome the hurdles 1-3 in order to convince sustainably with a financing and to make the company interesting for investors.

You can find more information about this in our blog post Start Up - Crowdfunding & Consulting - Online Marketing Munich.

Hurdle 5: Marketing

It is good if you yourself are convinced of your product, however, this does not mean that your target group is as well. For this reason, marketing as well as the appropriate marketing strategies are among the essential building blocks for successful startups.

You may lack ideas for a suitable marketing campaign or the resources to create your own website. Let our Online Marketing Munich team advise you and find ways to attract the attention of your target group and create an optimal customer journey.

Conclusion: Take advantage of Start Up consulting and overcome specific hurdles!

Get started with your newly founded company and take targeted hurdles that still separate you from your success.

Learn more about how to realize a swarm financing, crowdfunding campaign or marketing for startups, among other things. Talk to us about the options that exist.

What does a full service agency do in online marketing?

Companies face greater challenges when they have to realize all marketing and advertising needs offline, online via their own website or via various digital platforms. With a full service agency and a team of experts from different disciplines, you implement comprehensive strategies and efficient solutions in practice. Today, we describe what is meant by a full service agency, what tasks it takes on and what the benefits of collaboration are for companies.

What is a full service agency?

The term describes a special service provider that maps a comprehensive range of services and the appropriate value chain in digital marketing. Starting with consulting, through planning and operational implementation to success controlling, companies receive all services from a single source - the full service.

What tasks do they take on?

A full service agency covers a range of tasks that deal with consulting, conception and implementation in the areas of online marketing, web design and development, and corporate design.

Possible areas of responsibility may include, among others, in online marketing individual strategies around SEA, SEO, email marketing and performance marketing, in social media Social media refers to online platforms and services that allow users to create content, t... marketing, personal communication via channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, XING, YouTube and Instagram, in web development, flexible programming, or in mobile app development, mobile applications that offer a total package of functionality, design, usability and security count.

Advantages of working with a full service agency?

Many companies are aware of the importance of marketing, but in practice it is difficult for them to give it the attention and workload it deserves.

This is where a full service agency comes into play, either supporting the company's internal marketing department or independently implementing strategic campaigns and operational measures.

Working with a full-service agency saves costs and frees up resources for other activities within the company. An agency coordinates all measures in the marketing mix individually and offers seamless monitoring of the effectiveness of all activities on the basis of modern software solutions. In this way, you can keep an eye on the performance of all online marketing measures via performance marketing.

The services of our Full Service Agency Munich

In the area of online marketing, our team in Munich offers you analysis and strategy, checks the status quo in this context and develops online marketing strategies suitable for your company.

In the area of search engine advertising (SEA) we realize important advertising goals and help you to address your target group exactly where they are. With the support of search engine optimization (SEO), we ensure that you are found well in the organic search results on Google and other search services.

Via e-mail marketing, we address your customers personally and provide them with tailored offers and information that clearly stand out from the competition. With the help of social media marketing (SMM), we maintain your customer relationships with you in social media.

Performance marketing helps us to coordinate communication tools in such a way that transparent results are achieved.

We at Media Beats are also your contact if you want to have a professional website created. In addition, we create interface design (UI / UX design) for first-class user interfaces that leave a positive user experience with the target audience.

In the app design and development segment, we create individual apps for you, adapted to the appropriate platform.

On request, we develop web concept and strategic planning with you and realize applications in the appropriate web development.

We are also there for you in the area of corporate design and implement print, logo design, brand and moving image for you.

Everything under one roof

A full service agency offers everything your company needs for online marketing and advertising under one roof.

Crucial to implementation are well-planned campaigns that are specifically tailored to the respective target group and deliver creative content and offers with real added value.

Let us advise you and realize solid customer relationships and sustainable sales increases in the long term. We look forward to your inquiry.

NFTs on Facebook and Instagram

Developments in social media marketing for businesses are shaping up rapidly. For example, the Meta Group, which owns Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, among others, announced that Instagram users will be able to create digital collectibles and sell them via non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the near future. But what are the potentials associated with this? We got to the bottom of it for you with our online marketing agency.

Overview NFTs

In our last blog post, "NFTs in marketing" we already gave you the most important basics on the topic of non-fungible tokens and answered basic questions like:

·      What are NFTs?

·      What is NFT Minting?

·      Why is the demand for NFTs on the rise?

·      How can NFTs be used in marketing?


NFTs represent an interesting opportunity to offer digital assets for sale or to acquire them and ensure a secure sale on the nft market. Blockchain-based technology also opens new marketing horizons for companies and enables the implementation of NFT marketing.

Meta with its own NFT marketplace

Meta launches its own marketplace for NFTs on its Instagram platform. In a press release dated November 2, 2022, the company announced that it will soon be possible to mine and sell NFTS on Instagram.

Via a planned toolkit, Instagram users will thus have the opportunity to create their own NFT collections via the Polygon Blockchain and subsequently sell them. This will give Meta users another way to decide how artwork is created and how they sell it.

By 2024, the creation of NFT collections will be free of charge. Meta also plans to cover gas fees for buyers in this context. However, there are fees for in-app purchases, App Store fees, which are 30% for Apple, for example.

NFT Marketing on Instagram

On Instagram, the so-called Digital Collectibles feature has been implemented in 100 countries, allowing users to connect to digital wallets and showcase NFTs they either created themselves or purchased. All connected NFTs can be displayed in the feed or contain a shimmering effect.

Via the latest update, developers can create their own digital collectibles and sell them inside and outside Instagram. The launch is initially on the Polygon blockchain with a small group of artists in the U.S. including Amber Vittoria, Refik Anadol, Jason Seife and Dave Krugman.

This is a first step that is considered a milestone in the nftmarket and will provide options around NFT marketing on the web3 for businesses.

Plans are also underway for Instagram to enable the display of video-based digital collectibles and provide support for the Solana blockchain and Phantom Wallet.

Outlook: NFTs in social media marketing at Meta!

Den Konzern Meta und dessen Aktivitäten rund um NFTs, unter anderem auf der Plattform Instagram, sollten Sie im Social Media Marketing unbedingt im Blick behalten.

Surely, this will result in completely new models in online marketing already in the near future.

Our full-service agency experts have their finger on the pulse and are keeping a close eye on all NFT developments for you. Perhaps there will be further updates on this soon, which we will report on for you.

NFTs in marketing

nftmarket and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are being fueled not least by media-savvy sales such as Jack Dorsey's $2.9 million NFT tweet or the sale of the Beeple NFT for $69 million, and are increasingly being discussed in companies as a hot topic in online marketing. This is because NFT marketing opens up new options for interacting with individual target groups and customers. The team at our full-service agency has looked into the trend and provides a compact description of how NFTs can be used in marketing.

What are NFTs?

The abbreviation NFTs stands for Non-Fungible Tokens a one-to-one digital token that is neither exchangeable nor divisible and defines the usage rights to digital or even physical assets.

Through the use of NFTs, digital assets can be protected from copying or sharing and allow them to be purchased. By purchasing on the nftmarket, the buyer in most cases receives a reference, for example a URL, which leads to the digital content, but does not provide the actual online file.

NFTs are based on a so-called blockchain, which uses the same technology as cryptocurrencies. The mediated reference is stored with a firmly defined verification number within the framework of a blockchain. However, unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs are unique, non-exchangeable, and one-of-a-kind. Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, hold options to acquire shares.

What is NFT Minting?

The term "minting" refers to the minting of online artwork. In this process, an originator can turn a digital file into a crypto collectible and thus mine and sell it. Once stored on the blockchain, it is no longer possible to convert or delete the digital object.

Why is the demand for NFTs on the rise?

In addition to the digital scarcity of assets on the web3, individual usage rights and the emotions associated with them also play a primary role in NFTs.

It's about the origin of the digital collectible and the story behind it, which can now also be acquired dematerialized on the Internet thanks to the age of digitization.

Non-fungible tokens can be used wherever individual objects in PC games, art, music and much more are assigned to an asset and made tamper-proof.

In this context, you might get the impression that NFTs are completely new, but blockchain-based technology dates back to 2012.

Not only investors and artists have discovered the Non-Fungible Tokens for themselves, but also more and more companies rely on NFT marketing.

How can NFTs be used in marketing?

    1. Branding: companies use NFTs around their communication and company branding. In this context, for example, customers, fans and followers of the company can be rewarded with NFTs in online marketing. Create a suitable community in which discounts, shipping or even digital products are linked to a value via Non-Fungible Tokens. Using this approach, you can increase the attention of your target group, retain existing customers in the long term, and thus strengthen your overall branding.
    2. Target group development: A specific customer group in particular responds to digital collectibles and the associated NFT marketing. In countries like the U.S., about 25% of Generation Y (born in the early 1980s to late 1990s) already invest in non-fungible tokens today.
    3. Social Media & E-commerce: Instagram's parent company Meta announced in 2022 to embed NFTs on Instagram and provide the Digital Collectibles feature. This will allow creators and artists to use NFTs. Until now, a select group of digital creators have been allowed to mint and sell NFTs directly from the social media Platform to imprint and sell it. In the e-commerce space, the first non-fungible token was introduced by the Händlerbund in Germany back in 2021.
    4. Metaverse: In the so-called metaverse (digital space with interplay of virtual, extended and physical world), companies can present new products and secure usage rights via non-fungible tokens. Customers can also be offered unique, digital goods via NFTs using avatars.

In our follow-up blog post, you will learn all the important information about NFTs on Facebook and Instagram.

YouTube cooperation with Shopify

The linking of the world's second largest search engine with one of the most popular online store systems, offers many exciting opportunities for Shopify merchants. With the new YouTube cooperation, a store can now also be linked to YouTube. Thanks to the Shopify app "Google Channel" in the backend of the store software, YouTube can be used as a sales channel. With this, you transfer your assortment to the YouTube channel to sell it there.

This way, store operators present their products within the YouTube account, for example under videos or during a livestream. You meet your target group where they are. This takes your YouTube marketing to a whole new level. Live shopping is also on the rise in Germany. Until now, viewers had to leave YouTube to order something on the retailer's store. This step is now eliminated.

YouTube becomes a shopping channel

When influencers as well as brand manufacturers are able to sell their products live, the video streaming platform becomes a shopping channel. This makes the Google subsidiary a direct competitor of Amazon, as it has an enormous reach. More than two billion users log on every month. So far, Amazon, the largest retail platform, has not entered sales via social networks. There is a real gap here. The trading platform does not allow any integration or linking of videos in Facebook or Instagram.

Google is thus drawing the logical conclusion, because TikTok is the pioneer of this development. The social network has already integrated Shopify. Here, retailers and manufacturers sell their products directly in the video with a sales button. Now Google is following suit with a strong partner.

There are three ways for Shopify merchants to distribute their products on YouTube:

  • in livestreams
  • via video
  • with the store tab

Even inventory can be synced during the broadcast. Users can see in real time whether a product is in stock or not. The important thing is to keep shoppers on the platform so that no intermediate step is required. This can further strengthen the shopping experience by making it easier for retailers and creators to reach their customers on YouTube.

During the live shopping event, there is a picture-in-picture playback in which customers click on the product and make a purchase. In contrast to teleshopping as it is known from television, they react directly to what is presented. They ask questions and are entertained. While the video is running, the order is placed.

Always an up-to-date stock of products

In the videos that are permanently on the web, the retailer marks certain products and places them by the video. The "store tab", offers the function, of an organized product selection in a separate tab, within the channel. So you know it also from Instagram or TikTok. The tab is added to the YouTube channel of a company. If the product is no longer available, it automatically removes itself from the product list. Thus, no manual rework is required.

The Shopify integration offers the advantage that all product descriptions such as names, images and prices are up-to-date. The ability to subscribe to YouTube channels can strengthen customer loyalty. This results in follow-up purchases. This type of shopping offers the advantages of newsletters, stores and contact options in one product. YouTube is thus expanding the streaming service into a full-blown e-commerce platform. In the U.S., many of the new features have been rolled out since the summer.

YouTube Shopping with Shopify offers these functions:

  • place products in YouTube videos
  • automatic synchronization
  • live sales
  • Sales channel tracking

Merchants track sales performance directly from the Shopify backend. This provides an overview of all sales channels. Nothing stands in the way of networking with one's own community. The platform thus offers multiple sales channels, making it a permanent fixture in e-commerce. These include mobile applications, social media Social media refers to online platforms and services that enable users to create content, t... , marketplaces, brick-and-mortar commerce, and a powerful back office. Customers want to store around the clock, regardless of opening hours. Shopify is reliable and easily scalable, so it can be used by businesses of any size.

More features are being added all the time to provide online retailers with the best possible conditions. With the help of Shopify, YouTube Ads can also be created and embedded. There are many useful extensions in Shopify's ad store. There is a lot of potential here, especially when the competition is big and products are interchangeable. Then video formats are well suited for sales promotion.

Let us help you set up your Shopify account.

If you don't have time to deal with this issue, we as an online marketing agency will be happy to help you with the implementation. As a full service agency we take care of your marketing and support you with shopping ads, video ads, Google Ads.

To use YouTube Shopping, you need to download the Google Channel app from the Shopify app store. There you will find the YouTube Shopping section and sign in with your YouTube account details. After linking, select the products you offer for sale under Monetization and Shopping. Thanks to the many extensions in the app store, even smaller companies manage to get in here.

The moving image becomes an important factor in e-commerce

Google is moving steadily in the direction of e-commerce, with all its offerings. The company is even linking its central search engine with online commerce. Shopify offers the ideal platform for this, with a wide variety of interfaces to other marketplaces and social media. Integration with other networks should be as easy as possible. This provides each merchant with the most flexibility possible. TikTok has led the way in China. The social network now wants to repeat this in Europe, and Google and Shopify want to prepare for this. Other networks such as Netflix could also come into play, as even more customers can be targeted through collaborations.

Shopify's new feature offers many new opportunities, because products can be presented perfectly in moving images. They are vivid and offer added value for the user. For example, when someone uses or demonstrates the product in front of the camera. With a good story behind it, it offers an exciting shopping experience. Retailers who rely heavily on video have a clear advantage here. All those who are not yet relying on it now have a reason to start.

The most important SEA key figures

Search Engine Advertising" plays an important role in the marketing strategy of a company. It is a subarea of search engine marketing. It refers to the placement of paid ads in the search engine results pages. These include Google, Yandex, Bing and Baidu, for example. In the search queries, they appear as paid results even before the organic results. To do this, they must be marked as ads. The placement takes place via booked keywords on the searched topic.

The advantage of SEA is that it leads to success after a short time. Therefore, it is well suited for product launches or for new websites. If you want to draw attention to a campaign or a product for a certain time, SEA is a good choice. The ads usually appear within a very short time.

In contrast, there is search engine optimization. This is intended to improve the ranking of websites in the organic area. However, it can take half a year for the website to appear in the top positions. Therefore, search engine marketing always includes both areas in order to achieve the greatest possible success.

Search engine advertising is a powerful marketing tool for the success of an online marketing campaign. It can also be used for regional campaigns. Google alone records more than 3 billion hits per day. Most users only look at the first results page. It's good if your own website appears there.

How can SEA be optimized?

Google Ads is the advertising network which, together with the Google Display Network, represents the main source of income for the search engine. The question now arises as to how an SEA campaign can be optimized. In doing so, it is not necessary to make decisions based on gut instinct.

Everything is measurable, because there is a wealth of tools and key figures to monitor all relevant data. The goal is to present ads exactly when the user is searching for your offer. The primary factor here is the business objective. The objectives determine the selection of advertising measures as well as the budget.

These are possible goals of an online marketing measure:

  • Increase reach
  • Improve visibility
  • Increase ad quality
  • Make online marketing campaign profitable
  • Acquire new customers
  • Increase sales

Advertising success can be measured precisely using the Ads KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). These are used to determine the use of the advertising budget. Since there are many key performance indicators, all of which are interrelated, it is important to understand them precisely.

How often does the ad appear on the results pages?

The number of impressions shows how often the ad appears in the search results. The total impressions show how high the search volume of the keyword used is. This provides valuable insight into the reach of the ad network. However, it says nothing about whether users actually notice an ad.

How often does a user click on the ad?

Each click brings the user to your website. This tells us whether the user considered the ad relevant. It is a good indicator of whether the user feels addressed by the ad. This value corresponds to the number of users the ad has reached. With ads, the advertiser usually pays for clicks.

Click-through rate (CTR)

The click-through rate is the ratio between impressions and clicks. It is the percentage of users who actually go to the ad. This value is an important indication of the quality of the designed ad. An ad that generates thousands of impressions but doesn't generate a single click isn't going to do much good. The click-through rate tells you whether the ad encourages people to click.

The formula for this is:

  • Clicks/impressions x 100 = Click-through rate (in %)

If users see the ad 1000 times and ten of them click on it, the click-through rate is one percent. A high rate is a sure sign of relevance in online marketing. The higher this number is, the more users perceive you as a competent contact.

Already here you can readjust by checking text and address. This shows how well a keyword converts. Keywords that contain a purchase intention convert better than informal keywords. In the Google Ads campaign manager, you will find corresponding fields that indicate these values.

Relevance is an important criterion

There should be a connection between the booked keyword and the ad. Both must be found in the headline as well as in the text. The customer's journey continues in such a way that keywords and landing page fit together. The landing page must be designed to create a positive user experience. Google always wants to deliver the best possible result, so this aspect is included in the evaluation.

How profitable are my ads?

Search Engine Advertising costs money, so every advertising campaign should be as profitable as possible in order to provide the greatest possible benefit.

The profitability of an advertising strategy can be measured with these key figures:

  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Cost-per-Lead
  • Conversions
  • Conversion rate (CVR)
  • Cost-per-order (CPO)
  • Revenue per click
  • Return on Advertising Spend

The advantage of online marketing is that virtually everything can be measured. For example, conversions indicate whether the visitor actually performs the desired action after clicking on an ad. This includes sales, leads, contact inquiries or newsletter sign-ups.

Important key figures for store operators

Since the online marketing expert always has to keep an eye on costs, there are key figures for cost control. For example, cost per click means the real costs incurred on the click of the website. In addition, there are costs that arise for a contact address. Then one speaks of cost-per-lead. In addition, there are further subtypes such as cost-per-order, which are incurred when an order is placed.

Also important is the "Return on Advertising Spend", which indicates the actual profit achieved per advertising spend. It is a subset of return on investment that generally indicates the relationship between sales and costs.

These figures are mainly interesting for store operators who want to make a reasonable profit. There even the turnover per click is interesting to know how much turnover the single click on the ad brings. Here, the generated revenue can be divided by the number of clicks.

In addition, an average shopping cart value is calculated. This value indicates how much money the user spends on average when shopping in the online store. The revenue is divided by the average conversions.

Always adapt SEA key figures to your own information needs

The possible key figures and KPIs offer a wide range of analysis options. Every SEA manager must therefore adapt the available measurement methods to his or her individual needs. This depends very much on the company in question. Only consult the metrics that are meaningful for your company, so that there is not a flood of unnecessary information. With the appropriate software and the included tools of the search engines it is possible to keep the overview. As a full service agency Munich we help you to find the right strategy for your company.

Ads in YouTube Shorts

The world's largest online video platform has announced that new ad formats between videos on YouTube Shorts will be ready for YouTube marketing in 2023. To compensate advertisers for the ad revenue they generate, YouTube is adapting its partner program, making it easier to monetize on short-form channels. What challenges and potentials does the new ad format bring and how can these YouTube Ads be aligned with other revenue streams on YouTube? Our Online Marketing Munich team has done the research for you.

What are YouTube Shorts?

The developments in Google's search behavior are constantly changing, and with them the requirements for effective online marketing. Google reacts to this and makes it possible to create short videos with YouTube Shorts, edit them and share them with the community.

All you need is a smartphone and the Shorts camera in the YouTube app. Using the various shorts creation tools, you can create clips with a maximum length of 60 seconds in no time.

In a nutshell, this means YouTube shorts are like YouTube videos, only shorter. According to YouTube, shorts now average over 30 billion views per day. This is an important signal that the popularity of short videos and the increased focus on them is hitting a nerve.

How do ads in shorts work?

Until now, monetization for YouTube marketing in shorts was only possible through the YouTube Shorts Fund. This is a $100 million fund that will be distributed over the period 2021-2022 and will give shorts creators the option to request payment from the fund for their shorts.

This will allow creators of YouTube shorts to earn between $100 and $10,000 depending on viewership and engagement for their shorts. The Shorts Fund was seen as the first step toward monetization for shorts.

With growing viewership, YouTube shorts are making up an increasing share of YouTube usage. YouTube is responding to this trend by placing a new ad format in shorts to generate new monetization options for advertisers.

Also new: Until now, YouTubers needed 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of YouTube playback time in a single year to qualify for YouTube's longstanding monetization service.

The 1,000-subscriber requirement still applies, but YouTube wants to ensure that YouTubers can run ads even if their videos are only a few seconds long. YouTube is waiving the playback time requirement for YouTubers who achieve at least 10 million views of short films over a 90-day period.

What is the potential for advertising in YouTube shorts?

YouTube's traditional affiliate program offers advertisers 55% of the ad revenue they generate, while the other 45% goes to the platform. With the YouTube Ads cost for shorts, the split is reversed.

However, YouTube Ads costs are still profitable for advertisers, because shorts can be created without much effort, offer the potential of an additional advertising channel, and at the same time serve as an interesting lure for the main YouTube feed of companies.

Outlook: Online Marketing on YouTube 2023

Neal Mohan, YouTube's Chief Product Officer summed up the evolution at the Made On YouTube live streaming event, "YouTube's industry-leading partner program changed the game for long-form video. Now we're changing the game again, this time by opening it up to short-form creators and introducing revenue share for shorts."

This is the first time YouTube has allowed revenue sharing for short-form videos to be offered at scale on a platform, opening up another opportunity for video content monetization.

In this context, the question of how you can profitably use YouTube Ads for shorts in your company and what options exist for this is certainly interesting for you?

Our full service agency supports you from the development of a suitable strategy to the practical implementation of the new ad formats in shorts. Arrange a personal meeting with our Online Marketing Munich specialists. We look forward to getting to know you. Strategie bis zur praktischen Umsetzung der neuen Anzeigeformate in Shorts. Vereinbaren Sie ein persönliches Gespräch mit unseren Online Marketing München Spezialisten. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen.

The ACCRA model - the path from AIDA to ACCRA

In the Online Marketing of companies, everything revolves around accompanying potential customers on their customer journey from the initial contact with products or services to the actual conclusion of the purchase. The so-called AIDA approach is used, which is divided into the 4 phases Attention | Interest | Desire | Action. The ACCRA model extends AIDA by a decisive point. The team at our agency for online marketing in Munich has taken a closer look at the advantages of ACCRA for you. AIDA-Ansatz angewendet, der sich in die 4 Phasen Attention | Interest | Desire | Action unterteilt. Das ACCRA Modell erweitert AIDA um einen entscheidenden Punkt. Das Team unserer Agentur für Online Marketing München hat die Vorteile von ACCRA einmal näher für Sie beleuchtet.

What is the ACCRA model?

Similar to the AIDA model, the ACCRA model combines the 4 phases Awareness | Consideration | Conversion | Retention, but expands them by the 5th phase Advocacy, which deals with customer care and retention after the actual purchase.

We will explain later why this extension is so important for the customer journey and the associated online marketing. In the following, we will first describe the 5 phases of ACCRA.

1. AWARENESS: Raise awareness among your target group

In this first phase, it is important that your target group becomes aware of your products or services in the first place. This is made possible, among other things, by using the company's own web pages, which provide a range of information that can be called up at any time in order to awaken a possible need in the prospective customer.

2. CONSIDERATION: Initiate considerations with potential customers

In this phase, potential customers start thinking about how they can use your offer to fulfill possible needs or solve problems. They engage intensively with guidebooks or blogs.

Here it is important for companies to deliver a real added value and clearly highlight the advantages of the offer. web design and Web Development help not only to ensure a professional and consistent look on websites and social networks, but also to position the most important information in the right places. In this context, Search Engine Optimization also plays an important role.

3. CONVERSION: Konvertieren Sie Ihre Kunden

Phase 3 is all about making sure your target audience is ready to convert, does so, and becomes a customer. This doesn't necessarily have to be an immediate purchase, but can also be conversions in the form of newsletter subscriptions, downloading whitepapers, arranging an initial meeting, and many other aspects.

4. RETENTION: Work on customer retention

The focus of this phase is on retaining the newly acquired customers in the long term. In this context, it is important to stay in close contact with your customers and to provide them with information and offers that bring lasting benefits, even after the conversion.

5 ADVOCACY: Turn your customers into brand ambassadors

The ACCRA model not only focuses on the customer much more intensively than the AIDA model, but also sees phase 5 as an opportunity to turn loyal customers into brand ambassadors.

This means that customers recommend your products and services offline and online to family and friends via personal recommendations or to strangers with experiences and reviews.

Promote this form of marketing by using appropriate platforms for the evaluation, which can include your own web development, but also evaluation portals or comment functions in social networks can serve as a basis.

What are the advantages of the ACCRA model?

The ACCRA model takes into account the fundamental areas of customer loyalty and recommendation by customers. With this approach, the customer journey is further accompanied by marketing and online marketing activities and you avoid losing sight of your customers.

Instead, you achieve that your customers are convinced of your brand, like to buy from you again and become regular customers.

In addition, you automatically generate a high level of customer loyalty, which ideally develops so well that your customers are happy to recommend your offering to others.

What role do touchpoints play?

So-called touchpoints, where customers come into contact with your company on their customer journey, can be found throughout the entire customer journey.

At this point, it's good to know that there are direct and indirect touchpoints. At direct touchpoints, customers come into contact with your company directly via phone calls, chats, or in a personal conversation, among other things. Indirect touchpoints include your websites, social media channels, and other touchpoints.

Whether direct or indirect touchpoint, make sure you don't make false promises and are authentic. Be sure to have important information ready, thereby establishing the customer's sense that they are the focus of your attention.

Conclusion: This is how you can practically implement the ACCRA model in online marketing!

Recommendations made by your customers are a strong sales argument and are optimally taken into account within the framework of the ACCRA model.

Focus more on your customers and their needs and ensure intensive and long-lasting customer loyalty from which both sides benefit. We would be happy to support you with our full-service agency in the practical implementation.

Search engine optimization: SEO in B2B

Anders als Unternehmen, die sich in ihrer Ausrichtung an Endkunden (B2C) wenden, sprechen Business to Business (B2B) Konzepte andere Unternehmen an. Dabei sind die Kaufentscheidungen in der Customer Journey oft deutlich länger und es gibt mehrere Entscheidungsträger. Dies hat auch Auswirkungen auf das Suchmaschinenmarketing sowie die damit einhergehende Suchmaschinenoptimierung im B2B. Aber worauf gilt es in der Business to Business SEO Optimierung zu achten und welche praktischen Tipps sind bei der Umsetzung besonders hilfreich? Wir haben Ihnen die wichtigsten Eckpunkte zusammengetragen.

What are the special features of B2B SEO optimization?

Online Marketing im Bereich B2B muss langfristig angelegt werden und bedarf einer strategischen Ausrichtung sowie den passenden operativen Maßnahmen. Dabei spielt die Zielgruppendefinition eine tragende Rolle.

Darüber hinaus gilt es zu beachten, dass Keywords im B2B Suchmaschinenmarketing häufig ein geringes Suchvolumen aufweisen und höhere Cost-per-Click (CPC) einkalkuliert werden müssen.

Equally crucial is the tailored content in search engine advertising, which is not aimed at the masses but at decision-makers in companies, should be less emotional and instead formal with added value.

How to reach your target group via B2B SEO

Tip 1: Work strategically!

Online Marketing Strategien im B2B sind nicht kurzfristig angelegt. Vielmehr zielen sie auf ein stabiles, langfristiges Suchmaschinen Ranking ab.

Hierfür eignet sich ein langfristiges Konzept, dass die B2B Online Marketing Strategien festhält und strategische Schritte sowie operative Maßnahmen abbildet und regelmäßig auf ihre Wirksamkeit hin überprüft.

In addition to analysis and strategy, this also includes regular controlling that ensures seamless monitoring of search engine optimization.

Tip 2: Define your target customers!

Im B2B richten sich Unternehmen nicht an die breite Masse, sondern an eine ausgewählte Zielgruppe von Entscheidern in Unternehmen. In diesem Zusammenhang gilt es über eine sogenannte Buyer Persona einen Musterkunden zu erstellen. Diese unterstützt Sie dabei wie ihre Wunschkunden zu denken, deren Probleme zu analysieren und passende Angebote bereitzustellen.

Tip 3: Focus on specific keyword research for buyers!

Companies can map the customer journey using a so-called sales funnel. Here, the edge of the funnel represents potential customers who might be interested in your products and services for various reasons or problems, and the bottom of the sales funnel represents customers who are actually already considering a purchase decision.

Start with the "bottom of the funnel" keyword research. This involves filtering out all the specific keywords that customers who are close to closing a sale are searching for.

Gerade in B2B Nischen ist es wichtig für das Google Suchmaschinen Ranking alle Keywords zu finden, die eine erhöhte Sichtbarkeit des eigenen Angebots ermöglichen.

Tip 4: Do keyword research for search queries!

Verknüpfen Sie die „Bottom of the Funnel“ Keywordrecherche im B2B SEO, die sich häufig durch ein geringes Suchvolumen und hohe Kosten pro Klick auszeichnet, mit der „Top of the Funnel“ Keywordrecherche.

These are keywords that potential customers search for when looking for a solution to a specific problem. These are not aimed at making an immediate sale, but are used to gather information from the customer.

With the right online marketing, you can reach your target group much earlier and systematically accompany them on their way through the sales funnel to the conclusion of the sale.

Tip 5: Create content with real added value!

The best keyword research is of little use if you do not put your selected keywords into the appropriate context. The basis for a good search engine ranking is customized content that is geared to the needs of the target group at the respective stage of the customer journey.

Focus on unique content by placing keywords wisely without keyword stuffing. Make sure that your content offers a high level of information and service.

Tip 6: Build a backlink structure!

External links, so-called backlinks, serve as virtual recommendations that enhance your content from a search engine optimization perspective. Avoid link exchange actions or other dubious backlink sources.

Erstellen Sie besser Content, der für Ihre Zielgruppe höchst relevant ist wie Info-Grafiken, Whitepaper und andere Informationen. So erzeugen Sie nicht nur themenrelevante Backlinks, Sie betreiben auch Brandbuilding und stärken Ihre Marke im B2B Segment.

Conclusion: Establish B2B online marketing strategies.

Entwickeln Sie im B2B ein strategisches Suchmaschinenmarketing, dass die Suchmaschinenoptimierung anhand einer präzisen Zielgruppenanalyse, einer zweistufigen Keywordrecherche, Unique Content und smarten Backlinks sicherstellt. Lassen Sie sich vom Team unserer Agentur für Online Marketing München unterstützen. Wir helfen Ihnen dabei, die Suchmaschinenoptimierung im B2B langfristig und nachhaltig umzusetzen.

SEA Marketing

Die zunehmende Digitalisierung erfordert neue Marketingmaßnahmen, denn Marketing verlagert sich zunehmend ins Internet. Dabei spielen die Suchmaschinen eine große Rolle, da sie umfassende Möglichkeiten und Werkzeuge für die Kundengewinnung bieten. Besonders kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen haben hier die Chance, neue Wege zu gehen. Suchmaschinenmarketing ermöglicht einem Unternehmen, sich optimal zu positionieren und seinen Aktionsradius zu steigern.

Suchmaschinenmarketing besteht aus zwei Bereichen

Der Begriff SEA Marketing steht für „Search Engine Advertising“ und bedeutet Suchmaschinenwerbung. Damit sind alle Maßnahmen gemeint, Webseitenbesucher über bezahlte Werbeanzeigen auf die eigene Webseite zu leiten. Jede Suchmaschine bietet bezahlte Werbeplätze, die sich im Kontext der Suchergebnisse einblenden lassen. Sie stehen meist noch über den organischen Resultaten. Geben Sie einen Suchbegriff ein, erhalten Sie zwei Arten von Suchergebnissen. Einmal die organischen Suchergebnisse sowie bezahlte Ergebnisse, zu denen das SEA Marketing gehört.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung für eine längerfristige Positionierung im Netz

Suchmaschinenmarketing ist eng mit Suchmaschinenoptimierung verwandt. Beide haben das Ziel, die Webseite oder den Online-Shop im Web sichtbar zu machen. Search Engine Optimization ist die Anpassung der Seite an die Bedürfnisse der Suchmaschinen wie Google, Bing oder Yahoo. Hier muss die Homepage vom Design, der Technik sowie dem Inhalt gut an die Vorgaben angepasst sein.

Hochwertige Inhalte sorgen dafür, eine Seite als relevant für die Suchanfrage einzustufen.  Dies passiert nicht von heute auf morgen, sondern erfordert viel Geduld und Arbeitsaufwand. So kann es schon mal bis zu einem halben Jahr dauern, bis eine Webseite auf den obersten Plätzen auftaucht. Ist Ihre Webseite noch relativ neu, müssen Sie viel Aufwand betreiben, der sich erst nach gewisser Zeit auszahlt.

Ein gutes Ranking ist nicht garantiert und SEO liefert keine schnellen Ergebnisse. Dazu ist der Zeitaufwand sehr hoch und erfordert umfassendes Wissen zum Thema Suchmaschinenoptimierung.

Suchmaschinenmarketing zur gezielten Kundengewinnung

In vielen Fällen möchte ein Unternehmen schneller auf die ersten Plätze, denn wer sichtbar ist, macht Umsatz. Gerade bei Produkteinführungen, Online-Shops oder neu gelaunchten Webseiten soll eine Webseite sofort auf den ersten Plätzen erscheinen. Mit Textanzeigen ist dies möglich. Hier kaufen Sie für Ihren Online-Shop oder Homepage eine prominente Position in den Suchergebnissen. Dies hat den Vorteil, dass Sie sofort ganz weit oben stehen, manchmal sogar auf dem ersten Platz der Suchergebnisse.

Allerdings ist dieses bezahlte Suchergebnis dann als Anzeige gekennzeichnet. Das ist in der Regel kein Problem, da viele Menschen das Wort Anzeige gern überlesen. Der Interessent sucht eine Lösung und klickt auf das Suchergebnis. Die Lösung kann auch als Werbung daher kommen. Diese Top-Positionen sind hart umkämpft, daher entscheidet die Relevanz der Webseiten.

Die passenden Keywords finden

Ob Ihre Anzeige in den oberen vier Suchergebnissen erscheint, hängt von den Keywords ab, zu denen Sie Ihre Seite bewerben. Daher müssen Sie herausbekommen, wonach die Menschen suchen. Hier gibt es verschiedene Werkzeuge und Hilfsmittel, mit denen Sie das herausfinden können. Ihre Anzeige sollte immer dann erscheinen, wenn der User nach Ihrem Produkt sucht. SEA ist nur für kurzfristige Werbung geeignet, denn ist die Kampagne beendet, geht die Sichtbarkeit wieder verloren. Dennoch ist es ein guter Ansatz, eine neue Webseite oder ein Produkt schnell bekannt zu machen.

Vorteile des Suchmaschinenmarketings sind:

  • exaktes Nutzer-Targeting
  • hohe Online-Sichtbarkeit
  • zielgruppengenaue Ansprache
  • die Markenbekanntheit steigt
  • schnelle Ergebnisse bei Produkteinführung

Es ist stets eine gute Strategie, Suchmaschinenwerbung und Suchmaschinenoptimierung miteinander zu kombinieren. So erhalten Sie Nachhaltigkeit und sind dauerhaft sichtbar.

SEA Anzeigen schalten

Damit Ihre Werbung erfolgreich ist, sollte genau definiert sein, wen Sie ansprechen möchten. Welche Probleme Ihrer Zielgruppe können Sie lösen? Bei der Keywordrecherche stellen Sie fest, welche Begriffe Ihre Zielgruppe zur Suche nutzt. Nur dann lässt sich Ihr Angebot von den entsprechenden Interessenten finden.

Die Suchmaschinen rechnen nach dem Pay-per-Click-Prinzip ab, das bedeutet, dass Sie nur bezahlen, wenn jemand auf die Anzeige klickt. Für jedes Keyword gibt es einen Klickpreis, für den Sie ein Gebot abgeben. Im Hintergrund läuft eine Auktion, bei der der Meistbietende den Zuschlag erhält. Je höher das Gebot, desto eher erscheint Ihre Anzeige. Damit Sie Ihr Budget nicht überschreiten, können Sie eine Obergrenze festlegen. Ist dieses aufgebraucht, spielt die Suchmaschine keine Werbeanzeige mehr aus. Die bekanntesten Plattformen sind Google Ads sowie Bing Ads. Daneben gibt es weitere Werbenetzwerke sowie die Möglichkeiten der sozialen Medien.

Qualitätsfaktoren, die das Ranking beeinflussen

Neben dem Gebot auf das Keyword, gibt es weitere Qualitätsfaktoren, die zu berücksichtigen sind. Die Bezahlung der Anzeigen allein reicht nicht aus, um eine gute Platzierung in den SEA Ergebnissen zu bekommen. Es geht auch um die Qualität des Zieles, wo der Interessent landet. In der Regel ist dies eine übersichtlich gestaltete Landingpage sowie die Relevanz der Keywords.  Qualität und Inhalt Ihres Angebots müssen überzeugen.

Folgende Qualitätsfaktoren sind wichtig für eine gute Platzierung in den Suchergebnissen:

  • Eine hervorragende Qualität der Landingpage
  • Relevanz der Textanzeigen zu den Suchanfragen
  • Klickraten und Verweildauer auf den Zielseiten

Verlassen die Nutzer nach dem Klick die Webseite gleich wieder, ist der Inhalt nicht relevant. Mit Hilfe von Keyword-Tools können Sie herausfinden, welche Wörter die Interessenten eingeben und welche Fragen sie stellen. Die Suchmaschinen bieten den Ad-Nutzern die entsprechenden Werkzeuge an. Dies sind etwa die Google-Search Konsole, Google Keyword Planner sowie Google Suggest. Daneben gibt es weitere Werkzeuge von Drittanbietern, die in der Regel kostenpflichtig sind. Tools wie „Ubersuggest“ bieten verschiedene Analysemethoden, um zu sehen, welche Keywords der Wettbewerber nutzt. Daneben gibt es viele weitere Tools, mit denen Sie Ihr Angebot präzisieren können. Zum Beispiel, welche Fragen Nutzer stellen, um an Informationen zu kommen. Hier gibt es ein Tool, das sich „Answer the Public“ nennt. Dort ist fast jede Nutzerfrage aufgelistet.

SEA regional einsetzen

Mit SEA erreichen Sie viele Interessenten in Ihrem Umfeld. Statt auf Printwerbung zu setzen, erscheint Ihr Angebot auf den mobilen Geräten der Kunden. Der Vorteil am Online Marketing liegt in der genauen Messbarkeit des Anzeigenerfolges. Sie können jederzeit nachbessern, was mit Printwerbung nicht möglich ist. So lässt sich das Targeting exakt auf die Zielgruppe sowie das lokale Umfeld ausrichten. Um seine Ads muss sich ein Unternehmen kontinuierlich kümmern. Wenn Anzeigen suboptimal sind, kommt es zu hohen Kosten sowie Streuverlusten. Nebenbei ist dies nicht zu erledigen. Unsere  Online Marketing Spezialisten aus München helfen Ihnen, Ihr Suchmaschinenmarketing so zu optimieren, sodass Sie viele neue Kunden gewinnen.

SEA ist nicht auf Text und Bild beschränkt

YouTube ist die zweitgrößte Suchmaschine der Welt und lässt sich ebenso für das Marketing einsetzen. Damit lassen sich potenzielle Kunden zielgerichtet ansprechen. Es ist sogar möglich, Werbeanzeigen und Banner vor den Videos eines Wettbewerbers auszuspielen. Interessiert sich der User nicht für Ihr Video, kann er es in den ersten 30 Sekunden wegklicken. Sie zahlen dann keinen Cent und damit ist Ihr Branding kostenfrei. Videos lassen sich kostengünstig produzieren und müssen nicht einmal perfekt sein. Mit Video-Ads sowie Banneranzeigen bauen Sie eine große Reichweite auf.

SEM auf mehreren Kanälen nutzen

Die Entwicklung des Suchmaschinenmarketings schreitet immer weiter voran. Längst ist bekannt, dass Online Shopper mehrere Kontakte auf diversen Online-Kanälen benötigen, bevor sie eine Bestellung tätigen. Darauf reagieren die Suchmaschinenanbieter immer besser. Google hat im Jahre 2021 sein neues Format „Performance Max“ vorgestellt. Damit lässt sich mit nur einer einzigen Kampagne auf das gesamte Werbeinventar des Anbieters zugreifen, ohne allzu viel Aufwand zu betreiben.

SEA Marketing bleibt ein wichtiger Online Marketing Kanal, um neue Kunden schnell und präzise anzusprechen.

Tips for successful SEO marketing

SEO marketing ensures good visibility on the Internet. How you can achieve this visibility, explain the online marketing specialists with helpful tips for successful SEO marketing.

A website can only be found well if it is technically and content-wise flawless. Therefore, search engine marketing is an important strategy for success on the web. With search engine optimization, a web presence can be adapted to such an extent that it achieves relevance for the search engines. The goal is to achieve a higher ranking in the search results. The cornerstone for this is information that solves the searcher's problem. Therefore, the content must provide added value for the reader.

A website or an online store are only visible if the search engine algorithm recognizes them well. Therefore, a web presence should meet the technical requirements of Google and Co. There are up to 200 ranking factors that are crucial for a top placement in the organic search results. In addition, there are other aspects outside the own page.

How can the website be optimized?

Hier gibt es zwei große Teilbereiche, die Onpage-Optimierung sowie die Offpage-Optimierung. Damit kann der Webmaster selbst Einfluss auf das Suchergebnis nehmen, damit die Webseite möglichst weit oben auftaucht.

Onpage Optimierung

Die Onpage-Optimierung erfasst alle Maßnahmen, die sich auf der Webseite verändern lassen. Dazu zählt die inhaltliche Anpassung, die Linkstruktur sowie technische Aspekte. Wichtig ist nicht nur das Ranking, sondern auch die Nutzerfreundlichkeit einer Webseite. Lässt sich alles gut bedienen und finden sich die Nutzer auf der Webseite oder dem Online-Shop gut zurecht? Nur eine einwandfreie und schnell ladende Webseite führt zum gewünschten Ergebnis. Das bedeutet, dass Sie an Ihrer Webseite kontinuierlich arbeiten müssen, denn Google passt seine Algorithmen ständig an. SEO Marketing ist keine Maßnahme, die nur einmalig durchzuführen ist.

Hochwertige Inhalte sind von extremer Bedeutung

Welche Onpage-Maßnahmen sind es, die zum Erfolg führen? Wichtig sind zunächst einmal die Texte und Inhalte auf der Seite. Diese müssen einzigartig, hochwertig sowie aktuell sein. Mit veralteten Inhalten kann niemand etwas anfangen. Schreiben Sie immer für Ihre Zielgruppe und nicht für die Suchmaschine. Hochwertige Inhalte erreichen einen guten Platz, denn Google möchte genau das ausliefern, das zu den Suchanfragen passt. Nützliche und unterhaltsame Informationen gewinnen immer mehr an Bedeutung. So lassen sich neue Inhalte und Informationen regelmäßig als Blogartikel veröffentlichen. Suchmaschinen indexieren aktuelle Inhalte häufiger als ältere Informationen. Webseiten, auf denen sich nie etwas ändert, rutschen im Ranking ab und verschwinden schließlich auf die hinteren Seiten der Suchergebnisse.

Optimally combine texts, images and videos

Your content should be unique and clearly differentiated from the competition. What are you particularly good at? What makes you stand out from the competition? You can never go wrong with tips and solutions to problems. Your texts should be clearly arranged, without long text deserts. Prospective customers usually skim the text before they delve deeper. This also includes the appropriate images, which should come from you if possible. Your own images look much better than purchased stock photos. If possible, use multimedia and add videos to liven up the content.

Select keywords that are appropriate for the target group

To generate traffic on the website, the choice of appropriate keywords is essential. You should orientate yourself on the language of your target group. Use only one main keyword per content page. This should be found in the headlines and at the beginning of the text. Thanks to various tools, you can check what your target group is looking for. The market offers many different SEO tools, some of which are even free. For example, the Keyword Planner from Google.

The right content management system

The technical side of a website is also important. Here, the selection of a suitable content management system that is easy to use helps. Many systems are already preset so that the technical adaptation is not difficult. The prerequisites are fast loading times and that the website can be displayed equally well on all devices. Since many people go online with mobile devices, a responsive web design is a must. Only use software that is up-to-date. A website that doesn't open quickly loses trust. Loading speed is a crucial ranking factor for search engines.

Patience is needed in SEO marketing, because search engine optimization does not work overnight. Before rankings improve, it can take time, because Google first takes a hesitant look at the websites. It can take three to six months before the homepage appears in the top positions. If users jump off again and again, the search engine notices this and the page drops. That's why we need to know what interested parties are looking for.

There are numerous tools available to support this, such as:

  • Keyword analysis
  • Tools for ranking analysis
  • Linkbuilding-Tools
  • Tools for technical analysis of a website

Promotion of the website on the Internet - Offpage optimization

Um mit SEO Marketing Erfolg zu haben, muss die Webseite im Netz bekannt und gut zu finden sein. Dafür reicht die reine Onpage-Optimierung nicht aus. Eine Homepage ohne Verlinkung steht allein im Netz. Daher muss sich die Webseite oder der Shop mit anderen Seiten verlinken. Links, die von anderen Seiten auf eine Webseite verweisen, sind sehr nützlich. Es ist eine klare Weiterempfehlung.

Dabei sollte die empfehlende Seite gut zum Thema passen. Es kommt primär auf die Stärke und Popularität der verlinkenden Webseite an. Auf keinen Fall sollten Sie Backlinks kaufen oder einen unnatürlichen Backlinkaufbau betreiben. Backlinks sollten im Idealfall freiwillig gesetzt sein. So könnte ein Zulieferer auf Ihre Webseite als Ansprechpartner verweisen. Mit der Offpage-Optimierung verbessern Sie die Reputation Ihrer Firma und erhalten relevante Besucher von anderen Webseiten.

Social Signals

Signals from social networks that refer to one's own website can have a positive effect on the user frequency of a website. These are usually user ratings, likes or positive comments. So you should be active in the social networks and promote your website there as well.

Using Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok can be useful because that's where your target audience hangs out. Social networks offer many tools to narrow down the appropriate target audience. However, you need to adapt to the language and trend in the networks. The content should not be too promotional. If you get numerous links from the social networks, you are relevant for the search engine. For this, your content must be popular and up-to-date. Intensive social management is necessary here.

Schlussendlich gibt es unheimlich viele Faktoren bei dem Thema Suchmaschinenoptimierung zu beachten. Gerne beraten unsere Online Marketing Spezialisten Sie zu diesem Thema.

Marketing in Web3 - An overview

In terms of marketing trends and online marketing, Web3 opens up fantastic opportunities for brands and advertisers willing to embrace new technologies and online marketing strategies. In particular, it is about creating a system of trust and security as well as a user experience with added value that meets with broad acceptance. Our online marketing agency in Munich has taken a closer look at Web3 and summarized the most important points for you.

What is Web3?

The term Web3 or Web 3.0 refers to a vision of the future that anticipates the development of the Internet in a few years. This describes the next generation of the World Wide Web, which will be accompanied by a number of new technologies.

These include cryptocurrencies (digital money) and blockchains (forgery-proof, distributed data structures with transaction logging) as well as an overall decentralization of the Internet.

Des Weiteren ist vom Ansatz der „Metaverse“ (digitaler Raum, der durch das Zusammenspiel virtueller, erweiterter und physischer Realität entsteht) und der Anwendung von KI (künstlicher Intelligenz) die Rede.

It is assumed that the Web will act independently of large companies, but that users will become more independently active and move further into the foreground.

Unlike in the past, users could then even create their own platforms and use them to conduct transactions. Web 3.0 assumes autonomous and personalized web behavior.

What does Web3 improve compared to Web2?

With the proclaimed fairness and transparency, companies in Web3 should have the opportunity to change the relationship between their brands and their customers in the long term. Customers are no longer seen as consumers, but as a stakeholder community.

To enable the transition to Web3, companies need to experiment and rethink their relationships with consumers, strengthening and creating mutual appreciation. Critical to this is true consumer empowerment in terms of data sharing, ownership, and equity. Web3 unlocks new, previously unimaginable opportunities that companies can leverage to create connections with consumers and communities. Brands will be able to raise a new generation of digital natives and early adopters who seek more exclusive and honest ties. Most brands to date practice a command-and-control approach to marketing. In a Web3 world, brands need to start thinking about a decentralized style guide and direct consumer engagement with the brand.

How is Web3 changing the way advertisers interact with customers?

If the approach can be realized, Web3 will change everything. It's about reinventing customer experiences and relationships and not just generating a community, but evolving or completely rethinking brands in community.

In this context, experts also talk about a next web and the next era of brand engagement, combined with constant value and strengthening of a community.

What does it take to realize a secure Web3?

First, regulators are needed to create the space for innovation and learning alongside clear boundaries and accountability enforcement.

In addition, advertisers should invest responsibly in partners, content and infrastructure, and marketing strategies.

The technologies used to do this must be designed based on ethics, inclusion, and security. But there is also a need for users to collectively generate and build trust online.

Conclusion: Sustainable innovation in marketing!

Marketing innovations that focus on customer experience as well as empowerment will smooth the transition between Web2 and Web3.

Web3 is about how the next chapter of the Web reshapes the relationships between people, businesses and information. This will require reinventing touchpoints and customer journeys, among other things.

Companies face the challenge of using new technologies to capture attention, engage people, and create innovative experiences that foster community and ultimately loyalty.

Want to revolutionize your customer experiences today? We are happy to assist you with our agency for online marketing Munich.

Deadline extension until 2024: Google's third party cookies

There's actually another deadline extension until 2024 for Google's third party cookies: the speculation surrounding Google Cookie Tracking and Privacy Sandbox technology is not abating. Cookies have long been criticized by data privacy advocates, especially so-called third-party cookies, which can be used by advertisers to date as part of online marketing efforts via third-party vendors to track customer user behavior and create user profiles. Again and again we are asked in our agency for online marketing Munich, when a possible end for online marketing strategies around Google Third-Party-Cookies will come. The first thing that is clear is that there has been another postponement. Here are the most important facts about it.

What are third-party cookies and what is their purpose?

Tracking with third-party cookies are cookies (small text files that the Internet browser stores on the computer) that are not generated by the advertiser itself, but by third parties via targeting pixels, advertisements or similar. This allows relevant information to be collected in online marketing, for example on age, origin, gender and data on user behavior, in order to use this for personal online marketing measures.

A third-party cookie therefore records the course of pages on a website. Often, however, the cookie used only acquires the most valuable data when it is recognized on another website. This makes it possible to target personal advertising based on the user's consumption behavior and user profile.

This form of advertising is still popular with companies, but is also under fire time and again due to data protection issues.

What are Google's plans for cookie tracking?

Originally, Google had already been planning to gradually reduce cookies for quite some time in order not to scare away the target group of advertisers. For this reason, there was talk of an end to third-party cookies in 2022. We had already reported on this in this blog post: Cookie Tracking and E-Privacy - Current Status and Outlook 2022.

In terms of privacy and competition on the Internet, Google had placed all action steps themselves under regulatory oversight by the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). These were to approve the further development around the Privacy Sandbox API. However, delays have already occurred in the past due to the self-imposed control mechanisms.

What is the reasoning behind the deadline extension to 2024?

Originally, tracking by third-party cookies in Chrome was supposed to be stopped by the beginning of 2020. Currently, Google explains that the ban on third-party cookies has been postponed again until the end of 2024. This means that the current tracking will not be replaced by Google's Privacy Sandbox for at least 2 years.

The corporation explains that this decision has to do with the Privacy Sandbox technology, which is supposed to replace the technologies used so far with privacy-compliant ones. However, the FLoC system, which had already been developed, was torn apart by data protectionists and was not even used in the European region.

Google also says it needs significantly more time to develop and test subsequent technologies. For this reason, the launch of the Privacy Sandbox API is not expected until the third quarter of 2023 and the complete abolition of third-party cookies in the second half of 2024.

Conclusion: Maintain balance between privacy and options around online marketing strategies!

According to its own publications, Google is currently working intensively on testing a new series of Privacy Sandbox APIs with the aim of protecting the privacy of users and harmonizing it with online marketing measures.

However, it remains to be seen whether this project will succeed in the newly set time frame until the end of 2024.

In addition to the use of cookie tracking previously used, companies should keep an eye on new developments and keep up with the times in your online marketing. We will be happy to support you in this and work out individual strategies with you. Let us advise you on online marketing!

Marketing Automation for SMEs

The digitization of companies is picking up speed. This is particularly noticeable in marketing, because there are more and more marketing channels to play with. In small and medium-sized businesses, there is often not enough time for this. And it's not just about sales channels such as the website, Social Media or E-Mail Marketing. Many other processes can be digitized and automated. Marketing automation is designed to make everyday marketing tasks more efficient and customer-centric. To this end, marketers have a range of tools at their disposal to manage these tasks. This allows new customers to be acquired and existing customers to be maintained efficiently, without too much effort.

How can customers be acquired with marketing automation?

Der Kontakt von Mensch zu Mensch ist besonders im B2B Marketing sehr ausgeprägt. Dennoch ist gerade in diesem Bereich Marketing Automation besonders effektiv. Kontakte lassen sich auf diese Weise hervorragend vorbereiten. Unternehmen erkennen potenzielle Kunden viel schneller als dies mit herkömmlichen Mitteln möglich wäre. Die Firmen verlieren Kunden und Interessenten nicht mehr aus den Augen und begleiten sie auf ihrer Reise durch den Vertriebsprozess. Durch automatische Berührungs- und Kontaktpunkte bleibt die Verbindung zum Unternehmen länger aufrecht.

Prospects change marketing channels regularly, so companies must try to keep up. They meet their target audience where they are. Automation helps analyze customer behavior in seconds. The advantage of Online Marketing is that all measures can be measured and readjusted. Today's customer is demanding, because he expects interaction in both directions. He wants to communicate with the company at all times. Therefore, small and medium-sized companies also benefit from it, because the effort to win a customer is reduced.

Classic advertising is mostly hidden

Most interested parties fade out classic advertising. Too many stimuli are flooding in on the users. They search specifically for information in search engines and social networks. The Internet is a pull medium, so the company has to show up wherever the customer is in order to get information.

Marketing, sales and customer support synchronize their contact channels to get a common view of customer data. With software-driven automation, it is much easier to understand potential customers with all their needs and interests. This is the only way companies can identify and respond to individual needs. Automated customer journey management enables real-time monitoring and offers content personalization.

Customer service and quick response promotes customer loyalty

The bond with a company is no longer as strong as it was a few years ago. If service is not immediately on hand, there are enough alternatives on the web for customers to switch to. Intelligent tools help employees respond quickly to inquiries. Contacts sorted by topic can be immediately forwarded to the appropriate team. This promotes customer loyalty.

The effort required to accompany the customer is significantly less than with manual support. User-oriented content plus existing customer care can be significantly improved in this way.

The advantages of automated processes in detail:

  • effective customer acquisition
  • suitable leads for sales
  • target group specific marketing campaigns
  • time and cost savings
  • personalized communication
  • more freedom, as recurring actions run automatically
  • better customer understanding

An important point is the analysis of acquired data, as this reveals the return on investment of each individual measure. This allows the company to implement exactly those measures that are really worthwhile. Marketing managers no longer make decisions based on gut instinct.

Software tools guide the customer through the sales process

In practice, software tools take customers by the hand and guide them through the sales process. If a potential customer is researching a product or service, the company makes the first contact on the website. This can take the form of chatbots, a request for a white paper , or checklists. If the prospective customer enters his e-mail address, he receives a follow-up with further information after a few days. At the same time, the system informs a sales representative what the potential customer is interested in. As a result, the customer service representative is optimally prepared for the sales meeting.

Fewer canceled orders and more sales

Cancelled orders are a widespread problem for store operators. Now the system reminds the user of the open shopping cart. In addition, there are reminder emails as well as discount offers. If a user has a birthday, the system congratulates and offers a discount for that day. All this is done fully automatically.

This is why medium-sized businesses also benefit from marketing software

Inzwischen gibt es vielfältige Softwareangebote auf dem Markt, die den Unternehmen einen klaren Wettbewerbsvorteil verschaffen. Bei erklärungsbedürftigen Produkten und Dienstleistungen dauert es länger, bis Kunden eine Kaufentscheidung fällen. Hier sollten Sie den Interessenten öfter kontaktieren. Insbesondere im B2B Marketing, bei E-Commerce Angeboten sowie digitalen Produkten lohnt sich die automatische Kundenbetreuung. Dies lässt sich völlig unabhängig von der Größe einer Organisation implementieren. Besonders der Mittelstand profitiert davon, weil hier die Manpower in der Regel nicht ausreicht, um komplexe Marketingaufgaben manuell zu erledigen.

With marketing software, the following tasks can be completed automatically:

  • Create and manage landing pages
  • Manage newsletters
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • Qualify leads
  • Contact management
  • Analysis and reporting
  • Multi-channel communication

Viele Softwareangebote machen Einzellösungen überflüssig, da sie alle Funktionen unter einem Dach vereinen. Der Webauftritt, Social Media, Customer-Relationship-Management sowie das Marketing sind dabei durch Schnittstellen eng miteinander verknüpft. Den Besuchern liefert die Software die für sie relevanten Inhalte datenbasiert aus. So betreuen verhaltensbasierte und automatische Arbeitsabläufe die Kunden rund um die Uhr. Wichtig ist die Integration der Software von Drittanbietern ohne nachträgliche Programmierung weiterer Schnittstellen. Dadurch lassen sich Folgekosten vermeiden. Als Full Service Agentur we provide comprehensive advice on selecting the right solution for your company.

A good price-performance ratio is important

Small and medium-sized enterprises need software that can be deployed quickly, with a good price-performance ratio. The primary focus is on user-friendliness with a learning curve that is as flat as possible. The license costs should be kept within limits and correspond exactly to the intended use. As a rule, these are cloud-based solutions that do not run on the company server. The advantage is that the respective provider takes care of maintenance as well as data security. Find out whether the provider complies with data protection rules. Disadvantage is a certain dependency, because once everything is set up, a later change can be expensive.

With over 300 providers on the market, it's not easy to choose, so it's best to ask yourself what exactly you need. The best-known representatives of the industry are, for example, HubSpot, Chimpify or Mautic. Meanwhile, there are even solutions for small business owners and freelancers who are looking for a user-friendly all-in-one solution. Sendinblue or Zoho are worth mentioning here, for example. HubSpot, Chimpify oder Mautic. Mittlerweile gibt es sogar Lösungen für Kleinunternehmer und Freiberufler, die eine nutzerfreundliche Gesamtlösung suchen. Hier sind zum Beispiel Sendinblue oder Zoho zu nennen.

How well are companies prepared for digitization?

The digital age has long been here and continues to advance - but how well are companies really prepared for digitization? You can't get past the topic of digitization today with sub-areas such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEA (Search Engine Advertisement), Content Marketing, E-Mail Marketing, Social Media, Display Advertisement oder Affiliate Marketing vorbei. Dennoch sind erstaunlich viele KMU und sogar Konzerne zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt in der Praxis mehr als schlecht auf die Digitalisierung vorbereitet. Wir haben uns in unserer Full Service Agentur München die Hintergründe einmal näher angeschaut, zeigen Ihnen, worauf es im Digital Marketing ankommt und wie die Umsetzung im Online Marketing dazu aussehen kann.

What advantages does digitization offer?

Companies are now in a position to work completely independently of time and place and thus to hold online meetings or home offices, among other things. This makes very flexible time management possible, allowing employees to freely arrange their working hours and thus achieve an optimal work-life balance.

With the help of selected online marketing strategies, digitization enables a significantly higher reach via social networks, among other things. To achieve this, potential customers can be reached not only via traditional offline media, but also via a wide range of online marketing measures, including the company's own website, personalized E-Mail Marketing and tailored ads.

Online marketing targeted in this way can be used not only to optimize business processes, but also to share customer-specific offers via various online channels, enabling a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

What is Digital Marketing?

The term digital marketing is an umbrella term for computer-based solutions and technologies that enable the planning, execution and monitoring of online marketing activities.

In practice, digital marketing is often equated with online marketing, since the majority of activities take place on the Internet or via mobile devices.

What challenges do companies face in online marketing?

In the context of digitization, it is crucial for companies to have a clear overview of the tools they use and their efficiency, and that all the data they collect is properly recorded and documented.

In practice, it is currently apparent that many companies still have large gaps in the area of data collection and use. Advertising and online marketing activities are often realized via external providers and software solutions that do not offer the necessary transparency around the actual advertising effects. This makes it difficult for many organizations to fully exploit existing potential and systematically improve their offerings and customer service.

Here it is necessary to develop own online marketing strategies and to implement a consolidation of first party data. Especially with regard to the so-called touchpoints, through which potential customers come into contact with the company online, in combination with the elimination of third-party cookies from 2023. Only with sophisticated strategic and operational measures and an individual user approach can a unique and positive customer experience be implemented in the long term.

Digitization in view: Fit in online marketing

Regardless of when SMEs address the topic of Digitization , they cannot avoid initiating the process in the long term. In order to relieve the burden on day-to-day business and to realize productivity but also customer service and the implementation of a unique customer journey.

The sooner you get in tune with digitalization, the sooner you will be able to reap the associated rewards. Together with our agency for online marketing Munich, you have the opportunity to develop suitable strategies .

We look forward to your cooperation with our full service agency Munich. You are also welcome to contact us by phone: +49 89 244 182 340

The 7 biggest data protection mistakes in email marketing.

Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective online marketing measures. However, it's crucial to adhere to the high requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when sending emails. Unfortunately, errors often occur within companies' online marketing strategies in this regard. Our full-service agency's team will show you the 7 biggest data protection mistakes in email marketing and how you should definitely avoid them in your own email marketing efforts.

Mistake 1: Sending Bulk Emails

Sending bulk emails is one of the biggest sins of email marketing strategies. Meaningless messages quickly end up in the trash. Once there, there's usually no turning back.

At this point, individuality is the key. Work with unique content that is tailored specifically to the recipient. Opt for professional design and personalized text blocks. In line with this, you can use software that significantly simplifies the automation of email marketing.

Align the content of your emails and newsletter design in a way that recipients actually receive information with genuine added value or tailored offers. By doing so, you not only increase the open and read rates but also enhance the chances of the desired response to your email.

Mistake 2: Open Email Distribution List

A major mistake that unfortunately still occurs is sending an email where a multitude of recipients are meant to be reached, and upon sending, all email addresses are visible to all recipients.

This happens when email addresses are simply included in the "To" field, which then reveals the specific email addresses the email is being sent to. A privacy-compliant use of email client functions is absolutely necessary here.

Companies must ensure that personal email addresses do not fall into the hands of unauthorized third parties. In case of doubt, you should seek advice from an experienced online marketing agency and get support in implementing the necessary measures.

Mistake 3: Emails Landing Directly in Spam

If you fail to meet certain data protection conditions in email marketing and the associated sending of your newsletters, it quickly happens that your message ends up in the spam folder long before you even have a chance for the recipient to read your content.

The emails are not delivered, and as a result, the open rate becomes negative. Avoid this mistake in your online marketing strategies by opting for a reliable software provider for email delivery who is listed on the important allowlist, sends through a trusted server, and thus easily passes the spam check.

Mistake 4: Lack of Double Opt-In Procedure

Companies must ensure explicit consent from recipients based on GDPR before sending promotional emails. This mistake can otherwise lead to costly legal actions like warnings and injunctions.

Utilize the so-called Double Opt-In procedure here, which allows for a double confirmation. In the first step, prospects enter their personal data. Subsequently, they receive an automatic email with a confirmation link.

In the second step, they need to confirm the link, thus giving their consent, which they can also revoke later if they wish.

Mistake 5: Emails Aren't Responsive

More than 50% of email recipients no longer access their emails on a traditional desktop but receive them on mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones.

If the sent emails are not responsive, it means that the display on mobile devices can be faulty, with content being cut off or missing entirely, among other issues.

In this context, make sure in your email marketing strategies to prioritize professional responsive design and consistently implement it.

Mistake 6: Linking Free Offers with Mandatory Newsletter Signup

Companies often make the mistake of offering free software, among other things, only if the prospect agrees to sign up for a newsletter in return. Registration confirmations for a newsletter as a quid pro quo for a free product are legally considered voluntary only if the same product is offered for a fee on the same platform without the obligation to sign up for the newsletter.

Consequently, it is not sufficient to offer this product for a fee on an entirely different platform provided by a third party. There is a prohibition on tying.

Mistake 7: Lack of Evaluation

Email marketing can only be successful in the long run if appropriate evaluation is carried out and you regularly check whether your online marketing measures are achieving the desired results.

Monitoring the performance of your emails not only helps you continuously optimize the quality of the content but also allows you to determine which variations achieve the highest click and conversion rates.

At this point, you can also rely on an email software solution that automatically generates reports for sent emails, making evaluation particularly easy and regular. This way, you continuously enhance the potential of your emails and tailor them individually to your target audience.

Conclusion: Successful Email Marketing with Appropriate Data Privacy

Regardless of whether you send individual emails, newsletters, event-related, or promotional emails, you should definitely pay attention to GDPR compliance and provide your prospects and customers with the best possible data privacy. This way, you are not only legally secure but also foster long-term trust from your target audience regarding careful handling of personal data.

Create a customer dialogue via email marketing that offers reliable and secure handling of all transmitted data. We are happy to assist you with our online marketing experts in Munich to avoid data privacy mistakes and develop and implement professional email marketing strategies. Online Marketing Munich dabei, Datenschutz Fehler zu vermeiden und professionelle E-Mail Marketing Strategien zu entwickeln sowie praktisch umzusetzen.

The 3 Golden Content Marketing Trends 2022

Good content marketing is a key element in successful online marketing strategies. In 2022, it continues to be a crucial component for guiding the target audience throughout the entire customer journey while simultaneously increasing brand awareness. Our full-service agency team has outlined this year's developments in content marketing for you in this article.
As in every year, clear trends in content marketing for 2022 are already emerging, some of which you may already be familiar with and should continue to embrace.

1. Deepen Your Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is already an integral part of your company's online marketing efforts? That's great! However, this approach involves focusing on your social media channels and showcasing clear and well-presented expertise that sets you apart from competitors who may not offer the same level of expertise.

Look for content that builds lasting trust with your target audience and ensures that they follow your brand with conviction. Additionally, consider repurposing content to offer insights in various formats, meeting each individual at their specific level of knowledge and stage in the customer journey.

This can include infographics and text as well as videos or podcasts, for example. Keep in mind that your audience doesn't want to see "high-gloss advertising videos" but is instead engaged by content that is particularly authentic, helps solve real problems, or simply enhances their lives.

2. Evolve Your Content Strategy Continuously

A good concept is considered crucial in online marketing, but even the best strategy is of little use if it stagnates and is not further developed.

To deepen your social media marketing activities, as described in point 1, you should work with a constantly evolving content strategy.

Rely on predictive technologies that essentially anticipate consumer trends in real-time and help you develop strategies that can keep up with them.

You can be supported in this by services like Google Trends. Here, you can not only search for topics of global interest but also get an overview of current search terms, filtered by countries and their subregions. Furthermore, you even have the option to view related topics and similar search queries that are currently in high demand. This provides a valuable knowledge base to continuously adjust and develop your content strategy.

3. Foster Community Engagement

Embrace a genuinely heartfelt commitment to the community. Surveys indicate that, especially during the pandemic and times of uncertainty like global conflicts, consumers' sense of community has increased. Companies can tap into this need by providing groups and building meaningful relationships with their customers, for example, in online communities.

Community building can help your brand stand out clearly from the competition, provide helpful tips, and also encourage consumer interaction with each other.

Occupy a niche that may not exist in the market yet and offer your target audience the option to contact your company at any time. When customers know that you have a sincere interest, it generates a high level of customer loyalty.

CONCLUSION: Show customer proximity and strengthen the sense of community!

Online marketing also relies on individual, personalized experiences as an integral part of the content marketing strategy in 2022.

You should especially focus on genuine human connections that strengthen the community and help your consumers develop a social consciousness together.

You've been given all the basics to get started; are you looking for some practical support to complement this?

Our agency is your go-to partner for audience-specific online marketing. We look forward to having a personal conversation with you!

Google Ads Trends 2022

In our today's blog post, we are exploring the Google Ads trends of 2022.

Google Ads are paid advertisements that are published through the Google search engine and the Google Display Network as part of search engine advertising (SEA). Companies that want to advertise on Google often search for current trends and tips on how to achieve increased conversions and campaign optimization. We will show you what matters in performance marketing in 2022 and why Responsive Search Ads, among other things, play such a significant role.

Trend 1: Responsive Search Ads

Google is responding to the rapid changes in user search behavior by introducing new features and campaign types to adapt to these developments.

As a result, in 2022, companies in the context of performance marketing can no longer ignore Responsive Search Ads. These RSAs are part of the new Google Ads account standard.

Previously used text ads, which have already been created, are still available but can no longer be edited. On the other hand, the new Responsive Search Ads consist of individual elements, including 5 to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions, which are automatically combined until the best variation is available for the consumer.

Advertisers need to adjust their campaign optimization accordingly, restructure ads, and adapt the entire campaign structure to the new Google Ads format.

In this context, the newly offered Image Extensions by Google are also interesting. With these, companies have the option to complement their offerings not only with text but also with visual elements.

Trend 2: Attribution in Google Analytics

This data-driven attribution allows advertisers to better understand the contribution of various marketing channels to a user's conversion path. It takes into account the user's interactions across different touchpoints before they make a conversion. This approach allows for a fairer distribution of value across different marketing channels and helps to analyze and optimize campaign performance more accurately.

The applied technology uses machine learning to generate appropriate credit allocations to boost conversions.

This allows for the continuous optimization of attribution models and their automated adjustment to changes in all the categories where the customer interacts with the company (touchpoints).

Trend 3: Campaign Type Performance Max

The relatively new campaign type "Performance Max" is an important trend that companies in SEA should definitely not miss. With this, you have the option to be present on Google Ads channels such as Search, Display, YouTube, Discover, Maps, and Gmail with just one campaign.

The goal here is to achieve the best possible performance across channels and increase conversions with minimal effort.

Since Google has already announced that the Performance Max campaign type is set to replace Smart Shopping in 2023, now is a good time to explore and understand this campaign type.

Trend 4: Broad and Phrase Match

Google made changes to match types last year and gradually phased out the so-called Broad Match Modifier (BMM) keywords.

In line with this, the previously known Phrase Match in SEA has also been revamped. It combines the precision of Phrase Match with the reach of Broad Match Modifier.

Therefore, in 2022, businesses should focus on Broad and Phrase Match. The current Phrase Match has a broader scope to make it easier for advertisers to reach the right audience.

It evaluates additional criteria, including landing pages, keywords, and ad groups, to generate more relevant search queries in the Ads account. Broad Match can cover around 10 percent of user's misspelled search queries.

Conclusion: SEA with Google Ads in 2022

SEA trend in Google Ads this year is moving towards an intuitive setup and valuable automations. The key is to significantly reduce operational tasks, allowing advertisers to focus on developing a sustainable strategy.

To create and manage Ads campaigns, it is advisable to involve an experienced SEA specialist. We are happy to advise you on the possibilities.

The social media channel TikTok

A brief portrait of the TikTok social media channel

TikTok is currently experiencing rapid growth in the digital world. The Chinese network of the company Bytedance was founded in 2014 as Musical.ly and has attracted over a billion people to date. The basic idea is to post videos with a length of fifteen to sixty seconds. These can be made particularly creative with the help of music, lipsync, and visual effects. For young people, TikTok is an important part of daily life.

In addition to the younger generation, TikTok is increasingly reaching young adults. Here, the focus is on mobile use, as many young people have the app on their smartphones. It is one of the most downloaded apps of all time. In this network, you can find teenagers, influencers, athletes as well as public figures who use this channel for their personal branding. With short videos, challenges as well as crazy ideas, fans can participate in the lives of their idols. In this way, content creators build reach as well as high relevance.

TikTok is well suited for reaching young target groups

This channel works great for marketing a business because reach and relevance are two key elements in social media marketing. If you want to use TikTok as a business, then you should check if your topics fit the primary content like fashion, lifestyle, music or communication. Young target groups can be reached mainly through creativity and emotional content. A boring commercial, press release or advertisement will not work on TikTok. Companies have to put themselves in the current context to be likeable and credible. So, among other things, there are a number of challenges that companies can respond too.

Social media marketing with TikTok

The social network offers a number of communication solutions for active companies. At the very least, TikTok is an interesting additional channel for attracting attention in this environment. If you want to reach customers in a casual way, this is the ideal way. With our online marketing from Munich, we help you find the right social media strategy to adapt to the specifics of social networks.

These are some reasons to make this platform work for you:

  • It is the fastest growing social media platform in the world.
  • Meanwhile, young adults can also be reached.
  • There are several ways to earn money with TikTok.
  • The social network offers numerous online marketing opportunities.
  • You can find the latest trends and respond to them.

The focus is on short video clips

In Germany, TikTok has a particularly large number of users, compared to other European countries. Here, everything is designed for short videos in portrait format that can be played full-screen. The video clips then go into infinite loop, which allows for a high dwell time. Unlike other networks, no account is required here.

You can switch to the next video by swiping vertically across the screen. Not even following is required to get to the content. The feed consists of two parts, once the "follow me" section and "for you", which contains videos selected by the algorithm. Anyone who maintains an account can upload video clips they have shot themselves. There are many different formats, on countless topics. No high-quality video equipment is required for this, as perfect glossy videos are rather distracting. The video shot with the smartphone is enough to look authentic.

Filters, visual effects and music

Users make use of filters and visual effects available on the smartphone, as the included tools offer creative editing options. An extensive sound library offers the possibility of setting music to music. Creating and uploading videos is easier than on YouTube, for example. Another special feature is the option to share the videos created on other platforms. That's why YouTube also has channels where TikTok videos appear.

What makes TikTok different from other social networks?

Almost all networks have now jumped on the vertical video bandwagon. On Instagram, it's the Reels, which always present users with new content in a feed. This is based on the user's interests and user behavior. You can compare it with the "for you" feed at TikTok. We can see how popular the concept has become at YouTube and Snapchat, which have introduced similar formats. However, only as an add-on option to complement other features.

With TikTok, the vertical video remains the core of the action. Users land in the video immediately, without distractions. Since there are no other areas, such as stories, the user is instantly there. With easy-to-use features and a very active community, new trends are always emerging.

New features are added regularly

The search function on TikTok is called "Discover" and is designed to encourage users to discover new trends as well as "content challenges." The "Duets" function makes it possible to reign in existing videos. This also exists on Instagram, with its "Reels," but these have hardly played a role so far. Features that encourage creativity keep the network dynamic. These creative functions have made TikTok the leading platform. On Instagram, Facebook and Co., user interests diverge further.

Companies must adapt their social media strategy to the respective network

Companies need to figure out where it is best to place their own content. On YouTube, vertical videos are called "shorts," but they compete with traditional videos and clips. Still, the platforms are becoming more similar. Whoever offers the coolest features wins.

Videos cannot be transferred at will

Many companies already use video platforms. But these clips can't be easily transferred to TikTok, because quick edits and transitions matter. This works differently than stories on Facebook or Instagram. Nevertheless, getting started on TikTok has advantages because not too many companies are active here yet.

What makes TikTok interesting for companies?

It's predominantly the dynamism and creativity that offers a lot of room for experimentation, without rigid rules. In addition, there is an excellent organic and viral reach, where the number of followers does not matter. An ideal environment for targeted online marketing.

Even with the first video, you can reach a lot of people because the platform is content-based. You can build large communities right from the start. Always ask yourself if your target group is on TikTok. If you want to address them in a controlled and direct way, you can book reach for money. With TikTok Ads Manager, you create your ad campaigns on people who exactly fit the target group.

Is TikTok becoming the distribution channel of the future?

TikTok has the potential to become a sales channel of the future. Younger consumers in particular are receptive to influencer marketing on social networks. We can see that the platform also has companies in its sights here with tools such as the new Discovery Tool. This allows trends to be tracked and offers to be scaled accordingly.

It supports brands and advertisers alike to adapt campaigns. A lot of information converges in this control center. You can use it to find out which topics are currently hot in online marketing, because it can be filtered by hashtags, songs and videos. Even regional trends can be recorded that are current in a company's catchment area. The trends over a longer period of time are interesting for analyzing changes. In TikTok's Creative Center, you can find all the options listed in detail.

Like the other networks, TikTok is developing more and more from the youngest towards the total population. This makes it increasingly attractive to businesses. Let our online marketing specialists from Munich support you now.

Why Social Media Marketing is So Important for SMEs - 6 Facts

Social media marketing is no longer just a short-lived marketing trend but is considered an integral part of online marketing strategies for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). Various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, as well as LinkedIn and XING, are ideal for real-time interaction with the target audience and promoting one's own offerings. Today, our full-service agency examines the added value of social media marketing for SMEs and summarizes key advantages for you.

1. Optimization of Discoverability

With Social Media Marketing, you don't have to wait for your target audience to find you solely based on good search engine marketing; you can also ensure that social networks drive traffic to your website.

Platforms like Facebook, as well as TikTok, are ideal for sharing information about your products and individual content marketing. This is possible because your social media profiles become quite visible in search engines like Google Search within a short period.

Darüber hinaus werden Sie von Ihrer Zielgruppe direkt in den Netzwerken über eigene Algorithmen gefunden und können sich dort eine eigene Community aufbauen, die Sie jederzeit mit den passenden Posts, Verlinkungen und Aktionen auf beliebige Landingpages Ihrer Webseite lotsen können.

2. Direct Line to Prospects and Customers

Social media platform users are interested in valuable information, smart images, and videos. This presents an ideal opportunity to leverage the viral effect and reach a broad audience with well-thought-out content marketing right where they like to spend time and consume content.

SMEs create a new post, and the community interacts with the company by liking, sharing, or commenting on the post. Friends, in turn, see this interaction and may also start engaging with the company and its offerings. These are excellent conditions for sustainably increasing one's own reach.

3. Effective Remarketing

Remarketing ist ein weiterer Vorteil des Social Media Marketings für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen. Sie müssen nicht darauf warten, dass Ihre potenziellen Kunden erneut nach Ihren Produkten oder Dienstleistungen suchen, sondern können gezielt Anzeigen schalten, um Nutzer anzusprechen, die sich bereits mit Ihrem Angebot beschäftigt haben, aber noch keinen Kauf getätigt haben.

Here, it is important to consider the current rules regarding Cookie Tracking and E-Privacy in 2022. Our Online Marketing Agency specialists at Media Beats are here to assist you with advice and support.

4. Authentic Recommendations

Users on the internet are constantly looking for recommendations from friends and other users regarding products, services, or local establishments. An appropriate option for SMEs to leverage this behavior and provide relevant content.

This way, your followers on social networks can not only like your offerings themselves but also make recommendations to potential customers.

Studies show that recommendations from acquaintances, as well as from strangers on the internet, enjoy particularly high trust. Your existing customers thus serve as valuable brand ambassadors and boost sales.

5. Systematic Branding

Regardless of the size of your company, on social platforms, you can highlight the true character and unique qualities, strategically placing them in the spotlight exactly as you'd like.

However, it's important to always remain authentic and occasionally provide your target audience with a glimpse behind the scenes. This is an opportunity to break away from the usual and implement a systematic change in your image.

6. Long-term Customer Loyalty

Regardless of the strategy you use and whether you work with a Content Marketing influencer, it is much easier to maintain customer relationships and stay in constant contact with users through social media.

This works particularly well when you regularly offer content that is relevant to your target audience and encourages them to interact with you. Another advantage: If a user has liked a post from your company, your next posts will appear in their news feed, automatically keeping you in their memory.

Our conclusion: Social media marketing is worth it for SMEs!

Marketing trends come and go. Social media marketing, on the other hand, has already established itself as a permanent fixture in many SMEs and should not be missing in any company.

Focus on consistency and authenticity in your approach.

What matters in detail and what support is possible for implementation, we would be happy to show you. Just contact us.

Revenue Increase Through Online Marketing

Companies secure their long-term business success by generating revenues. However, in a highly competitive market, they need an effective strategy. Our Online Marketing (Munich) specialists will show you today how to achieve a reliable increase in revenue through appropriate online marketing measures like email marketing, without necessarily requiring a large marketing budget.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is also referred to as newsletter marketing and is a part of direct marketing. In this approach, emails are sent to selected recipients as part of a company's online marketing strategies for the purpose of providing information or making sales.

This form of direct marketing can be applied to both prospects and loyal customers. When executed effectively, it not only contributes to increasing sales but also enhances customer retention.

What are the advantages of email marketing?

E-Mail marketing offers several advantages. Email campaigns are particularly cost-effective compared to other marketing measures and allow for quick communication regardless of location and time.

The content of the emails can be customized to suit the respective target audience. With the help of suitable software, the effectiveness can be measured after sending, allowing for important insights into the return on investment (ROI - the ratio between costs and benefits).

How can email marketing increase sales?

Online marketing measures like email marketing are widely used and still very popular among businesses. However, to truly succeed with the chosen online marketing strategies, it's important to carefully plan the newsletter distribution and define all associated goals in advance.

A valuable foundation is an appropriate email address database that should be well maintained and ensures that messages are only sent to recipients who have given their explicit consent for this.

This is best achieved through an online form on the company's website, where interested individuals can subscribe to the newsletter and, for example, receive a coupon in return. Once new subscribers have signed up and verified their email addresses through a confirmation email, companies are allowed to send their messages.

A valuable foundation is an appropriate email address database that should be well maintained and ensures that messages are only sent to recipients who have given their explicit consent for this.

These campaigns can be set up and managed through automation processes, making them particularly easy to handle. It's crucial that your campaigns are creative and offer something that the competition may not have considered.

Make sure to monitor your campaigns through performance marketing and evaluate the performance of your online marketing activities. This will drive a continuous improvement process that, with the support of a suitable full-service agency, delivers measurable results.

Optimize your campaigns using metrics such as click-through rate, open rate, and conversion rate, which measures how many recipients not only read your email but also took the desired action you intended.

Why is the use of newsletter software advisable?

With the right software solution, you can achieve reliable marketing automation. This allows you to send automated mailings to a selected group of users at a specified time.

Through so-called A/B tests, you can create several variations of the same email and automatically determine which version resonates best with the target audience.

Newsletter solutions provide integration with e-commerce systems, allowing you to synchronize recipient data and easily incorporate products and offers into emails with just a few clicks.

Anhand aussagekräftiger Reportings können Sie jederzeit nachvollziehen, wie erfolgreich eine E-Mail Kampagne beim Empfänger war und an welchen Stellen möglicherweise noch Optimierungsbedarf besteht.

Unterstützt wird Ihr E-Mail Marketing in einer Softwarelösung durch Whitelisting. Dabei werden die E-Mails über ausgewählte Server versendet, die sicherstellen, dass Ihre Absender-IP nicht auf der Spamliste landet und noch vor dem Lesen aussortiert wird. So haben Sie die Gewissheit, dass der Versand erfolgt und eine hohe Zustellungsrate erzielt wird.

Conclusion: Increased Revenue Thanks to Online Marketing!

E-mail marketing helps businesses achieve sustainable revenue growth and also ensures regular contact with customers. This enables the establishment of long-term and solid customer relationships.

Crucial to implementation are well-planned campaigns that are specifically tailored to the respective target group and deliver creative content and offers with real added value.

The best way to implement this is with a suitable newsletter solution that ensures all emails reach the recipient and that many processes are automated via marketing automation. At the same time, detailed reporting allows the evaluation of success.

Our agency for online marketing in Munich is here to assist you with suitable strategies and knows what it takes to increase revenue through online marketing. Let us support you!

Greenwashing vs. Green Marketing

Greenwashing and Green Marketing are well-known terms, but what distinguishes them? Environmental and climate protection are central today, and many companies consciously align themselves with online marketing trends in this area. The problem arises when they engage in greenwashing, presenting themselves as greener than they are and distracting from issues. Green Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on sustainability. Our online marketing agency in Munich today analyzes the environmental friendliness of companies and their advertising.

What is Greenwashing

Greenwashing focuses on projecting a green image. It includes advertising and online marketing that suggest environmental friendliness, even if the company does not engage in corresponding activities. Often, companies use this to obscure environmentally harmful practices and give their brand an online 'green makeover'.

Companies like Nestlé, Bayer, McDonald's, Starbucks, and Coca Cola have utilized extensive greenwashing campaigns for image management to cover up problems. Sometimes greenwashing happens unintentionally when companies aim for Green Marketing but deviate from it due to efficiency improvements or cost savings.

Greenwashing typically exhibits certain characteristics:

– Offering an environmentally friendly product to distract from more harmful products.
– Advertising with green claims that distract from the main business field.
– Comparing with even more harmful offerings.
– Advertising with self-evident features (e.g., "vegan footwear" for plastic shoes).
– Use of unspecific technical terms.
– Influencing political decision-makers for market manipulation.
– Environmentally harmful companies attempting to offset damages by donating to climate projects.
– Using invented quality seals without certification (e.g., "controlled cultivation", "integrated plant cultivation").

What is Green Marketing?

Green Marketing encompasses all advertising activities related to sustainability or various aspects of sustainability.

Companies focus on making their value chain and product offerings sustainable while reducing or entirely avoiding environmentally harmful aspects.

Green Marketing does not begin with the actual product range but starts with sourcing raw materials, production, and so on. The associated green marketing strategies do not merely follow advertising or online marketing trends but concentrate on sustainability, such as regionalism or recycling.

Taking social responsibility (CSR), for instance, in the form of plastic-free products or fair trade and working conditions, can also be crucial in this context.

What are the Differences?

The differences between Greenwashing and Green Marketing become evident quickly. While the former is solely about image and often conceals damaging environmental impacts, Green Marketing represents a genuine commitment to environmental protection and society.

Through Green Marketing campaigns, companies signal that their focus is not solely on image and profit but that they are genuinely committed to making their company more environmentally and climate-friendly, with concrete measures to support this commitment.

Conclusion: Embrace Sustainability in Online Marketing Strategies!

Whether consciously or unconsciously, we recommend that you avoid Greenwashing and instead engage in authentic Green Marketing.

Green Marketing is based on credibility and genuine commitment to the environment. By doing so, you invest in a cleaner future and, at the same time, in the long-term success of your company.

Our online marketing agency agency in Munich offers a tailored portfolio of consulting, conception, and implementation in the areas of online marketing, web design and development, as well as corporate design. Together, we develop concepts that are authentic, ecological, and sustainable.

Marketing in Wartime

Marketing in wartime – how do we handle our company's marketing during times like these, when the war in Ukraine is causing unspeakable suffering? Should you, for example, actively address the topic in online marketing and make statements in your posts on social networks or in email marketing, or find other ways to signal your support? Our full-service agency has dedicated itself to this sensitive topic on current occasions and compiled some valuable tips for you here.

Where are the challenges in online marketing in wartime?

The biggest challenges lie in genuine compassion, authenticity on the topic, and the necessary piety as well as real help. Well-intentioned color adjustments of the company logo in the colors of the Ukrainian flag or a post about war and peace is quickly implemented, but you should first carefully check the associated intention.

All too quickly, this serious topic is used to maintain one's own brand image or, in a second step, even to place direct product advertising. However, this form of performance marketing for sales increase, especially online in networks or newsletters, is quickly rated negatively by followers and customers and perceived as insincere.

Influencers and large companies have already paid tuition fees because they have triggered ugly shitstorms and had to accept the accusation that they act out of pure profit and not out of compassion and a sense of responsibility. The actual purpose or perhaps even well-intentioned approach here turns into the opposite, with fatal consequences for the brand image.

Stay authentic

Clear positioning and associated online marketing measures only succeed if they are credible. This is the case, for example, if you have been committed to refugees with your company for a longer period of time or have otherwise shown commitment in the field.

In case of doubt, healthy restraint in the online marketing implementation at this point is more appropriate to deal with the situation adequately. Of course, it's never too late to start with a company's own commitment.

Taking a stand through concrete help

If you support aid organizations with your company or take other measures such as collecting money and material donations for Ukraine, you are making a valuable contribution.

At this point, it is secondary to communicate this in the context of your online marketing strategies. Sometimes it's more genuine to forego external communication on aid actions. Because here, too, a high level of sensitivity applies, and less is more. Because you should only refer to social and political topics if your positioning is meant seriously and does not primarily pursue classic online marketing goals.

In this current situation, it is better to let actions speak than to strive for an ethically questionable increase in sales on the back of those suffering from the war.

Check if your content fits the time

Naturally, you don't have to completely do without online marketing activities, and not every positive contribution is automatically inappropriate. But you should currently check once more which topics you address and which language you use.

Here there is also the possibility to openly and honestly describe one's own feelings and emotions. Put yourself in the position of your addressees as best as possible.

How might they perceive the post or newsletter? At what points can you be misunderstood, or even hurt people with your statements?

Rely on pull marketing

While too offensive push marketing in the current situation is rather to be advised against, companies in online marketing should rely on pull marketing, especially in the area of SEO (search engine optimization), to build their market position in the long term.

With pull marketing, you offer products that interested parties search for online and that may offer the solution to a specific problem. The findability and visibility of your offer are essential in this context.

In this context, you can ask yourself what problems the crisis and related global sanctions and effects will lead to and where your products and services can help in the future.

To the point: This is how you realize appropriate online marketing!

In wartime, it is crucial that you handle online marketing measures particularly sensitively and moderately and carefully examine their effect in advance and check for authenticity.

Avoid generally wanting to make a profit from crises in marketing, as this very quickly seems disrespectful and is punished by many customers.

Our online marketing agency will be happy to advise you on suitable online marketing strategies and show you how, among other things, you can stay effective and at the same time authentic in your advertising activities with pull marketing.

Data Tracking Despite iOS Update

Datentracking trotz neuen iOS Updates

Personalisierte Werbung durch Datentracking gehört zu den bekanntesten Vermarktungsstrategien im Online Marketing. Das Werbetracking gibt Aufschluss über Suchanfragen, Nutzer- sowie Kaufverhalten im Internet.

Datenschutz durch Apples neues iOS Update - hält es, was es verspricht?

Apple wirbt ständig damit, dass Datenschutz und die Privatsphäre der Kunden eine hohe Priorität hätte. Dies gilt ebenfalls für das Werbevorhaben des Unternehmens selbst, welches die Daten der Nutzer sammelt. Deswegen kann Tracking nicht komplett unterbunden werden. Wenn der Nutzer nun das Tracking grundsätzlich verweigert, wird es in der verwendeten App für immer geschlossen. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass Werbung ganz und gar ausgeschlossen wird. Werbung ist dann noch vorhanden, aber nicht mehr personalisiert.

Durch neue Techniken gelingt es aber immer wieder, dass Daten trotzdem gesammelt und anschließend gekauft werden können, wodurch man dem Tracking letztendlich kein Ende setzen kann. Seit einiger Zeit ist ein neues iOS Update vorhanden, mit dem das Tracking gestoppt oder kontrolliert werden kann. In der Tagesschau wurde dies schon ausführlich thematisiert. Der Nutzer selbst hat die Möglichkeit, über ein erscheinendes Pop-up-Fenster den Datenzugriff für eine App zu erlauben oder eben auch zu unterbinden. Personalisierte Werbung bietet sich jedoch für viele Nutzer sehr gut an. Der Vorteil an personalisierter Werbung ist, dass der Kunde auf diese Werbung aufmerksam wird, ohne sich jedoch belästigt zu fühlen. Media Beats als Ihre professionelle Online Marketing Agentur München verrät, worauf zu achten ist.

Mit iOS14 hat Apple den Startschuss gegeben - gegen das Tracking

Ein Tracking durch Drittanbieter wurde bereits eingeschränkt. Durch iOS 14 werden Zugriffe auf Daten nur noch ermöglicht, wenn der Nutzer es erlaubt. In der Zwischenzeit wurden aber weitere Tracking Methoden entwickelt, um auf die Daten der Nutzer zuzugreifen. Es werden zwar keine eindeutigen Adressen verifiziert, aber das Verhalten der Nutzer im Internet analysiert. Dadurch gelingt es, personalisierte Werbung weiterzuleiten. Viele Apps im Store greifen schon auf diese neuen Methoden zurück und das wird von Apple bis jetzt geduldet. Dies hat schließlich nicht nur Nachteile.

Die Offensive für Datenschutz von Apple

Ein Teil der Offensive ist, das Werbetracking zu unterbinden, denn Datenschutz ist vielen wichtig. Damit will Apple für den Datenschutz sorgen und sich an die Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) halten. Ein Beispiel dafür ist, dass App Anbieter jetzt ein Datenschutzlabel anbieten müssen, um von Apple akzeptiert zu werden. Man kann es mit einer Zutatenauflistung auf einer Menükarte vergleichen. Dadurch wird von vornherein bekannt gegeben, an welchen Daten diese App interessiert ist, damit der Nutzer entsprechend darauf reagieren kann. Das Ausschalten des Trackings wurde Nutzern beim Betriebssystem iOS 14.5 ermöglicht.

Durch iOS 15 werden dem Nutzer nun viele Möglichkeiten an die Hand gegeben, um das Tracking zu unterbinden. Nachdem lange Druck auf Apple ausgeübt wurde, um das Tracking zu unterbinden, hat das Unternehmen reagiert. Mit iOS 15 und dem App-Tracking Transparency (ATT) Programm. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit wurde Nutzern jedoch klar, dass die Daten nicht mehr an Dritte gehen, jedoch von Apple selbst genutzt werden. Die konzerneigenen Apps von Apple sammeln ungehindert weitere fortwährend Informationen von den Nutzern. Der Datenschutz und die Privatsphäre bleiben also häufig weiterhin auf der Strecke. Zudem stellt sich die Frage, wer auf diese Daten von Apple zugreifen darf. Apple toleriert die Auswertung nutzerbasierter, persönlicher Daten. Die Sprache, der Standort und IP-Adressen werden ausgewertet, ohne eine Weiterleitung von IP-Adressen wird so schließlich doch personalisierte Werbung geschaltet. Von vielen Seiten werden Rufe lauter, dass dies einen unfairen Wettbewerb darstellt.

Wie sicher sind Nutzerdaten bei Apple?

Apple bietet dem Anwender mehr Schutz als andere Unternehmen, aber der Nutzer muss selbst den Schritt in Richtung Datenschutz gehen. Durch die Einführung der neuen Betriebssysteme iOS 14 und 15 wird gegen das Tracking etwas unternommen, doch ganz und gar DSGVO-konform ist es laut Berichten leider nicht. Das liegt daran, dass zahlreiche Apps mit Eingabe der Apple-ID und der Mailadresse auch verschlüsselte Daten inklusive der dazugehörigen Verschlüsslung in ihren Backus speichern. In der Theorie könnte also darauf zugegriffen werden.

Das Werbetracking und was für den Nutzer bedeutet

Im Allgemeinen bedeutet Werbetracking, dass jeder Nutzer, sobald er im Internet unterwegs ist, Spuren hinterlässt. Durch Cookies, bei Suchmaschinen oder in den sozialen Medien. Diese Spuren werden ausgewertet und danach speziell für das Online Marketing verwertet. Durch dieses Werbetracking werden Hunderte von Informationen gespeichert, ausgewertet und für jeden einzelnen Nutzer kann die Werbung genau zugeschnitten werden. Manch einem gefällt es sogar, für sich selbst relevante Werbung zu sehen. Andere sind davon genervt oder fühlen sich sogar belästigt. Hier muss der Nutzer selbst entscheiden, denn auch ohne das Tracking wird nicht weniger geworben. Unsere Online Marketing Agentur mit Sitz in München hilft Ihnen dabei, die richtige Strategie für Ihre Marketingmaßnahmen zu finden. So entsteht langfristig eine Win-Win Situation für Nutzer und Händler.

Was bedeutet das Werbetracking für das Online Marketing

Werbung ist für jedes Unternehmen unerlässlich, um seine Produkte erfolgreich zu vermarkten.

Online Marketing wird in der heutigen Zeit immer wichtiger, gerade durch die Pandemie hat sich dies noch einmal gezeigt und natürlich auch verstärkt. Wird Online Marketing richtig umgesetzt, kann dadurch ein Milliarden Umsatz erzielt werden.

Das Verhalten der Nutzer wird analysiert und dadurch werden Interessen und Vorlieben der Nutzer gezielt für Werbung genutzt. Für Werbeagenturen ist es durch diese nutzerspezifischen Daten sehr einfach eine Zielgruppe auszumachen und an diese gezielte Werbung zu übermitteln.

Es spielt keine Rolle, ob sich Ihr Firmensitz in Deutschland oder auf einem anderen Teil der Welt befindet, das Team von Media Beats stehen Ihnen als Full Service Agentur gerne zur Seite. Wir sorgen dafür, Ihnen Werbung zu gestalten, die passgenau zu Ihnen, zu Ihrer Zielgruppe und Ihrem Projekt passt.

Start-Up – Crowdfunding & Consulting

Was hat es mit dem Thema Start Ups und Crowdfunding auf sich? In unserem Blogbeitrag erhalten Sie einen ersten Einblick.

Aller Anfang ist schwer, oder etwa doch nicht? Start Up Unternehmer benötigen passend zur Geschäftsidee und zum Gründerteam auch einen Business- und Marketingplan. Wichtig ist auch eine geeignete Finanzierung. Dabei bietet Crowdfunding, auch Schwarmfinanzierung genannt, eine interessante Option. Als Full Service Agentur München realisieren wir Start Up Beratung und begleiten junge Unternehmen beim Crowdfunding. Ein Beispiel liefert diese erfolgreiche Crowdfunding-Kampagne.

Was ist Crowdfunding?

Über Crowdfunding werden verschiedene Projekte realisiert, darunter unter anderem Start Up Unternehmen, die nach der passenden Finanzierung suchen. Die Bezeichnung setzt sich aus dem englischen Wort Crowd (Menschenmenge) und Funding (Finanzierung) zusammen.

Bei dieser Form der Finanzierung werden nicht eine einzelne, sondern viele Personen zur Finanzierung eines jungen Unternehmens herangezogen. Dazu präsentiert beispielsweise der Gründer sein Vorhaben auf einer Crowdfunding Plattform, um möglichst viele Menschen von einer Finanzierung zu überzeugen.

Ein Interessent hat die Option, dem Projektvorhaben eine beliebige Summe zur Verfügung zu stellen. Je nach Umsetzung erhält er hierfür zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt eine Gegenleistung für sein finanzielles Engagement oder unterstützt das Vorhaben als eine Art Spende.

Wie laufen Crowdfunding Projekte bei einem Start Up ab?

Crowdfunding läuft in verschiedenen Schritten ab, die das Team unserer Online Marketing Agentur Ihnen in einer kurzen Übersicht an dieser Stelle zur Verfügung stellt.

Schritt 1: Bekanntmachung des Start Up Projekts

Im ersten Schritt dreht sich alles darum, die Crowd über Ihr Projekt zu informieren. Eine gute Gelegenheit bieten dafür sogenannte Crowdfunding Plattformen wie beispielsweise Startnext, Kickstarter, Visionbakery oder 100-Days. Dort sollten Sie Ihr Start Up Vorhaben möglichst einfach verständlich vorstellen und ein Ziel sowie Dauer für die geplante Finanzierung festlegen.

Schritt 2: Phase der Finanzierung

In Schritt 2 sollten möglichst viele Menschen von Ihrem Start Up überzeugt werden. Hier besteht die Möglichkeit gezielt für Ihr junges Unternehmen und die Idee dahinter zu werben. Über Online Marketing, unter anderem Social Media Marketing Aktivitäten in sozialen Netzwerken, können Sie die passende Reichweite generieren und immer wieder auf das Crowdfunding verlinken.

Schritt 3: Phase der Umsetzung

Sobald das Ziel der Finanzierung beziehungsweise die Laufzeit vorüber ist, erhalten Sie die Auszahlung oder aber das Geld fließt bei nicht erreichtem Finanzierungsziel an die Geldgeber zurück. Nun geht es an die konkrete Umsetzung Ihrer Start Up Idee.

Schritt 4: Gegenleistung

Je nach Modell erhält der Geldgeber für den bereitgestellten Finanzierungsanteil eine Gegenleistung, die beispielsweise in einem Betrag X ausgezahlt wird. Wird Ihr Start Up mit Spenden realisiert, kann an dieser Stelle auch eine nette Geste als Dankeschön stehen.

Wie kann eine Online Marketing Agentur Start Ups unterstützen?

Wir unterstützen als Online Marketing Agentur München Startup Unternehmen beim Crowdfunding und bieten darüber hinaus Start Up Beratung sowie Marketing für Start Ups.

Ein Beispiel dafür ist das Start Up Urgrow. Über die Crowdfunding Plattform Startnext stellte das junge Unternehmen Urgrow sein Projekt rund um Urban Farming vor.

Urgrow möchte Menschen dazu ermutigen frische, nachhaltige und biologische Lebensmittel anzubauen und ein Bewusstsein für ressourcenschonende städtische Landwirtschaft zu entwickeln. Wir haben das Crowdfunding als Marketing Agentur begleitet.

Erfolgreiches Start Up realisieren!

Crowdfunding bietet eine gute Gelegenheit ein Start Up Projekt ohne Bankenabhängigkeit zu finanzieren. Dazu steuert eine größere Anzahl an Menschen einen Beitrag bei und bringt Jungunternehmer so Ihrer Finanzierung näher.
Sie wollen mehr darüber erfahren, wie eine Marketing Agentur das Crowdfunding von Start Ups unterstützen kann? Our Full Service Agency Munich steht Ihnen gern für ein Gespräch zur Verfügung.

Status of the ePrivacy Regulation (ePR) in 2022

In unserem heutigen Blogbeitrag erhalten Sie einen aktuellen Überblick über den Stand der ePrivacy-Verordnung (ePVO) 2022

Laut ursprünglicher Planung sollte die ePrivacy-Verordnung, ePVO, bereits am 25. Mai 2018 gemeinsam mit der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, kurz DSGVO, eingeführt werden. Innerhalb der einzelnen Staaten der Europäischen Union gibt es diesbezüglich jedoch verschiedene Standpunkte, die einen in Kraft treten der E-Privacy hinauszögern. Für Unternehmen besteht trotz des seit Dezember 2021 bestehenden deutschen Telekommunikation-Telemedien-Datenschutzgesetz (TTDSG) dadurch Rechtsunsicherheit in der praktischen Datenschutz Umsetzung im E-Commerce und bei Online-Angeboten. Unsere Online Marketing Agentur geht aus diesem Grund heute wichtigen Fragen rund um die E-Privacy auf den Grund und unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihr Online Marketing u. a. inklusive Cookie Tracking datenschutzkonform zu realisieren.

Worum geht es bei E-Privacy?

Unternehmen versuchen unter anderem über Cookie Tracking personenbezogene Informationen im Internet oder über mobile Apps für Werbezwecke zu erfassen und weiterzuverwenden. Dafür gibt es eine Reihe von Spielregeln.

E-Privacy steht im deutschen Sprachgebrauch für die Wahrung der digitalen Privatsphäre und soll Usern im Internet Datenschutz rund um ihre persönlichen Daten ermöglichen.

Die DSGVO und die E Privacy Verordnung sollen europäischen Nutzern dabei eine möglichst umfassende Kontrolle über ihre Daten und die damit verbundene Weitergabe an Dritte garantieren

Was ist die ePrivacy-Verordnung (ePVO)?

Die ePVO dient als Ersatz für die bis dahin gültige Datenschutzrichtlinie für elektronische Kommunikation (Richtlinie 2002/58/EG) der Europäischen Union.

Als Erweiterung der Datenschutz Grundverordnung soll sie den elektronischen Austausch gesetzlich regeln und definieren, unter welchen Bedingungen und auf Basis welcher Grundlagen Unternehmen personenbezogene Nutzerdaten erheben und für weitere Zwecke verwenden dürfen.

Welche Idee verfolgt die ePVO?

Die Europäische Kommission unterstreicht die Idee der ePrivacy-Verordnung zum Schutz persönlicher Daten in der elektronischen Kommunikation über die unterschiedlichsten Endgeräte wie PC oder Smartphone. Sie weist darauf hin, dass die allgemeinen Regeln der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung gelten, wenn nicht gesonderte Reglungen in der ePrivacy-Verordnung benannt sind. Dabei geht es bei e-Privacy nicht darum, die DSGVO auszuhebeln. Sie ist vielmehr als Ergänzung angedacht.

Warum liegen Idee und praktische Umsetzung so weit auseinander?

Der Diskussionsbedarf zum Datenschutz zwischen den einzelnen europäischen Ländern u.a. beim Cookie Tracking besteht bereits seit Jahren und betrifft Onlineshops, Blogs, Portale oder Web-Dienste und sogar Webseiten. So existiert in der Praxis kaum noch ein Unternehmen, dass nicht als Betreiber elektronischer Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste aktiv und somit von den Bestimmungen betroffen ist.

Was vielen Unternehmern nicht klar ist, dass Telekommunikation-Telemedien-Datenschutzgesetz (TTDSG) ist ein deutsches Gesetz, die ePrivacy-Verordnung hingegen unterliegt europäischen Regeln. Beide machen allerdings unterschiedliche Vorgaben, die zu erheblichen Unsicherheiten bei Werbetreibenden und Nutzern führen.

Das Telekommunikations- und Telemedien-Datenschutzgesetz sieht vor, dass Cookies einer Einwilligung bedürfen, und fordert Werbetreibende auf, Nutzungs- und Verarbeitungsvorgänge ihrer Webseiten und Shops zu prüfen und gegebenenfalls anzupassen.

Offen bleibt in diesem Zusammenhang jedoch, ob es tatsächlich ein ePrivacy-Verordnung braucht oder ob mit einer konsequenten Anwendung des TTDSG bereits alle Grundlagen vorhanden sind.

Der Europäische Datenschutzausschuss hat eine Task Force zur Thematik Cookie Banner berufen, die den Austausch und die Abstimmung zwischen Aufsichtsbehörden in den europäischen Mitgliedsstaaten unterstützen soll. Höchstes Ziel ist es, die Regeln und Anwendung von Cookie Tracking zu vereinheitlichen.

Das deutsche TTDSG bietet dazu eine gute Grundlage, Maß der Dinge wird aber irgendwann eine EU-Verordnung sein. Die Entscheidung liegt auf europäischer Ebene, ob und wann sie verbindlich kommt, bleibt weiter offen.

Fazit: So gelingt es Unternehmen ihr Online Marketing datenschutzkonform umzusetzen!

Ab wann die ePrivacy-Verordnung greift, bleibt abzuwarten. Unternehmen sollten die Bestimmungen des Telekommunikations- und Telemedien-Datenschutzgesetz ernst nehmen und bewusst E-Commerce und Online-Angebote darauf abstimmen. Das schafft nicht nur Rechtssicherheit, sondern auch Vertrauen und Transparenz bei den Kunden, die einen sensiblen Umgang mit ihren persönlichen Daten zu schätzen wissen.

Unsere Agentur für Online Marketing steht Ihnen für die Analysis and Strategy zur Verfügung. Gern beraten wir Sie zu einer datenschutzkonformen Ausgestaltung und unterstützen Sie darüber hinaus bei der praktischen Umsetzung. Hier können Sie Kontakt zu uns aufnehmen.


Guide to Creating a Good Landing Page

Wie wird eine Landing Page optimal gestaltet? In unserem Blogbeitrag erhalten Sie einen Leitfaden für den Aufbau einer guten Landing Page

Die Landing Page ist ein wichtiges Instrument im Online Marketing Mix eines Unternehmens und wichtiger Baustein für eine erfolgreiche Marketing Strategie. Hier landet der Besucher, wenn er beispielsweise einen Link in der Suchmaschine oder Textanzeige anklickt. Die Landing Page ist eine Einzelseite, ohne Ablenkungen und aufwendige Menüführung.  Im Idealfall packt sie den Leser bei seinem Wunsch, überzeugt ihn, bis er die gewünschte Handlung ausführt und / oder sein Problem gelöst ist.

In dieser Hinsicht unterscheidet sie sich von der herkömmlichen Webseite, die größtenteils aus vielen Unterseiten und Auswahlmöglichkeiten besteht. Auf einer Homepage kann sich der Nutzer über das Unternehmen informieren, nach Kontaktmöglichkeiten suchen oder eine offene Stelle finden. Dazu kommen Produktbeschreibungen, ein Online Shop und vieles mehr. Die Unternehmensseite ist nicht auf ein bestimmtes Ziel festgelegt, sondern kanalisiert verschiedene Suchanliegen.

Eine Landing Page wandelt Interessenten in zahlende Kunden

Die Zielseite ist dagegen ganz auf Conversion ausgelegt, das heißt, der Interessent soll sich schnell in einen Käufer wandeln. Genauso gut lassen sich auch gezielt Kontaktdaten für einen Newsletter einsammeln oder Leads generieren. Wichtig ist die gezielte Aktion, die auf der Seite ausgeführt werden soll. Daher hat diese Seite auch keine oder nur eine minimale Navigation und steht  häufig getrennt von der Homepage im Netz. So verhindern wir, dass der Interessent andere Menüpunkte öffnet, die von der gewünschten Aktion wegführen. Der Besucher soll sich nur auf das eine Thema fokussieren. Dadurch werden Streuverluste vermieden und nur die entsprechende Zielgruppe angesprochen.

Die Seite muss genau zur Suchintention passen und eine Problemlösung anbieten. So ist eine Textanzeige oft mit der entsprechenden Page verknüpft. Anzeigentext und Zielseite sind genau aufeinander abgestimmt. Dadurch erreicht das Unternehmen eine hohe Durchgängigkeit zwischen Suche, Anzeigentext und Zielseite. Die Frage des Nutzers wird sofort beantwortet, da nur das Angebot oder die Dienstleistung im Mittelpunkt steht.

Besonders wichtig ist ein Response Element, damit der Leser leichter handeln kann. Das ist beispielsweise ein Formular oder ein Button, der den Interessenten direkt zu der gewünschten Aktion animiert.  Dies nennt man „Call To Action“ und dient dazu, den Interessenten zum Kauf aufzufordern oder die E-Mail Adresse zu hinterlegen. Zusammenfassend übernimmt die Einzelseite folgende Aufgaben:

  • Sie motiviert zum Handeln, darauf ist die gesamte Landing Page ausgerichtet
  • Die Seite dreht sich nur um ein bestimmtes Angebot oder Produkt, worauf der gesamte Fokus liegt
  • Allgemeine Informationen zum Unternehmen gehören nicht auf eine Landing Page
  • Der Besucher landet hier, wenn er auf eine Anzeige, einen Banner oder auf einen Link in einem Blog klickt
  • Es gibt nur eine einzige Bestellmöglichkeit

So ist eine wirksame Landing Page aufgebaut

Um eine möglichst hohe Conversion Rate zu erreichen, muss der Landing Page Aufbau einfach und unkompliziert sein, denn der Besucher möchte sofort finden, wonach er sucht. Eine kunstvolle Gestaltung ist hier fehl am Platz, da die Benutzerfreundlichkeit im Mittelpunkt steht und ein bestimmtes Ziel verfolgt wird.

Es beginnt mit einer klaren Überschrift

Zunächst einmal müssen wir dem Leser signalisieren, dass er bei uns genau richtig ist, mit einer klaren Überschrift, die den Nutzen unseres Angebots in den Mittelpunkt stellt. In der Regel klickt der Leser auf den Teaser in der Textanzeige oder der Suchmaschine und ist neugierig, was nun folgt. Jetzt erwartet er die Lösung. Die Headline sollte möglichst zu dem Teaser oder der Textanzeige passen, mit einer Formulierung, die dort verwendet wurde.

Kommen Sie auf den Punkt und sagen Sie worum es geht, da der Nutzer nicht lange überlegen möchte. Das Alleinstellungsmerkmal kommt zuerst. Wie macht sich das Problem im Alltag bemerkbar und wie können Sie es lösen? Die Überschrift ist ganz klar auf den Kundennutzen gerichtet. Stellen Sie den emotionalen Benefit in den Mittelpunkt, denn der Kunde fragt sich immer, welchen Nutzen er von einer bestimmten Aktion hat.

Passt nicht alles in die Überschrift hinein, verwenden Sie eine Subline. Das ist eine kleinere Headline, die zur Überschrift gehört und als Ergänzung und Erläuterung verwendet wird. Zum Beispiel dann, wenn die Headline nur das Problem nennt. In der Subline kommt dann der Nutzen und ein Lösungsversprechen.

Ein zentrales Bild als Blickfang

Der sogenannte Hero Shot bildet den Blickfang auf unserer Landing Page. Hier können Sie optisch zeigen, wie Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Dienstleistung verwendet wird. Der Leser soll sich im Idealfall selbst wieder erkennen und sehen, wie auch er das Problem lösen kann. Das Bild sollte authentisch sein und gut zur Überschrift passen. Verzichten Sie auf Stockfotos, die noch auf vielen weiteren Seiten auftauchen. Nutzen Sie eigene Fotos oder lassen Sie welche produzieren. Lassen Sie Slideshows oder Videos weg, denn diese sind zu unruhig und der Interessent wird abgelenkt. Die Landing Page Gestaltung sollte klar und übersichtlich bleiben.

Im Angebot stehen die Vorteile an erster Stelle

Jetzt stellen Sie die Highlights Ihres Angebots dar. Nennen Sie auch hier unbedingt die Vorteile, die Ihr Kunde hätte, wenn er auf das Angebot eingeht. Features sind Produktmerkmale und Benefits liefern den Grund zu kaufen, da sie erklären, wie das Produkt oder die Dienstleistung das Leben erleichtert. Dabei kommt es auch auf Gefühle und Emotionen an.

Am besten kommunizieren Sie die Vorteile eines Produkts mit Auflistungen bzw. Bulletpoints. Bewährt haben sich Schaukästen, in denen man die Produktvorteile präsentiert. Dies wechselt sich mit einem Fließtext ab, der leicht zu lesen und möglichst aktiv formuliert ist. Verzichten Sie auf negative Formulierungen und Fachsprache. Denken Sie daran, dass der Interessent am Ende der Seite so begeistert sein muss, dass er Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Dienstleistung sofort in Anspruch nehmen will.

Vertrauen aufbauen

Ohne Vertrauen wird keiner bei Ihnen bestellen, deshalb ist es ratsam, dass Ihr Kunde gleich weiß, mit wem er es zu tun hat. Das fängt beim Firmenlogo an, welches in die obere linke Ecke gehört. Dazu ist es durchaus angebracht, wenn Sie sich und Ihre Mitarbeiter persönlich zeigen, denn das macht Ihr Geschäft transparent. Gewähren Sie einen Blick hinter die Kulissen, das schafft mehr Vertrauen als Symbolfotos aus dem Internet. Siegel, Mitgliedschaften und Auszeichnungen können ebenfalls auf der Webseite erscheinen. Online Shops nutzen häufig das Siegel von Trusted Shops, um dem Besucher Sicherheit zu bieten und Vorbehalte abzubauen. Sehen Sie so eine Seite als schriftliches Verkaufsgespräch, welches Einwände vorweg entkräftet.

Kundenbewertungen helfen

Authentische Kundenbewertungen zeigen, dass es bereits zufriedene Kunden gibt. Diese sollten Sie aber nicht selber schreiben, sondern sie müssen von echten Kunden stammen. Dies hat positive Auswirkungen auf die Kaufbereitschaft und führt schneller zur Aktion.

Geeignete Software

Für den Aufbau einer Einzelseite brauchen Sie keine aufwendige Software, denn hier kommt es vor allem auf den Inhalt an. Nutzen Sie die gängigen Webbaukästen, mit branchenspezifischen Vorlagen oder einem Plugin für WordPress. Wichtig ist die Messbarkeit der getroffenen Maßnahmen, denn das ist der Vorteil im Netz, hier kann jederzeit nachjustiert werden. Im Gegensatz zum Print ist beim Online Marketing nichts in Stein gemeißelt.

Als Online Marketing Agentur München beraten wir Sie gerne bei der Auswahl der entsprechenden Software und der Erstellung einer geeigneten Landing Page. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne!

Website Optimization Using Lead Magnets

Wie geschieht die Websitenoptimierung mit Leadmagneten? Leads dienen Unternehmen als wertvolle Grundlage für langfristige geschäftliche Erfolge. Aus diesem Grund gehört das Leads generieren und die zugehörige Conversion zum festen Bestandteil des Online Marketing Repertoires. Doch wie lässt sich dieses Vorhaben im E-Commerce umsetzen?

Als Agentur für Onlinemarketing München verraten wir Ihnen, worauf es bei der Leadgenerierung ankommt und an welchen Stellen wir Sie unterstützen können.

Was zeichnet einen effektiven Lead Magnet aus?

Unter einem Lead Magnet wird ein interessanter Anreiz verstanden, der potenzielle Kunden dazu animiert mit Ihrem Unternehmen zu interagieren. Dabei steht ein zielgruppenrelevanter Inhalt im Fokus, der sich an den tatsächlichen Problemen Ihrer Zielgruppe orientiert und gleichzeitig eine passende Lösung mit zugehörigem Mehrwert bietet.

Besonders überzeugend sind dabei Lead Magneten, die klar und präzise gestaltet sind und die passgenauen Worte finden. Damit können sich potenzielle Kunden identifizieren und sind eher geneigt, die gewünschte Conversion zu vollziehen.

In diesem Zusammenhang spielt auch die technische Realisierung eine entscheidende Rolle. Nur wenn beispielsweise Zugänge vorhanden sind, Downloads reibungslos laufen oder die Datenerfassung über das nahtlos integrierte Customer Relationship Management erfolgt, erfüllt ein Lead auch seinen ursprünglichen Zweck. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Hürden rund um das Leads generieren für Ihre Zielgruppe besonders niedrigschwellig sind.

Ein weiterer Faktor ist das Thema Authentizität. Ein effektiver Lead Magnet bietet seriöse Versprechen, die auch einhaltbar sind und Inhalte sowie Informationen korrekt abbilden.

Lead Magnet 1: Kostenloser Versand & Rabattcodes

Besondere Aktionen wie der Gratisversand von Produkten oder aber auch die zeitlich begrenzte Bereitstellung von Rabatten lassen sich gut als Lead Magnet nutzen. Der Ideenvielfalt sind hier kaum Grenzen gesetzt.

Typischerweise werden unter anderem ab einer gewissen Einkaufssumme, Rabatte oder aber auch der kostenfreie Versand angeboten. Dieses Vorgehen lässt sich auch für Kunden nutzen, die bereits bei Ihnen gekauft haben und die für den nächsten Einkauf beispielsweise 15 % Rabatt erhalten und somit einen wertvollen Anreiz erhalten, einen Wiederkauf zu tätigen.

Lead Magnet 2: Ratgeber & E-Books

Überzeugen Sie Ihre Zielgruppe von Ihrem Angebot, indem Sie Informationen dazu bereitstellen, die einen echten Mehrwert bieten. Besonders leicht lassen sich diese in Ratgebern oder E-Books zusammenfassen, die einen optimalen Lead Magnet bieten.

Verkaufen Sie beispielsweise PCs und Zubehör, können Sie sich nicht nur auf die technischen Spezifikationen konzentrieren, sondern beispielsweise auch Trends analysieren oder Checklisten für Einsatzbereiche etc. integrieren.

Wichtig ist dabei, dass Sie sich auf Ihre potenziellen Kunden konzentrieren. Mit welchen Inhalten helfen Sie ihnen tatsächlich weiter? Welche Infos braucht die Zielgruppe, um alles über Ihr Produkt zu wissen, ohne dass sie dabei gelangweilt wird?

Lead Magnet 3: Kostenlose Angebote

Sie bieten Softwarelösungen oder Apps an? Dann ist dieser Lead Magnet genau richtig, denn hier geht es um kostenlose Demoversionen oder eine Gratis-Version einer App, die die Zielgruppe dazu animieren, Ihre Lösung unverbindlich auszuprobieren und für den vollen Funktionsumfang schließlich zu kaufen.

Übrigens ein wichtiger Tipp zur Leadgenerierung, der auch für andere Produkte und Dienstleistungen im E-Commerce sehr gut funktioniert.

Über kostenlose Angebote generieren Sie wertvolle Daten und zeigen was in Ihren Produkten steckt. So lassen sich beispielsweise Kampagnen im Online Marketing München gestuft und abgestimmt auf die individuelle Customer Journey durchführen.

Lead Magnet 4: Webinare & Meetings

Insbesondere in der Phase, in der Kunden noch abwägen, ob Ihr Angebot das richtige für sie ist oder wo noch Klärungsbedarf besteht, eignen sich Webinare und virtuelle Meetings, um Kunden individuell zu betreuen und Ihnen alle offenen Fragen persönlich zu beantworten.

Auch hier gibt es unterschiedliche Ansätze, um Ihre Kunden dort abzuholen, wo Sie sich im Kaufprozess gerade befinden. Über die Option der kostenfreien Anmeldung, beispielsweise zu einem themenspezifischen Webinar, sammeln Sie relevante Daten und bieten Kunden einen exklusiven Zugang. Wie Sie diesen ausgestalten, obliegt Ihren persönlichen Prämissen.

Professionelle Leadgenerierung im Online Marketing München leicht gemacht!

E-Commerce lebt von Lead Magneten, die die Vermarktung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen am Laufen halten. Über die Auswahl der geeigneten Angebote mit Anziehungskraft sorgen Sie dafür, dass Sie nicht nur wertvolle Kundendaten sammeln, sondern auch die gewünschte Conversion sicherstellen.

Unsere Agentur für Online Marketing München erarbeitet gemeinsam mit Ihnen die passende Strategie und unterstützt Sie bei der praktischen Umsetzung Ihrer Leadgenerierung. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Möglichkeiten einer Zusammenarbeit mit uns oder rufen Sie uns direkt an: Tel: +49 89 23 24 15 52

Tips for successful SEO marketing

SEA / Suchmaschinenmarketing ist ein wichtiger Baustein des Online Marketings und unterstützt Unternehmen dabei die Aufmerksamkeit von Interessenten und Kunden zu gewinnen und diese zu einer Aktion, wie beispielsweise einem Kauf, zu animieren. Unsere Online Marketing Agentur München ist auf Suchmaschinenwerbung spezialisiert und gibt Ihnen in diesem Artikel 5 Tipps für ein erfolgreiches SEA Marketing an die Hand.

Tipp 1: Machen Sie sich mit Tracking Optionen vertraut!
Im Fokus eines effizienten SEA / Suchmaschinenmarketing steht ein aussagekräftiges Tracking.

Nur wenn Sie in Ihrem Unternehmen im Detail nachvollziehen können, welcher Content, Keywords, welche Anzeigenformate etc. die gewünschten Conversions oder Leads generieren, können Sie langfristig Ihr SEA Marketing vorantreiben und Budgets sinnvoll einsetzen.

Mit dem passenden Tracking messen Sie die Leistung Ihres ROI (Return on Investment) und können fundierte Entscheidungen zu Ihren Werbeausgaben treffen. Über Kennzahlen wie „Ziel-CPA“ (der Betrag, den Sie idealerweise für eine Conversion zahlen wollen), „auto-optimierter CPC“ (Gebotsstrategie, bei der der CPC (Cost-per-Click) angepasst wird, um möglichst viele Conversions zu erzielen) „Ziel-ROAS“ (durchschnittlicher Conversion-Wert, je investiertem Euro) automatisieren Sie Ihre Kampagnen individuell angepasst auf Ihre Geschäftsziele.

Tipp 2: Arbeiten Sie mit gutdurchdachtem Remarketing!
Von Remarketing spricht man, wenn Besucher einer Webseite oder von anderen Inhalten erneut angesprochen werden und dafür personalisierte Werbekampagnen zum Einsatz kommen.

Insbesondere wenn Sie Dienstleistungen und Lösungen anbieten, die eine höhere Beratungsintensität haben, gestaltet sich die Customer Journey länger und aufwendiger.

Über Zwischenschritte wird es möglich, dass Interessenten beispielsweise zunächst einen Beratungstermin vereinbaren oder eine Online-Demo buchen. Um diese Interessenten optimal auf ihrem Weg durch den Salesfunnel zu begleiten, kommt Remarketing im SEA / Suchmaschinenmarketing zum Einsatz.

Tipp 3: Achten Sie auf Relevanz!
Relevanz entscheidet darüber, ob Sie Ihre Zielgruppe mit den angebotenen Inhalten auch tatsächlich erreichen. Nehmen Sie sich im Vorfeld Zeit, um Ihre Werbeziele klar zu definieren und deren Umsetzung regelmäßig zu überprüfen.

Konzertieren Sie sich darauf, dass im Rahmen der Suchmaschinenwerbung Kampagnen sowie Anzeigengruppen thematisch gut aufeinander abgestimmt sind und die Ziele im Blick behalten.

Welche Inhalte bieten nicht nur Google, sondern auch Ihren potenziellen Kunden echte Relevanz? Wie lassen sich alle Vorteile auf den Punkt bringen? Mit welcher Ansprache können Inhalte am besten transportiert werden? Desto präziser die Kommunikation ausfällt, umso einfacher genieren Sie relevante Leads.

Tipp 4: Setzen Sie Keywords richtig ein!
Wörter oder Wortgruppen helfen Ihnen dabei, Ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen besser zu beschreiben und anhand von Schlüsselwörtern (Keywords) Werbeanzeigen optimal auf die User auszurichten.

Reduzieren Sie die Anzahl der Keywords in Anzeigengruppen auf maximal 10 bis 20 gut geeignete Keywords und prüfen Sie vorher das Suchvolumen für jeden einzelnen Schlüsselbegriff.

Achten Sie dabei auf eine gute Mischung und verwenden Sie auch negative Keywords, die dazu dienen Begriffe auszuschließen, unter denen Ihre Werbeanzeigen nicht erscheinen sollen.

Tipp 5: Nehmen Sie regelmäßige Anpassungen vor!
Die Optimierung beispielsweise von Google Ads Kampagnen or YouTube Ads spielt eine Schlüsselrolle für den strategischen Erfolg im SEA / Suchmaschinenmarketing.

Bei den Anpassungen handelt es sich um einen komplexen und zeitaufwendigen Vorgang, der über die gesamte Kampagnen-Laufzeit durchgeführt werden sollte, um flexibel und schnell auf Marktveränderungen reagieren zu können und geplante Werbeziele nicht zu verfehlen.

Wichtig ist hier auch die regelmäßige Anpassung des CPCs (Cost-per-Click) um Kostenfallen zu vermeiden, insbesondere dann, wenn sich Unternehmen mit ihren Werbeanzeigen in einem hart umkämpften Marktbereich bewegen.

Auf den Punkt: So realisieren Sie strategisches und operatives SEA / Suchmaschinenmarketing
Suchmaschinenwerbung ist ein unverzichtbarer Teil des Online Marketing von Unternehmen. Gewinnen Sie Kunden mit SEA Marketing und profitieren Sie von einer optimalen Platzierung Ihrer Werbung und der Automatisierung von wiederkehrenden Routinen, um Ihre Zielgruppe mit maßgeschneiderten Angeboten anzusprechen.

Gern unterstützen wir Sie bei der strategischen Ausrichtung Ihres SEA Marketing ebenso, wie beim operativen Kampagnenmanagement sowie regelmäßigen Anpassungen.

We offer SEA Audit, den Google Ads Konto Check, ein zielführendes Konto Setup sowie eine stetige Erfolgskontrolle. So profitieren Sie von einem umfassenden Qualitätsmanagement und der Zusammenarbeit mit einem persönlichen Ansprechpartner ins unserer Full Service Agency Munich. Wir sind in den Google Ads Bereichen Suchmaschinenwerbung, App Werbung, Displaywerbung, Videowerbung und Google Shopping zertifiziert. Gerne können Sie mit uns in Contact treten.

Relevance of Website Optimization

Die Relevanz der Website Optimierung – wie wichtig ist sie überhaupt? In unserem heutigen Blogbeitrag erläutern wir genau diese Frage um Ihnen einen optimalen Einblick zu geben.
Im Inbound Marketing (Pull Marketing) werden zahlreiche Möglichkeiten rund um Online-Kampagnen diskutiert, die eine Personalisierung ermöglichen und zur Konversationsrate Optimierung beitragen. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund, dass Google bereits das Cookie Tracking von Werbemitteln, sogenannter Third-Party-Cookies (von Drittanbietern) beendet hat und alternative Tracking Methoden immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen.
Häufig wenig Beachtung finden dabei die Website Optimierung mit Themen wie beispielsweise der Page Authority inklusive Keyword Recherche oder AB-Testings. Über die Onsite Optimierung können Sie Webseiteninhalte an Ihre Zielgruppe anpassen, die sich mit First-Party Cookies realisieren lassen. Natürlich nur unter der Voraussetzung, dass User aktiv dem Tracking zustimmen. Gute Gründe für unser Media Beats Team mit Schwerpunkt Online Marketing München sich diesem Thema zu widmen.

Systematische Page Authority Optimierung
Rund um die Website Optimierung ist es gut zu wissen, wie die Autorität in den Suchmaschinen eingestuft wird. Passende Tools bieten unter anderem Anbieter wie moz.com. Zentrale Rolle spielen dabei OnePage und OffPage Faktoren.

Bei den OnePage Faktoren geht es um guten Content und relevante Inhalte, die mit Hilfe einer soliden Keyword Recherche, beispielsweise über den Google Keyword Planer aber auch über ALT-Tags und weitere Parameter dafür sorgen, dass eine Vielzahl an Besuchern auf die Webseite kommen und dort vom veröffentlichten Content überzeugt werden.

Bei den OffPage Faktoren geht es um die Internetpräsenz und die Qualität möglicher Backlinks, die über gut durchdachtes Linkbuilding erreicht werden. Anhand dieser Aspekte nimmt Google die Bewertung der Domain Authority vor. Befinden sich auf Ihrer Unternehmensseite Backlinks, die über einen hohen Page Rank verfügen, wird die Page Authority der Seite erhöht.

Die Page Authority lässt sich nutzen, um herauszufinden, als wie vertrauenswürdig die eigene Seite gilt und welche Qualität die darauf eingebundenen Backlinks haben. Wie Sie in der Praxis hochwertige Backlinks generieren, besprechen die Experten unseres Online Marketing München Teams gern persönlich mit Ihnen.

Nachhaltiges A/B-Testing
Führende Webseiten großer Konzerne haben eine Gemeinsamkeit, Sie führen ein fortwährendes A/B-Testing durch. Dabei werden Webseiteninhalte in unterschiedlichen Versionen ausgespielt, um langfristig die User Experience zu verbessern und die Konversion Rate zu optimieren.

Im Rahmen der Konversionrate Optimierung geht es zum Beispiel darum, Anfragen, Anmeldungen zu Newsletter, Downloads oder direkte Käufe zu generieren. Über das Ausspielen von Varianten können Sie herausfinden, welche Lösung Ihre Zielgruppe am besten anspricht und optimale Ergebnisse erzielt.

Für zuverlässige Erfolge ist es wichtig die A/B-Testings genau zu analysieren und zu priorisieren. Rund um die Analyse können unterschiedliche Datenquellen und Verfahren wie Usability Tests zur Anwendung kommen.

Anschließend erfolgt eine Priorisierung die unter anderem Parameter wie Anzahl der Nutzer oder den Umfang der Umsetzung berücksichtigen. Testings ermöglicht es so herauszufinden, welche Personalsierungen für welche Nutzer besonders effektiv sind und welches UX (User Experience) Design sich für die individuelle Kundenansprache besonders eignet.

Einverständnis der Nutzer
Ganz gleich, ob Sie mit A/B-Testings oder anderen Methoden arbeiten, Sie benötigen das Einverständnis der Besucher. Realisiert wird dies in der Praxis über eine Consent-Management-Plattform. Diese macht es möglich, Daten der User DSGVO konform einzuholen, zu verwalten und zu dokumentieren.
Im Inbound Marketing (Pull Marketing) spielt damit die sogenannte „Consent-Opt-in-Rate“ eine wesentliche Rolle bei der erfolgreichen Webseite Optimierung. In diesem Zusammenhang sind Conversion-Optimierungen sinnvoll, die ein hohes Maß an Zustimmung generieren. Empfehlenswert ist es eine Anpassung der Consent-Hinweise an die Corporate Identity vorzunehmen und auch das Wording und die Anfrage zur Zustimmung über A/B-Testings zu verbessern.

Zukunfsfähiges Machine Learning
Moderne Algorithmen und Automatisierungsvorgänge helfen dabei die Optimierung der Webseite voranzutreiben. Über Data Science erlangen Sie ein besseres Verständnis, welche Maßnahmen besonders nutzerfreundlich sind.

Interessant sind hier KI (Künstliche Intelligenz) Ansätze, die sich mit der User-Erkennung und der damit verbundenen Personalisierung beschäftigen und damit die Konversationsrate erhöhen oder sogenannte Recommendation-Engines die spezifischen Empfehlungen zu individuellen Produkten oder Inhalten ermöglichen.

Fazit: Website Optimierung im Unternehmen forcieren
Unsere Full Service Agentur München hat Ihnen eine Reihe an wichtigen Hinweisen zusammengefasst, die eine Website Optimierung ermöglichen, dabei Besuchern echten Mehrwert bieten und eine Conversion-Optimierung verfolgen.

Holen Sie Ihre Zielgruppe individuell ab und sorgen Sie für individualisierten Content und persönliche Angebote.

Gern stehen Ihnen unsere Spezialisten im Online Marketing München für ein persönliches Beratungsgespräch zur Verfügung.
Nehmen Sie einfach online mit uns Contact auf.  Sie erreichen uns telefonisch, per Mail oder Online-Formular.

5 Marketing Trends for 2022

Auf einen Blick: 5 Marketing Trends 2022
Was bringt das kommende Jahr in Sachen Marketing Trends 2022? Welche bestehenden Entwicklungen lohnt es sich weiter auszubauen und welche Tipps eignen sich für ein zukunftsorientiertes Konzept und die Entwicklung in Ihrem Unternehmen? Wie kommen Marketing Hub oder künstliche Intelligenz zum Einsatz? Das Team unserer Full Service Agentur München hat die wichtigsten Trends für Sie aufgespürt.

Trend 1: Customer Journey im Marketing Hub
In einem sogenannten Marketing Hub werden Daten aus unterschiedlichen Kanälen und Programmen auf einer zentralen Plattform gebündelt und wichtige Funktionen, beispielsweise rund um Online Marketing oder E-Mail Marketing, Kampagnenplanung oder Website Tracking zusammengefasst.

So haben Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, genau zum passenden Zeitpunkt, auf dem richtigen Kanal, mit der Zielgruppe zu kommunizieren. Dadurch lassen sich wichtige Marketingprozesse vereinbaren. Sie ermöglichen es, eine vollständige Customer Journey im Marketing Hub abzubilden und in Echtzeit auf verändertes Kundenverhalten zu reagieren.

Ein Marketing Hub sorgt für eine optimale Pflege der Kundenbeziehungen über alle Touchpoints hinweg und ermöglicht so eine solide Begleitung der Customer Journey im Online Marketing. Neben personalisiertem E-Mail Marketing wird so unter anderem ein Tracking aller Vorgänge im Bereich Social Media und eine Verbindung von Sales und Services realisiert.

Auf Basis des bisherigen Verhaltens zum Beispiel im Hinblick auf Website-Klicks, Käufe, Downloads werden den Kunden personalisierte Informationen geboten, die zu ihnen passen.

Trend 2: Weiterer Ausbau der Mobile-First-Strategie
Mobile, digitale Maßnahmen und gezielte Werbung haben bereits in 2021 eine wichtige Rolle gespielt und werden im Rahmen von Online Marketing Aktivitäten in Unternehmen auch 2022 weiter im Mittelpunkt stehen.

Immer mehr Kunden setzen nicht nur auf die Informationsbeschaffung sowie den Einkauf online, sondern legen Wert auf eine Interaktion mit den Unternehmen aus der Ferne.

Mobile First steht für mobil web design von Webseiten, Werbeanzeigen und Co., die für mobile Endgeräte optimiert werden.

Für Unternehmen gilt es alle Inhalte der digitalen Plattform mobil optimiert mit Fokus auf Responsive Design anzubieten. Gern unterstützen wir Sie in unserer Agentur rund um das Online Marketing und helfen Ihnen bei der Planung und praktischen Umsetzung Ihrer Mobile-First-Strategie.

Trend 3: Hybride Kundenerlebnisse mit künstlicher Intelligenz
Virtuelle Meetings und Events erfreuen sich einer wachsenden Beliebtheit und werden 2022 für Unternehmen weiterhin von zentraler Bedeutung sein. Mittels hybrider Veranstaltungen lassen sich neue Ideen und Informationen vermitteln und ein Publikum vor Ort ebenso erreichen, wie virtuell zugeschaltete Mitarbeiter, Geschäftspartner und Kunden.

Darin können Ansätze und Mechanismen für ein persönliches Feedback dazu beitragen, dass Kunden stärker gebunden werden und eine Personalisierung des Angebots erfolgt.

Über künstliche Intelligenz und damit verbundene KI-Algorithmen werden End-to-End-Kundenerlebnisse kreiert, die es ermöglichen, beispielsweise Anfragen bereits im Vorfeld besser einzuschätzen und passende Lösungen oder Ansprechpartner anzubieten. So lassen sich künstliche Intelligenz und flexibler Kundenservice durch erfahrene Mitarbeiter optimal kombinieren.

Trend 4: Cookie freie Zonen für Nutzer
Unterschiedliche aktuelle Studien, darunter eine Deloitte Analyse, kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass Nutzer Bedenken in Bezug auf die Verarbeitung Ihrer persönlichen Daten haben. Verschiedene Browser reagieren bereits auf die Problemstellung und sorgen für eine Blockade von Drittanbieter-Cookies.

Für Unternehmen ist es essenziell, das Kundenvertrauen zu gewinnen. Möglich wird dies durch absolute Transparenz und die Sicherheit, dass Nutzer selbst entscheiden, wie Ihre persönlichen Daten verwendet werden.

Zeigen Sie Ihren Kunden, dass Sie es ehrlich meinen und bieten Sie einen echten Mehrwert an, wenn diese bereit sind ihre Daten an Sie weiterzugeben.

Trend 5: Qualitativer Content und organische Suche
Organische Inhalte gewinnen für Kunden immer mehr an Bedeutung und sind zu einem wichtigen Vertrauensfaktor geworden. Über den Einsatz verschiedener Content Strategien werden hochwertige Informationen und Tipps mit echtem Kundennutzen geliefert, die Vertrauen schaffen und das Interesse wecken, unter anderem die Produkte Ihres Unternehmens besser kennenzulernen.

Neben Text und Bild spielen hier beispielsweise auch hochwertiger Videocontent sowie Podcasts weiterhin eine wichtige Rolle. Nehmen Sie Ihre Kunden mit und generieren Sie qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte, die eine organische Suche unterstützen.

Die organische Suche sowie die damit verbundenen Treffer werden von vielen Nutzern als besonders authentisch bewertet und generieren hochwertigen Traffic.

Fazit: Marketing Trends 2022
Unsere Agentur für Online Marketing München hat die 5 Marketing Trends 2022 für Sie zusammengefasst. Einige davon setzen sich bereits aus dem vergangenen Jahr fort, andere werden in neue Richtungen weiterentwickelt.

Entscheidend für Sie ist es, dass Sie die Trends kennen und im Rahmen Ihrer Marketing-Kampagnen in 2022 berücksichtigen, um Ihren Wettbewerbern den entscheidenden Schritt voraus zu sein.

Lassen Sie sich zum passenden Konzept beraten und geben Sie die praktische Umsetzung in erfahrene Hände. Unsere Agentur für Online Marketing München steht Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.

7 Job Boards that Help Companies Save Costs

In unserem heutigen Blogbeitrag stellen wir Ihnen 7 Jobbörsen vor, mit denen Unternehmen Kosten sparen können.
Qualifizierte und loyale Mitarbeiter spielen eine immer größere Bedeutung in Unternehmen. Dabei beeinflusst im Bereich Human Resources (HR) eine zunehmende Digitalisierung auch die Form des Recruitings sowie der Jobsuche. Kostenlose Stellenanzeigen bieten Arbeitgebern eine gute Möglichkeit neue Mitarbeiter anzusprechen und dabei Geld zu sparen. Welche kostenlose Jobbörse kommt für Ihr Unternehmen in Frage? Das Team unserer Full Service Agentur München hat die interessantesten Stellenmärkte für Sie genauer analysiert.

Warum kostenlose Stellenanzeigen im Recruitingprozess?
Einer der größten Vorzüge einer kostenlosen Jobbörse liegt auf der Hand: es entstehen für das Inserat im Jobportal keine Kosten. Darüber hinaus müssen Sie keine vertraglichen Pflichten oder Mindestlaufzeiten eingehen.

So haben Sie jederzeit die Option einen Stellenmarkt zunächst auszuprobieren und die Qualität der eingehenden Bewerbungen zu prüfen.

Überzeugt die kostenlos geschaltete Stellenanzeige, besteht in einigen Jobportalen die Möglichkeit, auch eine mit niedrigen Kosten verbundene Anzeige zu schalten, die unter Umständen weitere Vorteile mit sich bringt und die Reichweite sowie die Bewerberqualität zusätzlich optimiert.

1. Stellenmarkt Indeed.de
Indeed gilt als größte Jobsuchmaschine weltweit und überzeugt mit über 100 Millionen Besuchern pro Monat sowie einem weit verbreiteten Bekanntheitsgrad unter Arbeitssuchenden. Dieser Vorteil ist für Unternehmen sowohl bei der Personalsuche national als auch international von Interesse.

Über eine integrierte Segmentierung können Sie sich darüber hinaus auf bestimmte Berufsfelder wie beispielsweise IT oder Vertrieb fokussieren. Das Schalten einer Anzeige ist auf Indeed kostenlos und die Stellenmarkt-Ergebnisse werden in den allgemeinen Suchergebnissen ausgespielt.

Nach der kostenfreien Publikation können Unternehmen bei ersten Erfolgen jederzeit auch ein Premium-Paket buchen, das dann unter anderem via Sponsored Jobs, vergleichbar mit Google SEA, die Reichweite und Sichtbarkeit noch einmal erhöht.

Ein zusätzlicher Vorteil: Indeed hat sich mit dem der kostenlosen Jobbörse Gigajob zusammengeschlossen. Via Indeed.de und Gigajob.de können Sie beide Stellenmärkte gleichzeitig in Ihrem Recruitingprozess integrieren.

2. Recruiting mit finest-jobs.com
Ein weiterer Tipp der Kollegen unserer Full Service Agentur München ist finest jobs. Rund um den Recruitingprozess zeichnet sich dieses Portal für Fach- und Führungskräfte sowie Nachwuchstalente durch tausende User täglich aus.
Bewerber können sich im Rahmen ihrer Jobsuche per E-Mail oder PDF Bewerbermappe bei Ihnen bewerben. Über eine ausgereifte Suchfunktion und ein solides Suchmaschinenmarketing sind Ihre Stellenangebote nachhaltig im Internet zu finden und ziehen so die passen Fachkräfte an.

3. Kostenlose Jobbörse der Bundesagentur für Arbeit 
Arbeitskräfte finden – mit der Bundesagentur für Arbeit ist das ebenfalls kostenfrei möglich. Für die umfassende Nutzung der Jobbörse ist eine Registrierung des Unternehmens notwendig. Im Anschluss haben Sie sowohl die Möglichkeit Stellenanzeigen kostenfrei zu veröffentlichen als auch in Bewerberprofilen nach geeigneten Kandidaten zu suchen.

Die unentgeltlichen Stellenangebote sind für 30 Tage aktiv und müssen anschließend eine manuelle Aktualisierung unterlaufen, um weiter verfügbar zu sein.

Über die Bundesagentur für Arbeit finden Sie sowohl junge Nachwuchstalente als auch erfahrene Mitarbeiter, die aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen gerade auf Jobsuche sind.

4. Gratis Stellenanzeigen auf backinjob.de
Als Experten unserer Full Service Agentur München können wir Ihnen auch die Plattform backinjob.de emfehlen. Nach einer kurzen Registrierung können Sie als Arbeitgeber kostenfreie Stellenanzeigen anhand eines vorgefertigten Templates aufgeben.

Die Umsetzung ist denkbar einfach, denn Sie erhalten verschiedene Vorlagen in die Sie Ihr Unternehmenslogo sowie Ihre Stellenbeschreibung im Detail einfügen können. Sobald Sie Ihre Anzeige fertig gestellt haben, entscheiden Sie ob die Freischaltung regional, deutschland- oder weltweit erfolgt.

5. Jobs in Ebay Kleinanzeigen
Viele Unternehmer haben bereits von Ebay Kleinanzeigen im privaten Umfeld gehört, wenige wissen, dass es dort auch einen kostenfreien Bereich für Jobs gibt. Ebay Kleinanzeigen Jobs wird von zahlreichen Nutzern täglich besucht und bietet auch Stellenangebote in den Bereich Ausbildung, Bau und Handwerk, Büroarbeit, Gastronomie oder Transport und Logistik sowie in vielen weiteren Branchen an.

So wird insbesondere die regionale, aber auch überregionale Suche nach den passenden Bewerbern erleichtert und kann kostenfrei mit einer Reihe an Funktionen genutzt werden. Die Jobsuche über ebay erfreut sich einer wachsenden Beliebtheit und kann gut in die eigene Recruiting Strategie integriert werden.

6. Kostenloses Jobinserat bei stellenanbieter.de
Eine weitere unentgeltliche Plattform steht Ihnen mit Stellenanbieter.de zur Verfügung. Nach einer kostenfreien Registrierung können Sie Ihr Stellenangebot formulieren und anschließend direkt auf der eigenen Plattform aber auch mit dem Portal vernetzten Stellenmärkten listen lassen.

Unter anderem sind Inserate so auch automatisch bei der Agentur für Arbeit zu finden. Unsere Full Service Agentur Spezialisten überzeugt diese deutlich erhöhte Reichweite, die mit der Schaltung unterschiedlicher Anzeigen einhergeht und neben klassischen Jobangeboten auch Mini-Jobs oder Praktika Inserate ermöglicht.

So haben Sie kostenlos für 12 Wochen auf den Webseiten von Stellenanbieter.de und weiteren Partnerseiten die Möglichkeit aktiv Bewerber anzusprechen.

7. Jobinserat bei www.studentjob.de
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Nachwuchstalenten und Studierenden sind, lässt sich in diesem Jobportal mit rund 5 Millionen jungen Usern aus ganz Europa eine kostenlose Stellenanzeige schalten, die 14 Tage aktiv ist und über die Sie eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigung bei Bewerbungseingang erhalten.

Stellenanzeigen speziell für Studierende in Deutschland und im Ausland können mit dieser Plattform frei von Kosten umgesetzt werden. Finden Sie gezielt die Nachwuchstalente von morgen, die Ihr Unternehmen nachhaltig bereichern werden.

Recruiting mit kostenlosen Jobportalen leicht gemacht
Unsere sieben Jobbörsen bieten Ihnen die Option besonders vielseitig und mit hoher Reichweite Stellenanzeigen aufzugeben. Dafür ist es nicht zwingend notwendig, dass Sie für die Anzeigenschaltung ein großes Budget einplanen.

Vielmehr lassen sich über regelmäßige Anpassungen und die Kombination aus unterschiedlichen Portalen nachhaltige Erfolge erzielen, die Sie auf Wunsch mit kostenpflichtigen Stellenanzeigen komplettieren können.

Setzen Sie dabei auf eine ansprechende Formulierung der Texte und eine gute Mischung bei der Auswahl der unterschiedlichen Jobportale. Sie wünschen sich weitere Tipps und die passende Unterstützung? Das Team unserer Full Service Agency Munich hilft Ihnen gern weiter.

YouTube Marketing

YouTube Marketing als Bestandteil eines erfolgreichen Online Marketing Mixes
YouTube ist die zweitgrößte Suchmaschine der Welt. Deshalb ist sie ein wichtiges Instrument im Marketing Mix eines Unternehmens. Video Marketing kann jede Firma betreiben, denn es bietet viele Möglichkeiten, die entsprechende Zielgruppe zu erreichen. Die Medienplattform ist jedoch weit mehr als nur ein Videokanal, denn es lassen sich selbst Formate, wie Podcasts und Diashows hochladen und auf der eigenen Webseite einbetten.

Besonders kleine und mittlere Unternehmen unterschätzen die vielen Möglichkeiten, die dieses Portal bietet. Eine gute Videoausrüstung ist vorteilhaft, jedoch nicht unbedingt erforderlich. Selbst mit dem Smartphone lassen sich gute Ergebnisse erzielen, um die Welt von YouTube zu nutzen. Viel wichtiger ist der Content, da der Nutzen immer im Vordergrund steht. Gegenüber Werbetexten und Bannern sind bewegte Bilder leichter zu verdauen. Videos fesseln, sind emotional und erregen mehr Aufmerksamkeit als die Textwüste.

Millionen Zuschauer erreichen und Abonnenten gewinnen
Mit mehr als einer Milliarde Zuschauer monatlich, ist YouTube das größte Medienportal der Welt. Daher ist es für Online Marketing sehr interessant, denn die Zeit vor dem normalen Fernseher nimmt stetig ab. Zuschauer wollen selbst entscheiden, wann und wo Sie Inhalte konsumieren. Jeder kann sich sein eigenes Programm zusammenstellen und selbst einen Videokanal eröffnen. So lassen sich Videos, Audiodateien oder Diashows hochladen, um auf das eigene Angebot aufmerksam zu machen. Die Kundenbindung wird gestärkt, durch Kanal Abonnenten, die Ihnen folgen. So bekommt Ihr Kunde immer mit, wenn Sie etwas Neues hochladen oder live gehen. Kein anderes Medium bietet soviel Potential für Kundenwachstum wie YouTube Marketing.

Was möchten Sie mit diesem Teilbereich des Social Media Marketings erreichen? Brauchen Sie Neukunden oder wollen Sie Ihre Reichweite erhöhen? Die Möglichkeit, Inhalte zu teilen und in weitere soziale Netzwerke einzuspeisen, macht diese Plattform so stark. Bestimmt haben Sie selbst schon mal einen YouTube Link in Facebook geöffnet oder auf das Smartphone zugesandt bekommen. So können Sie sich beispielsweise auf Ihrer Homepage vorstellen und das Video von YouTube direkt auf Ihrer Webseite einbetten. Kreativität ist gefragt. Seien Sie möglichst authentisch, denn damit können sich Ihre Zuschauer am besten identifizieren.

Erklärvideos und Social Proof als Marketinginstrumente
Besonders beliebt sind Erklärvideos. Komplexe Sachverhalte werden anschaulich sowie unterhaltsam dargestellt. Das beantwortet die Fragen der Kunden bereits im Vorfeld. Oft sind es animierte Videos, die sich mit  entsprechender Software leicht erstellen lassen. Damit kann man alles erklären, ohne dass sich ein Mitarbeiter vor die Kamera stellen muss. Wer zum Beispiel einen abstrakten Sachverhalt darlegen muss, kann dies mit einem Erklärvideo tun, ohne zu langweilen.

Ein wichtiger Aspekt in der heutigen digitalen Welt ist Social Proof. Dies lässt sich gut in einem Videoclip darstellen, in dem Sie Ihre zufriedenen Kunden interviewen oder über Ihr Produkt / Ihre Dienstleistung sprechen lassen. Testimonials sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil im Online Marketing, denn hiermit lassen sich Einwände und Vorwände gut entkräften. Zufriedene Kunden locken weitere Interessenten an und schaffen Vertrauen.

Den eigenen Podcast auf YouTube einbetten
Neben Videos lassen sich auf YouTube auch Audiodateien hochladen. Somit ist die Plattform auch gut für Podcasts geeignet, da der Benutzer nicht extra zu einem anderen Portal wechseln muss. Das spart Kosten und die Reichweite ist ebenfalls schon da. Podcasts werden immer beliebter, deshalb findet man sie zunehmend auch auf YouTube. Eine Studie aus Amerika hat herausgefunden, dass hier wesentlich mehr Leute nach Podcasts suchen als auf Spotify und Apple zusammen. YouTube ist somit der beliebteste Kanal für Podcasts.

Ein wichtiger Punkt für ein erfolgreiches YouTube Marketing sind natürlich die Möglichkeiten der Erfolgsmessung. Klicks, Abonnenten, Feedback und Likes lassen sich leicht messen und geben so Aufschluss über den Erfolg der Inhalte.

Wichtig ist die Marketingstrategie
Egal ob Sie sich für ein klassisches Video oder einen Podcast entscheiden, wichtig ist es, die richtige Strategie zu wählen. Einfach ab und zu ein Video hochladen, kann jeder. Als Firma sollte man sich Gedanken zum Branding machen, einheitliche Intros produzieren und so einen Wiedererkennungseffekt schaffen. Am allerwichtigsten ist das kontinuierliche Posten von Content auf YouTube. Eine Frage, die Sie sich ebenfalls stellen sollten ist Folgende:

  • Warum sollte sich der Zuschauer Ihr Video anschauen und worin liegt der Mehrwert für ihn?

Diese Punkte sollte man beachten,  bevor man mit der Produktion beginnt. Geben Sie  gute Tipps und Ratschläge und vergessen Sie nicht den Call to Action am Ende eines Videos oder Podcasts. Was sollte der Interessent jetzt tun?

Damit der Interessent Sie findet, ist  das Thema Search Engine Optimization wichtig, denn die Videos erscheinen ganz oben bei Google und Bing , wenn alle Hausarbeiten gemacht sind. Daher ist die Kanaloptimierung das Kernstück einer guten Online Marketing Strategie. Das Angebot sollte daher genau beschrieben sein, mit Titel, Keywords und Metadaten. Deshalb sollten Sie alle möglichen Felder ausfüllen und Ihr Video ausführlich beschreiben. Fügen Sie weiterführende Links ein und helfen Sie dem Leser sich zu orientieren.

Wer damit nicht viel Erfahrung hat, kann sich durch unsere Online Marketing Agentur unterstützen lassen.

YouTube Werbung ist sehr effektiv
YouTube ist gleichzeitig eine Werbeplattform. Mithilfe von YouTube Ads lassen sich Werbeanzeigen in Form von Videos schalten, die dann innerhalb des Displaynetzwerkes eingeblendet werden. Dabei lassen sich Benutzermerkmale wie Alter, Geschlecht und Interessen festlegen. Es gibt verschiedene Varianten, wie Banneranzeigen, die sich in einem Video einblenden. Dazu kommen Overlay In-Video Ads, transparente Anzeigen, die im unteren Teil eines Videos eingeblendet werden.

Zu den TrueView Werbeformaten gehören die Clips, die sich vor dem eigentlichen Video einblenden.  Nach 5 Sekunden kann der Nutzer das Video überspringen. Gezahlt wird erst, wenn 30 Sekunden vergangen sind.  Hier ist es besonders wichtig schnell das Interesse der User zu wecken. Mit der passenden Verlinkung erreichen Sie zielgenau die gewünschten Kunden.

Einen YouTube Kanal zu erstellen, ist kinderleicht, da es zu Google gehört. Alles was Sie brauchen ist ein Google Account. Über die Funktion Kanal erstellen, wählen Sie aus, ob eine geschäftliches oder privates Konto erstellt werden soll. Dann folgen Sie den Anweisungen. Sie können Bilder einfügen, den Kanal beschreiben und haben weitere Funktionen zur Verfügung, um Ihren Kanal zu optimieren.  Zum Kanal gehört auch das Impressum, denn auch die rechtliche Seite darf nicht außer Acht gelassen werden. Der Kanal ist wie eine Webseite,  mit allen rechtlichen Erfordernissen. Zur rechtlichen Seite finden Sie Infos auf dem Kanal von RA Solmecke, der sehr ausführlich auf die verschiedenen Aspekte eingeht.

Nehmen Sie YouTube in Ihre Marketing Strategie auf und gewinnen Sie neue Kunden.

Responsive Search Ads on Google from 2022

Ab 2022: Nur noch Responsive Search Ads bei Google
Markführer Google setzt in Sachen SEA auf maximale Flexibilität. Ein Grund dafür, warum ab 2022 in Suchkampagnen nur noch Responsive Search Ads (responsive Suchanzeigen) als Anzeigenformat nutzbar sind. Doch was bedeutet das für Werbetreibende im Online Marketing? Ab wann genau tritt die Neureglung in Kraft und welche Vorteile sprechen für Responsive Search Ads? Unsere Suchmaschinenmarketing Agentur Experten haben die Antworten für Sie.

Was sind Responsive Search Ads?
Im Rahmen von SEA Suchmaschinenmarketing konnten Werbetreibende bislang selbstangepasste responsive Suchanzeigen (Responsive Search Ads, kurz RSA) oder aber erweitere Textanzeigen (Google Expanded Text Ads, kurz ETA) einsetzen.

Über Responsive Search Ads haben Werbetreibende bei Google die Gelegenheit verschiedene Anzeigentitel sowie Beschreibungen bereitstellen. Google stellt daraus Kombinationen zusammen und spielt diese ergebnisorientiert aus.

Derzeit lassen sich 3-15 Titel (mit bis zu 30 Zeichen) und 2-4 Beschreibungen (mit bis zu bis zu 90 Zeichen) einpflegen. Google stellt die Suchanzeigen entsprechend den Suchbegriffen in optimierter Konstellation Nutzern automatisch bereit.

Ab wann treten die Anpassungen in Kraft und welche Auswirkungen haben sie?
Die Anpassungen im Online Marketing treten ab 30. Juni 2022 in Kraft. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt werden bei Google nur noch Responsive Search Ads ausgespielt. Google empfiehlt Werbetreibenden rechtzeitig auf responsive Suchanzeigen umzustellen und sich mit dem Thema über die Hilfsseiten vertraut zu machen. In den unternehmenseigenen Tipps weist Google darauf hin, dass Werbetreibende pro Anzeigengruppe eine responsive Suchanzeige mit einer Anzeigeneffektivität, die mindestens mit „Gut“ oder „Sehr gut“ bewertet wurde, verwenden sollten. Dabei sind pro Anzeigengruppe maximal drei responsive Suchanzeigen möglich.

Bereits bestehende erweiterte Textanzeigen werden ebenfalls weiter geteilt. Sie lassen sich allerdings nicht mehr neu erstellen oder bearbeiten. Auch das Tracking bestehender Anzeigen bleibt möglich.

Zusätzlich besteht für Marketer die Option Call Ads (Anrufanzeigen, bei denen ein potenzieller Kunde nach Klick auf die Anzeige Ihr Unternehmen anrufen kann) sowie Dynamic Search Ads (für die Anzeigenschaltung werden Inhalte Ihrer Website verwendet) zu generieren.

Welche Vorteile bieten RSA im SEA Suchmaschinenmarketing?
Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Responsive Search Ads auf sogenanntem Machine Learning (Algorithmen anhand Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI)) aufbauen, sind darüber äußerst differenzierte Suchanfragen möglich. Dem Nutzer wird über responsive Suchanzeigen so ein sehr differenziertes Ergebnis zur Verfügung gestellt.

Dadurch haben Werbetreibende die Möglichkeit mit wenigen Ads hohe Conversions zu erzielen. Google erklärt dazu, dass responsive Suchanzeigen etwa 7 % mehr Conversions realisieren und das zu nahezu den gleichen Kosten wie erweiterte Textanzeigen.

Aber wie entstehen gute Anzeigen? Google stellt eine detaillierte Anleitung für das Erstellen und Bearbeiten von Responsive Suchanzeigen online bereit. Interessant sind in diesem Zusammenhang auch Google Anzeigenanpassungen, über die Texte in Suchanzeigen automatisch in Echtzeit optimiert werden.

Vorteile auf einen Blick:

  • Zeitersparnis: Es müssen nur Titel und Textzeilen erstellt werden, die Ausgabe der Kombinationen erfolgt automatisch
  • Kompatibilität: Anzeigen lassen sich einfach und optimiert auf die Bildschirmbreite der Endgeräte beim Nutzer erstellen
  • Anpassung: Anzeigeninhalte können auf den Standort, üblichen Standort oder Regionen der Nutzer ausgerichtet werden
  • Reichweite: Es werden mehr Nutzer erreicht, da Anzeigen kombiniert und häufiger bei Suchanfragen ausgespielt werden
  • Performance: Es werden mehr Klicks sowie Conversions erzielt und damit die Leistung der Anzeigen optimiert

Responsive Suchanzeigen gezielt nutzen
Nach Erstellung einer responsiven Suchanzeige sorgt der Google Algorithmus dafür, dass die besten Varianten an die Nutzer ausgespielt werden.

Damit lässt sich mittel- bis langfristig nicht nur die Klickrate und die Relevanz Ihrer Anzeigen, sondern auch der Qualitätsfaktor der beworbenen Schlüsselwörter erhöhen. Außerdem passen sich die Anzeigen an die Devices sowie Endgeräte der User an.

Gute Argumente für den Einsatz von RSA in Ihrem Unternehmen. Sprechen Sie mit uns über die vielseitigen Optionen, die SEA – Search Engine Advertising bereithält. Unsere Suchmaschinenmarketing Agentur unterstützt Sie bei der Umsetzung Ihrer Kampagnen. Wir planen für Sie die passende Strategie, übernehmen die Erstellung sowie Anpassungen und tragen Sorge für individuelle Optimierungen – für beste Ergebnisse.

Implications for Email Marketing Due to iOS 15

Apple bietet regelmäßige Updates für das eigene Betriebssystem. Am 20.09.2021 wurde iOS15 veröffentlicht und steht für Millionen von Anwendern mit neuen Funktionen bereit. Allerdings hat die aktuelle Version weitreichende Folgen für das E-Mail Marketing von Unternehmen. Das Team unserer Online Marketing Agentur München hat die Auswirkungen genauer analysiert und alle wichtigen Effekte auf den Newsletter Versand sowie die Zukunft von E-Mail Kampagnen im Online Marketing näher für Sie beleuchtet.

Welche Funktionen bringt iOS 15 mit?
iOS15 bringt neben einer Reihe anderer Neuerungen auch die beiden Funktionen „Hide My Email“ und „Mail Privacy Protection“ mit. Mit „Hide MyEmail“ lassen sich zufällig generierte E-Mail Adressen nutzen, um mit Webseiten oder Applikationen zu interagieren und sich beispielsweise für Newsletter anzumelden, ohne die eigene persönliche E-Mail preisgeben zu müssen.

Im Bereich „Mail Privacy Protection“ erweitert iOS15 den Internetdatenschutz und verhindert, dass einzelne Aktivitäten durch Netzwerke und Server online überwacht werden. So lässt sich unter anderem nicht mehr nachvollziehen, ob oder wann eingegangene E-Mails geöffnet wurden.

Apple-User haben über zwei Wege die Möglichkeit, die eigene E-Mail Adresse zu verbergen: über „Mit Apple anmelden“ erfolgt die Erstellung von zufällig generierten E-Mail Adressen, um Apps von Drittanbietern zu verwenden oder via „iCloud+“, mit dessen Hilfe Sie direkt auf dem Smartphone, in Safari oder unter icloud.com beliebig viele neue E-Mail Adressen erstellen und individuell anwenden können.

Was bedeutet iOS15 für das E-Mail Marketing?
Mit iOS15 bietet Apple im Grunde Wegwerf-E-Mail Adressen (ein iCloud+ Dienst), die unter Anwendung in Safari die Option eröffnen, sich zum Beispiel für das Ausfüllen eines Formulars eine neue E-Mail Adresse generieren zu lassen. Über eine Weiterleitung gelangen Nachrichten an das eigentliche persönliche Postfach. User haben die Möglichkeit ungewünschte E-Mails jederzeit zu blockieren, indem sie einfach die generierte E-Mail Adresse deaktivieren.

Damit wird die Zuordnung eines Kunden, beispielsweise bei der Anmeldung zum Newsletter, zu einem bestehenden Kunden-Konto unmöglich, da unterschiedliche E-Mail Adressen genutzt werden.

Das bedeutet, dass sowohl in der Neukundenakquise als auch in der Stammkundenpflege die Öffnungsrate an Bedeutung verliert. Im Gegensatz dazu werden Klickraten sowie weitere Leistungskennzahlen (KPIs), darunter zum Beispiel der Umsatz pro geöffneter E-Mail, in den Vordergrund rücken. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie viele Apple-User tatsächlich die „Hide My Email“ Funktion anwenden. Unabhängig davon sollten Unternehmen Ihren Fokus auf relevante E-Mails setzen, die mit einem eindeutigen Opt-In bestätigt werden.

Für Werbetreibende bedeutet die „Mail Privacy Protection“, dass bislang genutzte, unsichtbare Zählpixel keinen Hinweis mehr zur Öffnungsrate geben können. Direkt nach dem Öffnen der neuen Mail-App werden alle Apple-User gefragt, ob Sie die „Protect Mail Acitivity“ nutzen möchten. Über diese neue Funktion wird auch das AB-Testing von Betreffzeilen oder Segmentierung nach Öffnungsrate deutlich erschwert. Darüber hinaus funktionieren so genannte Countdown Timer (Zähler für Tage und Sekunden bis zu einem speziellen Ereignis im Rahmen von E-Mail Marketing) ebenso wenig wie Location-based Content (Inhalte in Abhängigkeit vom Standort).

Fazit: Zukunft von erfolgreichem E-Mail Marketing für Unternehmen
Marktführer wie Apple treiben den Ausbau von Datenschutz weiter voran. In Unternehmen sind für Werbetreibende neue Lösungsansätze sowie geeignete Analysen und Strategien gefragt, die sich vor allem auf First-Party-Daten konzentrierten, das heißt den Ausbau der eigenen Unternehmensdaten.

Möglich wird das unter anderem über Opt-In-Verfahren, bei denen Nutzer proaktiv einer E-Mail Zusendung zustimmen. Gefördert wird diese Einwilligung mit Hilfe von individualisierten Inhalten, die den Usern echten Mehrwert bieten. Schwerpunkt können dabei Klicks auf Links oder Webseiten bilden, die weiterführende Informationen, Inhalte, Angebote, Formulare etc. bereithalten.

Die Folgen für das E-Mail Marketing durch iOS15 sind enorm, aber mit dem passenden Konzept für ein leistungsstarkes E-Mail Marketing, werden Sie auch in Zukunft Ihre Zielgruppe erreichen. Nehmen Sie gerne Contact zu unseren E-Mail Marketing Spezialisten auf.

Display Banner Formats

In unserem Blogbeitrag „Display Marketing – ein Überblick“ haben wir Ihnen bereits eine Reihe von interessanten Informationen zusammengestellt, die wir in unserem heutigen Artikel gern vertiefen möchten. Für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung Ihres Performance Marketings stellen wir Ihnen darin nicht nur Display Banner Formate vor, sondern gehen unter anderem auf die Besonderheiten der einzelnen Display Banner ein, arbeiten die gängigsten Banner heraus und diskutieren Vor- sowie Nachteile. Erkunden Sie gemeinsam mit uns Leaderboard, Billboard, Skyscraper, Content Ad/Medium Retangle, Mobile Banner und Co.

Welche Display Banner Formate gibt es und welche Besonderheiten haben sie?

Display-Anzeigen bieten eine gute Möglichkeit, um mit potenziellen Kunden in Kontakt zu treten und diese mit prägnanten Werbeaussagen auf Produkte und Dienstleistungen aufmerksam zu machen.

Passend dazu hält Bannerwerbung eine große Vielfalt an unterschiedlichen Formaten bereit, die sich plattformspezifisch und angepasst auf die individuelle Zielgruppe zum Einsatz bringen lassen.

Interessant ist in diesem Zusammenhang die Besonderheit, dass sich neben Formaten für Desktop-Computer und Notebooks wie Medium Rectangle auch Content Ad (im Format 300×250), Halbseitig, Wide, Skyscraper, Leaderboard, Billboard Formaten und Skyscraper sowie Square auch Bannerformate für Smartphones und Tablets, insbesondere Mobile Banner in Form von Mobile Content Ads in Größen wie 320×50 einer wachsenden Beliebtheit erfreuen.

Welche sind die gängigsten Bannerformate und welche Vor- und Nachteile haben Sie?

Zu den beliebtesten Bannerformaten, beispielweise im Display Netzwerk von Google, gehören die folgenden Display Banner: Medium Rectangle / Content Ad, Leadboard, Skyscraper sowie Mobile Banner und Interstitial Banner. Wir stellen Ihnen die Formate kurz vor und gehen auch auf Vor- und Nachteile ein.

Content Ad – Medium Rectangle

Das Medium Rectangle (300×250) gehört zu den Display Bannern, die besonders weit verbreitet sind. Sie punkten mit einer hervorragenden Sichtbarkeit und Reichweite, zum Beispiel in der oberen Ecke oder gut platziert in einem Beitrag und ziehen somit die Aufmerksamkeit der potenziellen Kunden auf sich. Wenn es Nachteile dieses Werbeformats gibt, dann liegen diese am ehesten darin begründet, dass auch andere Werbetreibende sie nutzen und so ein höherer Wettbewerb um die besten Werbeplätze entsteht.


Das Leaderboard (728×90) eignet sich für die Darstellung in Hauptinhalten, Foren und Blogs und wird direkt beim Laden der Website angezeigt und so von vielen Anwendern wahrgenommen. Nachteilig ist, dass klassische Leadboards in fixen Größen für mobile Lösungen ungeeignet sind. Hier sind mobile Leadboards (320×50) empfehlenswert, die immer mehr nachgefragt werden.

Skyscraper und Wide Skyscraper

Skyscraper (120×600) und Wide Skyscraper(160×600) sind hoch und schmal. Sie garantieren eine besonders wirkungsvolle Nutzeransprache rechts oder links neben dem Inhalt. Im mobilen Bereich können sie sich nachteilig auswirken, weil sie nach unten rutschen und so unter Umständen ein langwieriges Scrollen erforderlich machen.

Mobile Banner

Für die Anzeige auf mobilen Endgeräten besonders beliebt sind Werbeanzeigen in den Größen 320×50 oder 300×50 Pixel, die am Anfang oder Ende der Seite eingebunden werden. Sie eignen sich ideal für die Nutzung auf dem Smartphone und sorgen für eine angenehme User Experience. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Nutzung werden Anwender jedoch in manchen Fällen blind für diese Werbung. Aus diesem Grund sollten Bildinhalte und Texte nachhaltig konzipiert und auf die Zielgruppe abgestimmt werden. 

Interstitial Banner

Interstitials (320×480, 300×400 und 300×250) steht für große Flächen, die mobil eine enorme Wirkung erzielen können. Nachteilig kann hier sein, dass sich der Nutzer durch die Anzeige zu sehr vereinnahmt fühlt. Dieser Nachteil kann im Zusammenspiel mit mobilen Standard-Bannern zu sogenannten Expandable-Bannern umgangen werden. Denn erst mit Klick auf den mobilen Banner öffnet sich eine vergrößerte Werbeanzeige.

Welche Bannerformate eignen sich für Ihre Display Kampagne?

Die Wahl der Bannerformate spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für den gesamten Erfolg der Display Kampagne. Nur wenn Sie einprägsame Inhalte und Bilder in der richtigen Größe in Szene setzen, erzielen Display ads in ausgewählten Netzwerken die gewünschte Reichweite.

Unsere Online Marketing Agentur unterstützt Sie hier von der Analyse und Strategie über die Ausarbeitung spezieller Kampagnen bis hin zur Bannerproduktion. Gern beraten wir Sie rund um das Thema Bannerformate.

Online and Offline Marketing Measures

Online- und Offline Marketingmaßnahmen immer kombinieren
Traditionelle Unternehmen und Geschäfte sehen das Internet oft als Gefahr für ihr Geschäftsmodell. Inhaber sprechen davon, das sich Kunden beraten lassen, um dann im Netz zu kaufen. Manche schließen ganz, weil sie befürchten, das niemand mehr in den Laden kommt. Ist das Internet wirklich eine so starke Konkurrenz? Oder ist es auch Chance für traditionelle Fachgeschäfte und Unternehmen? Richtig ist, das das Geschäft zunehmend über Online Kanäle kommt. Über die mobilen Geräte finden die potenziellen Kunden nicht nur den großen Online-Versender, sondern auch das Fachgeschäft um die Ecke. Auch ältere Menschen nutzen diesen Weg und gehen zunehmend ins Netz. Allerdings erreichen wir noch lange nicht alle Kunden online. Deshalb sollten wir uns auch nicht von traditionellen Offline-Marketingstrategien verabschieden.

Klassisches Offline Marketing ist immer noch aktuell
Die klassischen Marketingmaßnahmen sind immer noch aktuell, wenn man sie richtig einsetzt sowie mit Offline Maßnahmen kombiniert. Für traditionsbewusste Kunden bleibt Offline-Marketing ein Türöffner, der allerdings online weiter überprüft wird. Wir sehen eine Anzeige in der regionalen Zeitung, gehen dann ins Netz, um das Angebot umfassender unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Das Print leitet den Leser weiter, um an mehr Informationen zu gelangen.
Offline-Marketing lässt sich anfassen und schafft Vertrauen, besonders bei der älteren Generation. Dies wirkt auf die Menschen glaubwürdiger, weil sie online zwar interessiert sind, aber unsicherer im Umgang mit diesen Medien. So fahren viele Unternehmen zweigleisig und bieten neben Online-Portalen auch weiterhin Gedrucktes. Für kleinere Geschäfte und Freiberufler ist zum Beispiel der gute alte Flyer immer noch das Mittel erster Wahl, der dann allerdings eine Online Verlängerung bekommen sollte. Online- und Offline Maßnahmen sollten sich also ergänzen, erst dann ist der digitale Wandel vollzogen, um sämtliche Zielgruppen mit ins Boot zu holen.

Auf die Haptik will keiner verzichten
Traditionelles Marketing wirkt noch immer, wenn wir es online ergänzen und vervollkommnen. Denken Sie zum Beispiel an den klassischen Außendienst, der uns seine Unterlagen da lässt. Hier schauen wir im Anschluss im Internet nach, mit wem wir es zu tun hatten. Die Bestätigung nach dem Kauf lässt sich online besonders gut verstärken.
Zu den traditionellen Marketingmaßnahmen gehören Printanzeigen, Fernsehspots, Radiowerbung, Flyer und Messen. Eine Welt, an die die Menschen gewöhnt sind, denn diese bietet die Möglichkeit, den Markt zu durchdringen. Alle Sinne werden angesprochen, egal wo wir sind. Auf der Straße, im Auto oder in der Fußgängerzone. Selbst die globalen Player werfen die analoge Welt nicht komplett über Bord. So betreibt Amazon in den USA komplette Buchläden und Spotify druckt Plakate, um auch da präsent zu sein, wo gerade mal kein Internet zur Verfügung steht. Von der Taxi-App bis zum Fahrdienst, werden Offline Formate intensiv genutzt. Auf die Haptik will keiner verzichten, denn ein Flyer der nur per .pdf verteilt wird, kann nicht richtig wirken. Menschen brauchen einfach etwas zum Anfassen.

Um Nachteile auszugleichen, mit Online-Marketing kombinieren
So bewährt diese Methoden sind, es gibt auch Nachteile. Sie lassen sich schwer messen. Auch wenn hunderte Menschen an unserem Plakat in der Unterführung vorbeilaufen, wissen wir nicht, ob es die richtige Zielgruppe ist, die da entlang geht. Ist die Kampagne erst einmal gestartet, lässt sie sich nur noch schwer aktualisieren. Viele Unternehmen probieren es nach dem Gießkannenprinzip. Sie probieren verschiedene Formate aus, ohne genau zu wissen, was es bringt. Hier sollte man sich unbedingt eine Marketing Beratung holen, bevor Geld verbrannt wird.

Um die Nachteile des Offline Marketing auszugleichen, lohnt sich die Kombination mit Online Marketing, denn hier ist vieles mess- und skalierbar. Außerdem bietet es viele Möglichkeiten, mit den Kunden und Interessenten in Kontakt zu bleiben. Die Zielgruppe lässt sich genau ausmachen und gezielt ansprechen. Über Newsletter, soziale Netzwerke und Portale bleiben wir mit unseren Kunden in Kontakt. Mit seiner Webseite ist das Unternehmen rund um die Uhr erreichbar. Über Bewertungsportale können Sie sich von Ihren Kunden weiterempfehlen lassen.

Die Initiative geht vom Interessenten aus
Im Gegensatz zum Offline Marketing geht die Initiative hier häufig vom Interessenten aus. Dieser hat ein Problem oder einen Wunsch und sucht nach der Lösung. Danach können wir unsere Maßnahmen ausrichten, um relevante Zielgruppen anzusprechen. Man spricht von Pull-Marketing. Streuverluste lassen sich auf diese Weise minimieren. Doch auch hier lauern Gefahren. Online Marketing zeichnet sich vor allem durch die Interaktion zwischen Nutzer und Unternehmen aus. Die Information fließt in beide Richtungen. Einfach nur den Werbeslogan der Firma zu posten, ist keine gute Idee. Gutes Online Marketing Management muss Mehrwerte liefern und weniger auf aggressive Werbung setzen. In den sozialen Netzwerken darf man die Menschen nicht mit Inhalten überfluten. Es stürmen täglich genug Informationen auf alle Nutzer ein.

Inhalte müssen hochwertig und nicht zu laut sein, um wahrgenommen zu werden. Haben Sie noch keine Erfahrungen in dem Segment gesammelt, ist der Weg zum Online Marketing Spezialist angeraten. Nicht alle Formate sind noch sinnvoll. Blinkende Banner werden beispielsweise gar nicht mehr wahrgenommen. Werbeblocker tun das Übrige. Nur mit wertvollen Inhalten kann man punkten. Die Bandbreite der Maßnahmen ist trotzdem noch groß genug. Eine gute Online Marketing Agentur setzt immer auf die Kombination beider Welten.

Für Offline Unternehmen sind Online Aktivitäten genauso sinnvoll, wie umgekehrt. Bei den Marketingkanälen macht es die Mischung, ein Entweder-oder gibt es nicht. So könnten Offline Anzeigen mit Online Ads oder Native Advertisement unterstützt werden. Im Flyer kann ein QR-Code die Brücke zur Webseite oder einer App herstellen. Mit dem QR-Code lassen sich sogar Offline Maßnahmen messbar machen, denn nun kann man sehen, ob sich der Traffic nach einer Offline-Maßnahme erhöht. Gedrucktes Marketing lässt sich dadurch messen.

Nutzen Sie beide Welten als ganzheitliche Marketingstrategie
Jedes Unternehmen sollte sich intensiv mit Online Marketing auseinandersetzen und beide Bereiche als ganzheitliche Einheit sehen. Hier bieten sich neue Chancen in einer Welt voller Smartphones und Tablets. Noch besser ist die Kombination aus Beidem, denn mit Anzeigen in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, Verteilung von Flyern an ausgewählten Orten und anderen Maßnahmen, werden Online Maßnahmen verstärkt. In Facebook, Blogs und YouTube, können offline produzierte Inhalte weiter genutzt  und verbreitet werden. So profitieren beide Welten voneinander. Je mehr das Unternehmen in Erscheinung tritt, desto besser. Alle Maßnahmen müssen auf die entsprechende Zielgruppe abgestimmt sein, um deren Erwartungen zu erfüllen.

Mit unserer full-service agency mit Sitz in München sind Sie auf der richtigen Seite, denn hier wird das gesamte Spektrum des Marketing abgedeckt. Passgenaue digitale Lösungen mit stilsicherem Corporate Design für Ihren Unternehmenserfolg.

PPC Agency / PPC Marketing

Haben Sie sich schon einmal die Frage gestellt, was eine PPC Agentur macht oder welche Rolle PPC Marketing für Ihr Unternehmen spielt? Im Dschungel der Begrifflichkeiten verliert man schnell den Überblick. Dabei lassen sich die meisten Abkürzungen leicht erklären und gut in einen Zusammenhang zur Marketingstrategie bringen. Unser Team beantwortet Ihnen hier die wichtigsten Fragen rund um PPC.

Inbound Marketing vereint alle Pull-Strategien, zu denen unter anderem PR, Content Marketing und Inbound Online Marketing (Social Media, E-Mail-Marketing, Conversion Optimierung) gehören. Outbound Marketing lebt von Push-Strategien wie beispielsweise Affiliate oder Performance Marketing. Unabhängig von der Art des Marketings taucht auch immer wieder die Bezeichnung PPC Marketing oder PPC Agentur auf.

Was heißt PPC?

Die Abkürzung PPC steht für „Pay per Click“ und beschreibt eine Abrechnungsvariante, bei der ein Preis für jeden Klick auf eine Anzeige gezahlt wird. Dabei handelt es sich um eine weitverbreitete Kampagnen Budgetierung im Online Marketing, die beispielsweise im Rahmen von Suchmaschinen Werbung bei Google Ads Anwendung findet. Werbetreibende zahlen so Plattform Anbietern wie Google oder Facebook jedes Mal, wenn ein Klick auf eine Anzeige erfolgt und somit auf die eigene Webseite führt.

Was ist PPC Marketing?

Im Rahmen von PPC Marketing werden Kampagnen erstellt, bei denen die Methodik Pay per Click im Fokus steht. Besonders oft werden sie im Bereich SEA (Search Engine Advertising), auch Suchmaschinenwerbung genutzt.

Neben Google Ads und Yahoo Search Marketing arbeiten zum Beispiel auch Facebook und Instagram Anzeigen, Amazon, Banner sowie Displays aber auch Text-Links im Affiliate Marketing mit einem Preis pro Klick.

Wie wird eine PPC Kampagne in der Praxis aufgesetzt?

Zur Umsetzung einer Kampagne im PPC Marketing benötigen Sie zunächst einen kostenfreien Account bei dem jeweiligen Anbieter, wie beispielsweise Google. Dazu wird zunächst ein Google Account angemeldet unter dem später verschiedene Unternehmenskonten sowie ausgewählte Kampagnen geführt werden können.

Die Einrichtung ist recht einfach und in wenigen Minuten realisierbar. Zur Abrechnung müssen Sie neben Angaben zu der gewünschten Zahlungsmethode auch einen Preis für die jeweilige Kampagne bestimmen.

Im Rahmen Ihrer Kampagne legen Sie Schlüsselwörter (Keywords) fest, die später bei der Bereitstellung Ihrer Anzeigen in den Suchergebnissen von Google eine Rolle spielen. Denn Ihre Anzeigen werden immer dann bereitgestellt, wenn ein Nutzer online nach den passenden Schüsselwörtern googelt.

Die ausgewählten Keywords werden oft auch von anderen Unternehmen zur Werbung genutzt. Aus diesem Grund wird die Werbeplatzierung zu ausgewählten Keywords über eine Auktion vergeben. Derjenige, der den höchsten CPC (Cost per Click) bietet, erhält die beste Werbeplatzierung.

Die Anzeige in der Suchmaschine erfolgt dann zu jedem Zeitpunkt, wenn ein User nach dem vorab definierten Keyword sucht. Vorteilhaft dabei ist es, dass Sie als Werbetreibender nur dann bezahlen, wenn Ihre Anzeige nicht nur erschienen, sondern der Konsument auch darauf geklickt hat.

Wichtig ist es in diesem Zusammenhang, mit den unterschiedlichen Keywords zu spielen und herauszufinden, welche die höchste Klickrate (CTR, Click Through Rate) erreichen.

Wie kann Sie eine PPC Agentur unterstützen?

Eine PPC Agentur unterstützt Sie auf dem gesamten Weg von der Planung im Marketing, über die Einrichtung von Kampagnen bis hin zum Controlling und der stetigen Optimierung von Anzeigen.

Dabei ist die PPC Werbung über zahlreiche Plattformen hinweg möglich. Sie profitieren als Unternehmen von einem individuellen und strategisch ausgerichtetem Kampagnen Management, dass Ihnen ein ausgewogenes Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis im Online Marketing sicherstellt. Immer im Blick dabei behält die PPC Agentur für Sie die Customer Journey Ihrer Zielgruppe.

Media Beats ist Ihre PPC Agentur in München: Als Google Ads Manager sind wir in den Bereichen Suchmaschinenwerbung, App Werbung, Displaywerbung, Videowerbung und Google Shopping zertifiziert. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei die unterschiedlichsten PPC Kanäle optimal für Ihr Unternehmen zu nutzen. Gemeinsam erstellen wir Kampagnen, die sich von Mitbewerbern abheben und optimale Suchmaschinenplatzierungen erzielen, beziehungsweise über Anzeigen Präsenz zeigen und von Ihrer Zielgruppe garantiert nicht übersehen werden.

Display Marketing – An Overview

Display Marketing ist eine Disziplin des Performance Marketing, bei der es darum geht, die Leistung (Performance) quantitativ messbar zu machen. Sie wird auch häufig als Display Advertising oder Bannerwerbung bezeichnet. Aber was genau verbirgt sich dahinter und welche Ziele lassen sich im Hinblick auf Targeting und Retargeting sowie Branding verwirklichen? Wir haben uns mit dem Themen Display Marketing sowie den Möglichkeiten der Umsatzsteigerung für Unternehmen auseinandergesetzt und im Blog die wichtigsten Infos zusammengetragen.

Was ist Display Marketing?

Display Marketing setzt im Rahmen von Performance Marketing auf grafische Werbeelemente, die über Plattformen, wie dem Google Displaynetzwerk, oder Webseiten und Shops von Drittanbietern veröffentlicht werden. Dabei handelt es sich häufig um Elemente wie Banner oder Buttons sowie werbende Bild- und Textinhalte.

Hierfür werden Visualreize gesetzt, um den Nutzer dazu zu bewegen, die Bannerwerbung anzuklicken. Anschließend wird dieser auf eine optimierte Landingpage weitergeleitet, die klare Kernbotschaften liefert und zu einer Handlung, wie beispielsweise einen Kauf, animiert.

Welche Rolle spielen Targeting und Retargeting?

Displaywerbung gehört zu den am stärksten wachsenden Werbeformaten im Online Marketing. Unterstützt wird dieser Vorgang nicht nur durch neue Technologien, sondern auch zeitgemäßes Display Advertising im Bereich Mobil und Social Media.

Entscheidend für den Erfolg dabei ist ein gut entwickeltes Targeting. Dabei werden Konsumenten zielgenau angesprochen und werbetreibende Unternehmen können Streuverluste deutlich reduzieren. Interessant ist das Werbeformat dabei nicht nur zur Neukundengewinnung, sondern auch im Bereich Retargeting.

Dabei geht es im Performance Marketing darum, einen Nutzer, der sich bereits eine Bannerwerbung angeschaut hat, aber noch zu keiner Handlung zu überzeugen war, weitere, dynamische Displaybanner anzubieten, die ihn zurück auf die Landing Page oder den Shop bringen.

Welche Vorteile bietet Display Marketing?

Über Display Marketing können Unternehmen eine große Reichweite generieren und unterschiedliche Zielgruppen ansprechen. Dabei sind die Werbeformate in der Displaywerbung sehr vielfältig und bieten die Option, Produkte sowie Dienstleistungen in maßgeschneiderten Kampagnen für die Zielgruppe auszuarbeiten. Passend dazu kommt Programmatic Advertising zum Einsatz, dabei werden Online-Werbeflächen vollautomatisiert oder individuell eingekauft sowie verkauft.

Unterschiedliche Tracking Methoden sorgen dafür, dass die Display Marketing Kampagnen sauber ausgewertet werden können. Dank großer Reichweite wird es möglich, den Markenbekanntheitsgrad zu steigern und so das eigene Branding nachhaltig zu stärken.

Darüber hinaus ist das Monitoring sowie Reporting im Display Marketing sehr einfach möglich. Kampagnen lassen sich ergebnisorientiert überwachen und effektiv anpassen.

Anders als bei Print Werbemitteln kann hier im Performance Marketing die Werbeansprache sehr genau auf die Zielgruppe ausgerichtet und damit einhergehend Streuverluste minimiert werden. Zusätzlich wird der Entscheidungszeitraum bis zum tatsächlichen Kauf verkürzt, was zu einer deutlichen Umsatzsteigerung führen kann.

Welche Formate gibt es?

Display Banner können unterschiedliche, statische Formen haben und beispielsweise als Leaderboard, Billboard, Skyscraper oder Content Ad aber auch als Mobile Banner in unterschiedlichen Größen geschalten werden.

Möglich sind aber auch sogenannte Responsive Display Anzeigen, zu denen Anzeigentitel, Bilder und Textzeilen hinterlegt und unter dynamischer Anpassung in der bestmöglichen Kombination an die Zielgruppe ausgegeben werden.

Wie lässt sich Display Advertising in der Praxis durchführen?

Über Suchmaschinen wie Google und Bing, sowie auch über Programmatic Advertising Plattformen lassen sich Display Anzeigen schalten und optimieren. Eine detaillierte Analyse sowie effiziente Budgetverteilung sorgen dafür, dass Google-, Microsoft-, und Programmatic Advertising Accounts richtig funktionieren.

Für die Platzierung von Display ads braucht es das passende Netzwerk. Hier besteht die Möglichkeit SEA Ads Plattformen mit großer Reichweite, wie das Google Displaynetzwerk, zu nutzen und darüber gezielt Werbung auf den Seiten und Shops zu schalten, auf denen sich Ihre Zielgruppe bewegt.

Unser Ausblick für Unternehmen: Sorgen Sie für messbare Erfolge im Online Marketing. Wir unterstützen Sie in einem ersten Schritt mit der passenden Analysis and Strategy.

Display Marketing bietet Ihnen ein breites Spektrum an Möglichkeiten Ihre Zielgruppe zu erreichen und dabei die Kampagnenfortschritte über ausgewählte Kennzahlen (KPIs) genau im Blick zu behalten. Sprechen Sie mit uns über geeignete Plattformen und die praktische Umsetzung Ihrer Displaybanner.

Existing Customer Marketing

Bestandskundenmarketing als langfristiges Mittel zum Erfolg
Jedes Unternehmen arbeitet in der Regel gewinnorientiert, demzufolge möchten diese ihre Umsätze auch von Jahr zu Jahr steigern. Am besten gelingt das mit einem vorhandenen Kundenstamm, welcher aus früheren Verbrauchern oder Unternehmen besteht, die Artikel gekauft oder eine Dienstleistung in Anspruch genommen haben. Die Kombination aus der Gewinnung von Neukunden und der Betreuung von Bestandskunden kann eine gelungene Mischung darstellen. Firmen, die ihren Fokus nicht auf die letztgenannte Zielgruppe setzen, verschenken sowohl großes Potenzial als auch Möglichkeiten, weitere Produkte aus dem eigenen Portfolio an diese zu verkaufen, wohlmöglich verlieren sie sogar den Kunden komplett.

Was Bestandskundenmarketing konkret ausmacht
Bestandskunden sind Privatkunden oder auch Unternehmer beziehungsweise Firmen, welche mehr als ein Mal beim Anbieter eingekauft oder eine bestimme Dienstleistung in Anspruch genommen haben. Sie gehören also zum festen Kundenstamm und werden in einem internen CRM System aufgeführt. Im besten Fall empfehlen diese zufriedenen Kunden Ihr Unternehmen anderen potentiellen Kunden, welche dann ebenfalls im Optimalfall zum festen Kundenstamm dazugezählt werden können. Unternehmen, die ihren Fokus auch auf Bestandskundenmarketing richten, können in der Regel also auch mit einem festen und wiederkehrenden Umsatz rechnen.

E-Mail Marketing bietet sich nicht nur für die Neukundengewinnung an, sondern ist ebenfalls ein erfolgreiches Mittel für ein effektives Bestandskundenmarketing. Als Online Marketing Agentur aus München bieten wir Ihnen diese Serviceleistung selbstverständlich an, sowohl im B2C als auch im B2B Segment.  Von der Newsletter Design bis hin zum Kampagnenmanagment stehen wir Ihnen als verlässlicher Partner zur Seite. Nehmen Sie einfach Contact zu uns auf, gemeinsam stellen wir ein individuelles, auf Sie zugeschnittenes Leistungspaket zusammen.

Oberstes Ziel sollte neben der Gewinnmaximierung sein, Bindungen zu pflegen und an der stetigen Kundenzufriedenheit zu arbeiten. Nur stets glückliche Kunden verfassen positive Rezensionen, betreiben (kostenlose) Werbung und empfehlen Sie als Dienstleister online und auch offline weiter.

Die Vorteile im Überblick
Bestandskunden müssen zwar nicht mehr extra akquiriert werden, trotz allem wollen diese ebenfalls umworben und für ihre Treue belohnt werden. Viele Unternehmen machen hier den Fehler und fokussieren sich nur auf die Neukundenakquise. Bei dieser muss man potenzielle Interessenten erst von den Vorteilen des Angebotes überzeugen, Vertrauen schaffen und einen Mehrwert suggerieren, welchen diese erhalten. Bestandskunden wiederum sind von den Produkten oder Dienstleistungen schon überzeugt und könnten sich eher vorstellen, neue Produkte oder Dienstleistungen auszuprobieren. Die Bestandskunden sollte man für ihre Treue zum Unternehmen beispielsweise mit Gutscheinen und auch Rabatten belohnen und so zu einem erneuten Kauf / Erwerb einer Dienstleistung anregen. Hierfür eignen sich individuell gestaltete E-Mail Newsletter, die für verschiedene Rabattaktionen gestaltet werden können. 

B2B und B2C als Zielgruppen
Der Bereich B2B besitzt im Gegensatz zum B2C weniger Absatz- und Werbemöglichkeiten, er ist spezieller und limitierter. Demzufolge ist auch das Nachfrage- und Kaufpotenzial etwas geringer. Beim B2B bestimmen Netzwerke, Verknüpfungen, Kontakte und nicht zuletzt auch der Ruf eine große Rolle. Empfehlungen und gute Rezensionen sind beim B2B also besonders wichtig, um neue Kunden zu gewinnen.

Unternehmen müssen Investitionen und Anschaffungen oft als Kollektiv planen und genehmigen lassen. Erst dann wird ein Kauf getätigt.  Spontankäufe, wie es sie bei B2C-Kunden gibt, tätigen Firmen in der Regel nicht. Bei der Kaufentscheidung spielen sehr oft auch Mittelsmänner, Entscheider, Berater und nicht zuletzt gute Beziehungen eine wichtige Rolle. Aus diesem Grund können Empfehlungen und Bewertungen darüber entscheiden, ob man einen Kunden gewinnt oder nicht.

Anders ist es wiederum bei Endverbrauchern im Privatbereich. Kunden im B2C-Segment setzen ganz andere Maßstäbe, Vorgaben und Kriterien, wenn es darum geht, eine Kaufentscheidung entweder zu verwerfen oder zu forcieren. Nicht zuletzt ist der Preis, Abo- oder Rabattmodelle sowie andere Anreize der Treiber für einen Kauf beim jeweiligen Anbieter. Im B2C ist es leichter, Werbemodelle adäquat umzusetzen, auf Emotionen, optische Reize und Sinneswahrnehmungen zu setzen. Was gut riecht, super aussieht oder toll klingt, wird von einzelnen Personen eher wahrgenommen und zur Kaufentscheidung herangezogen, als dass das bei B2B-Kunden der Fall ist.

Ein erfolgreiches Kauferlebnis sorgt zudem für eine gute Kundenbindung. Marketing im B2C Bereich ist nicht weniger anspruchsvoll als bei B2B-Kunden. Egal, ob es sich um den B2B Bereich oder den B2C Bereich handelt, beide Bereiche haben ihre eigenen Ansprüche und erfordern ein separates Online Marketing Management. Gerne können Sie hierzu auch unseren anderen Blogbeitrag lesen.

Besprechen Sie mit uns die vielseitigen Optionen, Ihr Bestandskundenmarketing vielfältig zu optimieren. 

Apple iOS 14.5 and Tracking

Apple Nutzer haben mit der Version Apple iOS 14.5 die Wahl, ob sie weiter Werbung erhalten wollen oder diese lieber blockieren. Besonders von dieser Thematik betroffen sind Facebook und Instagram. Doch was bedeutet das für Unternehmen, die bislang auf Performance Marketing und das damit verbundene Retargeting bei Facebook gesetzt haben? Unser Team klärt für Sie die wichtigsten Punkte.

Welche Änderungen enthält das Update Apple iOs 14.5?

Die neue Version enthält die Tracking-Schutz App “Tracking Transparency”, in die die Anwender bei App Start einwilligen müssen, dass die Applikation für Marketingzwecke die Anwendung über mehrere Apps hinweg verfolgen kann.

Erfolgt keine Einwilligung bekommen iPhone-Nutzer bei den Apps von Facebook sowie Instagram einen Hinweis, der Sie dazu auffordert die Werbe-ID zu aktivieren, um beide Plattformen in Zukunft weiter kostenlos nutzen zu können.

Was geschieht bei Deaktivierung der Werbe-ID auf den iPhones der Nutzer?

Über die Werbe-ID sind App-Anbieter in der Lage den Einsatz der App für Marketingaktivitäten nachzuvollziehen sowie mit einem Nutzer-Profil zu verbinden. Apple möchte dieses Vorgehen mit der neuen Anti Tracking Version begrenzen. Interessant dazu ist der Hintergrund, das auch bei einer deaktivierten Werbe-ID Apps Daten zur Nutzung sammeln und an den App-Anbieter weitergeben. Allerdings werden bei fehlender Werbe-ID die gesammelten Nutzerdaten nicht mit dem Nutzerprofil verknüpft.

Welche Effekte hat das Apple Update auf das Performance Online Marketing?

Mit der iOS 14.5 Version erfolgt eine starke Einschränkung der gerätespezifischen Werbe-ID. Ein Tracking ist nur noch möglich, wenn der Konsument explizit eine Erlaubnis erteilt.

Verweigert der Anwender diese, lassen sich Conversions nicht mehr klar Drittanbietern wie Facebook zuordnen. Dafür stellt Apple die Private Click Measurements (PCM) bereit, die ein Zuordnen von Klicks auf Anzeigen möglich macht, aber gleichzeitig ein freies Tracking über diverse Seiten hinweg verhindert.

Daraus resultiert, das eine App-to-Web Conversion Erhebung nicht mehr Domain übergreifend möglich ist. So haben Unternehmen nicht mehr die Option App-Nutzer in das Retargeting einzubinden. Dadurch wird die Audience reduziert, was sich häufig im Reporting bemerkbar macht.

Zusätzlich wird das Standard-Attributionsfenster für Klicks von 28 auf 7 Tage verkürzt. Die Konsequenz daraus ist, dass alle Einkäufe oder Transaktionen, die nicht explizit in diesem 7 Tage Bereich durchgeführt werden, nicht mehr eindeutig ausgewählten Facebook Anzeigen zugeordnet werden können. Dadurch entstehen häufig weniger Conversion Events im Reporting der Kampagnen bei Facebook.

Was können Werbetreibende tun, um die Performance aufrecht zu erhalten?

Für ein nachhaltiges Performance Marketing ist es entscheidend dass Ihre Domain im Facebook Business Manager verifiziert wird. Somit stellen Sie sicher, dass der ausgewählte Business Manager tatsächlich zu Ihrer Firma zählt. Besonders wichtig ist dieses Handeln beim sogenannten Pixel Tracking und der Arbeit mit verschiedenen Business Managern.

Über die Domain Verifizierung sichern Sie ab, das Conversions Events wie “Kauf” oder “in den Einkaufswagen” beim Opt-out des iOS 14.5 Updates Priorisierung erhalten. Eine verifizierte Domain unterstützt die Konfiguration von Conversion Events und optimiert die Kampagnen Performance.

In der Praxis lässt sich dabei  das von Facebook bereitgestellte „Aggregated Event Measurement“ anwenden, über das auch eine Messung bei eingeschränkter Datennutzung möglich wird.

Unsere Experten empfehlen darüber hinaus eine Beschränkung der Conversion Events pro Domain und eine klare Priorisierung der wichtigsten Events. Auch die Einbindung einer Conversion API ermöglicht ein verbessertes Tracking und kann ergänzend zum Facebook Pixel angewendet werden.

Dank der Conversion API ist kein Pixel mehr nötig, denn die Messung erfolgt über Server Events, unabhängig davon, ob ein Pixel eingebunden ist oder nicht. So lassen sich im Zweifel sowohl die Daten aus dem Facebook Pixel, als auch aus der Conversion API auswerten.

Gut zu wissen ist in diesem Zusammenhang, dass Pixel Tracking aber nicht nur durch iOS Updates, sondern auch durch eine steigende Anzahl von Ad-Blockern in Zukunft schwieriger wird.

Unser Resümee: Für Unternehmen gilt es auf dem Online Werbemarkt weiter flexibel und anpassungsfähig zu bleiben. Dabei sind messbare Erfolge im Performance Marketing stark davon abhängig, wie gut Kampagnen und Werbeanzeigen optimiert werden und gleichzeitig Datenschutzrichtlinien berücksichtigt werden.

Sprechen Sie unser Performance Marketing Agentur Team zu diesem Thema an und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Arbeitsprozesse strukturieren und Kampagnen so ausrichten, dass sie ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können.

Cookie Tracking and E-Privacy - Current Status and Outlook for 2022

Anhand der Allgemeinen Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) sowie der E-Privacy-Richtlinie (ePR) wird definiert, wie Unternehmen auf Websiten Cookie-Tracking vornehmen dürfen, um Ihre Besucher zu tracken. Die ePrivacy-Verordnung 2021 soll die bisherige ePrivacy-Richtlinie ablösen und die DSGVO konkretisieren, befindet sich jedoch noch im Rechtsetzungsverfahren. Doch wie lassen sich Cookies aktuell DSGVO-konform im Online Marketing einsetzen und haben Sie im kommenden Jahr überhaupt noch eine Zukunft? Das Team unserer Marketing Agentur München stellt Ihnen dazu die aktuellen Fakten sowie eine Reihe von Ideen rund um Alternativen im Retargeting vor.

Was beinhaltet die ePrivacy-Verordnung 2021?

Die ePrivacy-Verordnung 2021 umfasst den gesamten elektronischen Austausch über öffentliche Websites und Dienste von Einzelpersonen in der EU. Sie soll sicherstellen, dass Einzelpersonen vor Eingriffen Dritter in ihrer privaten Kommunikation und Internetnutzung geschützt werden, es sei denn sie geben ihr direktes Einverständnis. 

So bedarf es einer ausdrücklichen Zustimmung des Nutzers auf Ihrer Unternehmenswebseite, bevor sie im E-Commerce Website Cookies und Tracker oder andere Technologien einsetzen dürfen, die personenbezogene Daten erheben und weiterverwenden. 

Cookie-Tracking auf Unternehmenswebseiten benötigt aktuell also eine bestätigte Zustimmung durch die Nutzer, doch wie sieht es mit weiteren Entwicklungen aus?

Google plant 2022 Tracking für Werbung einzustellen

Google verfügt über eine stetig wachsende Marktmacht und hat für das kommende Jahr angekündigt, generell auf einen Tracking von Internet Usern zu verzichten. Bereits 2020 listete das Unternehmen im Browser Chrome Cookies von Drittanbietern (sogenannte Third-Party-Cookies), beispielsweise von Daten Händlern oder Werbeunternehmen aus, die bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt Aktivitäten auf unterschiedliche Webseiten nachvollzogen haben. 

Nun bestätigt das Unternehmen, ab 2022 auch keine alternativen Methoden zum User Cookie-Tracking einzusetzen. Auch wenn hier unter anderem der deutsche Bundesverband Digital Publisher und Zeitungsverleger (BDZV) die Ausnutzung eines Machtmonopols kritisiert, sollten Unternehmen sich frühzeitig auf mögliche Veränderungen einstellen und einer perspektivischen Abschaffung bislang bekanntem Cookie-Trackings vorbauen.

Online Marketing Strategien ohne Cookie-Tracking?

Auch sogenannte First-Party-Cookies, die zur Datenerhebung direkt auf der Unternehmenswebseite gespeichert werden, sind bislang erlaubt. Doch auch diese kommen an ihre Grenzen, wenn sie beispielsweise von Usern über den Browser blockiert oder nach Sessionende gelöscht werden. 

Eine interessante Option bietet hier Contextual Targeting. Dabei handelt es sich um interessanten Content, der dem User basierend auf aktuellen Seiten angezeigt wird. Über Algorithmen wird dabei ausgewertet, mit welchem Thema sich die aktuelle Seite befasst (z.b. Auto-Tuning) und passend dazu werden zum Beispiel Displayanzeigen eingespielt. 

Über sogenannte “Gated Plattforms” haben Sie die Option, Nutzern nur nach kostenlosem Login, Zugriff zu gewähren. Dazu ist es nicht erforderlich, dass Sie alle Ihre Webseiteninhalte für unregistrierte Dritte verschließen. Allerdings besteht die Möglichkeit, besondere Services oder Informationen mit Mehrwert ausschließlich registrierten Usern zugänglich zu machen. Der Vorteil: um rechtliche Vorgaben zu erfüllen, ist die einmalige Zustimmung über das Login nötig, anschließend lassen sich die Wege des Users aber gut nachvollziehen und individuell zugeschnittene Angebote anzeigen.

Besonders entscheidend ist es jedoch, die Eigenmarketing Aktivitäten zu steigern. Möglich wird dies beispielsweise über die Nutzung von Newsletter-Marketing aber auch der Integration neuer Kommunikationswerkzeuge wie Chatbots (digitaler Assistent, mit dem User mittels Text- oder Spracheingabe kommunizieren) oder Voice Skills, wie viele es bereits von Geräteanwendungen unter anderem von “Alexa” kennen. 

Unser Fazit: Es bleibt alles anders! Wie es rund um Cookie Tracking und E-Privacy im Detail weitergeht, steht aktuell noch in den Sternen. Unternehmen tun allerdings gut daran, sich vorausschauend auf mögliche Entwicklungen einzustellen. Gern beraten wir Sie in unserer Marketing Agentur München zu zukunftsfähigen Strategien, rund um Internetmarketing und E-Commerce.

Pull Marketing

Für eine nachhaltige Vermarktung setzen Unternehmen auf unterschiedliche Werbekanäle. Dabei kommen zur einheitlichen Kommunikation und Transport der eigenen Markenidentität unterschiedliche Marketingstrategien zum Einsatz. In diesem Zusammenhang spielen die beiden Konzepte Push Marketing sowie Pull Marketing bei der Online Vermarktung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen eine zentrale Rolle. Als Agentur für Online Marketing Munich haben wir Ihnen alle wichtigen Aspekte zum Thema Pull Marketing kompakt in einem Beitrag zusammengefasst.

Was ist Pull Marketing?

Gut zu wissen: Ganz gleich, ob Push oder Pull Marketing, beide Konzepte dienen als Off- sowie Online Marketing Instrument grundsätzlich der Vermarktung und haben die Zielstellung, möglichst viele Kunden mit ausgewählten Produkten und Dienstleistungen zu erreichen.

Der englische Begriff, to pull steht für “ziehen”, das heißt auf die Online Vermarktung übertragen, dass sich Interessenten und Kunden ihre gewünschten Informationen zum Beispiel in Suchmaschinen, auf relevanten Webseiten oder in sozialen Netzwerken selbst beschaffen, indem sie zum Beispiel im Internet gezielt nach Produkten oder Dienstleistungsangeboten recherchieren. 

Was bedeutet Inbound?

In Zusammenhang von “Push” und “Pull” ist auch häufig von Outbound beziehungsweise Inbound Marketing die Rede. Inbound wird hier Synonym zu “Pull” verwendet für Werbetätigkeiten, die Kundenbedürfnisse ansprechen und dadurch eine Nachfrage generieren, die vom Kunde ausgeht.

Dabei stehen die Bedürfnisse des Kunden und die Lösung seiner Probleme im Mittelpunkt. Die Zielgruppenansprache erfolgt über Werbung und wertvolle Informationen, durch die die Aufmerksamkeit für Produkte oder Dienstleistungen erzielt werden. So entsteht eine Produktnachfrage, die vom Kunde ausgeht.

Für welche Ziele eignet sich Pull Marketing?

Pull Marketing ist besonders gut dann einzusetzen, wenn ein Produkt sowie eine Dienstleistung an eine definierte Zielgruppe vermarktet wird, zu der bereits in der Vergangenheit Daten gesammelt werden konnten und so die Inhalte der Werbung optimal individualisierbar sind.

Pull-Strategien bei der Online Vermarktung eignen sich besonders gut, da die Zielgruppe Eigenrecherche betreibt. Suchen Konsumenten aktiv selbst nach Produkten oder zugehörigen Informationen ist diese Strategie sehr effektiv, denn besteht bereits aktives Interesse, wird dieses mit passgenauen Inhalten untermauert und sorgt so letztendlich für den Kaufabschluss. 

Wie kann Pull Marketing eingesetzt werden?

Die Pull-Methode eignet sich besonders für Innovationen und Nischenprodukte, mit denen sich Problemstellungen gut lösen lassen. Umso mehr Wissen Sie dabei über Ihre Zielgruppe gesammelt haben, desto besser lassen sich Pull-Strategien entwickeln und umsetzen.

Dabei steht für den Interessenten nicht zwingend ein günstiger Preis oder ein Aktionsangebot im Fokus, sondern vielmehr wertvoller Content, der verständlich beschreibt, wie beispielsweise mit einem Produkt ein konkretes Problem gelöst werden kann. 

Aus diesem Grund geht es beim Pull-Marketing darum, starke Content Strategien zu erarbeiten, um den Interessenten Vorzüge und USP des Produktes näher zu bringen und sie so zum Kauf zu animieren.

Im Online Marketing lassen sich hier neben Content-Marketing, SEO, SEA Kampagnen sowie Landingpages aber auch gezielte Online-PR zum Beispiel via Social Media realisieren.

Welche Vorteile bietet Pull Marketing?

In unserer täglichen Arbeit wissen wir als Kommunikationsagentur München die Vorteile von Pull Marketing zu schätzen. Mit Pull-Strategien können Sie alle Fakten zu Ihrem Produkt oder Ihrer Dienstleistung konkret mitteilen und diese klar verständlich und direkt auf den Punkt bringen. 

Umso authentischer und strukturierter die Inhalte vermittelt werden, desto höher ist der Mehrwert für den Kunden und somit auch die geschaffene Bindung und das Vertrauen in Ihre Unternehmensmarke.

Vorteile der Pull-Strategie im Überblick:

  1. besonders effektiv, wenn Interessenten zu Thema und Produkt bereits selbst recherchieren 
  2. Zielgruppenspezifische Inhalte 
  3. Mehrwert auf den Punkt
  4. Stärkung von Branding sowie Kundenbindung
  5. bei physischen sowie bei nicht physischen Produkten und Dienstleistungen geeignet

Pull Marketing mit unserer Marketing Agentur München:  Sie wünschen sich eine langfristige Kundenbindung und können Ihre Zielgruppe mit wichtigen Fakten zu Ihren Produkten und Dienstleistungen ansprechen? Sie planen Content-Strategien, die Ihren Kunden echten Mehrwert bieten? 

Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Wege erarbeiten, die nachhaltig Ihr Branding sowie die Kundenbindung stärken. Unser Expertenteam für Online Marketing München steht Ihnen für weitere Informationen gern für eine Beratung rund um die Pull-Strategie zur Verfügung. 

Search Engine Marketing: 5 Important Google Developments

Für Unternehmen ist der Gigant Google nicht mehr aus dem Suchmaschinenmarketing wegzudenken. Allerdings sorgen regelmäßige Anpassungen, neue Tools oder Algorithmen bei Google dafür, dass man schnell den Überblick verlieren kann. Worauf sollten Sie rund um SEA / Suchmaschinenwerbung, SEO / Suchmaschinenoptimierung und SEM / Suchmaschinenmarketing achten? Das Team unserer SEA Agentur hat Ihnen die fünf wichtigsten Entwicklungen von Google in einer Übersicht zusammengestellt.

Entwicklung 1: Kostenlose Shopping-Anzeigen

Eine wichtige Entwicklung in SEO und Suchmaschinenmarketing ist die Option, neben kostenpflichtigen Google Ads, kostenlose Anzeigen bei Google Shopping zu platzieren.

Die SEA Form wird als Google Shopping Organic (kostenfreie, organische Produktplatzierungen) bezeichnet und zeigt potentiellen Kunden nur tatsächlich relevante Suchergebnisse als Google Anzeigen an.

Unsere Google Ads Agentur empfiehlt diese Möglichkeit, denn Sie eignet sich nicht nur für KMU mit kleinem Budget für Marketingaktivitäten, sondern eröffnet auch größeren Firmen die Gelegenheit kostenlose Anzeigen mit Produktdetails wie Marke, Verfügbarkeit, Preis oder Bewertung in den organischen Shopping-Ergebnissen zu präsentieren.

So lassen sich Anzeigen-Platzierungen bei Google gezielt testen und optimieren, ohne dass dafür im Vorfeld bereits hohe Ausgaben getätigt werden müssen.

Entwicklung 2: Intelligenter Linkaufbau mit Fokus auf Deeplinks

Wenn Unternehmen ihre Interessenten über Links gezielt auf bestimmte Unterseiten leiten, lassen sich aus Besuchern leichter Kunden generieren. Gut zu wissen ist in diesem Zusammenhang das Google alle Unterseiten einer Website einzeln bewertet. Sogenannte Deeplinks verbessern dabei sowohl das Ranking der Hauptseite, als auch den Traffic der Unterseite, bei der ein Keyword gut rankt.

Bei Deeplinks handelt es sich um direkte Verlinkungen zu ausgewählten Unterseiten, die es dem Nutzer ermöglichen, sofort auf die gewünschten Inhalte und Angebote zuzugreifen.

Google misst Deeplinks eine höhere Wertigkeit bei. Denn sie helfen gerade Mobilnutzern, die beispielsweise via Smartphone shoppen, anhand von Keywords und Suchverhalten Produkte sofort zu finden und zu kaufen.

So wird für Werbetreibende eine deutlich höhere Conversion möglich, die die Deeplink-Nutzung, sowohl für Android als auch für  iOS-Betriebssysteme, besonders lukrativ macht. Diese lassen sich aktuell in verschiedenen Anzeigeformaten wie Display-, Shopping- oder Search-Anzeigen einbinden.

Entwicklung 3: Zielgerichtete Ansprache von Neukunden

Als Online Marketing Agentur raten wir dazu, bei der Neukundengewinnung auch verschiedenen Funktionen im Bereich Google Search zu berücksichtigen.

Dabei lassen sich unter anderem First Party Daten (unternehmenseigene Daten, die beispielsweise in einem internen Customer Relationship Management System gesammelt werden) einbinden und somit sogenannte Audience Listen von bestehenden Kunden bereitstellen, die von der Werbung nicht angesprochen werden. So wird Ihre Marketingkampagne ausschließlich auf Neukunden ausgerichtet.

Passend dazu können Online Marketing Aktivitäten bei Google so optimiert werden, dass Sie die statischen Zwillinge Ihrer Bestandskunden ansprechen. Dabei handelt es sich um potenzielle Kunden, die Ihren bereits bestehenden Kunden, zum Beispiel im Kaufverhalten, ähnlich sind.

Entwicklung 4: Einzelne Produktmargen für die Kampagnensteuerung

Google setzt im Rahmen von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) auf zahlreiche Automatisierungsprozesse mit Kennzahlen, die die Zielgruppe besonders passgenau ansprechen.

Dabei lassen sich First Party Daten integrieren, über die die einzelnen Produktmargen  für die  Steuerung von Kampagnen betrachtet werden können. So wird die Kampagne auf echten und greifbaren Geschäftskennzahlen ausgerichtet  und nicht nur anhand des reinen Umsatzes betrachtet.

Entwicklung 5: Audio-Ads für Musik- und Podcaststreamings

Im Blog unserer Suchmaschinenmarketing Agentur haben wir bereits den Marketing Trend Podcast genauer unter die Lupe genommen. In diesem Zusammenhang sollten Sie für Podcasts, Musik Streaming oder Audio Apps die zugehörige Audio-Werbung im Hinterkopf behalten.

Google bietet dazu eine neue Funktion, die sich noch in der Beta-Phase befindet, die sich auf YouTube Musik und Podcast-Streaming konzentriert. Bereits Ende 2020 startete YouTube mit Audio-Ads als neues Formatangebot für Google Ads und Display & Video 360. Darüber haben Werbetreibende die Möglichkeit Ihre Reichweite für audio-basierte Inhalte deutlich zu erhöhen und damit Nutzer anzusprechen.

Resümée: Google Entwicklungen gezielt für Ihr Unternehmen nutzen

Google liebt die Veränderung und für Unternehmen ist es entscheidend am Puls der Entwicklungen des Marktführers zu bleiben. So können Sie für Ihr unternehmensinternes SEO und Suchmaschinenmarketing das volle Potenzial ausschöpfen und neue Wege im Online-Marketing gehen.

Unsere SEA Agentur beschäftigt sich ständig mit den neuesten Entwicklungen in den Bereichen SEO, SEA und SEM. Gern unterstützen wir Sie dabei die unterschiedlichsten Tools von Google optimal für Ihr Unternehmen einzusetzen und sowohl Neukunden, als auch Bestandkundschaft rundum zufrieden zu stellen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage.

Email Marketing Comparison B2C - B2B: Special Considerations to Keep in Mind

Mit E-Mail Marketing lassen sich wertvolle Werbebotschaften an Endverbraucher aber auch an Unternehmen übermitteln. Dabei richtet sich E-Mail Marketing B2C direkt an Ihre Kunden und E-Mail Marketing B2B an Geschäftsführer oder Entscheidungsträger in Firmen. Beide Varianten können äußerst erfolgreich als Standalone Newsletter oder in Kampagnen eingebunden werden, allerdings gilt es dabei eine Reihe von Besonderheiten zu beachten. Unser Blog beschreibt Ihnen, auf welche Details es ankommt und wie wir als Marketing Agentur München Ihre Inhalte in ein professionelles Newsletterdesign verpacken.

Was ist E-Mail Marketing?

Bei dieser Marketingform werden Werbebotschaften per E-Mail an Unternehmen oder an Kunden versendet. Über ein sogenanntes Double-Opt-In-Verfahren gibt der Empfänger ein klares Einverständnis zum Erhalt von Nachrichten und hat über eine Opt-Out Funktion (beispielsweise in Form eines Abmelde-Links) die Möglichkeit das Einverständnis wieder zurückzunehmen. E-Mails lassen sich über externe E-Mail Verteiler oder direkt aus dem eigenen CRM-System als CRM Newsletter versenden.

E-Mail Marketing gilt als besonders effektiv und kann neben dem Produktverkauf und Service auch der Kundenbindung, Marktforschung, dem Vertrieb oder dem Branding dienen. Dabei ist es entscheidend, dass Kernbotschaften ausgerichtet auf die jeweilige Zielvorgabe im Bereich B2C oder B2B optimal formuliert werden und der Empfänger über eine Call-to-Action (Link mit weiterführenden Infos, Button zu einem Kauf- oder Anmeldeformular o. ä.) die Möglichkeit hat, auf das Angebot  einzugehen oder zu reagieren.

Welche Vorteile bietet diese Form des Online Marketings?

Als E-Mail Marketing Agentur München kennen wir die Vorzüge von E-Mail Marketing genau und haben Ihnen diese in 6 Punkten zusammengefasst.

  1. kostengünstig zu realisieren
  2. individuelle Werbebotschaften formulierbar
  3. als Standalone Newsletter oder in einer Kampagne 
  4. E-Mail Template für ein ansprechendes Newsletterdesign 
  5. CRM Newsletter aus dem eigenen Customer Relationship Management System heraus versendbar
  6. Reichweite und Performance leicht zu messen

Was ist gleich im B2C und B2B Email Marketing?

In beiden Vermarktungsbereichen steht die Zielgruppe im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit. Umso besser deren Bedürfnisse erfasst werden, desto präziser lassen sich die Ansprache und das Angebot gestalten. Welche Probleme werden überwunden, welcher Mehrwert wird erzielt oder welche Erleichterung ist möglich? 

Setzen Sie sich mit der Frage auseinander, was Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Dienstleistung einzigartig macht und sammeln Sie alle Informationen, die Ihrer Zielgruppe dabei hilft kurz- oder längerfristig eine Kaufentscheidung zu treffen. 

Worin unterscheiden sich E-Mail Marketing B2C und E-Mail Marketing B2B?

B2C E-Mail Marketing kommt direkt beim Verbraucher zum Abverkauf von Produkten, zur Werbung für ein aktuelles Angebot oder aber auch zur Stärkung des Brandings zum Einsatz. Im Rahmen des Marketing-Mix unterstützt es offline Werbeaktionen in Print Medien ebenso wie online Werbemaßnahmen in Webanwendungen, auf Webseiten sowie in Apps.

B2B E-Mail Marketing richtet sich an Entscheider, die ebenfalls offen für Werbung, aber seltener am schnellen Kauf interessiert sind. Ihr Fokus richtet sich auf eine solide Leistungsbeschreibung und klare Vorteile, die Produkte oder Dienstleistungen mit sich bringen. 

Welche Besonderheiten sind im  E-Mail Marketing B2C und E-Mail Marketing B2B zu beachten?

Käufe werden im B2C oft von einer Einzelperson oder einem Haushalt getätigt. So lassen sich auch sogenannte Impulskäufe umsetzen, die durch eine schnelle Kaufentscheidung gekennzeichnet sind. Emotionale Ansprache und Argumente, die dem Kunden Vorteile sowie ein lukratives Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis versprechen, stehen im Vordergrund. 

B2C E-Mail Marketing setzt auf kurze prägnante Texte, die den Käufer emotional zum Kauf anregen. 

Im Bereich B2B handelt es sich bei der Kaufentscheidung häufig um eine Gruppenentscheidung, die komplexere Prozesse, längere Verkaufszyklen mit sich bringen und mit Informationen (Produktvorteile, Funktionsbeschreibungen, Präsentationen) untermauert werden müssen. Insbesondere bei technisch hochwertigen Angeboten spielt nicht primär der Preis, sondern die Qualität eine entscheidende Rolle.

Wichtig ist der B2B Zielgruppe ein geringes Risiko, hohe Sicherheit und langfristig starke Partnerschaften, die in der Regel nicht von Impulskäufen oder schnellen ad-hoc-Entscheidungen geprägt sind. 

Unternehmen kaufen seltener auf Grundlage von Emotionen und werden vom B2C Ansprache eher vertrieben. Beim B2B-Marketing sind aus diesem Grund Inhalte gefragt, die objektiv beschreiben und spezifizieren, um fundierte Kaufentscheidungen zu treffen.

Zusammengefasst: E-Mail Marketing treffsicher im Bereich B2C und B2B einsetzen

E-Mail Marketing eröffnet eine Reihe von Optionen, die es Ihnen leicht machen die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse Ihrer Zielgruppe im Bereich B2C und B2B abzudecken. Wichtig ist es dabei, dass Sie die jeweiligen Besonderheiten bei der Ansprache von Unternehmen oder Entscheidungsgruppen sowie Endkonsumenten berücksichtigen. 

Als Werbeagentur München wissen wir genau, worauf es im E-Mail Marketing B2C und E-Mail Marketing B2B ankommt. Dabei bieten wir nicht nur eine große Reichweite von mehr als 30 Millionen Empfängern, sondern auch den DSGVO konformen Versand responsiver Newsletter mit DOI Bestätigung. 

Sprechen Sie mit uns über die Möglichkeiten rund um Standalone Newsletter und E-mail Marketing Kampagnen zur Kundengewinnung sowie Kundenbindung in B2C und B2B.

Marketing Trend Podcast

Bei Podcasts handelt es sich um ein Marketinginstrument im Social Media Marketing, dass sich einer steigenden Beliebtheit erfreut. Dabei haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihren Interessenten und Kunden wertvolle Informationen zum Anhören oder Ansehen bereitzustellen. Wir verraten Ihnen, warum Podcast Marketing sich auch für Ihr Unternehmen lohnt und wie wir Sie als Online Marketing Agentur München dabei unterstützen können.

Was ist ein Podcast?

Hinter der Bezeichnung Podcast verbirgt sich ein Wortspiel, das aus “pod” (play on demand)  und “cast” (Abkürzung für broadcast – Rundfunk) kreiert wurde. Dabei handelt es sich meist um Serien von medialen Dateien (Audio oder Video), die online verfügbar sind und sich mit ausgewählten Themenschwerpunkt beschäftigen. 

Ihren Ursprung haben Podcasts zunächst auf Smartphones gefeiert, um in den vergangenen Jahren immer populärer zu werden und auf allen denkbaren Endgeräten Anwendung zu finden. 

Was macht Podcasts so populär?

Die Inhalte des Social Media Marketing Instruments reichen von Meldungen, Tipps, Interviews bis hin zu Mitschnitten von Radiosendungen etc. Dabei wird auf bereits bestehende Techniken zurückgegriffen, die die Bereitstellung sowie den Empfang der Video- oder Audioinhalte besonders einfach machen. 

Sowohl für die Produzenten, als auch für die Konsumenten von Podcasts bestehen zahlreiche Optionen, die die Beliebtheit dieses Formats fördern. Neben klassischen Audio-Formaten werden im Rahmen von Podcasts auch Videoformate produziert, die auch als “Vodcast” oder “Video-Podcast” bezeichnet werden.

Die Konsumenten können die Podcast kostenlos, via Podcast App und Feed abonnieren, und sich jederzeit anhören. Anders als bei reinen Webcasts oder Streamings, haben Nutzer die Gelegenheit, auf Wunsch die Mediendateien auch lokal zu speichern und offline anzuhören. So lassen sich Informationen vollkommen unabhängig von Ort, einer festen Sendezeit oder einer stabilen Internetverbindung auf Endgeräten wie Smartphone, Tablet oder PC konsumieren.

Welche Vorteile bieten Podcasts für Unternehmen?

Podcast Marketing bietet eine Reihe von Vorzügen. Im Rahmen der strategischen Planung lässt sich die Zielgruppe mit hochwertigen Inhalten ansprechen und damit nicht nur neue Interessenten generieren, sondern auch Stammkunden an Unternehmen binden.

Podcast drehen sich um ein bestimmtes Thema, das über Episoden bedient wird. Begeistert ein Thema die Abonnenten, wird der Podcast schnell zum Bindeglied. So können Sie einen direkten Draht zu Ihrer Zielgruppe nutzen, um immer wieder neue Informationen bereitzustellen und Ihre Zuhörer so an sich zu binden. 

Wählen Sie für Ihr Unternehmen Podcast Themen aus, die auch tatsächlich zu Ihrem Know-how passen. So können Sie sich über einen gewissen Zeitraum hinweg den Status als Experten in Ihrem Segment erarbeiten und Ihr Wissen wird entsprechend mit Ihren Produkten und Dienstleistungen in Zusammenhang gebracht. 

Ein weiterer Effekt ist die zunehmende Sichtbarkeit und Reichweite, die Sie mit einem Podcast generieren können. Nutzen Sie die Option diesen auf Ihrer unternehmenseigenen Webseite oder in Ihrem Blog einzubinden und bewerben Sie das Format via E-Mail Marketing oder auch Social Media Marketing. 

Worauf gilt es bei der Erstellung von Podcasts zu achten?

Als Online Marketing Agentur München haben wir Ihnen eine Reihe von Punkten in einer Übersicht zusammengestellt, die Sie rund um den Einsatz von Podcasts berücksichtigen sollten:

  1. Fügen Sie Ihren Podcast an prominenter Stelle, beispielsweise auf Ihrer Unternehmenswebseite, ein.
  2. Fokussieren Sie sich auf eine Auswahl von Themen, die direkt zu Ihrem Unternehmen passen. Unsere Content Agentur München unterstützt Sie dabei interessante Inhalte zu bündeln und bereitzustellen.
  3. Arbeiten Sie mit einem vorausschauenden Redaktionsplan sowie individuellem Storytelling für jede Episode.
  4. Verwenden Sie Ihren Podcast niemals für reine Werbebotschaften.
  5. Sorgen Sie regelmäßig für Nachschub und stellen Sie in vordefinierten Abständen neue Podcast-Folgen bereit. 
  6. Achten Sie auf Professionalität, nicht nur beim Inhalt, sondern auch bei Ton oder Bild.
  7. Etablieren Sie Ihr Podcast Marketing mit Unterstützung von Social Media Kanälen sowie Ihrem unternehmenseigenen Newslettern. Eine passende Strategie erarbeiten Sie am besten mit einer erfahrenen Marketing Agentur.
  8. Knüpfen Sie Kontakte zu Podcastern, die Ihre Themen bedienen oder einen verwandten Bereich ansprechen, der eine Erweiterung und keine Konkurrenz für Sie darstellt.

Fazit: Ihre Zielgruppe mit interessanten Inhalten ansprechen

Podcasts bieten vielseitige Gelegenheiten, um zu Ihrer Zielgruppe eine persönliche Bindung aufzubauen und dabei Informationen mit Mehrwert gezielt weiterzugeben. Als Online Marketing Agentur München verfügen wir über wertvolles Know-how rund um das Thema Podcast sowie Kontakten zu Podcastern, die wir auf Wunsch gerne vermitteln.

Unsere Kommunikationsagentur München steht Ihnen für Fragen rund um die Planung und Umsetzung Ihres unternehmenseigenen Podcasts bereit. Sprechen Sie mit uns über die Optionen, die Ihnen dieser Marketingtrend bietet und generieren Sie Audio- sowie Videoformate, die bei Ihren Interessenten und Kunden im Kopf bleiben.

Sie wünschen sich eine kostenlose und unverbindliche Beratung? Nehmen Sie Contact auf.

Google Shopping - Targeted Product Placements

Google Shopping bietet Unternehmen im Rahmen von Suchmaschinenmarketing (SEA) vielseitige Möglichkeiten die eigenen Produkte zu bewerben und über ausgewählte Kampagnen genau die richtige Zielgruppe zu adressieren. Anzeigen erzielen eine enorme Reichweite und werden u. a. auf Desktops, Smartphones, in der Google Suche, bei Gmail, YouTube im Google Display Netzwerk geteilt. Doch was umfasst die Plattform genau, was sind Comparison Shopping Services (CSS), welche Rolle spielen Produktfeed / Feed Optimierung, Google Shopping Kampagnen / Product Listing Ads (PLA’s) oder ein gezieltes Remarketing für Ihr E-Business?

Was ist Google Shopping?

Bei Google Shopping handelt es sich um ein Instrument aus dem SEA / Suchmaschinenmarketing. Damit haben Shopbetreiber die Möglichkeit, ihre Produktdaten für Google bereitzustellen und nach Aufbereitung in den Suchergebnissen von Google sowie den damit verbundenen Diensten online zu stellen.

Das Google Merchant Center bietet die Gelegenheit, Nutzern Geschäfts- und Produktinformationen bereitzustellen. Damit werden alle Informationen zu ausgewählten Produkten genau dann verfügbar gemacht, wenn ein potentieller Käufer bei Google nach einem Produkt sucht.

Der Online-Händler meldet sich im Google Merchant Center an und überträgt seine Produktdaten. Passend dazu lassen sich anschließend Google Shopping Kampagnen planen, die entweder kostenfrei organisch (seit 2020) oder bezahlbar sind.

Google selbst beschreibt die sogenannten Google Ads Comparison Shopping Services (CSS) als Dienste, die Produktangebote von E-Commerce-Händlern sammeln und diese Nutzern zur Verfügung stellen, die über Ads in den Shop des Händlers gelangen und dort einkaufen.

Worum geht es bei Produktfeed / Feed Optimierung?

Produktdaten dienen als Grundlage für Google Shopping und müssen bei Google importiert werden. Online-Händler sollten hier im Detail prüfen, welche Möglichkeiten sie nutzen können, um die Daten aus ihrem Shopsystem zu exportieren und eine gute Produktfeed / Feed Optimierung umzusetzen.

Die Feed Optimierung ist entscheiden dafür, dass Ihre Produkte auch zu den passenden Suchanfragen in Google Shopping angezeigt werden. Zentrale Elemente sind dabei die Optimierung von Titeln sowie Produktbeschreibungen. Gute Produktfeeds wiederum sind eine wichtige Grundlage für die Einrichtung von erfolgreichen Kampagnen.

Was sind Google Shopping Kampagnen / Product Listing Ads (PLA’s)?

Nach erfolgreicher Feed Aufsetzung sowie Verbindung mit Google Ads über das Google Merchant Center, können Sie gezielt Kampagnen erstellen. Diese werden von Onlinemarketing-Experten auch als Product Listing Ads (PLA’s) bezeichnet.

Dafür gibt es verschiedene Herangehensweisen, wie beispielsweise eine Bestseller-Kategorisierung, einem Mischung aus generischen sowie markenbasierten Suchbegriffen oder der Eliminierung von Low Profit Produkten je nach Budgetrahmen.

Was bedeutet Google Shopping Remarketing?

Via Remarketing werden Besucher oder Kunden erneut auf anderen Seiten mit Werbeanzeigen angesprochen. Der Produktfeed lässt sich auch für  Remarketing Anzeigen nutzen.

Damit können Sie ein Remarketing auf Basis von einzelnen Produkten realisieren, die beispielsweise bereits im Warenkorb lagen, aber nicht gekauft wurden (Warenkorbabbruch) oder für Wiederkäufer beziehungsweise andere User interessant sind. Grundlage sind auch an dieser Stelle wieder eine sorgfältige Feed Optimierung sowie ein technisch durchdachtes und nahtloses Tracking.

Google Shopping Organic vs. Paid Ads

Bei Google können Sie neben bezahlten Ads seit 2020 sogenannte Google Shopping Organic, eine kostenfreie, organische Platzierung Ihrer Produkte, nutzen.

Google will eigenen Angaben zufolge damit auch kleine E-Commerce-Betreiber unterstützen, deren Zielgruppe zu erreichen.

Die organischen Ergebnisse werden beispielsweise in den Shopping Tabs, in  Search oder in Images angezeigt. Händler, die bereits Suchmaschinenmarketing betreiben und ihren Produktfeed im Google Merchant Center integriert haben, können ebenso vom Programm “Google-Plattform” partizipieren.

Erfahrene Shopbetreiber komplettieren ihre Paid Ads mit kostenlosen Produktplatzierungen, um gezielt Produkte in bezahlten sowie organischen Shopping Ergebnissen auszusteuern.

Werbetreibende, die Google Shopping noch nicht kennen, haben zunächst die Option, auch ohne bezahlte Ads, die Plattform inklusive der Feed Optimierung kennenzulernen sowie die Effekte auszuprobieren.

Fazit: Verkäufe aktiv steigern

Mit Unterstützung von Shopping Kampagnen können Sie sich zielgerichtet an potentielle Käufer wenden und mit geringem Streuverlust exakt die Personengruppen erreichen, die sich auf die Suche nach Ihrem Produkt begeben haben.

Kunden die Google nutzen, vertrauen der Relevanz der Anzeigen und erhalten einen schnellen Überblick über Ihr Produktangebot. Voraussetzung dafür ist jedoch eine optimale Planung, Verwaltung und Optimierung der Ads.

Als digitale Marketingagentur unterstützen wir Sie dabei Produktverkäufe durch eine gezielte Platzierung in den Google Shopping Suchergebnissen zu steigern. Sie wollen gern mehr erfahren?

We look forward to your Anfrage.

Marketing 4.0 - The Digitalization of Your Marketing

Im Marketing dreht sich alles um Unternehmensaktivitäten, die den Absatz von Produkten sowie Dienstleistungen mit Unterstützung von Werbung, Kundenbetreuung, Marktsteuerung etc. steigern. Wie alles, unterliegt auch Marketing sowie die Aufgaben einer Medienagentur dem stetigen Wandel des vorherrschenden Zeitgeistes. So lässt sich eine Entwicklung von Marketing 1.0 bis zum heutigen Marketing 4.0 beobachten, die sich durch unterschiedliche Treiber, Ziele, Orientierungen aber auch Kundensichten unterscheidet. Insbesondere im digitalen Zeitalter hat sich das Marketing stark verändert.

Kurzüberblick – Marketingentwicklung im Zeitverlauf

Um den Begriff Marketing 4.0 näher beschreiben und verstehen zu können, ist es gut zu wissen, wie sich das Marketing im Zeitverlauf entwickelt hat.

Marketing 1.0 gilt als Ursprungsvariante und konzentriert sich auf die Ausrichtung von Produkten, die im Fokus aller Marketingaktivitäten stehen. Treiber von Marketing 1.0 war ab den 1950er Jahren die Industrialisierung, die die Produktwerbung zum Ziel hatte. Der Nutzen der Ur-Marketingform war eher funktional und sollte die Grundbedürfnisse der Kunden erfüllen.

Marketing 2.0 richtet sich ab den 1970er Jahren vermehrt, weg vom reinen Produktgedanken, auf den Kunden aus und wird zunehmend von IT getrieben. Der Nutzen bewegt sich, weg vom rein funktionalem, hin zum funktional emotionalen Vorgehen. Klares Ziel ist die Kundengewinnung.

Marketing 3.0 fokussiert sich ab der 1980er Jahre mit neuen Medien auf die Kundenbindung sowie eine damit verbundene emotional, geistige Ansprache. Klares Ziel dabei war es, langfristige Beziehung zum Konsumenten aufzubauen.

Marketing 4.0 wird seit den 2010er Jahren von der Digitalisierung getrieben.  Es lehnt sich an die Entwicklung von Industrie 4.0 an. Der Fokus liegt auf einer digitalen Vernetzung, die sich durch eine Kundenzentrierung auszeichnet und deren Ziel ein authentisches Engagement ist. Doch worum geht es im Detail?

Was bedeutet Marketing 4.0?

Marketing 4.0 richtet sich vollständig auf die Digitalisierung aus und konzentriert sich auf Aktivitäten im Internet. Durch Medien wie soziale Netzwerke baut der gesamte Marketingvorgang stark auf Weiterempfehlungen und Bewertungen im Internet auf.

Die Tätigkeit einer Werbeagentur geht hier, weg von der reinen Verkaufsorientierung, hin zu einer individuellen Kommunikation, die sowohl Online-, als auch Offline-Medien integriert. Klassische Marketing Elemente wie Print werden dabei zielgerichtet eingesetzt und in einem intelligenten Marketing-Mix angewendet, der Online wiederum stark von Social Media Marketing profitiert. Ziel dabei ist ein hoher Grad der Personalisierung, die mit Unterstützung eines authentischen Marktauftretens untermauert wird.

Welche Chancen bietet Marketing 4.0?

Enorme Chancen bieten eine Vielzahl an Daten, die von potentiellen Käufern gesammelt und für Werbezwecke genutzt werden können. Anhand dieser Informationen lassen sich ganz spezifische Angebote mit einer persönlichen Kundenansprache realisieren.

Die Herausforderung liegt darin, Daten so zu strukturieren und sinnvoll weiterzuverarbeiten, dass sie tatsächlich im Unternehmensmarketing auch nachhaltig nutzbar sind. Gleichzeitig aber auch alle Anforderungen an Themen wie Datenschutz nach DSGVO etc. erfüllen.

Gelingt dieser Spagat, lassen sich große Streuverluste reduzieren und maßgeschneiderte Werbebotschaften treffsicher bei der Zielgruppe platzieren. So haben Sie die Gelegenheit Ihre Zielgruppe  langfristig zu binden und treue Kunden zu generieren.

Fazit: Marketing 4.0 in Ihrem Unternehmen nutzen

Marketing 4.0 hält im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung enorme Potentiale für kleine und mittelständige Unternehmen aber auch Konzerne bereit.

Setzen Sie auf echte Kundenempfehlungen, authentisches Storytelling, beispielsweise über guten Content inklusive Video, und Markenbotschafter, wie Influencer, die zu Ihrem Unternehmen passen. So kreieren Sie ein unverkennbares Brand, dass Konsumenten sofort erkennen und zu schätzen wissen. Eine digitale Marketingagentur bietet hier eine themenübergreifende Unterstützung.

Gern unterstützen wir Sie mit unserer Kommunikationsagentur in München bei der strategischen Planung sowie operativen Umsetzung aller Marketingmaßnahmen, die ein zeitgemäßer Marketing-Mix ermöglicht. Sprechen Sie uns an und beschreiben Sie uns Ihre Herausforderungen. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie persönlich kennenzulernen.

What does the future of influencer marketing look like?


Ein Influencer erreicht täglich über soziale Netzwerke und Blogs zu einem ausgewählten Thema eine bestimmte Gruppe an Menschen. Diese folgen dem Influencer, weil er sich mit einem für Sie interessanten Bereich beschäftigt, auf dem er ein Spezialist ist und passend dazu Inhalte oder Bewegtbilder veröffentlicht. Damit erhalten die Follower Informationen mit echtem Mehrwert, die sie nicht nur mit Vertrauen und Kanal-Treue belohnen, sondern im besten Fall auch in ihrem eigenen Netzwerk weiterleiten. So wird der Influencer zu einem wichtigen Markenbotschafter mit enormer Reichweite, der seine Follower beispielsweise von den positiven Eigenschaften ausgewählter Dienstleistungen oder Produkte überzeugt.

Wie genau funktioniert Influencer Marketing?

Das Prinzip von Influencer Marketing, als ein Baustein von Social Media Marketing, funktioniert im Grunde recht simpel. Ein Influencer ist in der Lage Dienstleistungen und Produkte mit den eigenen Erfahrungen authentisch zu präsentieren. Die Zielgruppe fühlt sich so mit der Markenbotschaft tatsächlich individuell und persönlich angesprochen, ohne dass das Gefühl von plumper, konventioneller Werbung aufkommt. Ein essentieller Wettbewerbsvorteil, insbesondere in unserer heutigen Zeit, in der uns täglich eine ungefilterte Flut von allgemeingültiger Werbung überrollt.

Wie hat sich das Influencer Marketing über die letzten Jahre entwickelt?

Influencer Marketing hat sich in den letzten Jahren prächtig entwickelt. Insbesondere eine sehr hohe Conversion Rate spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Allerdings machen sich auch Veränderungen bemerkbar, denn durch eine Vielzahl an Firmen, die Meinungsmacher beauftragen, hat mitunter die Authentizität der Influencer gelitten. Daraus haben sich neue Trends entwickelt, die Influencer Marketing auch für die Zukunft interessant und erfolgreich machen.

Hat Influencer Marketing eine Zukunft?

Definitiv, denn mit Influencer Marketing erreichen Sie in Zukunft Ihre Zielgruppe genau an den passenden Berührungspunkten und im Rahmen deren individuellen und ganz persönlichen Interessen. Ein unschlagbares Argument um z. b. deutlich höhere Verkaufszahlen zu generieren, als mit herkömmlichen Marketingmaßnahmen, für die die Zielgruppe in gewisser Weise immer mehr abstumpft.

Dabei werden für Unternehmen immer häufiger nicht nur prominente Influencer mit Millionen von Followern, sondern zunehmend Micro Influencer mit bis zu 100.000 sowie Nano Influencer mit bis zu 10.000 Followern interessant, die sich als Experten in bestimmten Themenbereichen und Nischen etabliert haben.

Wie findet man den richtigen Influencer für sein Unternehmen? Auf welche Besonderheiten muss man achten? 

Das oberste Credo  für einen geeigneten Influencer lautet:  Setzen Sie ausschließlich auf einen Markenbotschafter, der auch tatsächlich zu Ihrem Unternehmen sowie zu Ihrer Marke passt und somit volle Glaubwürdigkeit erhält.

Dabei ist es wichtig, dass er sich tatsächlich auch mit spezifischen Themen beschäftigt, die beispielsweise mit Ihren Dienstleistungen oder Produkten gelöst werden. Bei der Recherche sind nicht nur Keywords, sondern auch eine gewisse Professionalität und Regelmäßigkeit in den sozialen Netzwerken erforderlich.

Doch welche Besonderheiten gilt es zu beachten? Ein Fokus soll dabei unter anderem auf der Engagementrate liegen. Darin spiegelt sich wider, dass ein Influencer nicht nur eine hohe Anzahl an Followern besitzt, sondern auch mit ihnen interagiert. Kommuniziert die Zielgruppe mit dem Influencer über die veröffentlichten Inhalte, zeigt das, dass die Marketingaussagen ankommen und Interesse erzeugen.

Fazit – Perfect match?

In der Praxis stellt es für Unternehmen eine Herausforderung dar, einen passenden Influencer zu finden, der alle nötigen Kriterien erfüllt, sich mit ihrem Unternehmen identifiziert und so tatsächlich die Online Marketing Strategie langfristig bereichert.

Wir von Media Beats GmbH verfügen als Full Service Agentur über das nötige Know How sowie ein Influencer Netzwerk und agieren als Schnittstelle zwischen Unternehmen und Influencer. Sie können sich einfach kostenlos und unverbindlich von unserem Team beraten lassen: Contact. Gern beantworten wir Ihnen Ihre Fragen rund um das Thema Influencer Marketing für Ihr Unternehmen.

The Do's and Don'ts in Email Marketing

Die Gebote & Verbote im E-Mail Marketing – ein kleines Einmaleins

Die E-Mail hat noch lange nicht ausgedient. Selbst in Zeiten von Social Media ist es immer noch ein beliebtes Kommunikationsmittel im Marketingmix eines Unternehmens. Bestandskunden lassen sich am besten mit Newslettern und Mails auf dem Laufenden halten.  So bleiben die meisten Firmen mit ihren Kunden und Interessenten in Kontakt. Das ist kein Wunder, denn eine E-Mail bzw. ein Newsletter kostet wenig Geld und lässt sich individuell an die Bedürfnisse des Unternehmens anpassen. Wenn Sie eine Landingpage vorschalten, ist es sogar geeignet, rund um die Uhr Neukunden zu gewinnen. E-Mail Marketing ist für Unternehmen jeder Größe geeignet, da es ist ein effektiver Kommunikationskanal für alle ist. Die digitale Form des Direktmarketings, bei der ein Kunde direkt angesprochen wird, um eine Aktion auszulösen. Die Reichweite lässt sich leicht messen und skalieren. Newsletter lassen sich automatisch verschicken und das Unternehmen antwortet per Autoresponder.

Damit die E-Mail nicht im Spam-Ordner des Interessenten landet, ist eine durchdachte Vorbereitung nötig, um aus der Masse von Mails herauszustechen. Auch in einem überfüllten Posteingang, muss die E-Mail auffallen, damit sie geöffnet wird.  Hinzu kommen rechtliche Aspekte, die wir stets im Auge behalten sollten. Sie brauchen also eine  durchdachte Strategie mit klaren Zielen.

Was möchten Sie mit einer E-Mail Marketing Kampagne erreichen?

Professionelles E-Mail Marketing grenzt sich klar vom Massen-Mailing ab und konzentriert sich auf die entsprechende Zielgruppe, da es die Personen direkt anspricht. Daneben ist es der wichtigste Inboundkanal, um mit Leads und Kundenanfragen zu interagieren. Das sorgt für Aufmerksamkeit, da die Inhalte an die passende Zielgruppe gelangen und dort ausgespielt werden.
Grundsätzlich unterscheidet man zwischen zwei Arten von E-Mail Marketing Mails:

  • Werbe-Mails, mit denen die Werbetrommel gerührt wird. Diese unterscheiden sich nicht wesentlich von Werbebriefen, denn sie stellen ein neues Produkt vor oder machen auf ein Sonderangebot aufmerksam.
  • Info-Mails übermitteln wichtige Nachrichten, mit spannenden Tipps, Tricks oder neuen Features. So können Sie Abonnenten über Neuigkeiten aus Ihrem Unternehmen informieren.

Im Gegensatz zum Social Media lassen sich verschiedene Eigenschaften in einer Mail kombinieren. So lässt sich beispielsweise ein Rabatt-Coupon mit einer automatisierten Geburtstags-E-Mail verbinden. Doch auch Warenkorb-Abbrecher können noch eine E-Mail erhalten, bevor sie die Webseite verlassen. Mit der E-Mail bleiben Sie in Erinnerung.

Mit E-Mail Marketing alle Altersgruppen erreichen

Sie müssen eine E-Mail nur einmal erstellen und können diese an beliebig viele Empfänger abschicken. Damit erreichen Sie alle Altersgruppen, weil inzwischen fast jeder mit einem E-Mail Programm umgehen kann. Selbst ältere Menschen, die sich nicht lange im Netz aufhalten, rufen zumindest ihre Mails von Zeit zu Zeit ab. Das Unternehmen bestimmt selbst, wen es anschreibt und macht sich nicht abhängig von den Richtlinien der sozialen Netzwerke. Die Kontaktliste bleibt unter Verschluss und die Konkurrenz bleibt außen vor.

Bevor es nun an die Arbeit geht, sollten Sie sich fragen, was darf und sollte ich tun, damit mein Newsletter auch gelesen wird. Was erwartet die Zielgruppe von uns? Sonderangebote oder Abhandlungen zum Produkt? Die gesunde Mischung macht’s. Setzen Sie sich Ziele, die Sie mit Ihrem Newsletter erreichen möchten.

  • Gewinnen Sie neue Abonnenten, in dem Sie eine Landing-Page aufsetzen, die neugierig macht
  • Bieten Sie Mehrwert mit Tipps und Tricks, oder einem Blick hinter die Kulissen
  • Stechen Sie aus der Masse heraus und wählen Sie eine ansprechende Überschrift, die spannend ist
  • Dazu sollten Sie sich ein wenig Zeit nehmen, um den Vorteil Ihres Angebots herauszuarbeiten
  • Sprechen Sie Ihre Leser immer persönlich an
  • Führen Sie den Interessenten, zeigen Sie ihm wichtige Themen, Angebote sowie Termine
  • Sagen Sie den Nutzern, was sie tun sollen, verlinken Sie den Newsletter und geben Sie Handlungsaufforderungen

Die Inhalte sollten immer neu und interessant sein. Verzichten Sie darauf, Ihre Nutzer mit E-Mails zu bombardieren. Es ist nicht notwendig, jede Woche einen neuen Newsletter abzuschicken, denn dann kann es passieren, dass sich der Leser wieder abmeldet und Sie den Kunden verlieren. Weiterhin muss der Newsletter gut strukturiert sein, mit Überschriften, Adressen sowie ansprechenden Bildern. Dass dies alles auch auf dem mobilen Gerät gut zu lesen sein sollte, versteht sich von selbst. Kontrollieren Sie Ihre Texte vor dem Absenden auf Rechtschreibfehler. Möchten Sie das alles nicht selbst machen, können Sie sich an eine Newsletteragentur wenden.

Erleichtern Sie sich die Arbeit mit Newsletter-Tools

Für die Newslettergestaltung empfiehlt sich ein gutes Newsletter-Tool, denn diese bieten weit mehr Funktionen, als ein normales E-Mail-Programm auf dem Rechner. Als Online Marketing Agentur empfehlen wir Ihnen gern das passende Werkzeug für Ihre Bedürfnisse. Dabei kommt es stark darauf an, welche Funktionen Sie benötigen. Mit Newsletter-Tools haben Sie alle wichtigen Features beisammen. Mit den meisten Programmen lassen sich professionelle Designs erstellen. Wichtig ist außerdem die Messbarkeit der E-Mail Kampagne, um zu sehen,  wie  hoch Öffnungs-, Klick- und Conversion-Raten sind.

Rechtliche Grenzen des E-Mail Marketing

Einer der wichtigsten Aspekte ist die Rechtssicherheit, da es gesetzliche Vorgaben gibt, an die sich jede Firma halten muss.  Es ist nicht alles erlaubt, was möglich ist, denn der Datenschutz in Form der DSGVO setzt klare Grenzen. Bevor Sie einen Newsletter absenden können, müssen Sie das Einverständnis der Nutzer einholen. Dazu müssen Sie sich an die Vorgaben des Double-Opt-in Verfahrens halten. Der Empfänger erhält eine Mail, in der er seine Anmeldung bestätigen muss, denn eine Mail ohne Einwilligung kann eine wettbewerbsrechtliche Abmahnung nach sich ziehen, denn Kaltakquise per E-Mail ist grundsätzlich verboten. Das gilt auch im B2B Bereich, denn auch eine andere Firma dürfen Sie nicht unaufgefordert anschreiben. Im Zweifel sprechen Sie bitte mit einem spezialisierten Anwalt.

Folgende Dinge sollten Sie beachten, bevor Sie Mails versenden:

  • Der Newsletter darf nur mit dem Double-Opt-in Verfahren eingerichtet sein
  • Die Einwilligung sollte, wenn möglich protokolliert werden
  • Denken Sie an das Urheberrecht, wenn Sie Bilder verwenden
  • Sie benötigen beim Newsletter immer ein Impressum
  • Verschenken Sie etwas, knüpfen Sie dies nicht an die Abgabe der E-Mail-Adresse

Was stark nach Einschränkung klingt, hat einen Vorteil, denn Ihr Newsletter geht nur an wirklich Interessierte, die ein grundsätzliches Interesse an Ihrem Angebot haben. Newsletter Marketing ist ein robustes Instrument im Online Marketing, das noch lange nicht ausgedient hat. Gerne erläutern wir Ihnen die Vorteile dieses bewährten Online Marketing Instruments in einem persönlichen Gespräch.

Newsletter Design on Dark Mode


Vielleicht ist Ihnen der Dark Mode bereits von Ihrem iOS oder Android Smartphone  geläufig. Neben der standardisierten Einstellungen in der aktuellen Apple Software haben Sie dazu unter anderem in Apps wie WhatsApp, Facebook oder Instagram aber beispielsweise auch in der Windows-Umgebung die Möglichkeit den Dark Mode zu aktivieren. Doch was genau verbirgt sich dahinter und wie lässt sich diese Einstellung in Online Marketing und Newsletter Design stilsicher und ansprechend umsetzen?

Was ist der Dark Mode?

Der Dark Mode (Dunkel Modus) ist zu einem starken Trend avanciert. Dabei werden die Hintergründe dunkel, Texte und Icons beispielsweise hell dargestellt. Der Dark Modus ermöglicht ein innovatives und einzigartiges Design, dass sich aufgrund des Farbschemas deutlich abhebt und von vielen Usern beim Betrachten als angenehm empfunden wird.  Aber warum ist das so? Wie lässt sich der positive Eindruck, den der Dark Modus beim Nutzer hinterlässt, erklären und sinnvoll für das unternehmenseigene E-Mail Marketing nutzen?

Welche Vorteile bietet der Dark Mode? 

Der Dark Mode bringt gleich eine ganze Reihe von Vorzügen mit sich. Dank weißem Text auf dunklem Hintergrund lassen sich beim Lesen unsere Augen schonen. Dieser Vorteil macht sich auch dann bemerkbar, wenn wir nur bei geringem Lichteinfall unsere technischen Geräte nutzen. So können wir Inhalte nicht nur einfacher lesen, sondern auch die Helligkeit des Bildschirms wird reduziert. Das trägt insgesamt zur Schonung des Akkus von mobilen Endgeräten bei.  Ein weiterer Pluspunkt des Dark Mode ist der von vielen Nutzern damit verbundene Minimalismus und somit ein modernes Design, das dem aktuellen Zeitgeist entspricht.

Warum ist der Dark Mode in der Newslettergestaltung schwierig?

In the Online Marketing sind Unternehmen immer wieder auf der Suche nach kreativen Optionen, die im Rahmen von E-Mail Marketing eine individuelle Newsletter-Gestaltung ermöglichen und so die Aufmerksamkeit der Adressaten sichern.

Online Marketing und Newslettergestaltung im Dark Modus bringen jedoch einige Tücken mit sich. Grundsätzlich wird der Dunkelmodus zwar von zahlreichen Mobile-Apps (z.B. Google Mail App oder Outlook für Android und iOS), Desktop Clients (z. B. Apple Mail Outlook 2019 für Mac OS und Windows) sowie Web Clients (z.B. outlook.com) unterstützt, in der Praxis kann eine E-Mail aber je nach Client ganz unterschiedlich aussehen. Eine Ursache dafür liegt im komplexen Rendering von E-Mails und dem Problem, das eine E-Mail im Client des Adressaten unter Umständen nicht so aussieht, wie Sie sie ursprünglich gestaltet haben. Umso entscheidender ist es, dass Sie Ihre Newsletter im Dark Mode so optimieren, dass gängige E-Mail-Clients sie korrekt darstellen.

Auf welche Besonderheiten muss man bei der Gestaltung von Newslettern im Dark Mode achten?

Berücksichtigen Sie für eine optimale Darstellung die Farbschemata, die E-Mail Clients für den Dunkel Modus von E-Mails nutzen. Aktuell setzen die gängigen Clients auf folgende 3 Varianten bei der Verarbeitung im Dunkelmodus.

Verzicht auf Farbänderung

In einer Reihe von E-Mail-Clients lässt sich die Benutzeroberfläche in den Dark Modus wandeln. Ganz gleich, ob Hell- oder Dunkel Modus, die Darstellung Ihrer HTML E-Mail bleibt unverändert. Davon ausgenommen sind reine Text E-Mails. Hier ist ein 2×1 Bild erforderlich um den Dark Modus auszulösen. Das lässt sich ganz einfach mit einem 1×1 Tracking Pixel und der Nutzung eines “Nur Text Styles” realisieren.

Invertieren von Teilfarbe

Dabei werden helle Hintergrundbereiche erkannt und invertiert und damit dunkel. Dunkle Schrift hingegen wird hell. Elemente mit dunklem Hintergrund bleiben erhalten.

Volle Farbumkehr

Hier kommt das invasive Farbschema zum Einsatz. Anders als beim Invertieren von Teilfarbe werden hier helle und dunkle Hintergründe invertiert.

Es ist aber auch möglich eigene Dark Mode Styles anzuwenden. Hier kommen die “@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)” oder die “[data-ogsc] und/oder [data-ogsb]” Methoden zum Einsatz.

Bei beiden Methoden ist es u. a. entscheidend, das transparente PNG auf dunklem Text einen hellen Schlagschatten erhalten. So können Sie Problemstellungen in E-Mail Clients, die nicht auf den Dark Modus ausgerichtet sind, reduzieren. Darüber hinaus ist es möglich mit ausgewählten Metadaten im Newsletter zu gewährleisten, dass die Empfänger, die E-Mail auch entsprechend im Dunkelmodus lesen können.

Unser Tipp: Sie wollen gerne mehr über Dark Mode Styles für @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) und doppelte Dark Mode Styles mit [data-ogsc] und / oder [data-ogsb] Präfix erfahren? Oder sich überhaupt nicht um die technischen Details kümmern, aber dennoch Onlinemarketing und Newslettergestaltung im Dark Mode realisieren? Dann kontaktieren Sie unsere Full Service Agentur München. Füllen Sie einfach das Kontaktformular aus, wir melden uns schnellstmöglich bei Ihnen.

Online Marketing Channels in a Brief Overview

Performance Marketing – Mit Messbarkeit zum Erfolg
Gutes Marketing basiert nicht nur auf kreativen Ideen und einer attraktiven sowie professionellen Umsetzung. Um den Erfolg einzelner Maßnahmen oder auch gesamter Kampagnen bewerten zu können, ist Messbarkeit unerlässlich. Im Performance Marketing (zu Deutsch heißt dies so viel wie „Leistungsmarketing“) werden für alle Marketingmaßnahmen vorab klare Ziele definiert. Diese Ziele müssen quantifizierbar sein, um durch eine Datenanalyse den Erfolg oder Misserfolg einer Maßnahme bewerten und daraus weitere Handlungsempfehlungen ableiten zu können. Als Full Service Agentur in München möchten wir Ihnen die Funktion und Vorteile von Performance Marketing näher bringen.

Online Marketing München: Das Potenzial von SEA, SEO und Co. voll ausschöpfen
Online Marketing bietet Werbetreibenden zahlreiche Möglichkeiten. Viele Unternehmen verschenken jedoch wertvolles Potenzial, da sie zwar ansprechende Maßnahmen und Kampagnen konzipieren, deren Erfolg aber nicht auf Datenbasis analysieren. Als Full Service Agentur in München helfen wir Ihnen dabei, die richtigen Ziele für Ihr Unternehmen zu formulieren und entsprechende KPIs, so genannte Key-Performance-Indikatoren, zu formulieren. Beispielsweise können dies Conversion Rates oder auch Click-Raten sein. Der große Vorteil: Auf dieser Basis können die Maßnahmen während der laufenden Kampagne weiter optimiert werden. Wenn Sie beispielsweise im Rahmen von SEA Maßnahmen verschiedene Anzeigen schalten, werden Sie anhand der Datenanalyse sehen, welche Anzeige besser performt. Dadurch können Sie Ihr Budget entsprechend anpassen. Im Bereich von SEO lässt sich hingegen durch Rankings und Seitenaufrufe ein vorhandener Optimierungsbedarf Ihrer Landing Pages sehr genau aufzeigen. Damit agieren Sie nicht im Blindflug, sondern treffen fundierte Entscheidungen.

Nutzen Sie E-Mail-Marketing und Social Media Marketing optimal
Neben SEA und SEO gehören auch E-Mail-Marketing und Social Media Marketing zum festen Repertoire im Online Marketing München. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, nicht nur attraktive Mailings und spannenden Content für Ihre Social Media Kanäle zu erstellen, sondern Ihren Erfolg innerhalb dieser Online Marketing Kanäle anhand der zuvor festgelegten KPIs zu kontrollieren. Hierfür verwenden wir entsprechende Mailing Tools und richten die nötigen Schnittstellen für Ihre Social Media Kanäle ein, um ein zuverlässiges Tracking zu ermöglichen.

Die Vorteile von leistungsbasiertem Marketing
Marketing unterlag im analogen Zeitalter zwei großen Nachteilen. Zum einen konnte die Wirksamkeit von Maßnahmen nur schwer oder gar nicht gemessen werden. Zum anderen konnten laufende Kampagnen nicht angepasst werden. Online Marketing bietet Werbetreibenden nun die Möglichkeit, auf Basis einer kontinuierlichen Datenauswertung dynamische Optimierungen vorzunehmen. Auf diese Weise lassen sich alle Stellschrauben einer Kampagne schrittweise ideal ausrichten. So können Werbetreibende Ihre Marketingbudgets besonders effizient nutzen.

Full Service Agentur – Wir sind Ihr kompetenter Partner
Ziele definieren, Kampagnen einrichten, Daten analysieren – leistungsbasiertes Marketing stellt hohe Anforderungen an Werbetreibende. Als full-service agency bündeln wir die nötigen Kompetenzen unter einem Dach. Wir verfügen deswegen sowohl über die kreativen Köpfe, die Ihre Kampagnen attraktiv gestalten, als auch über die Strategen und Analysten, die Daten auswerten und daraus Handlungsempfehlungen ableiten. Für einen größtmöglichen Erfolg stehen wir Ihnen hierbei als erfahrener Partner für eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit zur Seite. So stellen wir sicher, dass Ihre Marketingmaßnahmen nachhaltig optimalen Erfolg erzielen.

Sie haben Fragen zu unseren Leistungen oder möchten eine Anfrage stellen? Dann nehmen Sie gerne Contact zu unseren Marketingexperten auf.

Corporate Identity and Corporate Design

Corporate Identity (CI for short) defines the outward self-image of a company. It's the "DNA" that sets a company apart from others. Together with you, we analyze the unique selling points of your company. Creatively, professionally, and swiftly, we ensure that your corporate image is reflected in your brand to create a unique and exceptional corporate identity.

To achieve high recognition value, it is essential to generate a uniform corporate design for all products, as the corporate appearance communicates messages to the desired target audience. Media Beats GmbH is your competent partner for developing your corporate design. We ensure that your customers feel addressed.

Logo, photography, and illustration

Based on the initial consultation, we will create a tailored concept for you, which includes an analysis of your goals and target audience. We are your partner for long-term collaboration in the areas of graphic design, illustration, web design, and photography.

Our graphic designers at Media Beats visualize your company's philosophy and create meaningful logos that represent your business.

We provide experienced photographers to create high-quality photos alongside you. Our team includes both talented cameramen and professional photo equipment.

Our creative illustrators breathe life into your brand. Here, both digital and handcrafted works with significant impact on your corporate communication are created. At Media Beats GmbH (Corporate Identity and Corporate Design in Munich), we don't follow a standard approach; instead, we innovatively bring your ideas to life.

web design

A well-thought-out website serves as a 24/7 accessible point of contact for your customers and to convey your values, visions, and service components. Through contact buttons and the integration of forms and social media, we skillfully establish a response mechanism to the market for you. When it comes to a website, we refer to it as a digital business card in your corporate design. Our daily business is to focus your customers' attention on your products and services.

Print media and advertising materials

Those who engage our agency services receive thorough work in all service areas. Our specialists deliver exceptional and precise work in designing business cards and brochures. The same applies to letterheads or office supplies. Media Beats (Logo Design Munich) is thus your full-service agency when it comes to the extraordinary!

Online marketing in Munich - for the efficient overall package

Ein professionelles Online Marketing stellt die Basis für eine attraktive Reichweite im Netz und den damit verbundenen Erfolg dar. Ob es um die Vermarktung einer Dienstleistung geht oder um die ansprechende Präsentation eines Produktes. Online Marketing stellt die Weichen für eine umfassende Webpräsenz. Somit steigt der Traffic und somit auch die Anzahl der potentiellen Kunden, welche die entsprechende Website besuchen. Als professionelle Agentur München bieten wir bei Bedarf auch eine Komplettlösung bezüglich Marketing und Co. Diese beinhaltet eine SEO konforme Programmierung, Social Media, E-Commerce sowie eine umfassende Webanalyse. Auch in Bezug auf Content, Affiliate und Performance beraten wir Sie gerne und erstellen ein maßgeschneidertes Konzept, welches zur definierten Zielgruppe passt.

Online Marketing Munich for a strong web presence

More and more users are gathering information on the internet or ordering goods there. Comparing different service providers nowadays also happens online. Therefore, it is essential for entrepreneurs to establish a stable web presence and keep it competitive. As a full-service agency, we understand the importance of SEO, web design, and social media marketing. A good ranking. Therefore, we link the individual marketing aspects in such a way that they form an efficient whole. In this way, the website not only receives an attractive placement on Google but also attracts exactly the right interest group. This significantly increases the chance of optimizing sales.

The same applies to presence on social networks. It's important to present oneself in such a way that visitors and contacts become potential and eventually purchasing customers.

Social Media Marketing Munich

Social media continues to be visited several times a day by numerous users. There, content is shared, rated, and examined more closely if it's of interest. This also applies to services and products. To ensure these contents do not get lost in the crowd, it's important that they are designed and presented according to the target group defined in advance.

Colors, shapes, images, and GIFs are prepared from a marketing perspective so that users' attention is captured. This attention represents the first important step; only then does the content itself matter. Since it's proven that the attention span of users on the net is not very high, it's crucial to create an especially interesting and engaging advertisement.

More Than Just Advertising

Today, it's not just about exciting potential customers for a product but also about numerous technical backgrounds, especially when it comes to analyzing and considering the algorithms of Google. These algorithms represent criteria of the internet giant for how relevant a website is considered and eventually receives the corresponding ranking. These criteria change regularly, so a professional marketing package is never fully complete. At the latest after a year, it's time to re-examine the website concerning the latest algorithms and possibly relaunch the platform.

If you have any questions about marketing, please feel free to contact us for a free initial consultation. We are happy to discuss effective options with you that will significantly advance your website. Our primary focus is on transparency and expertise.

Is Email Marketing still a recommended strategy in 2020?

Even in the age of social media, direct marketing via email remains an effective way to reach specific target groups individually. If newsletters are deleted or unsubscribed, it's because they contain no information of interest to the recipients and, consequently, offer no added value. Successful integration into your marketing mix requires a good strategy. When used correctly, email marketing in 2020 can boost your sales and deepen customer loyalty.

The Steps to Effective Email Campaigns

Targeted mailing actions motivate recipients to engage with your company and take desired actions. Every successful marketing concept is based on concrete goals, typically:

• Expand your subscriber list
• Spread important information
• Introduce new products or services
• Increase cross and up-selling
• mehr Social Media Follower generieren
• bestehende Kunden zu Fans und Markenbotschaftern machen
• wenig aktive Abonnenten wieder interessieren
• Ihre Abonnenten besser segmentieren.

Your goals determine the selection of the appropriate email type. Promotional emails promote offers or product innovations, while relationship emails strengthen customer loyalty with relevant information. To effectively tailor content to your target audience, it goes without saying that you must know them. Collecting and analyzing relevant information about their interests is a fundamental requirement for successful direct marketing.

Success Boosters: Content and Personalization

Just like in content marketing, useful content for your target audience is very important. Instead of self-promotion, the interests and problems of your readers should be the focus. As a rule of thumb, content should consist of 90% useful and helpful information and only 10% promotion for your company or product. Carefully consider the added value your recipients gain from reading your message.

If you want to reduce scatter loss, there's no way around personalization and segmentation. While traditional marketing offers little in this regard, personalization is a key advantage in online marketing. Sensible segmentation, based on demographic, geographic, or behavior-based data, ensures that your message reaches the right recipients. Sending the same unreflected message to all subscribers leads to problems in deliverability, unsubscribes, or spam complaints, and subsequently to loss of sales. Personalization goes far beyond addressing by name. Only when your readers feel that the emails they receive are tailored to their needs and contain high-quality content will they become passionate followers.

The Steps to Effective Email Campaigns

A compelling subject line decides whether an email is opened or not. It clearly communicates the content and benefit expected by your readers and evokes emotions. Equally crucial for the success of your campaign is the call-to-action (CTA), a clearly defined action request in button form that is meant to initiate an immediate response. Effective CTAs attract attention and entice through appropriate placement, colors, and imperative wording (e.g., "Request a free sample now") to achieve the desired click.


Email marketing still belongs in your marketing mix and offers a particularly high return-on-investment for e-commerce companies. Professionally conducted email campaigns record response rates of 5 – 15%. Extensive evaluation possibilities make results measurable and allow for rapid adjustment.

Complement your traditional marketing and engage in direct dialogue with your target audience. Email Marketing Munich – we competently and comprehensively support you in terms of address generation, content conception, layout design, programming of your templates, shipping, and reporting.


Online Marketing Strategy - How to Lead Your Initiative to Success

With online marketing you can make your company known beyond the typical sector boundaries. A billion-strong audience is waiting for you on the internet, which is on the lookout for new and interesting ideas every day. With the right partner by your side, you can successfully get off the ground and develop a well-thought-out online marketing system.

The centerpiece of any online marketing strategy is the company's own website. Here, you not only present your company but also offer your goods and services. However, simply setting up such an online presence is far from sufficient these days. To be found by as many internet users as possible, targeted online marketing must be carried out. This includes search engine marketing, content marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, social media marketing, and much more. Those who want to keep an overview here should rely exclusively on the opinion of experts. Search engines like Google and Co. place great value on constant updates of websites and demand a daily effort. By now, a billion-dollar industry has emerged in this area, and various websites fiercely compete for the top spots in the search engines.

How to Market Your Business on the Internet

At the beginning of every online marketing campaign is the creation of one's own website. A simple layout with some company information is far from sufficient. Internet users are accustomed to high standards and are only convinced by modern and trendy appearances. The usability of the website should be a top priority in planning. Simple links, clear navigation, and meaningful content are always well received and make it easier for visitors to navigate. With complicated website structures, users lose interest and stay on your page for no more than a few seconds. Therefore, do not compromise when it comes to the design and programming of your online presence.

To market your company on the internet as effectively as possible, in addition to the actual website, you especially need thoughtful search engine optimization and appropriate advertising. You should work on the content of your website daily and keep it as up-to-date as possible. Under no circumstances should content from other websites appear here, as this only leads to a poor rating within search engines. Furthermore, social networks are extremely interesting. Here, you can introduce your company and your website, attract new users, and establish direct contact with your customers. Through email marketing, you can inform potential prospects as well as existing customers about current products and updates. Here, advertising with couponing or discount promotions can also be used, which leads to significant increases in sales. Another important strategy in online marketing is affiliate marketing. Here, you promote your website through a multitude of external partners. Although this involves some investment, it pays off by winning new customers and also increases the popularity of your page.

Online Marketing in the Fast Lane – A Modern Business

Online marketing is extremely multifaceted and is rapidly evolving. Only with the appropriate experts by your side can you aim for long-term and promising success, ensuring that your company is optimally positioned online as well. Not every website can be structured and promoted in the same way. Here, actions and plans must be individually tailored according to the industry and type of business. For some products and services, you can target the mass market, while for others, it's better to focus on specific target groups. No step is the same as another, and there are many interesting innovations and updates added daily.

At Media Beats customers can rely on a partner with years of professional experience and the necessary know-how to make your online presence innovative and interesting. We advise you on all aspects of your online planning and also put together the appropriate advertising system for your purposes.


Increase in Profits Through Innovative Email Marketing

Unlike many other advertising methods, with email marketing, you can establish a much more personal and direct connection with your customers. Here, the reader feels directly addressed and is therefore more inclined to visit your website or take advantage of your offer. However, there are some things to consider to avoid ending up as unwanted spam.

Every inbox fills up daily with numerous spam emails, often driving users to frustration. However, anyone who assumes that email marketing is ineffective for this reason or even has a negative effect is mistaken. Email marketing has always been one of the most popular methods for acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones. Of course, one must distinguish oneself from the classic spam emails and plan expertly how one's own email marketing can be successful in the long term. In this regard, the advice of experts can be helpful, guiding you on the right path and assisting in the conception and implementation of promotional emails. Above all, innovative market research can tell us what motivates users to open an email and what does not. This is where expertise and know-how come into play.

Email Marketing in Detail - How It Leads to Success

Email marketing can quickly become intrusive and unwelcome. If you don't want to accumulate negative points with your customers, you should carefully consider how the content of your emails should look. One of the most crucial aspects of an email is arguably the subject line. Here, the rule often is, "the shorter, the better." Additionally, choose a meaningful statement that directly addresses the reader and piques their interest. If the subject line is also personalized, the likelihood of the email being opened and read is very high. That would be the first and most important step. Now, the rest of the content must convince users to visit your website and take advantage of the advertised service.

With email marketing, you always reach the right audience, provided you've sent the emails to the appropriate clientele. One of the best systems for this is newsletter marketing. Here, the customer gives consent in advance for the sending of promotional emails and expects to receive them. This eliminates the notion of annoying spam emails, and the way is clear for the promotional email. When designing the email, keep it clear and concise yet tasteful. Bright colors help highlight important areas and add positivity to the email. It's important not to appear intrusive. Don't make promises to readers that you can't keep. However, incentives like discounts and coupons are always welcome and even desired.

Email Marketing for Customer Acquisition

There are thousands of ways to acquire new customers, and most of them are quite costly. However, with the use of email marketing, you have a relatively cost-effective and straightforward method to search for new customers and retain existing ones. After the initial design of a promotional email, it can be sent thousands or even millions of times, all for free and within a matter of seconds. Therefore, don't skimp on the design costs and seek advice from professionals regarding the content. Email marketing can not only increase your revenue but also serve as a means of branding. You have all the possibilities at your disposal; you just need the right concept in hand.

With Media Beats, you have the opportunity to experience Email Marketing in a whole new way. We know what's popular with internet users and what you need to consider when designing a promotional email. Let us advise you and redefine your success goals.